An accurate rating aggregation method for generating item reputation

Autoria(s): Abdel-Hafez, Ahmad; Xu, Yue; Josang, Audun



Many websites presently provide the facility for users to rate items quality based on user opinion. These ratings are used later to produce item reputation scores. The majority of websites apply the mean method to aggregate user ratings. This method is very simple and is not considered as an accurate aggregator. Many methods have been proposed to make aggregators produce more accurate reputation scores. In the majority of proposed methods the authors use extra information about the rating providers or about the context (e.g. time) in which the rating was given. However, this information is not available all the time. In such cases these methods produce reputation scores using the mean method or other alternative simple methods. In this paper, we propose a novel reputation model that generates more accurate item reputation scores based on collected ratings only. Our proposed model embeds statistical data, previously disregarded, of a given rating dataset in order to enhance the accuracy of the generated reputation scores. In more detail, we use the Beta distribution to produce weights for ratings and aggregate ratings using the weighted mean method. Experiments show that the proposed model exhibits performance superior to that of current state-of-the-art models.





Abdel-Hafez, Ahmad, Xu, Yue, & Josang, Audun (2015) An accurate rating aggregation method for generating item reputation. In The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA'2015), 19-21 October 2015, Paris, France.


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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080400 DATA FORMAT #080600 INFORMATION SYSTEMS #089900 OTHER INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES #Weighted Mean #Reputation Model #Beta Distribution #Ratings Aggregation

Conference Paper