974 resultados para plant medicinal product
Erythrina verna is a medicinal plant used to calm agitation popularly known as mulungu. We purchased the barks of E. verna from a commercial producer and analyzed the alkaloid fraction of the bark by CG-MS and HRESI-MS. Five erythrinian alkaloids were identified: erysotrine, erythratidine, erythratidinone, epimer, and 11-hydroxieritratidinone. Here we report the compound 11-hydroxieritratidinone for the first time as a natural product.
The aim of the study was to screen 11 selected traditional medicinal plants from West Africa for their in vitro antiplasmodial activity in order to determine the activity of single and of combination of plant extracts and to examine the activity of isolated pure compounds. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of the 11 selected plants and pure compounds from Phyllanthus muellerianus and Anogeissus leiocarpus were tested in vitro against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7. Proliferation inhibitory effects were monitored after 48 h. Among the plants and pure compounds investigated in this study, geraniin from P. muellerianus, ellagic, gentisic, and gallic acids from A. leiocarpus, and extracts from A. leiocarpus, P. muellerianus and combination of A. leiocarpus with P. muellerianus affected the proliferation of P. falciparum most potently. Significant inhibitory activity was observed in combination of A. leiocarpus with P. muellerianus (IC50 = 10.8 mu g/ml), in combination of A. leiocarpus with Khaya senegalensis (IC50 = 12.5 mu g/ml), ellagic acid (IC50 = 2.88 mu M), and geraniin (IC50 = 11.74 mu M). In general growth inhibition was concentration-dependent revealing IC50 values ranging between 10.8 and -40.1 mu g/ml and 2.88 and 11.74 mu M for plant extracts and pure substances respectively. Comparison with literature sources of in vivo and in vitro toxicity data revealed that thresholds are up to two times higher than the determined IC50 values. Thus, the present study suggests that geraniin from P. muellerianus; ellagic acid, gallic acid, and gentisic acid from A. leiocarpus; and combination of extracts from A. leiocarpus with either P. muellerianus or K. senegalensis could be a potential option for malaria treatment.
Erythrina verna is a medicinal plant used to calm agitation popularly known as mulungu. We purchased the barks of E. verna from a commercial producer and analyzed the alkaloid fraction of the bark by CG-MS and HRESI-MS. Five erythrinian alkaloids were identified: erysotrine, erythratidine, erythratidinone, epimer, and 11-hydroxieritratidinone. Here we report the compound 11-hydroxieritratidinone for the first time as a natural product.
The success of agribusiness in Brazil in recent decades is unquestionable. Although the country has always had favorable conditions for agriculture (land, water and climate), this success has only come about recently, due to scientific research, which has resulted in considerable increases in yield and in improvement of product quality, as well as making the occupation of new agricultural frontiers possible. A decisive factor for development of agriculture in the country was the creation of EMBRAPA in 1973, which, in a few years, led to considerable demand for researchers with training in graduate programs. Among them are plant breeders, who came to exercise their activity throughout the country and in all ecosystems. The training of plant breeders was only possible because, as from the middle of the 1960s, the country began a wide-ranging education program, with the creation of several graduate programs in genetics and plant breeding.
[EN] In the regions of Canary Islands, it is prevailing all the year a high level of solar radiation. This force plants to develop defence mechanisms against excessive production of free radicals through the accumulation of antioxidant substances. Plants contain a diverse group of phenolic compounds with the structural requirements of free radical scavengers. The effects of different extracting solvents have been tested for the extraction of phenolic compounds from plant material. On the present study we compare the total phenolic contents (TPC) and antioxidant activities of several extracts derived from Aloe vera plants. The phenolic compounds present in the extracts were identified and quantified by RPHPLC techniques.
