856 resultados para higher degree assessment


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Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Bestimmung der Spinpolarisation von der Heusler-Verbindung Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al. Dieses Ziel wurde durch die sorgfältige Präparation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al basierten Tunnelkontakten realisiert. Tunnelwiderstandsmessungen an Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al-basiertenrnTunnelkontakten ergaben einen Tunnelmagnetowiderstand von 101% bei 4 K. DieserrnTunnelmagnetowiderstand legt eine untere Grenze von 67% für die Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al fest.rnrnCo2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al ist eine Heusler-Verbindung, der die Eigenschaften eines halbmetallischen Ferromagneten zugeschrieben werden. Ein halbmetallischer Ferromagnet hat an der Fermikante nur Elektronenspinzustände mit einer Polarisation. Als Folge davon können bei einem spinerhaltenden Tunnelprozess nur Elektronen einer Spinrichtung in den halbmetallischen Ferromagneten tunneln. Mit einem magnetischen Feld und einer durch einen Antiferromagneten fixierten Gegenelektrode, können an einem Tunnelkontakt mit einem spinpolarisierten Ferromagneten deshalb zwei Zustände, eine hohe und eine niedrige Tunnelleitfähigkeit, erzeugt werden. Daher finden spinpolarisierte Tunnelkontakte in Form von MRAM in der Datenspeicherung Verwendung. Bislang wurde jedoch keine Verbindung gefunden, der eine Spinpolarisation von 100% experimentell eindeutig nachgewiesen werden konnte. Für Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al lagen die höchsten gemessenen Spinpolarisationen um 50%.rnrnTunnelspektroskopie ist eine zuverlässige und anwendungsnahe Methode zur Untersuchung der Spinpolarisation. Inelastische Tunnelprozesse und eine reduzierte Ordnung an Grenzflächen bewirken einen reduzierten Tunnelmagnetowiderstand. Eine symmetriebrechende Barriere, wie amorphes AlOx, ist Voraussetzung für die Anwendung des Jullière-Modells zur Bestimmung der Spinpolarisation. Das Jullière-Modell verknüpft die Spin-aufgespaltenenrnZustandsdichten der Elektroden mit dem Tunnelmagnetowiderstand. Ohne einernsymmetriebrechende Barriere, zum Beispiel mit MgO als Isolatorschicht, können höhere Tunnelmagnetowiderstände erzwungen werden. Ein eindeutiger Rückschluss auf die Spinpolarisation ist dann jedoch nicht mehr möglich. Mit Aluminiumoxid-basierten Barrieren liefert die Anwendung des einfachen Jullière-Modells eine Untergrenze der Spinpolarisation.rnrnUm die Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al durch Tunnelspektroskopie zu bestimmen, musste die Präparation der Tunnelkontakte verbessert werden. Dies wurde ermöglicht durch den Anbau einer neuen Sputterkammer mit besseren UHV-Bedingungen an ein bestehendes Präparationscluster. Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al wird mit Hilfe von Radiofrequenz-Kathodenzerstäuben deponiert. Die resultierenden Schichten verfügen nach ihrer Deposition über einen höheren Ordnungsgrad und über eine geordnete Oberfläche. Durch eine Magnesium-Pufferschicht war es möglich, auf diese Oberfläche eine homogene amorphe AlOx-Barriere zu deponieren. Als Gegenelektrode wurde CoFe als Ferromagnet mit MnFe als Antiferromagnet gewählt. Diese Gegenelektrode ermöglicht Tunnelmessungen bis hin zu Raumtemperatur.rnrnMit den in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten optimierten Analyse- und Präparationsmethoden ist es möglich, die Untergrenze der Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al auf 67% anzuheben. Dies ist der bisher höchste veröffentlichte Wert der Spinpolarisation von Co2Cr0,6Fe0,4Al.rn


