794 resultados para psychomotor skills
FE and Skills case studies from the Technology for employability report, November 2015
Forging links between education and industry
In today’s changing research environment, RDM is important in all stages of research. The skills and know-how in RDM that researchers and research support staff need, should be nurtured all though their career. At the end of 2015, KE initiated a project to compare approaches in RDM training within the partnership’s five member countries. The project was structured around two strands of activity: In the last months of 2015 a survey was conducted to collect information on current practice around RDM training, in order to provide an overview of the RDM training landscape. In February 2016 a workshop was held to share successful approaches to RDM training and capacity building provided within institutions and by infrastructure. The report describes the outputs of both the analysis of the survey and the outcomes of the workshop. The document provides an evidence base and informed suggestions to help improve RDM training practices in KE partner countries and beyond.
This paper analyzes the path of the international expansion of Grupo Arcor, an Argentine multinational company specializing in confectionery. The objective is to entify corporate strategies and business learning that led this Latin American firm to establish itself as one of the leading manufacturers in confectionery industry ,particularly in the 21st Century. The analysis is primarily qualitative in order to identify the economic dimension as a determinant in the internationalization process; a processbased approach from the Uppsala Model is used for this. However, the study is also complemented with a regression analysis to test if the firm was driven to expand internationally by the expectations on the degree of globalization of the industry and the accumulation of experience in foreign markets, and if the company was influenced by psychic distance in choosing the location of its investment; given the influence of these variables in Grupo Arcor business strategies. Our findings suggest that Grupo Arcor, was able to become global due to strategies such as vertical integration, diversification of products and geographical markets (based on psychic distance) and indeed some strategies were consequence of the globalization of the sector and the accumulation of experience in foreign markets.
[eus] Bernard Aucouturier pedagogoak sortutako praktika psikomotorrak, bide motrizetik abiatuta, haurraren heltze psikologikoa helburu duen metodoa da. Haurra bere garapenean ulertu eta lagundu ahal izateko psikomotrizitatearen beharraz kontziente izanik eta Aucouturier metodologia abiapuntutzat hartuta, lan honetan, hezitzaile bakoitzari bere praktika hobetzeko eta horren inguruan hausnartzeko erreferentzia markoa eskainiko zaio. Horretarako, bi urteko gela bateko irakaslearen esku hartzearen analisiaren bidez, jardunaren egokitasuna ebaluatzearekin batera, esku hartzea hobetzeko proposamena eskainiko da. Izan ere, hezitzailearen oinarrizko funtzioa praktika psikomotorrean modu ez zuzentzailean esku hartzeko egoerak sortzea da, horretarako formakuntza pertsonal eta profesional sendo eta zorrotza ezinbestekoa izanik.
This paper aims to improve our understanding of the attributes of academic researchers that influence the capacity to contribute to technical advance, by adding to the pool of technological opportunities available to industry or engaging in the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities. We investigate a number of factors associated with the skills developed by academic researchers. We find that contributions to the pool of technological opportunities and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities involve different sets of skills and expertise of scientists. Our results show that the former is driven by academic scientists research excellence and discovery of earlier technological opportunities and the latter is driven by previous collaboration with industry partners, scientific breadth and experience of technological discovery. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Parker, R. & Urquhart, C. (2007). Lessons learned in an information skills training programme for a mental health Trust. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24(1), 58-61.