867 resultados para low-income housing


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O estado do Maranhão possui um grande potencial pesqueiro; entretanto, a pesca foi excluída das prioridades governamentais e científicas. Considerando as lacunas de conhecimento existentes, este trabalho realizou um diagnóstico dos dados pretéritos e atuais disponíveis sobre a pesca no Estado, abordando o estado da arte, caracterização das embarcações e artes de pesca, além da análise de produção, espécies de valor comercial e socioeconomia dos atores sociais envolvidos. A partir do quadro visualizado foi possível delimitar a existência de 21 unidades, aqui denominadas de Sistema de Produção Pesqueira, por meio de um processo de subdivisões sucessivas da atividade pesqueira de acordo com a frota, prática ou arte de pesca, recursos explorados, ambiente, residência, relação de trabalho e renda do pescador e grau de isolamento da área de pesca. Para tanto, foram aplicados questionários com os diferentes atores sociais e vivência em campo. Os sistemas foram caracterizados segundo os aspectos econômicos, sociais, tecnológicos, ecológico e manejo, evidenciando-se uma ampla variedade de práticas e frotas, que atuam, predominantemente, em ambientes costeiros, com pequenas embarcações e artes de pescas simples, capturando diferentes espécies-alvo, principalmente das famílias Scianidae e Aridae. O quadro socioeconômico dos pescadores é de pobreza e abandono, com baixa organização social e pequena renda, precárias condições de moradia e nível educacional e acesso à saúde limitado. O mercado e a legislação têm propiciado o livre acesso aos recursos e práticas predatórias, comprometendo os recursos pesqueiros, que são explotados sem qualquer preocupação com a sustentabilidade, demonstrando insuficiências nas ações de manejo e gerenciamento. Na tentativa de detectar indicadores que estimem o estado de “saúde” dos sistemas utilizou-se a metodologia do Rapfish, através de um conjunto de atributos agrupados em cinco áreas temáticas: ecológica, econômica, social, tecnológica e manejo. Os resultados destacaram como bons indicadores: organização social, número de pescadores explorando o sistema; grau de escolaridade; uso de petrechos destrutivos; medidas de manejo governamentais e tradicionais. A relação de trabalho e renda foram bons critérios para diferenciar três tendências na finalidade das pescarias: subsistência, intermediárias e “semi-indutrial”. Alguns sistemas se destacaram como menos sustentável a exemplo das capturas de siris, que tem declinado por falta de manejo, deficiente organização social e a comercialização de fêmeas ovadas; e das pescarias de lagosta, que utilizam artes consideradas destrutivas. O sistema que envolve a captura de caranguejo sobressaiu-se pela existência de medidas de manejo tradicional e melhor gerenciamento do recurso pelos órgãos públicos. Assim, este estudo permitiu o uso de um sistema de referência para análise e monitoramento da sustentabilidade das pescarias regionais, com em indicadores científicos e/ou etnoconhecimento, que induziu ao surgimento de propostas de manejo norteadas pelo gerenciamento da pesca, organização social e educação ambiental. A seguir, foi realizado estudo de caso do sistema de produção que utilizam as embarcações de médio porte nas pescarias de Cynoscion acoupa utilizando como arte o malhão, para entrar em detalhes de um dos sistemas de produção. Essa escolha teve como base, os grandes volumes de captura, a grande abrangência da área de atuação desse sistema em todo o litoral do Estado, além do grande número de pescadores envolvidos nele, representando importante fonte de renda para o Estado. O estudo de caso prestou especial atenção aos saberes tradicionais da população no uso e na manutenção do recurso, complementados com estudos sobre a pesca e biologia reprodutiva de Cynoscion acoupa, capturadas na região da baía de São Marcos e adjacências. As capturas das pescadas-amarela ocorreram durante todo o ano com safra no início do período chuvoso, e produção estadual estimada em 10.600.00 kg/ano. Verificou-se que este sistema vem sofrendo intensa e desordenada exploração, sendo possível inferir pelas características biológicas da espécie, que o crescente nível de esforço não é compatível com a capacidade de suporte ambiental nem como as necessidades dos pescadores. Quanto aos parâmetros reprodutivos, verificou-se que o comprimento médio de primeira maturação sexual (L50) para os machos foi de 39,9 cm e para as fêmeas a primeira maturação sexual ocorreu com tamanho ligeiramente superior, 41,6 cm de comprimento total. A proporção sexual foi de 1:1,4 favorável aos machos. Constatou-se que a espécie em questão completa todo o seu ciclo de vida na área estudada; o processo reprodutivo ocorre durante todo o ano, com dois picos de desova, um no bimestre novembro/dezembro e outro em março/maio. Acredita-se que por meio das informações obtidas é possível subsidiar melhores propostas e ações de sustentabilidade desta pescaria, combinando o etno-conhecimento e o conhecimento científico deste sistema.