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Abstract Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal abnormality (total or partial absence of one of the sexual chromosomes in some or all cells of the body), which affects approximately 1:2000 female. Principal characteristics are short stature and gonadal disgenesis. Clinical management consist of Growth Hormone (GH) treatment and oestrogen replacement therapy (HRT), to induce development of secondary characteristics and to avoid the sequelae of oestrogen deficiency. Aim of the study: To assess clinical management, quality of life (QoL) and general psychosocial adjustment of women with TS. Population: 70 adult Caucasian females with TS (mean age: 27.8, ± 7.6; range 18-48 y.). Setting: Specialist service for Rare Disease care, University Hospital. Methods: Subjects were required to fill in questionnaires collecting ASR, WHOQOL, and 8 open questions. Data were compared with those of the Italian population or to those collected in a comparison group (70 healthy females, mean age: 27.9, ±7.3, range 21-48 y.). Results: Women with TS are educated as well as the Italian Population, but they have a less successful professional life. They show good QoL in general, but they appeared less satisfied in social area. They had statistically higher scores than the comparison group for depression, anxiety and withdrawal. Are less involved in a love relationship. Diagnosis communication was mostly performed by doctors or parents, satisfaction was higher when information was given by parents. Main preoccupation about TS are infertility, feeling of being different and future health problem. Conclusions: Italian people with TS were generally well adapted and have a good QoL, but lived more often with parents and show impaired sentimental and sexual life. They have higher degree of psychological distress compared to a comparison group. Psychological intervention should firstly address parents in order to encourage an open communication on diagnosis issues and on sexual education.


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Globalization has increased the pressure on organizations and companies to operate in the most efficient and economic way. This tendency promotes that companies concentrate more and more on their core businesses, outsource less profitable departments and services to reduce costs. By contrast to earlier times, companies are highly specialized and have a low real net output ratio. For being able to provide the consumers with the right products, those companies have to collaborate with other suppliers and form large supply chains. An effect of large supply chains is the deficiency of high stocks and stockholding costs. This fact has lead to the rapid spread of Just-in-Time logistic concepts aimed minimizing stock by simultaneous high availability of products. Those concurring goals, minimizing stock by simultaneous high product availability, claim for high availability of the production systems in the way that an incoming order can immediately processed. Besides of design aspects and the quality of the production system, maintenance has a strong impact on production system availability. In the last decades, there has been many attempts to create maintenance models for availability optimization. Most of them concentrated on the availability aspect only without incorporating further aspects as logistics and profitability of the overall system. However, production system operator’s main intention is to optimize the profitability of the production system and not the availability of the production system. Thus, classic models, limited to represent and optimize maintenance strategies under the light of availability, fail. A novel approach, incorporating all financial impacting processes of and around a production system, is needed. The proposed model is subdivided into three parts, maintenance module, production module and connection module. This subdivision provides easy maintainability and simple extendability. Within those modules, all aspect of production process are modeled. Main part of the work lies in the extended maintenance and failure module that offers a representation of different maintenance strategies but also incorporates the effect of over-maintaining and failed maintenance (maintenance induced failures). Order release and seizing of the production system are modeled in the production part. Due to computational power limitation, it was not possible to run the simulation and the optimization with the fully developed production model. Thus, the production model was reduced to a black-box without higher degree of details.


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Background Regional differences in shear stress have been identified as reason for early plaque formation in vessel bifurcations. We aimed to investigate regional plaque morphology and composition using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and virtual histology (IVUS–VH) in coronary artery bifurcations. Methods We performed IVUS and IVUS–VH studies at coronary bifurcations to analyze segmental plaque burden and composition of different segments in relation to their orientation to the bifurcation. Results A total of 236 patients with a mean age of 59 ± 11 years (69% male) were analyzed. Plaque burden was higher at the contralateral vessel wall facing the bifurcation compared to the ipsilateral vessel wall and this difference was true for proximal and distal segments (proximal: 37 ± 12% and 45 ± 15% for segments at the ipsilateral and contralateral vessel wall, respectively, p < 0.001; distal: 37 ± 10% and 47 ± 15% for segments at the ipsilateral and contralateral vessel wall, respectively, p < 0.001). In addition, these segments exhibited a higher proportion of dense calcium and a lower proportion of fibrous tissue and fibro fatty tissue. Conclusions Segments on the contralateral wall of the bifurcation which have previously been identified as regions with low shear stress not only exhibited a higher plaque burden, but also a higher degree of calcification.