ABSTRACTDie vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich mit der Reinigung,heterologen Expression, Charakterisierung, molekularenAnalyse, Mutation und Kristallisation des EnzymsVinorin-Synthase. Das Enzym spielt eine wichtige Rolle inder Ajmalin-Biosynthese, da es in einerAcetyl-CoA-abhängigen Reaktion die Umwandlung desSarpagan-Alkaloids 16-epi-Vellosimin zu Vinorin unterBildung des Ajmalan-Grundgerüstes katalysiert. Nach der Reinigung der Vinorin-Synthase ausHybrid-Zellkulturen von Rauvolfia serpentina/Rhazya strictamit den fünf chromatographischen TrennmethodenAnionenaustauschchromatographie an SOURCE 30Q, HydrophobeInteraktionen Chromatographie an SOURCE 15PHE,Chromatographie an MacroPrep Ceramic Hydroxyapatit,Anionenaustauschchromatographie an Mono Q undGrößenausschlußchromatographie an Superdex 75 konnte dieVinorin-Synthase aus 2 kg Zellkulturgewebe 991fachangereichert werden.Das nach der Reinigung angefertigte SDS-Gel ermöglichte eineklare Zuordnung der Protein-Bande als Vinorin-Synthase.Der Verdau der Enzymbande mit der Endoproteinase LysC unddie darauffolgende Sequenzierung der Spaltpeptide führte zuvier Peptidsequenzen. Der Datenbankvergleich (SwissProt)zeigte keinerlei Homologien zu Sequenzen bekannterPflanzenenzyme. Mit degenerierten Primern, abgeleitet voneinem der erhaltenen Peptidfragmente und einer konserviertenRegion bekannter Acetyltransferasen gelang es, ein erstescDNA-Fragment der Vinorin-Synthase zu amplifizieren. Mit derMethode der RACE-PCR wurde die Nukleoidsequenzvervollständigt, was zu einem cDNA-Vollängenklon mit einerGröße von 1263 bp führte, der für ein Protein mit 421Aminosäuren (46 kDa) codiert.Das Vinorin-Synthase-Gen wurde in den pQE2-Expressionsvektorligiert, der für einen N-terminalen 6-fachen His-tagcodiert. Anschließend wurde sie erstmals erfolgreich in E.coli im mg-Maßstab exprimiert und bis zur Homogenitätgereinigt. Durch die erfolgreiche Überexpression konnte dieVinorin-Synthase eingehend charakterisiert werden. DerKM-Wert für das Substrat Gardneral wurde mit 20 µM, bzw.41.2 µM bestimmt und Vmax betrug 1 pkat, bzw. 1.71 pkat.Nach erfolgreicher Abspaltung des His-tags wurden diekinetischen Parameter erneut bestimmt (KM- Wert 7.5 µM, bzw.27.52 µM, Vmax 0.7 pkat, bzw. 1.21 pkat). Das Co-Substratzeigt einen KM- Wert von 60.5 µM (Vmax 0.6 pkat). DieVinorin-Synthase besitzt ein Temperatur-Optimum von 35 °Cund ein pH-Optimum bei 7.8.Homologievergleiche mit anderen Enzymen zeigten, dass dieVinorin-Synthase zu einer noch kleinen Familie von bisher 10Acetyltransferasen gehört. Alle Enzyme der Familie haben einHxxxD und ein DFGWG-Motiv zu 100 % konserviert. Basierendauf diesen Homologievergleichen und Inhibitorstudien wurden11 in dieser Proteinfamilie konservierte Aminosäuren gegenAlanin ausgetauscht, um so die Aminosäuren einer in derLiteratur postulierten katalytischen Triade(Ser/Cys-His-Asp) zu identifizieren.Die Mutation aller vorhandenen konservierten Serine undCysteine resultierte in keiner Mutante, die zumvollständigen Aktivitätsverlust des Enzyms führte. Nur dieMutationen H160A und D164A resultierten in einemvollständigen Aktivitätsverlust des Enzyms. Dieses Ergebniswiderlegt die Theorie einer katalytischen Triade und zeigte,dass die Aminosäuren H160A und D164A exklusiv an derkatalytischen Reaktion beteiligt sind.Zur Überprüfung dieser Ergebnisse und zur vollständigenAufklärung des Reaktionsmechanismus wurde dieVinorin-Synthase kristallisiert. Die bis jetzt erhaltenenKristalle (Kristallgröße in µm x: 150, y: 200, z: 200)gehören der Raumgruppe P212121 (orthorhombisch primitiv) anund beugen bis 3.3 Å. Da es bis jetzt keine Kristallstruktureines zur Vinorin-Synthase homologen Proteins gibt, konntedie Struktur noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt werden. ZurLösung des Phasenproblems wird mit der Methode der multiplenanomalen Dispersion (MAD) jetzt versucht, die ersteKristallstruktur in dieser Enzymfamilie aufzuklären.
