944 resultados para psycho social factor
In the Western developed nations, the changing pattern of mental health care provision has necessitated mental health staff adopting new approaches to service delivery across a diverse and expanding range of service settings. The impact of changed service delivery on Australian mental health professionals is an area that has not been well studied. The aim of the study was to identify the current clinical work activities performed by occupational therapists and social workers and whether there was a discrepancy between the actual and preferred work activities. The study also aimed to identify whether any discrepancy between their actual and preferred clinical work activities was associated with higher levels of stress. A cross-sectional survey of 304 (response rate 76.6%) occupational therapists and social workers in Australian mental health services was conducted. A work activities scale developed specifically for this study and the Mental Health Professionals Stress Scale were used to measure actual and preferred work activities and stress respectively. Both groups experienced a discrepancy between their actual and preferred work activities, with the occupational therapists and the social workers mostly wanting to undertake a diverse range of activities to a significantly greater extent than they currently were. As predicted, stress was associated with the discrepancy between the kind of work that the participants wanted to do and the kind of work that their job actually entailed. Health workers require assistance to adapt to their new work roles and to achieve a balance between generic and discipline-specific competencies. This has implications for education and professional training.
El trabajo constituye la principal fuente de ingresos de las clases sociales más bajas, dado que, no cuentan con otros "activos" que les provean acceso a bienes y servicios necesarios para la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas. Los crecientes problemas laborales de la década de los noventa y el aumento de los precios, en especial de los alimentos, a partir de la devaluación de principios de 2002, duplican la cantidad de indigentes y pobres en la ciudad de Concordia provincia de Entre Ríos. Este problema de 'ingresos' no siempre se encuentra relacionado con la inactividad. El presente trabajo se realiza a partir del trabajo de campo realizado en barrios carenciados de la ciudad, y de la imposibilidad de acceder a los alimentos de estas familias. A través del proyecto de investigación "Evaluación de los Planes Sociales Alimentarios. El caso de la ciudad Concordia", se puede inferir que la mayoría de los casos analizados son ocupados con jornadas que se extienden a 10 u 12 horas diarias. ¿Qué características revisten estos mercados laborales que no permiten generar inclusión a los trabajadores y sus familias en el sistema económico-social?
El trabajo constituye la principal fuente de ingresos de las clases sociales más bajas, dado que, no cuentan con otros "activos" que les provean acceso a bienes y servicios necesarios para la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas. Los crecientes problemas laborales de la década de los noventa y el aumento de los precios, en especial de los alimentos, a partir de la devaluación de principios de 2002, duplican la cantidad de indigentes y pobres en la ciudad de Concordia provincia de Entre Ríos. Este problema de 'ingresos' no siempre se encuentra relacionado con la inactividad. El presente trabajo se realiza a partir del trabajo de campo realizado en barrios carenciados de la ciudad, y de la imposibilidad de acceder a los alimentos de estas familias. A través del proyecto de investigación "Evaluación de los Planes Sociales Alimentarios. El caso de la ciudad Concordia", se puede inferir que la mayoría de los casos analizados son ocupados con jornadas que se extienden a 10 u 12 horas diarias. ¿Qué características revisten estos mercados laborales que no permiten generar inclusión a los trabajadores y sus familias en el sistema económico-social?
El trabajo constituye la principal fuente de ingresos de las clases sociales más bajas, dado que, no cuentan con otros "activos" que les provean acceso a bienes y servicios necesarios para la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas. Los crecientes problemas laborales de la década de los noventa y el aumento de los precios, en especial de los alimentos, a partir de la devaluación de principios de 2002, duplican la cantidad de indigentes y pobres en la ciudad de Concordia provincia de Entre Ríos. Este problema de 'ingresos' no siempre se encuentra relacionado con la inactividad. El presente trabajo se realiza a partir del trabajo de campo realizado en barrios carenciados de la ciudad, y de la imposibilidad de acceder a los alimentos de estas familias. A través del proyecto de investigación "Evaluación de los Planes Sociales Alimentarios. El caso de la ciudad Concordia", se puede inferir que la mayoría de los casos analizados son ocupados con jornadas que se extienden a 10 u 12 horas diarias. ¿Qué características revisten estos mercados laborales que no permiten generar inclusión a los trabajadores y sus familias en el sistema económico-social?