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In addition to particle size and surface chemistry, the shape of particles plays an important role in their wetting and displacement by the surfactant film in the lung. The role of particle shape was the subject of our investigations using a model system consisting of a modified Langmuir-Wilhelmy surface balance. We measured the influence of sharp edges (lines) and other highly curved surfaces, including sharp corners or spikes, of different particles on the spreading of a dipalmitoylphosphatidyl (DPPC) film. The edges of cylindrical sapphire plates (circular curved edges, 1.65 mm radius) were wetted at a surface tension of 10.7 mJ/m2 (standard error (SE) = 0.45, n = 20) compared with that of 13.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.20, n = 20) for cubic sapphire plates (straight linear edges, edge length 3 mm) (p < 0.05). The top surfaces of the sapphire plates (cubic and cylindrical) were wetted at 8.4 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.54, n = 20) and 9.1 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.50, n = 20), respectively, but the difference was not significant (p > 0.05). The surfaces of the plates showed significantly higher resistance to spreading compared to that of the edges, as substantially lower surface tensions were required to initiate wetting (p < 0.05). Similar results were found for talc particles, were the edges of macro- and microcrystalline particles were wetted at 7.2 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 20) and 8.2 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.30, n = 20) (p > 0.05), respectively, whereas the surfaces were wetted at 3.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.89, n = 20) and 5.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 20) (p < 0.05), respectively. Further experiments with pollen of malvaceae and maize (spiky and fine knobbly surfaces) were wetted at 10.0 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 10) and 22.75 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.81, n = 10), respectively (p < 0.05). These results show that resistance to spreading of a DPPC film on various surfaces is dependent on the extent these surfaces are curved. This is seen with cubic sapphire plates which have at their corners a radius of curvature of about 0.75 microm, spiky malvaceae pollen with an even smaller radius on top of their spikes, or talc with various highly curved surfaces. These highly curved surfaces resisted wetting by the DPPC film to a higher degree than more moderately curved surfaces such as those of cylindrical sapphire plates, maize pollens, or polystyrene spheres, which have a surface free energy similar to that of talc but a smooth surface. The macroscopic plane surfaces of the particles demonstrated the greatest resistance to spreading. This was explained by the extremely fine grooves in the nanometer range, as revealed by electron microscopy. In summary, to understand the effects of airborne particles retained on the surfaces of the respiratory tract, and ultimately their pathological potential, not only the particle size and surface chemistry but also the particle shape should be taken in consideration.


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Recent interest in spatial pattern in terrestrial ecosystems has come from an awareness of theintimate relationship between spatial heterogeneity of soil resources and maintenance of plant species diversity. Soil and vegetation can vary spatially inresponse to several state factors of the system. In this study, we examined fine-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vascular plant species in contrasting herb-dominated communities (a pasture and an oldfield) to determine degree of spatial dependenceamong soil variables and plant community characteristics within these communities by sampling at 1-m intervals. Each site was divided into 25 1-m 2 plots. Mineral soil was sampled (2-cm diameter, 5-cm depth) from each of four 0.25-m2 quarters and combined into a single composite sample per plot. Soil organic matter was measured as loss-on-ignition. Extractable NH4 and NO3 were determined before and after laboratory incubation to determine potential net N mineralization and nitrification. Cations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Vegetation was assessed using estimated percent cover. Most soiland plant variables exhibited sharp contrasts betweenpasture and old-field sites, with the old field having significantly higher net N mineralization/nitrification, pH, Ca, Mg, Al, plant cover, and species diversity, richness, and evenness. Multiple regressions revealedthat all plant variables (species diversity, richness,evenness, and cover) were significantly related to soil characteristics (available nitrogen, organic matter,moisture, pH, Ca, and Mg) in the pasture; in the old field only cover was significantly related to soil characteristics (organic matter and moisture). Both sites contrasted sharply with respect to spatial pattern of soil variables, with the old field exhibiting a higher degree of spatial dependence. These results demonstrate that land-use practices can exert profound influence on spatial heterogeneity of both soil properties and vegetation in herb-dominated communities.


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This study investigated the use of real-world contexts during instruction in a high school physics class - through building file folder bridges- and the resulting effect upon student interest in the subject matter, level of understanding, and degree of retention. In particular, the study focused upon whether increases in student interest were attained through the use of real-world contexts, and if the elevated interest level led to a higher degree of subject matter understanding than would be achieved using more traditional teaching methods. The study also determined whether using real-world contexts ultimately resulted in achievement of greater levels of knowledge retention by students. Class observations during traditionally taught units and during units that incorporated real-world contexts, along with a post-graduation questionnaire, were used to assess differences in student interest levels. Student pre- and post-unit test scores were evaluated and compared to determine if statistical differences existed in levels of understanding resulting from the different teaching methods. The post-graduation questionnaire results provided evidence of retention that could be related back to teaching methods. The results of this study revealed the importance of incorporating real-world contexts into science and mathematics courses. Students better understood the relevance of the lessons, which led to higher levels of interest and greater understanding than was achieved through more traditional teaching methods. The use of real-world contexts improved knowledge retention.


