897 resultados para information bottleneck method


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Automatic Vehicle Identification Systems are being increasingly used as a new source of travel information. As in the last decades these systems relied on expensive new technologies, few of them were scattered along a networks making thus Travel-Time and Average Speed estimation their main objectives. However, as their price dropped, the opportunity of building dense AVI networks arose, as in Brisbane where more than 250 Bluetooth detectors are now installed. As a consequence this technology represents an effective means to acquire accurate time dependant Origin Destination information. In order to obtain reliable estimations, however, a number of issues need to be addressed. Some of these problems stem from the structure of a network made out of isolated detectors itself while others are inherent of Bluetooth technology (overlapping detection area, missing detections,\...). The aim of this paper is threefold: First, after having presented the level of details that can be reached with a network of isolated detectors we present how we modelled Brisbane's network, keeping only the information valuable for the retrieval of trip information. Second, we give an overview of the issues inherent to the Bluetooth technology and we propose a method for retrieving the itineraries of the individual Bluetooth vehicles. Last, through a comparison with Brisbane Transport Strategic Model results, we highlight the opportunities and the limits of Bluetooth detectors networks. The aim of this paper is twofold. We first give a comprehensive overview of the aforementioned issues. Further, we propose a methodology that can be followed, in order to cleanse, correct and aggregate Bluetooth data. We postulate that the methods introduced by this paper are the first crucial steps that need to be followed in order to compute accurate Origin-Destination matrices in urban road networks.


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Underground transport tunnels are vulnerable to blast events. This paper develops and applies a fully coupled technique involving the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element techniques to investigate the blast response of segmented bored tunnels. Findings indicate that several bolts failed in the longitudinal direction due to redistribution of blast loading to adjacent tunnel rings. The tunnel segments respond as arch mechanisms in the transverse direction and suffered damage mainly due to high bending stresses. The novel information from the present study will enable safer designs of buried tunnels and provide a benchmark reference for future developments in this area.


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With the extensive use of rating systems in the web, and their significance in decision making process by users, the need for more accurate aggregation methods has emerged. The Naïve aggregation method, using the simple mean, is not adequate anymore in providing accurate reputation scores for items [6 ], hence, several researches where conducted in order to provide more accurate alternative aggregation methods. Most of the current reputation models do not consider the distribution of ratings across the different possible ratings values. In this paper, we propose a novel reputation model, which generates more accurate reputation scores for items by deploying the normal distribution over ratings. Experiments show promising results for our proposed model over state-of-the-art ones on sparse and dense datasets.


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While the growth in the number of IT investments remains strong, research in the IT investment field is limited, resulting in suboptimal practical guidance on effectively governing IT investments. Based on resource-based theory, this paper reports the initial work involved in developing a construct names IT investment governance (ITIG), because it can be used to measure organizations' capability to govern their IT investments. This paper then empirically examines the association of ITIG and corporate performance. The preliminary result is a four-factor, 16-item instrument for assessing the ITIG construct. This method's factors are IT investment value governance, IT investment value monitoring, IT investment appraisals and IT investment project management. The impact of ITIG on corporate performance was demonstrated with a significant and positive relationship found to exist between the ITIG construct and corporate performance, thus supporting the effectiveness of the ITIG construct. Corporations with higher levels of ITIG capability are more likely to maximize the contribution of their IT investments to firm value.


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This research explored the knowledge, skills, qualities, and professional education needs, of information professionals in galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM) in Australia. The findings revealed that although full convergence of these sectors is unlikely, many of the skills, knowledge and qualities would be required across all four sectors. The research used the Grounded Delphi Method, a relatively new methodological extension of the Delphi method that incorporates aspects of Grounded Theory. The findings provide the first empirically based guidelines around what needs to be included in an educational framework for information professionals who will work in the emerging GLAM environment. As the first study of GLAM education requirements in Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific region to take a holistic approach by engaging information professionals across all four sectors, this thesis makes a contribution to the GLAM research field and to information education generally.