This article analyzes the process of deterioration of the work as a source of social rights and as a social integration element. The context of this process is the passage of a wage-labour society with stable employment to other where the labour relations are deregulated. This aim was tackled by means of quantitative and qualitative techniques. Secondary sources of statistical information were used together with interviews to experts of the institutional sphere. The results of this research show the emergence of a new exclusive model of social cohesion based on intensification and generalization of social inequalities and job insecurity. In this new model of social cohesion, it is noted that the integration strategies of people have less and less support from Government and people are neglected. This process appears in the four spheres that classify the social exclusion risks factors: the structural, the institutional, the relational and the individual.
En este artículo se presenta el diseño de la nueva formación en intervención social para todas las personas desde la accesibilidad universal, en concreto el caso de las profesiones sociales, a través de la metodología del design thinking curricular. En el mismo se trata la relación íntima que surge de vincular dos conceptos, por un lado la inclusión –que responde positivamente a la diversidad de las personas y a las diferencias individuales, entendiendo que la diversidad no es un problema, sino una oportunidad para el enriquecimiento de la sociedad, a través de la participación activa en la vida familiar, en la educación, en el trabajo y en general en todos los procesos sociales, culturales y en las comunidades (UNESCO, 2005)– y, por otro, la accesibilidad, como nuevo paradigma de la integralidad en la intervención de los/as nuevos/as profesionales dedicados al sector social, haciendo realidad el concepto de ciudadanía en sentido amplio.
Tesis (Maestría en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestria en Estudios y Gestión del Desarrollo, 2014
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
OBJETIVOS: Evaluar los factores de riesgo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) e identificar las desigualdades sociales relacionadas con su distribución en la población adulta brasileña.MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron los factores de riesgo de ECNT (entre ellos el consumo de tabaco, el sobrepeso y la obesidad, el bajo consumo de frutas y vegetales [BCFV], la insuficiente actividad física en el tiempo de ocio [IAFTO], el estilo de vida sedentario y el consumo excesivo de alcohol) en una muestra probabilística de 54369 adultos de 26 capitales estatales de Brasil y el Distrito Federal en 2006. Se utilizó el Sistema de Vigilancia de los Factores Protectores y de Riesgo para Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles por Entrevistas Telefónicas (VIGITEL), un sistema de encuestas telefónicas asistido por computadora, y se calcularon las prevalencias ajustadas por la edad para las tendencias en cuanto al nivel educacional mediante la regresión de Poisson con modelos lineales. RESULTADOS: Los hombres informaron mayor consumo de tabaco, sobrepeso, BCFV, estilo de vida sedentario y consumo excesivo de alcohol que las mujeres, pero menos IAFTO. En los hombres, la educación se asoció con un mayor sobrepeso y un estilo de vida sedentario, pero con un menor consumo de tabaco, BCFV e IAFTO. En las mujeres, la educación se asoció con un menor consumo de tabaco, sobrepeso, obesidad, BCFV e IAFTO, pero aumentó el estilo de vida sedentario CONCLUSIONES: En Brasil, la prevalencia de factores de riesgo para ECNT (excepto IAFTO) es mayor en los hombres que en las mujeres. En ambos sexos, el nivel de educación influye en la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo para ECNT
Participation in physical activities has been found to be an important factor in contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Research has found strong relationships between participation in regular physical activity and the prevention of disease, while its relationship to the psychological and social dimensions have been neglected. Recently however, several studies have found causal relationships between physical activity and improved mood state, reduced anxiety, reduced depression, and increased social support. Despite this, surveys indicate that participation levels in physical activities are declining among older Australians, with the exceptions of walking and gardening. This paper also examines constraints to participation in leisure programs, such as lack of time, poor health, fear of crime, the financial cost and the lack of a partner to participate with. A number of strategies have been suggested to overcome these constraints.
