993 resultados para ohjelmakausi 2007-2013
En la búsqueda a soluciones al conflicto armado en Colombia, se han inmiscuido una serie de actores, en donde la sociedad civil ha tenido una gran importancia. El Magdalena Medio es una región en donde confluyen diferentes actores armados, además de los problemas que la rodean: pobreza, subdesarrollo. Razones por las que la Corporación Desarrollo y Paz del Magdalena Medio en cabeza del Padre Francisco de Roux S.J, con ayuda de la sociedad civil llevaron a cabo una Diplomacia Paralela, para obtener recursos de Cooperación Internacional de la UE y se construyera el primer Laboratorio de Paz en Colombia. Esta, se desarrolla no sólo por la innovación de las propuestas de los pobladores para poner fin al conflicto, sino también para impulsar el desarrollo de la región, demostrando la importancia de la Diplomacia Paralela desarrollada por la sociedad civil en escenarios internacionales, conocida mediante diferentes documentos, videos y artículos académicos.
El presente estudio de caso pretende analizar los alcances de la cooperación internacional en materia de justicia transicional y construcción de paz tomando en consideración un proyecto de cooperación internacional emblemático denominado Fortalecimiento Institucional para la Atención a las Víctimas del Conflicto o FORVIC. Para conseguir esto, se analizarán primero los efectos generados por el Proyecto FORVIC en materia de fortalecimiento del Estado de Derecho y lucha contra la impunidad en Colombia, y a partir de los hallazgos se constituirán y se propondrán una serie de condiciones sobre las que puede pensarse la cooperación internacional como un instrumento genuino para la construcción de paz en Colombia.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Se recoge información sobre los talleres operativos que se desarrollan en los centros de educación de personas adultas de la Comunidad de Madrid y que son cofinanciados con el Fondo Social Europeo. Estos talleres vienen realizándose desde 1996 a través de proyectos de formación ocupacional dirigidos a personas desempleadas o con baja formación académica. Desde 1999 también están dirigidos a personas con discapacidad. Los contenidos ofertados son, informática y comunicaciones, administración y gestión, servicios socioculturales, hostelería, turismo y textil. Se incluyen gráficas que representan la evolución de los talleres en cuanto al número de alumnos y el número de cursos. Finalmente, se plantean las perspectivas de futuro gracias al nuevo proyecto de cofinanciación 2007-2013.
La majoria dels alumnes actuals del grau d’educació primària que esdevinguin mestres es jubilaran als voltants de l’any 2050. Aquest fet, i la constatació que vivim en una societat canviant, fa cada vegada més necessari esenvolupar la competència d’aprendre a aprendre, no només per ser un ensenyant competent, sinó també per afrontar la realitat amb tota la seva complexitat. Les exigències del pla Bolonya, els suggeriments del Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 de la Comissió Europea i els nostres propis programes educatius, ja incorporen l’autoregulació dels aprenentatges com una de les fites a assolir en el procés d’ensenyament aprenentatge. En aquests context, la pràctica que presentem persegueix dos objectius: per una part dotar als alumnes de grau d’eines per a la seva autoregulació dels aprenentatges, i per altra, comprovar fins a quin punt la introducció de la coavaluació era acceptada per l’estudiantat del grau d’educació primària i si es reconeixien els beneficis de la funció reguladora de la coavaluació en el procés l’ensenyament aprenentatge, en especial en els aspectes que feien referència a la competència lingüística i la capacitat crítica.
W artykule zastosowano metody analizy skupień z zakresu statystyki wielowymiarowej do badania okresu kryzysu finansowego lat 2007-2013. Zgodnie z tymi algorytmami grupowano spready pomiędzy stopami rynku międzybankowego a OIS. Przeprowadzono dyskusję nad możliwością zastosowania tej metody do generowania ram czasowych różnych okresów kryzysów finansowych. Analiza skupień umożliwiła poczynienie nowych obserwacji na temat kryzy subprime i występującego po nim kryzysu zadłużeniowego. Praca nawiązuje do wcześniejszej publikacji autorki. Uwzględnia inne dane, inny okres kryzysu i zmodyfikowaną metodologię – zamiast podziału próby na lata, podział na okresy równej długości. Dzięki temu nie skraca się znacząco szeregów i nie traci się dużej części informacji.