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Modal flexibility is a widely accepted technique to detect structural damage using vibration characteristics. Its application to detect damage in long span large diameter cables such as those used in suspension bridge main cables has not received much attention. This paper uses the modal flexibility method incorporating two damage indices (DIs) based on lateral and vertical modes to localize damage in such cables. The competency of those DIs in damage detection is tested by the numerically obtained vibration characteristics of a suspended cable in both intact and damaged states. Three single damage cases and one multiple damage case are considered. The impact of random measurement noise in the modal data on the damage localization capability of these two DIs is next examined. Long span large diameter cables are characterized by the two critical cable parameters named bending stiffness and sag-extensibility. The influence of these parameters in the damage localization capability of the two DIs is evaluated by a parametric study with two single damage cases. Results confirm that the damage index based on lateral vibration modes has the ability to successfully detect and locate damage in suspended cables with 5% noise in modal data for a range of cable parameters. This simple approach therefore can be extended for timely damage detection in cables of suspension bridges and thereby enhance their service during their life spans.


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The Disney method is a collaborative creativity technique that uses three roles - dreamer, realist and critic - to facilitate the consideration of different perspectives on a topic. Especially for novices it is important to obtain guidance in applying this method. One way is providing groups with a trained moderator. However, feedback about the group’s behavior might interrupt the flow of the idea finding process. We built and evaluated a system that provides ambient feedback to a group about the distribution of their statements among the three roles. Our preliminary field study indicates that groups supported by the system contribute more and roles are used in a more balanced way while the visualization does not disrupt the group work.


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Objective: To illustrate a new method for simplifying patient recruitment for advanced prostate cancer clinical trials using natural language processing techniques. Background: The identification of eligible participants for clinical trials is a critical factor to increase patient recruitment rates and an important issue for discovery of new treatment interventions. The current practice of identifying eligible participants is highly constrained due to manual processing of disparate sources of unstructured patient data. Informatics-based approaches can simplify the complex task of evaluating patient’s eligibility for clinical trials. We show that an ontology-based approach can address the challenge of matching patients to suitable clinical trials. Methods: The free-text descriptions of clinical trial criteria as well as patient data were analysed. A set of common inclusion and exclusion criteria was identified through consultations with expert clinical trial coordinators. A research prototype was developed using Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) that identified SNOMED CT concepts in the patient data and clinical trial description. The SNOMED CT concepts model the standard clinical terminology that can be used to represent and evaluate patient’s inclusion/exclusion criteria for the clinical trial. Results: Our experimental research prototype describes a semi-automated method for filtering patient records using common clinical trial criteria. Our method simplified the patient recruitment process. The discussion with clinical trial coordinators showed that the efficiency in patient recruitment process measured in terms of information processing time could be improved by 25%. Conclusion: An UIMA-based approach can resolve complexities in patient recruitment for advanced prostate cancer clinical trials.


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A global framework for linear stability analyses of traffic models, based on the dispersion relation root locus method, is presented and is applied taking the example of a broad class of car-following (CF) models. This approach is able to analyse all aspects of the dynamics: long waves and short wave behaviours, phase velocities and stability features. The methodology is applied to investigate the potential benefits of connected vehicles, i.e. V2V communication enabling a vehicle to send and receive information to and from surrounding vehicles. We choose to focus on the design of the coefficients of cooperation which weights the information from downstream vehicles. The coefficients tuning is performed and different ways of implementing an efficient cooperative strategy are discussed. Hence, this paper brings design methods in order to obtain robust stability of traffic models, with application on cooperative CF models


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Concept mapping involves determining relevant concepts from a free-text input, where concepts are defined in an external reference ontology. This is an important process that underpins many applications for clinical information reporting, derivation of phenotypic descriptions, and a number of state-of-the-art medical information retrieval methods. Concept mapping can be cast into an information retrieval (IR) problem: free-text mentions are treated as queries and concepts from a reference ontology as the documents to be indexed and retrieved. This paper presents an empirical investigation applying general-purpose IR techniques for concept mapping in the medical domain. A dataset used for evaluating medical information extraction is adapted to measure the effectiveness of the considered IR approaches. Standard IR approaches used here are contrasted with the effectiveness of two established benchmark methods specifically developed for medical concept mapping. The empirical findings show that the IR approaches are comparable with one benchmark method but well below the best benchmark.