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BACKGROUND: Prophylactic exogenous surfactant therapy is a promising way to attenuate the ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) injury associated with lung transplantation and thereby to decrease the clinical occurrence of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, there is little information on the mode by which exogenous surfactant attenuates I/R injury of the lung. We hypothesized that exogenous surfactant may act by limiting pulmonary edema formation and by enhancing alveolar type II cell and lamellar body preservation. Therefore, we investigated the effect of exogenous surfactant therapy on the formation of pulmonary edema in different lung compartments and on the ultrastructure of the surfactant producing alveolar epithelial type II cells. METHODS: Rats were randomly assigned to a control, Celsior (CE) or Celsior + surfactant (CE+S) group (n = 5 each). In both Celsior groups, the lungs were flush-perfused with Celsior and subsequently exposed to 4 h of extracorporeal ischemia at 4 degrees C and 50 min of reperfusion at 37 degrees C. The CE+S group received an intratracheal bolus of a modified natural bovine surfactant at a dosage of 50 mg/kg body weight before flush perfusion. After reperfusion (Celsior groups) or immediately after sacrifice (Control), the lungs were fixed by vascular perfusion and processed for light and electron microscopy. Stereology was used to quantify edematous changes as well as alterations of the alveolar epithelial type II cells. RESULTS: Surfactant treatment decreased the intraalveolar edema formation (mean (coefficient of variation): CE: 160 mm3 (0.61) vs. CE+S: 4 mm3 (0.75); p < 0.05) and the development of atelectases (CE: 342 mm3 (0.90) vs. CE+S: 0 mm3; p < 0.05) but led to a higher degree of peribronchovascular edema (CE: 89 mm3 (0.39) vs. CE+S: 268 mm3 (0.43); p < 0.05). Alveolar type II cells were similarly swollen in CE (423 microm3(0.10)) and CE+S (481 microm3(0.10)) compared with controls (323 microm3(0.07); p < 0.05 vs. CE and CE+S). The number of lamellar bodies was increased and the mean lamellar body volume was decreased in both CE groups compared with the control group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Intratracheal surfactant application before I/R significantly reduces the intraalveolar edema formation and development of atelectases but leads to an increased development of peribronchovascular edema. Morphological changes of alveolar type II cells due to I/R are not affected by surfactant treatment. The beneficial effects of exogenous surfactant therapy are related to the intraalveolar activity of the exogenous surfactant.


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This paper analyzes the potential of one-step transfer prices based on either variable or full costs for coordinating decentralized production and quality-improving investment decisions. Transfer prices based on variable costs fail to induce investments on the upstream stage. In contrast, transfer prices based on full costs provide strong investment incentives for the upstream divisions. However, they fail to coordinate the investment decisions. We show that negotiations prevent such coordination failure. In particular, we find that the firm benefits from a higher degree of decentralization so that total profit increases in the number of parameters being subject to negotiations.


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Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a widespread and severe zoonotic disease caused by infection with the larval stage of the eucestode Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato. The polymorphism exhibited by nuclear and mitochondrial markers conventionally used for the genotyping of different parasite species and strains does not reach the level necessary for the identification of genetic variants linked to restricted geographical areas. EmsB is a tandemly repeated multilocus microsatellite that proved its usefulness for the study of genetic polymorphisms within the species E. multilocularis, the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis. In the present study, EmsB was used to characterize E. granulosus sensu lato samples collected from different host species (sheep, cattle, dromedaries, dogs, and human patients) originating from six different countries (Algeria, Mauritania, Romania, Serbia, Brazil, and the People's Republic of China). The conventional mitochondrial cox1 and nad1 markers identified genotypes G1, G3, G5, G6, and G7, which are clustered into three groups corresponding to the species E. granulosus sensu stricto, E. ortleppi, and E. canadensis. With the same samples, EmsB provided a higher degree of genetic discrimination and identified variations that correlated with the relatively small-scale geographic origins of the samples. In addition, one of the Brazilian single hydatid cysts presented a hybrid genotypic profile that suggested genetic exchanges between E. granulosus sensu stricto and E. ortleppi. In summary, the EmsB microsatellite exhibits an interesting potential for the elaboration of a detailed map of the distribution of genetic variants and therefore for the determination and tracking of the source of CE.