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O presente trabalho realiza a análise dos processos de urbanização, cuja característica marcante é a segregação econômica, social e espacial da população de baixa renda, perceptível pelo fenômeno de periferização urbana vivenciado por este segmento social. Sem vias de acesso formal à terra urbana, a população de baixa renda residente em centros urbanos promove a ocupação irregular de áreas desprovidas ou carentes de infraestrutura e serviços urbanos, as quais, em geral, não são requisitadas pelo mercado imobiliário formal. A forma de apropriação desigual dos espaços territoriais é fruto do modo de apropriação do modo capitalista. Nesse contexto de desigualdade, exclusão, segregação se insere a questão da ocupação irregular nas margens de cursos d’água situadas no meio urbano, áreas estas especialmente protegidas pela legislação ambiental, tema que nos remete ao foco principal da dissertação: o estudo da possibilidade de implementação de ações de regularização fundiária sustentável em ocupações de interesse social, consolidadas em áreas urbanas situadas às margens de cursos d’água, analisada como instrumento de combate ao processo de segregação socioespacial vivenciado pela população de baixa renda em decorrência do processo de produção capitalista dos espaços urbanos. Para tanto, a partir da análise de casos concretos utiliza-se as ações de regularização como instrumento para a consecução do direito às cidades sustentáveis, albergado no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro na Lei nº10.257/2001, afirmando-o como um direito fundamental, a partir da teoria do jusfilósofo Ronald Dworkin. A problemática que a dissertação revela reside no aparente conflito ante a necessidade de atendimento dos direitos fundamentais das populações residentes destas ocupações e o dever de manutenção do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, cuja solução é pautada pelo sopesamento de princípios, e valores neles incutidos, com fundamento no conceito de direito como integridade, também desenvolvido por Ronald Dworkin.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Discussions on the production of housing for residents of low income, in Brazil, has come a long, but still no great solutions. Not only a political problem, the issue of housing involves also social and economic issues. From the beginning there was a downward grade of the slum villages more sophisticated more precarious, as if the social scale. And that is what this work will be done. In an attempt to produce forms of housing for low-income population, but not to be a mere product of capitalism, or political propaganda, but to try to reach a real solution to the problem. The project will propose new forms of construction, use of renewable energy, reuse of water and other, besides new forms of construction, the project aims to create a sustainable education to future residents


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This paper has it is hypotesis on the government program “My Home, My Life” and the assumption that it is a public politic attached to the market logic of financialization of the housing. It is understood that this program encourage capital for the main constructors and incorporated of brazilian heritage elite. It also served as well to promote more rentability to international capital and intensified the sociospacial segregration process as real state speculation has been potencialized. This work aims to present and discuss the program contradictions that have been sustained on the speech of wide subsidy offer and habitance construcution for low income workers - month income until three minimum salaries. Documents have shown that in the first phase of the program, habitance construction for this sector of population corresponded only to 5,5% of total habitation deficit. Businessmen on residance civil construction and public politic representatives have confirmed that the program interests are linked to financial market logic.The real benefits are not for low income workers, but for real state agents through extraordinaty profits of land and the so called new medium workers class(worker class C).We will search for embasement on the country history through the different governments and housing policies, in value theory and the concept of land income to understand the financialization process of the housing. We will also analyse oficial documents and the agents speech involved in real state market to show program contradictions and whose the real benefts are for