Il tema della ricerca ha riguardato preliminarmente la definizione di farmaco descritta nel d.lgs. n. 219 del 2006 (Codice dei farmaci per uso umano). Oltre al danno prodotto da farmaci, la ricerca ha approfondito anche la tutela ex ante ed ex post riguardante la produzione di dispositivi medici (Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 42 del 1993 e Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 374 del 1985). E’ stato necessario soffermarsi sull’analisi del concetto di precauzione per il quale nell’ambito di attività produttive, come quelle che cagionano inquinamento ambientale, o “pericolose per la salute umana” come quelle riguardanti la produzione di alimenti e farmaci, è necessario eliminare i rischi non conosciuti nella produzione di questi ultimi al fine di garantire una tutela completa della salute. L’analisi della Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 374 del 1985 nei suoi aspetti innovativi ha riguardato l’esame dei casi di danno da farmaco (Trib. Roma, 20 Giugno 2002, Trib. Roma 27 Giugno 1987, Trib. Milano 19 Novembre 1987, Cassazione Civile n. 6241 del 1987): profilo critico è quello riguardante la prova liberatoria, mentre l'art. 2050 prevede che «si debbano adottare tutte le misure necessarie per evitare il danno», l'art. 118, lett. e), c. cons.) prevede una serie di casi di esonero di responsabilità del produttore (tra cui il rischio di sviluppo). Dall'analisi emerge poi la necessità da parte del produttore di continuo utilizzo del duty to warn (Art. 117 del Codice del Consumo lett. A e B ): esso consiste nel dovere continuo di informazione del produttore tramite i suoi rappresentanti e il bugiardino presente nelle confezioni dei farmaci. Tale dovere è ancor più importante nel caso della farmacogenetica, infatti, al fine di evitare reazioni avverse nel bugiardino di alcuni farmaci verrà prescritta la necessità di effettuare un test genetico prima dell’assunzione.
In traditional medicine, numerous plant preparations are used to treat inflammation both topically and systemically. Several anti-inflammatory plant extracts and a few natural product-based monosubstances have even found their way into the clinic. Unfortunately, a number of plant secondary metabolites have been shown to trigger detrimental pro-allergic immune reactions and are therefore considered to be toxic. In the phytotherapy research literature, numerous plants are also claimed to exert immunostimulatory effects. However, while the concepts of plant-derived anti-inflammatory agents and allergens are well established, the widespread notion of immunostimulatory plant natural products and their potential therapeutic use is rather obscure, often with the idea that the product is some sort of "tonic" for the immune system without actually specifying the mechanisms. In this commentary it is argued that the paradigm of oral plant immunostimulants lacks clinical evidence and may therefore be a myth, which has originated primarily from in vitro studies with plant extracts. The fact that no conclusive data on orally administered immunostimulants can be found in the scientific literature inevitably prompts us to challenge this paradigm.
It is intriguing that during human cultural evolution man has detected plant natural products that appear to target key protein receptors of important physiological systems rather selectively. Plants containing such secondary metabolites usually belong to unique chemotaxa, induce potent pharmacological effects and have typically been used for recreational and medicinal purposes or as poisons. Cannabis sativa L. has a long history as a medicinal plant and was fundamental in the discovery of the endocannabinoid system. The major psychoactive Cannabis constituent Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) potently activates the G-protein-coupled cannabinoid receptor CB(1) and also modulates the cannabinoid receptor CB(2). In the last few years, several other non-cannabinoid plant constituents have been reported to bind to and functionally interact with CB receptors. Moreover, certain plant natural products, from both Cannabis and other plants, also target other proteins of the endocannabinoid system, such as hydrolytic enzymes that control endocannabinoid levels. In this commentary we summarize and critically discuss recent findings.
The identification of targets whose interaction is likely to result in the successful treatment of a disease is of growing interest for natural product scientists. In the current study we performed an exemplary application of a virtual parallel screening approach to identify potential targets for 16 secondary metabolites isolated and identified from the aerial parts of the medicinal plant RUTA GRAVEOLENS L. Low energy conformers of the isolated constituents were simultaneously screened against a set of 2208 pharmacophore models generated in-house for the IN SILICO prediction of putative biological targets, i. e., target fishing. Based on the predicted ligand-target interactions, we focused on three biological targets, namely acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the human rhinovirus (HRV) coat protein and the cannabinoid receptor type-2 (CB (2)). For a critical evaluation of the applied parallel screening approach, virtual hits and non-hits were assayed on the respective targets. For AChE the highest scoring virtual hit, arborinine, showed the best inhibitory IN VITRO activity on AChE (IC (50) 34.7 muM). Determination of the anti-HRV-2 effect revealed 6,7,8-trimethoxycoumarin and arborinine to be the most active antiviral constituents with IC (50) values of 11.98 muM and 3.19 muM, respectively. Of these, arborinine was predicted virtually. Of all the molecules subjected to parallel screening, one virtual CB (2) ligand was obtained, i. e., rutamarin. Interestingly, in experimental studies only this compound showed a selective activity to the CB (2) receptor ( Ki of 7.4 muM) by using a radioligand displacement assay. The applied parallel screening paradigm with constituents of R. GRAVEOLENS on three different proteins has shown promise as an IN SILICO tool for rational target fishing and pharmacological profiling of extracts and single chemical entities in natural product research.