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A tandem mass spectral database system consists of a library of reference spectra and a search program. State-of-the-art search programs show a high tolerance for variability in compound-specific fragmentation patterns produced by collision-induced decomposition and enable sensitive and specific 'identity search'. In this communication, performance characteristics of two search algorithms combined with the 'Wiley Registry of Tandem Mass Spectral Data, MSforID' (Wiley Registry MSMS, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA) were evaluated. The search algorithms tested were the MSMS search algorithm implemented in the NIST MS Search program 2.0g (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and the MSforID algorithm (John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA). Sample spectra were acquired on different instruments and, thus, covered a broad range of possible experimental conditions or were generated in silico. For each algorithm, more than 30,000 matches were performed. Statistical evaluation of the library search results revealed that principally both search algorithms can be combined with the Wiley Registry MSMS to create a reliable identification tool. It appears, however, that a higher degree of spectral similarity is necessary to obtain a correct match with the NIST MS Search program. This characteristic of the NIST MS Search program has a positive effect on specificity as it helps to avoid false positive matches (type I errors), but reduces sensitivity. Thus, particularly with sample spectra acquired on instruments differing in their Setup from tandem-in-space type fragmentation, a comparably higher number of false negative matches (type II errors) were observed by searching the Wiley Registry MSMS.


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Within the current context that favours the emergence of new diseases, syndromic surveillance (SyS) appears increasingly more relevant tool for the early detection of unexpected health events. The Triple-S project (Syndromic Surveillance Systems in Europe), co-financed by the European Commission, was launched in September 2010 for a three year period to promote both human and animal health SyS in European countries. Objectives of the project included performing an inventory of current and planned European animal health SyS systems and promoting knowledge transfer between SyS experts. This study presents and discusses the results of the Triple-S inventory of European veterinary SyS initiatives. European SyS systems were identified through an active process based on a questionnaire sent to animal health experts involved in SyS in Europe. Results were analyzed through a descriptive analysis and a multiple factor analysis (MFA) in order to establish a typology of the European SyS initiatives. Twenty seven European SyS systems were identified from twelve countries, at different levels of development, from project phase to active systems. Results of this inventory showed a real interest of European countries for SyS but also highlighted the novelty of this field. This survey highlighted the diversity of SyS systems in Europe in terms of objectives, population targeted, data providers, indicators monitored. For most SyS initiatives, statistical analysis of surveillance results was identified as a limitation in using the data. MFA results distinguished two types of systems. The first one belonged to the private sector, focused on companion animals and had reached a higher degree of achievement. The second one was based on mandatory collected data, targeted livestock species and is still in an early project phase. The exchange of knowledge between human and animal health sectors was considered useful to enhance SyS. In the same way that SyS is complementary to traditional surveillance, synergies between human and animal health SyS could be an added value, most notably to enhance timeliness, sensitivity and help interpreting non-specific signals.


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The objective of this study was to determine if area measurements of pleural fluid on computed tomography (CT) reflect the actual pleural fluid volume (PEvol) as measured at autopsy, to establish a formula to estimate the volume of pleural effusion (PEest), and to test the accuracy and observer reliability of PEest.132 human cadavers, with pleural effusion were divided into phase 1 (n = 32) and phase 2 (n = 100). In phase 1, PEvol was compared to area measurements on axial (axA), sagittal (sagA), and coronal (corA) CT images. Linear regression analysis was used to create a formula to calculate PEest. In phase 2, intra-class correlation (ICC) was used to assess inter-reader reliability and determine the agreement between PEest and PEvol. PEvol correlated to a higher degree to axA (r s mean = 0.738; p < 0.001) than to sagA (r s mean = 0.679, p < 0.001) and corA (r s mean = 0.709; p < 0.001). PEest can be established with the following formula: axA × 0.1 = PEest. Mean difference between PEest and PEvol was less than 40 mL (ICC = 0.837-0.874; p < 0.001). Inter-reader reliability was higher between two experienced readers (ICC = 0.984-0.987; p < 0.001) than between an inexperienced reader and both experienced readers (ICC = 0.660-0.698; p < 0.001). Pleural effusions may be quantified in a rapid, reliable, and reasonably accurate fashion using single area measurements on CT.