The study reported here is a classical bottom-up proteomic approach where proteins from wasp venom were extracted and separated by 2-DE; the individual protein spots were proteolytically digested and subsequently identified by using tandem mass spectrometry and database query with the protein search engine MASCOT. Eighty-four venom proteins belonging to 12 different molecular functions were identified. These proteins were classified into three groups; the first is constituted of typical venom proteins: antigens-5, hyaluronidases, phospholipases, heat shock proteins, metalloproteinases, metalloproteinase-desintegrin like proteins, serine proteinases, proteinase inhibitors, vascular endothelial growth factor-related protein, arginine kinases, Sol i-II and -II like proteins, alpha-glucosidase, and superoxide dismutases. The second contained proteins structurally related to the muscles that involves the venom reservoir. The third group, associated with the housekeeping of cells from venom glands, was composed of enzymes, membrane proteins of different types, and transcriptional factors. The composition of P. paulista venom permits us to hypothesize about a general envenoming mechanism based on five actions: (i) diffusion of venom through the tissues and to the blood, (ii) tissue, (iii) hemolysis, (iv) inflammation, and (v) allergy-played by antigen-5, PLA1, hyaluronidase, HSP 60, HSP 90, and arginine kinases.
Introduction: The metabolic syndrome (MS) is characterized by multiple cardiovascular risk factors such as central obesity, arterial hypertension, dislipidemia and hyperinsulinemia and is associated with a higher incidence of cardiovascular events and mortality. The aim of the present work is to describe the prevalence of MS in an urban population from a highly admixed developing country and to characterize the different correlations between this diagnosis, cardiovascular risk factors and demographic variables distributed in this population. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases was performed in the urban population of Vitoria, Brazil (n= 1507). Major cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking habits, alcohol intake, amount of physical activity, diabetes and hypertension were inquired. Blood biochemical assays were performed by standard techniques in 12 h fasting blood sample and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) was characterizes following the ATP III criteria. Results: The analysis of 1507 individuals showed a 25.43% general prevalence of MS without any significant difference between sexes, but a clear relation of the prevalence with progressing age (p=<0.0001). Even though both sexes showed similar prevalence rates, distribution of risk factors that defined MS was different between men and women, with the prevalence of hypertension, fasting hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia being higher in men. Race was not an important risk factor for MS in this population as opposed to social economic class that was highly associated with the risk of MS in women as their social class was lower, but not in men. Conclusion: This cross-sectional study from a large urban population in Brazil showed a high general prevalence of MS (25.4%), which is increased as the population becomes older (especially in women) and poorer. Although prevalence was very similar in both genders, the frequency of components defining the syndrome varied greatly amongst them. In particular, a significant interaction between gender and social class was observed and may shed light in our understanding of the complex interplay between demographic and biological risk factors for metabolic syndrome. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nutrient sensitive insulin-like peptides (ILPs) have profound effects on invertebrate metabolism, nutrient storage, fertility and aging. Many insects transcribe ILPs in specialized neurosecretory cells at changing levels correlated with life history. However, the major site of insect metabolism and nutrient storage is not the brain, but rather the fat body, where functions of ILP expression are rarely studied and poorly understood. Fat body is analogous to mammalian liver and adipose tissue, with nutrient stores that often correlate with behavior. We used the honey bee (Apis mellifera), an insect with complex behavior, to test whether ILP genes in fat body respond to experimentally induced changes of behavioral physiology. Honey bee fat body influences endocrine state and behavior by secreting the yolk protein precursor vitellogenin (Vg), which suppresses lipophilic juvenile hormone and social foraging behavior. In a two-factorial experiment, we used RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated vg gene knockdown and amino acid nutrient enrichment of hemolymph (blood) to perturb this regulatory module. We document factor-specific changes in fat body ilp1 and ilp2 mRNA, the bee`s ILP-encoding genes, and confirm that our protocol affects social behavior. We show that ilp1 and ilp2 are regulated independently and differently and diverge in their specific expression-localization between fat body oenocyte and trophocyte cells. Insect ilp functions may be better understood by broadening research to account for expression in fat body and not only brain.