This work seeks to reconstruct the dynamics of the agreements and disagreements between the State and the indigenous peoples in Ecuador, emphasising particularly on two key elements: first, the indigenous peoples participation and exercise of their political rights, in particular the right to self-government and autonomy within their jurisdictions; and secondly, indigenous peoples’ degree of direct influence on public policies’ formulation and implementation, specially those directly affecting their territories, including the exploitation of natural resources. In Ecuador, during this historical period, the state has gone through three major moments in its relationship with indigenous peoples: neo - indigenism associated to developmentalism (1980-1984); multiculturalism associated to neoliberalism (1984- 2006) as one of the dominant trends over the period; and the crisis of neoliberalism and the search for national diversity and interculturalism associated to post- neoliberalism (2007-2013). Each has had a particular connotation, as to the scope and methods to respond to indigenous demands. In this context, this research aims to answer the central question: how has the Ecuadorian State met the demands of the indigenous movement in the last three decades, and how has it ensured the validity of their gradually recognized rights? And how and to what extent by doing so, it contradicts and alters the existing economic model based on the extraction of primary resources?
En el Art. 285 numeral 3 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador se enuncia como objetivo específico de la política social la generación de los incentivos para la inversión en los diferentes sectores de la economía y para la producción de bienes y servicios, socialmente deseables y ambientalmente aceptables; concomitantemente en el Título III del Código de la Producción, Comercio e Inversiones en el Art. 24 numeral 1 establece los incentivos generales de aplicación para las inversiones que se ejecuten en cualquier parte del territorio nacional. Partiendo de esta base legal, al ser tantos incentivos no sabemos si se están aplicando correctamente, si se está cumpliendo con el objetivo para el cual fueron creados y si están siendo útiles para la política fiscal como para los contribuyentes, me lleva a plantear esta pregunta de investigación. ¿Cuál es la incidencia de los incentivos generales de aplicación para las inversiones, en la recaudación del Impuesto a la Renta de las sociedades del Ecuador?; para contestarla a lo largo de este estudio de investigación, se analiza el sistema tributario, la política económica, el impuesto a la renta y los incentivos tributarios desde una visón doctrinaria y normativa, pasando a enfatizar en el cumplimiento de los objetivos y aplicación de cada uno de los incentivos generales para las inversiones del Art. 24 del COPCI, análisis y comparación de los niveles de recaudación de impuesto a la renta antes y después de la publicación del COPCI para determinar el impacto a futuro que podrían tener los incentivos generales.
El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad visibilizar las brechas territoriales en el ingreso, la pobreza y la desigualdad de Ecuador en el período 2007 – 2013, el análisis se apoya en técnicas de estadística descriptiva para analizar la evolución del ingreso per cápita; gráficas de densidad Kernel para el análisis comparativo de la distribución del ingreso entre territorios; estadística inferencial aplicada a las variaciones de la incidencia de la pobreza y el coeficiente de Gini; y finalmente mediante técnicas econométricas del enfoque de crecimiento “pro-pobre” se identifica la relación entre los niveles de pobreza, el crecimiento del ingreso per cápita y la redistribución del ingreso en los territorios sub nacionales. Los resultados evidencian una estructura territorial sub nacional con marcadas brechas en los niveles y distribución del ingreso, con incidencia irregular de la pobreza a lo largo del país, no obstante durante el período 2007-2013 estas brechas tienden a reducirse, observándose además un crecimiento económico “pro pobre” en la mayoría de provincias entre el 2010 y 2013.
In an era of fragmenting audience and diversified viewing platforms, youth television needs to move fast and make a lot of noise in order to capture and maintain the attention of the teenage viewer. British ensemble youth drama Skins (E4, 2007-2013) calls attention to itself with its high doses of drugs, chaotic parties and casual attitudes towards sexuality. It also moves quickly, shedding its cast every two seasons as they graduate from school, then renewing itself with a fresh generation of 16 year old characters - three cycles in total. This essay will explore the challenges of maintaining audience connections whilst resetting the narrative clock with each cycle. I suggest that the development of the Skins brand was key to the programme’s success. Branding is particularly important for an audience demographic who increasingly consume their television outside of broadcast flow and essential for a programme which renews its cast every two years. The Skins brand operate as a framework, as the central audience draw, have the strength to maintain audience connections when it ‘graduates’ those characters they identify with at the close of each cycle and starts again from scratch. This essay will explore how the Skins brand constructs a cohesive identity across its multiple generations, yet also consider how the cyclic form poses challenges for the programme’s representations and narratives. This cyclic form allows Skins to repeatedly reach out to a new audience who comes of age alongside each new generation and to reflect shifts in British youth culture. Thus Skins remains ever-youthful, seeking to maintain an at times painfully hip identity. Yet the programme has a somewhat schizophrenic identity, torn between its roots in British realist drama and surrealist comedy and an escapist aspirational glamour that shows the influence of US Teen TV. This combination results in a tendency towards a heightened melodrama at odds with Skins claims for authenticity - its much vaunted teenage advisors and young writers - with the cyclic structure serving to amplify the programme’s excessive tendencies. Each cycle wrestles with a need for continuity and familiarity - partly maintained through brand, aesthetic and setting - yet a desire for freshness and originality, to assert difference from what has gone before. I suggest that the inevitable need for each cycle to ‘top’ what has gone before results in a move away from character-based intimacy and the everyday to high-stakes drama and violence which sits uncomfortably within British youth television.