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Aluminum phytotoxicity frequently occurs in acid soils (pH < 5.5) and was therefore discussed to affect ecosystem functioning of tropical montane forests. The susceptibility to Al toxicity depends on the sensitivity of the plant species and the Al speciation in soil solution, which can vary highly depending e.g., on pH, ionic strength, and dissolved organic matter. An acidification of the ecosystem and periodic base metal deposition from Saharan dust may control plant available Al concentrations in the soil solutions of tropical montane rainforests in south Ecuador. The overall objective of my study was to assess a potential Al phytotoxicity in the tropical montane forests in south Ecuador. For this purpose, I exposed three native Al non-accumulating tree species (Cedrela odorata L., Heliocarpus americanus L., and Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) G. Nicholson) to increased Al concentrations (0 – 2400 μM Al) in a hydroponic experiment, I established dose-response curves to estimate the sensitivity of the tree species to increased Al concentrations, and I investigated the mechanisms behind the observed effects induced by elevated Al concentrations. Furthermore, the response of Al concentrations and the speciation in soil solution to Ca amendment in the study area were determined. In a final step, I assessed all major Al fluxes, drivers of Al concentrations in ecosystem solutions, and indicators of Al toxicity in the tropical montane rainforest in Ecuador in order to test for indications of Al toxicity. In the hydroponic experiment, a 10 % reduction in aboveground biomass production occurred at 126 to 376 μM Al (EC10 values), probably attributable to decreased Mg concentrations in leaves and reduced potosynthesis. At 300 μM Al, increased root biomass production of T. chrysantha was observed. Phosphorus concentrations in roots of C. odorata and T. chrysantha were significantly highest in the treatment with 300 μM Al and correlated significantly with root biomass, being a likely reason for stimulated root biomass production. The degree of organic complexation of Al in the organic layer leachate, which is central to plant nutrition because of the high root density, and soil solution from the study area was very high (mean > 99 %). The resulting low free Al concentrations are not likely to affect plant growth, although the concentrations of potentially toxic Al3+ increased with soil depth due to higher total Al and lower dissolved organic matter concentrations in soil solutions. The Ca additions caused an increase of Al in the organic layer leachate, probably because Al3+ was exchanged against the added Ca2+ ions while pH remained constant. The free ion molar ratios of Ca2+:Al3+ (mean ratio ca. 400) were far above the threshold (≤ 1) for Al toxicity, because of a much higher degree of organo-complexation of Al than Ca. High Al fluxes in litterfall (8.8 – 14.2 kg ha−1 yr−1) indicate a high Al circulation through the ecosystem. The Al concentrations in the organic layer leachate were driven by the acidification of the ecosystem and increased significantly between 1999 and 2008. However, the Ca:Al molar ratios in organic layer leachate and all aboveground ecosystem solutions were above the threshold for Al toxicity. Except for two Al accumulating and one non-accumulating tree species, the Ca:Al molar ratios in tree leaves from the study area were above the Al toxicity threshold of 12.5. I conclude that toxic effects in the hydroponic experiment occurred at Al concentrations far above those in native organic layer leachate, shoot biomass production was likely inhibited by reduced Mg uptake, impairing photosynthesis, and the stimulation of root growth at low Al concentrations can be possibly attributed to improved P uptake. Dissolved organic matter in soil solutions detoxifies Al in acidic tropical forest soils and a wide distribution of Al accumulating tree species and high Al fluxes in the ecosystem do not necessarily imply a general Al phytotoxicity.


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BACKGROUND The frequent expression of neurotensin receptors (NT-R) in primaries of pancreatic ductal carcinomas has triggered the development of radioactive neurotensin analogs for possible in vivo targeting of these tumors. However, the complete lack of information regarding NT-R in liver metastases of pancreatic cancer and pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) makes an in vitro study of NT-R in these tissues indispensable. METHODS Using in vitro receptor autoradiography with (125)I-[Tyr(3)]-neurotensin, NT-R were investigated in 18 primaries and 23 liver metastases of pancreatic ductal carcinomas as well as in 19 PanIN lesions. RESULTS We report here that 13 of 18 ductal carcinoma primaries and 14 of 23 liver metastases expressed NT-R. Moreover, none of the six PanIN 1B cases expressed NT-R, while two of six PanIN 2 and five of seven PanIN 3 expressed NT-R. Binding was fully displaced by the type 1 NT-R-selective antagonist SR48692, indicating that the NT-R in the tumors are of the type 1 NT-R subtype. CONCLUSIONS These in vitro data extend the currently available information on NT-R in invasive and non-invasive pancreatic ductal tumors. They suggest that type 1 NT-R may be a novel, specific marker of PanIN of higher degree. The high expression of NT-R in primaries and metastases of invasive cancer strongly support the need to develop radioactive neurotensin analogs for the diagnosis and therapy of this tumor type.