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Information available on company websites can help people navigate to the offices of groups and individuals within the company. Automatically retrieving this within-organisation spatial information is a challenging AI problem This paper introduces a novel unsupervised pattern-based method to extract within-organisation spatial information by taking advantage of HTML structure patterns, together with a novel Conditional Random Fields (CRF) based method to identify different categories of within-organisation spatial information. The results show that the proposed method can achieve a high performance in terms of F-Score, indicating that this purely syntactic method based on web search and an analysis of HTML structure is well-suited for retrieving within-organisation spatial information.


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Many websites presently provide the facility for users to rate items quality based on user opinion. These ratings are used later to produce item reputation scores. The majority of websites apply the mean method to aggregate user ratings. This method is very simple and is not considered as an accurate aggregator. Many methods have been proposed to make aggregators produce more accurate reputation scores. In the majority of proposed methods the authors use extra information about the rating providers or about the context (e.g. time) in which the rating was given. However, this information is not available all the time. In such cases these methods produce reputation scores using the mean method or other alternative simple methods. In this paper, we propose a novel reputation model that generates more accurate item reputation scores based on collected ratings only. Our proposed model embeds statistical data, previously disregarded, of a given rating dataset in order to enhance the accuracy of the generated reputation scores. In more detail, we use the Beta distribution to produce weights for ratings and aggregate ratings using the weighted mean method. Experiments show that the proposed model exhibits performance superior to that of current state-of-the-art models.


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Time-frequency analysis of various simulated and experimental signals due to elastic wave scattering from damage are performed using wavelet transform (WT) and Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) and their performances are compared in context of quantifying the damages. Spectral finite element method is employed for numerical simulation of wave scattering. An analytical study is carried out to study the effects of higher-order damage parameters on the reflected wave from a damage. Based on this study, error bounds are computed for the signals in the spectral and also on the time-frequency domains. It is shown how such an error bound can provide all estimate of error in the modelling of wave propagation in structure with damage. Measures of damage based on WT and HHT is derived to quantify the damage information hidden in the signal. The aim of this study is to obtain detailed insights into the problem of (1) identifying localised damages (2) dispersion of multifrequency non-stationary signals after they interact with various types of damage and (3) quantifying the damages. Sensitivity analysis of the signal due to scattered wave based on time-frequency representation helps to correlate the variation of damage index measures with respect to the damage parameters like damage size and material degradation factors.


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Rupture of atherosclerotic plaque is a major cause of mortality. Plaque stress analysis, based on patient-specific multisequence in vivo MRI, can provide critical information for the understanding of plaque rupture and could eventually lead to plaque rupture prediction. However, the direct link between stress and plaque rupture is not fully understood. In the present study, the plaque from a patient who recently experienced a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) was studied using a fluid-structure interaction method to quantify stress distribution in the plaque region based on in vivo MR images. The results showed that wall shear stress is generally low in the artery with a slight increase at the plaque throat owing to minor luminal narrowing. The oscillatory shear index is much higher in the proximal part of the plaque. Both local wall stress concentrations and the relative stress variation distribution during a cardiac cycle indicate that the actual plaque rupture site is collocated with the highest rupture risk region in the studied patient.


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A novel method is proposed to treat the problem of the random resistance of a strictly one-dimensional conductor with static disorder. It is suggested, for the probability distribution of the transfer matrix of the conductor, the distribution of maximum information-entropy, constrained by the following physical requirements: 1) flux conservation, 2) time-reversal invariance and 3) scaling, with the length of the conductor, of the two lowest cumulants of ζ, where = sh2ζ. The preliminary results discussed in the text are in qualitative agreement with those obtained by sophisticated microscopic theories.