Elevated glucocorticoids are a key risk factor for metabolic diseases, and the glucocorticoid-activating enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (11beta-HSD1) represents a promising therapeutic target. We measured the potential of six traditional antidiabetic medicinal plants extracts to inhibit 11beta-HSD1 activity and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activation in transfected HEK-293 cells. Leave extracts of Eriobotrya japonica preferentially inhibited 11beta-HSD1 over 11beta-HSD2. Extracts of roasted but not native coffee beans preferentially inhibited 11beta-HSD1 over 11beta-HSD2, emphasizing the importance of sample preparation. Thus, natural compounds inhibiting 11beta-HSD1 may contribute to the antidiabetic effect of the investigated plant extracts.
Stress response pathways allow cells to sense and respond to environmental changes and adverse pathophysiological states. Pharmacological modulation of cellular stress pathways has implications in the treatment of human diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The quinone methide triterpene celastrol, derived from a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, has numerous pharmacological properties, and it is a potent activator of the mammalian heat shock transcription factor HSF1. However, its mode of action and spectrum of cellular targets are poorly understood. We show here that celastrol activates Hsf1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at a similar effective concentration seen in mammalian cells. Transcriptional profiling revealed that celastrol treatment induces a battery of oxidant defense genes in addition to heat shock genes. Celastrol activated the yeast Yap1 oxidant defense transcription factor via the carboxy-terminal redox center that responds to electrophilic compounds. Antioxidant response genes were likewise induced in mammalian cells, demonstrating that the activation of two major cell stress pathways by celastrol is conserved. We report that celastrol's biological effects, including inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor activity, can be blocked by the addition of excess free thiol, suggesting a chemical mechanism for biological activity based on modification of key reactive thiols by this natural product.
Little is known about the division of eukaryotic cell organelles and up to now neither in animals nor in plants has a gene product been shown to mediate this process. A cDNA encoding a homolog of the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ, an ancestral tubulin, was isolated from the eukaryote Physcomitrella patens and used to disrupt efficiently the genomic locus in this terrestrial seedless plant. Seven out of 51 transgenics obtained were knockout plants generated by homologous recombination; they were specifically impeded in plastid division with no detectable effect on mitochondrial division or plant morphology. Implications on the theory of endosymbiosis and on the use of reverse genetics in plants are discussed.
We purified from pea (Pisum sativum) tissue an ≈40 kDa reversibly glycosylated polypeptide (RGP1) that can be glycosylated by UDP-Glc, UDP-Xyl, or UDP-Gal, and isolated a cDNA encoding it, apparently derived from a single-copy gene (Rgp1). Its predicted translation product has 364 aminoacyl residues and molecular mass of 41.5 kDa. RGP1 appears to be a membrane-peripheral protein. Immunogold labeling localizes it specifically to trans-Golgi dictyosomal cisternae. Along with other evidence, this suggests that RGP1 is involved in synthesis of xyloglucan and possibly other hemicelluloses. Corn (Zea mays) contains a biochemically similar and structurally homologous RGP1, which has been thought (it now seems mistakenly) to function in starch synthesis. The expressed sequence database also reveals close homologs of pea Rgp1 in Arabidopsis and rice (Oryza sativa). Rice possesses, in addition, a distinct but homologous sequence (Rgp2). RGP1 provides a polypeptide marker for Golgi membranes that should be useful in plant membrane studies.
Disease resistance in plants is often controlled by a gene-for-gene mechanism in which avirulence (avr) gene products encoded by pathogens are specifically recognized, either directly or indirectly, by plant disease resistance (R) gene products. Members of the NBS-LRR class of R genes encode proteins containing a putative nucleotide binding site (NBS) and carboxyl-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). Generally, NBS-LRR proteins do not contain predicted transmembrane segments or signal peptides, suggesting they are soluble cytoplasmic proteins. RPM1 is an NBS-LRR protein from Arabidopsis thaliana that confers resistance to Pseudomonas syringae expressing either avrRpm1 or avrB. RPM1 protein was localized by using an epitope tag. In contrast to previous suggestions, RPM1 is a peripheral membrane protein that likely resides on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, RPM1 is degraded coincident with the onset of the hypersensitive response, suggesting a negative feedback loop controlling the extent of cell death and overall resistance response at the site of infection.