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This work aims to analyze the limitations of recent Brazilian urban expansion and, more specifically, the housing policy for low-income population, focused on Minha Casa, Minha Vida in Campinas / SP . It is understood that this program aims to democratize access to housing for excluded populations in the property market, resulting in a right to the city. This policy is analyzed in the living space configuration from the point of view of socio-spatial segregation. To meet the flexibility of real estate developers, urban politic Campinas was subsumed by the entrepreneurship of housing production, was detached from the municipal planning and releasing ownership of urban land for the free flow of capital that circulated by the real estate market in the search for the appropriation of elevation of the ground rent . These processes are understood through intense confinement of poverty in areas that grow randomly deleted and the margin of urban rights


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In 2000, the United Nations adopted the Millennium Development Goals which set targets for raising living standards in low-income countries. The first goal was to “eradicate extreme poverty and hunger” (United Nations). The World Bank defines extreme poverty as income of less than $1.25 per day (World Bank, 2010a). Based on this definition, the World Bank estimates that the percentage of the population in China living in extreme poverty has fallen from 84 percent in 1981 to about 16 percent in 2005, a period during which China’s population grew by more than 300 million people (see Table 1 on last page). Because China is a very large country with a current population approaching 1.4 billion (more than four times the United States population), its dramatic reduction in poverty over the past 30 years has had a profound effect on global poverty measures. In fact, poverty reduction in China is the main reason that the incidence of extreme poverty in developing countries has fallen from about 52 percent in 1981 to 25 percent in 2005 (Table 1). While the absolute number of poor in China fell by some 627 million, the number of poor in other developing countries actually grew slightly (from 1,065 million to 1,166 million). These figures represent a decline in the percentage of the total population in poverty in other developing countries because of general population growth over that 25-year period (World Bank, 2010b).


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze cause-specifi c mortality rates according to the relative income hypothesis. METHODS: All 96 administrative areas of the city of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, were divided into two groups based on the Gini coefficient of income inequality: high (>= 0.25) and low (<0.25). The propensity score matching method was applied to control for confounders associated with socioeconomic differences among areas. RESULTS: The difference between high and low income inequality areas was statistically significant for homicide (8.57 per 10,000; 95% CI: 2.60; 14.53); ischemic heart disease (5.47 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.76; 10.17]); HIV/AIDS (3.58 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.58; 6.57]); and respiratory diseases (3.56 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.18; 6.94]). The ten most common causes of death accounted for 72.30% of the mortality difference. Infant mortality also had signifi cantly higher age-adjusted rates in high inequality areas (2.80 per 10,000 [95% CI 0.86; 4.74]), as well as among males (27.37 per 10,000 [95% CI 6.19; 48.55]) and females (15.07 per 10,000 [95% CI 3.65; 26.48]). CONCLUSIONS: The study results support the relative income hypothesis. After propensity score matching cause-specifi c mortality rates was higher in more unequal areas. Studies on income inequality in smaller areas should take proper accounting of heterogeneity of social and demographic characteristics.