A participação desportiva de atletas pré-púberes e púberes, de ambos os sexos, levanta questões sobre o conhecimento das respostas fisiológicas ao treino, concretamente no que diz respeito à especialização metabólica. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo foi investigar a ocorrência da especialização metabólica ao longo de uma época desportiva na modalidade de natação pura desportiva. Participaram no estudo 36 nadadores federados, dos quais 10 eram pré-púberes masculinos (10,4±0,7 anos; 142,3±7,6 cm; 36,9±7,9 kg), 6 pré-púberes femininos (9,8±0,6 anos; 140,4±3,9 cm; 33,0±4,4 kg), 10 púberes masculinos (13,5±1,5 anos; 166,9±8,5 cm; 56,8±10,3 kg) e 10 púberes femininos (11,3±0,7 anos; 152,7±5,4 cm; 46,4±6,8 kg). O grupo de controlo foi constituído por 36 crianças e adolescentes não praticantes de qualquer modalidade, divididos da mesma forma que o grupo de natação e com características morfológicas semelhantes. A aptidão aeróbia (teste de Balke adaptado para crianças e jovens) e anaeróbia (teste anaeróbio Wingate) foi avaliada em dois momentos ao longo da época desportiva. Os resultados obtidos dos diferentes grupos foram comparados e correlacionados relativamente às variáveis de aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia. Os resultados identificaram diferenças em algumas variáveis da aptidão aeróbia e anaeróbia considerando os fatores maturação, sexo e grupo, porém, não foram verificados desempenhos que indiciem uma especialização num determinado metabolismo energético. Assim, os resultados mostraram a não especialização metabólica em nadadores pré-púberes e púberes de ambos os sexos, nos testes laboratoriais aplicados. O estudo forneceu dados aos treinadores quanto ao desempenho aeróbio e anaeróbio dos seus atletas, mas principalmente quanto à orientação do treino para o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas nestas idades, deixando a especialização nas distâncias de nado e no estilo de prova para quando for atingida a especialização metabólica. Estudos futuros deverão avaliar atletas pós-púberes de forma a determinar quando ocorre a especialização metabólica.
An ultra-fast and improved analytical methodology based on microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) combined with ultra-performance LC (UPLC) was developed and validated for determination of (E)-resveratrol in wines. Important factors affecting the performance of MEPS such as the type of sorbent material (C2, C8, C18, SIL, and M1), number of extraction cycles, and sample volume were studied. The optimal conditions of MEPS extraction were obtained using C8 sorbent and small sample volumes (50–250mL) in one extraction cycle (extract–discard) and in a short time period (about 3 min for the entire sample preparation step). (E)-Resveratrol was eluted by 1 250mL of the mixture containing 95% methanol and 5% water, and the separation was carried out on a highstrength silica HSS T3 analytical column (100 mm 2.1 mm, 1.8mm particle size) using a binary mobile phase composed of aqueous 0.1% formic acid (eluent A) and methanol (eluent B) in the gradient elution mode (10 min of total analysis). The method was fully validated in terms of linearity, detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) limits, extraction yield, accuracy, and inter/intra-day precision, using a Madeira wine sample (ET) spiked with (E)-resveratrol at concentration levels ranging from 5 to 60mg/mL. Validation experiments revealed very good recovery rate of 9575.8% RSD, good linearity with r2 values 40.999 within the established concentration range, excellent repeatability (0.52%), and reproducibility (1.67%) values (expressed as RSD), thus demonstrating the robustness and accuracy of the MEPSC8/UPLC-photodiode array (PDA) method. The LOD of the method was 0.21mg/mL, whereas the LOQ was 0.68mg/mL. The validated methodology was applied to 30 commercial wines (24 red wines and six white wines) from different grape varieties, vintages, and regions. On the basis of the analytical validation, the MEPSC8/UPLC-PDA methodology shows to be an improved, sensitive, and ultra-fast approach for determination of (E)-resveratrol in wines with high resolving power within 6 min.