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SETTING: Respiratory mortality rates are declining in several countries, including Brazil; however, the effect of socio-economic indicators and sex is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To identify differences in mortality trends according to income and sex in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. DESIGN: We performed a time-trend analysis of all respiratory diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and tuberculosis, using Joinpoint regression comparing high, middle and low household income levels from 1996 to 2010. RESULTS: The annual per cent change (APC) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) for death rates from all respiratory disease in men in high-income areas was -1.1 (95%CI -2.7 to 0.5) in 1996-2002 and -4.3 (95%CI -5.9 to -2.8) in 2003-2009. In middle- and low-income areas, the decline was respectively -1.5 (95%CI -2.2 to -0.7) and -1.4 (95%CI -1.9 to -0.8). For women, the APC declined in high-income (-1.0, 95%CI -1.9 to -0.2) and low-income areas (0.8, 95%CI -1.3 to -0.2), but not in middle-income areas (-0.5, 95%CI -1.4 to 0.3) from 1996 to 2010. CONCLUSION: Death rates due to COPD and all respiratory disease declined more consistently in men from high-income areas. Mortality due to lung cancer decreased in men, but increased in women in middle- and low-income areas.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze cause-specific mortality rates according to the relative income hypothesis. METHODS: All 96 administrative areas of the city of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, were divided into two groups based on the Gini coefficient of income inequality: high (>0.25) and low (<0.25). The propensity score matching method was applied to control for confounders associated with socioeconomic differences among areas. RESULTS: The difference between high and low income inequality areas was statistically significant for homicide (8.57 per 10,000; 95%CI: 2.60;14.53); ischemic heart disease (5.47 per 10,000 [95%CI 0.76;10.17]); HIV/AIDS (3.58 per 10,000 [95%CI 0.58;6.57]); and respiratory diseases (3.56 per 10,000 [95%CI 0.18;6.94]). The ten most common causes of death accounted for 72.30% of the mortality difference. Infant mortality also had significantly higher age-adjusted rates in high inequality areas (2.80 per 10,000 [95%CI 0.86;4.74]), as well as among males (27.37 per 10,000 [95%CI 6.19;48.55]) and females (15.07 per 10,000 [95%CI 3.65;26.48]). CONCLUSIONS: The study results support the relative income hypothesis. After propensity score matching cause-specific mortality rates was higher in more unequal areas. Studies on income inequality in smaller areas should take proper accounting of heterogeneity of social and demographic characteristics.


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In 2008 two government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were placed into conservatorship due to insolvency. The financial bailout of the two publically traded corporations came at the expense of the American tax payer. This study investigates the relationship between direct and indirect government influence and the increasing risk taking of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the late 1990’s through their conservatorship in 2008. As government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have many special advantages that other publically traded companies did not possess. These advantages allowed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase their profitability. Theoretical literature regarding Congress and the bureaucracy suggests that the actions of bureaucrats can be linked to the preferences of Congressional members because bureaucrats are responsive to potential threats or perceived threats from the legislature. This theory is applicable to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and is used to explain why the government was able to directly and indirectly influence the government-sponsored enterprises. Overall this investigation has determined that the United States government pursued a clear mission that determined to increase the availability of housing to all Americans, specifically to low-income and under-served individuals, through the use of the government-sponsored enterprises. Despite this link there is no conclusive data to show that the pursuit of this housing mission led Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to operate in riskier business segments. This study has also found that motivation regarding profit-seeking and compensation structure provide a more plausible explanation for why the government-sponsored enterprises began to engage in riskier business practices that led to their insolvency.


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America’s low-income families struggle to protect their children from multiple threats to their health and growth. Many research and advocacy groups explore the health and educational effects of food insecurity, but less is known about these effects on very young children. Children’s HealthWatch, a group of pediatric clinicians and public health researchers, has continuously collected data on the effects of food insecurity alone and in conjunction with other household hardships since 1998. The group’s peer reviewed research has shown that a number of economic risks at the household level, including food, housing and energy insecurity, tend to be correlated. These insecurities alone or in conjunction increase the risk that a young child will suffer various negative health consequences, including increases in lifetime hospitalizations, parental report of fair or poor health,1 or risk for developmental delays.2 Child food insecurity is an incremental risk indicator above and beyond the risk imposed by household-level food insecurity. The Children’sHealthwatch research also suggests public benefits programs modify some of these effects for families experiencing hardships. This empirical evidence is presented in a variety of public venues outside the usual scientific settings, such as congressional hearings, to support the needs of America’s most vulnerable population through policy change. Children’s HealthWatch research supports legislative solutions to food insecurity, including sustained funding for public programs and re-evaluation of the use of the Thrifty Food Plan as the basis of SNAP benefits calculations. Children’s HealthWatch is one of many models to support the American Academy of Pediatrics’ call to “stand up, speak up, and step up for children.”3 No isolated group or single intervention will solve child poverty or multiple hardships. However, working collaboratively each group has a role to play in supporting the health and well-being of young children and their families. 1. Cook JT, Frank DA, Berkowitz C, et al. Food insecurity is associated with adverse health outcomes among human infants and toddlers. J Nutr. 2004;134:1432-1438. 2. Rose-Jacobs R, Black MM, Casey PH, et al. Household food insecurity: associations with at-risk infant and toddler development. Pediatrics. 2008;121:65-72. 3. AAP leader says to stand up, speak up, and step up for child health [news release]. Boston, MA: American Academy of Pediatrics; October 11, 2008. http://www2.aap.org/pressroom/nce/nce08childhealth.htm. Accessed January 1, 2012.


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This chapter provides a detailed discussion of the evidence on housing and mortgage lending discrimination, as well as the potential impacts of such discrimination on minority outcomes like homeownership and neighborhood environment. The paper begins by discussing conceptual issues surrounding empirical analyses of discrimination including explanations for why discrimination takes place, defining different forms of discrimination, and the appropriate interpretation of observed racial and ethnic differences in treatment or outcomes. Next, the paper reviews evidence on housing market discrimination starting with evidence of segregation and price differences in the housing market and followed by direct evidence of discrimination by real estate agents in paired testing studies. Finally, mortgage market discrimination and barriers in access to mortgage credit are discussed. This discussion begins with an assessment of the role credit barriers play in explaining racial and ethnic differences in homeownership and follows with discussions of analyses of underwriting and the price of credit based on administrative and private sector data sources including analyses of the subprime market. The paper concludes that housing discrimination has declined especially in the market for owner-occupied housing and does not appear to play a large role in limiting the neighborhood choices of minority households or the concentration of minorities into central cities. On the other hand, the patterns of racial centralization and lower home ownership rates of African-Americans appear to be related to each other, and lower minority homeownership rates are in part attributable to barriers in the market for mortgage credit. The paper presents considerable evidence of racial and ethnic differences in mortgage underwriting, as well as additional evidence suggesting these differences may be attributable to differential provision of coaching, assistance, and support by loan officers. At this point, innovation in loan products, the shift towards risk based pricing, and growth of the subprime market have not mitigated the role credit barriers play in explaining racial and ethnic differences in homeownership. Further, the growth of the subprime lending industry appears to have segmented the mortgage market in terms of geography leading to increased costs of relying on local/neighborhood sources of mortgage credit and affecting the integrity of many low-income minority neighborhoods through increased foreclosure rates.


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Racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HTN) have been observed and explained by socioeconomic status (education level, income level, etc.), screening, early diagnosis, treatment, prognostic factors, and adherence to treatment regimens. To the author's knowledge, there are no studies addressing disparities in hypertension and diabetes mellitus utilizing Hispanics as the reference racial/ethnic group and adjusting for sociodemographics and prognostic factors. This present study examined racial/ethnic disparities in HTN and DM and assessed whether this disparity is explained by sociodemographics. To assess these associations, the study utilized a cross-sectional design and examined the distribution of the covariates for racial/ethnic group differences, using the Pearson Chi Square statistic. The study focused on Non-Hispanic Blacks since this ethnic group is associated with the worst health outcomes. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio (POR) and to adjust for the confounding effects of the covariates. Results indicated that except for insurance coverage, there were statistically significant differences between Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites, as well as Hispanics with respect to study covariates. In the unadjusted logistic regression model, there was a statistically significant increased prevalence of hypertension among Non-Hispanic Blacks compared to Hispanics, POR 1.36, 95% CI 1.02-1.80. Low income was statistically significantly associated with increased prevalence of hypertension, POR 0.38, 95% CI 0.32-0.46. Insurance coverage, though not statistically significant, was associated with an increase in the prevalence of hypertension, p>0.05. Concerning DM, Non-Hispanic Blacks were more likely to be diabetic, POR 1.10, 95% CI 0.85-1.47. High income was statistically significantly associated with decreased prevalence of DM, POR 0.47, 95% CI 0.39-0.57. After adjustment for the relevant covariates, the racial disparities between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks in HTN was removed, adjusted prevalence odds (APOR) 1.21, 95% CI 0.88-1.67. In this sample, there was racial/ethnic disparity in hypertension but not in diabetes mellitus between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks, with disparities in hypertension associated with socioeconomic status (family income, education, marital status) and also by alcohol, physical activity and age. However, race, education and BMI as class variables were statistically significantly associated with hypertension and diabetes mellitus p<0.0001. ^