A novel analytical approach, based on a miniaturized extraction technique, the microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS), followed by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) separation combined with a photodiode array (PDA) detection, has been developed and validated for the quantitative determination of sixteen biologically active phenolic constituents of wine. In addition to performing routine experiments to establish the validity of the assay to internationally accepted criteria (linearity, sensitivity, selectivity, precision, accuracy), experiments are included to assess the effect of the important experimental parameters on the MEPS performance such as the type of sorbent material (C2, C8, C18, SIL, and M1), number of extraction cycles (extract-discard), elution volume, sample volume, and ethanol content, were studied. The optimal conditions of MEPS extraction were obtained using C8 sorbent and small sample volumes (250 μL) in five extraction cycle and in a short time period (about 5 min for the entire sample preparation step). The wine bioactive phenolics were eluted by 250 μL of the mixture containing 95% methanol and 5% water, and the separation was carried out on a HSS T3 analytical column (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.8 μm particle size) using a binary mobile phase composed of aqueous 0.1% formic acid (eluent A) and methanol (eluent B) in the gradient elution mode (10 min of total analysis). The method gave satisfactory results in terms of linearity with r2-values > 0.9986 within the established concentration range. The LOD varied from 85 ng mL−1 (ferulic acid) to 0.32 μg mL−1 ((+)-catechin), whereas the LOQ values from 0.028 μg mL−1 (ferulic acid) to 1.08 μg mL−1 ((+)-catechin). Typical recoveries ranged between 81.1 and 99.6% for red wines and between 77.1 and 99.3% for white wines, with relative standard deviations (RSD) no larger than 10%. The extraction yields of the MEPSC8/UHPLC–PDA methodology were found between 78.1 (syringic acid) and 99.6% (o-coumaric acid) for red wines and between 76.2 and 99.1% for white wines. The inter-day precision, expressed as the relative standard deviation (RSD%), varied between 0.2% (p-coumaric and o-coumaric acids) and 7.5% (gentisic acid) while the intra-day precision between 0.2% (o-coumaric and cinnamic acids) and 4.7% (gallic acid and (−)-epicatechin). On the basis of analytical validation, it is shown that the MEPSC8/UHPLC–PDA methodology proves to be an improved, reliable, and ultra-fast approach for wine bioactive phenolics analysis, because of its capability for determining simultaneously in a single chromatographic run several bioactive metabolites with high sensitivity, selectivity and resolving power within only 10 min. Preliminary studies have been carried out on 34 real whole wine samples, in order to assess the performance of the described procedure. The new approach offers decreased sample preparation and analysis time, and moreover is cheaper, more environmentally friendly and easier to perform as compared to traditional methodologies.
In this study the feasibility of different extraction procedures was evaluated in order to test their potential for the extraction of the volatile (VOCs) and semi-volatile constituents (SVOCs) from wines. In this sense, and before they could be analysed by gas chromatography–quadrupole first stage masss spectrometry (GC–qMS), three different high-throughput miniaturized (ad)sorptive extraction techniques, based on solid phase extraction (SPE), microextraction by packed sorbents (MEPS) and solid phase microextraction (SPME), were studied for the first time together, for the extraction step. To achieve the most complete volatile and semi-volatile signature, distinct SPE (LiChrolut EN, Poropak Q, Styrene-Divinylbenzene and Amberlite XAD-2) and MEPS (C2, C8, C18, Silica and M1 (mixed C8-SCX)) sorbent materials, and different SPME fibre coatings (PA, PDMS, PEG, DVB/CAR/PDMS, PDMS/DVB, and CAR/PDMS), were tested and compared. All the extraction techniques were followed by GC–qMS analysis, which allowed the identification of up to 103 VOCs and SVOCs, distributed by distinct chemical families: higher alcohols, esters, fatty acids, carbonyl compounds and furan compounds. Mass spectra, standard compounds and retention index were used for identification purposes. SPE technique, using LiChrolut EN as sorbent (SPELiChrolut EN), was the most efficient method allowing for the identification of 78 VOCs and SVOCs, 63 and 19 more than MEPS and SPME techniques, respectively. In MEPS technique the best results in terms of number of extractable/identified compounds and total peak areas of volatile and semi-volatile fraction, were obtained by using C8 resin whereas DVB/CAR/PDMS was revealed the most efficient SPME coating to extract VOCs and SVOCs from Bual wine. Diethyl malate (18.8 ± 3.2%) was the main component found in wine SPELiChrolut EN extracts followed by ethyl succinate (13.5 ± 5.3%), 3-methyl-1-butanol (13.2 ± 1.7%), and 2-phenylethanol (11.2 ± 9.9%), while in SPMEDVB/CAR/PDMS technique 3-methyl-1-butanol (43.3 ± 0.6%) followed by diethyl succinate (18.9 ± 1.6%), and 2-furfural (10.4 ± 0.4%), are the major compounds. The major VOCs and SVOCs isolated by MEPSC8 were 3-methyl-1-butanol (26.8 ± 0.6%, from wine total volatile fraction), diethyl succinate (24.9 ± 0.8%), and diethyl malate (16.3 ± 0.9%). Regardless of the extraction technique, the highest extraction efficiency corresponds to esters and higher alcohols and the lowest to fatty acids. Despite some drawbacks associated with the SPE procedure such as the use of organic solvents, the time-consuming and tedious sampling procedure, it was observed that SPELiChrolut EN, revealed to be the most effective technique allowing the extraction of a higher number of compounds (78) rather than the other extraction techniques studied.