410 resultados para galactose


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Sweeteners provide a pleasant sensation of sweetness that helps the sensory quality of the human diet, can be divided into natural sweeteners such as fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose and sucrose, and articial sweeteners such as aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin. This work aimed to study the thermal stability of natural and artificial sweeteners in atmospheres of nitrogen and syntetic air using thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Among the natural sweeteners analyzed showed higher thermal stability for the lactose and sucrose, which showed initial decomposition temperatures near 220 ° C, taking advantage of the lactose has a higher melting point (213 ° C) compared to sucrose (191 ° C). The lower thermal stability was observed for fructose, it has the lowest melting point (122 °C) and the lower initial decomposition temperature (170 °C). Of the artificial sweeteners studied showed higher thermal stability for sodium saccharin, which had the highest melting point (364 ° C) as well as the largest initial decomposition temperature (466 ° C under nitrogen and 435 ° C in air). The lower thermal stability was observed for aspartame, which showed lower initial decomposition temperature (158 ° C under nitrogen and 170 ° C under air). For commercial sweeteners showed higher thermal stability for the sweeteners L and C, which showed initial temperature of thermal decomposition near 220 ° C and melting points near 215 ° C. The lower thermal stability was observed for the sweetener P, which showed initial decomposition temperature at 160 ° C and melting point of 130 °C. Sweeteners B, D, E, I, J, N and O had low thermal stability, with the initial temperature of decomposition starts near 160 °C, probably due to the presence of aspartame, even if they have as the main constituent of the lactose, wich is the most stable of natural sweeteners. According to the results we could also realize that all commercial sweeteners are in its composition by at least a natural sweeteners and are always found in large proportions, and lactose is the main constituent of 60% of the total recorded


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Fucans, sulfated polysaccharides extracted from brown algae and some echinoderms, have been extensively studied for its diverse biological activities and because of its interference with molecular mechanisms of cell to cell recognition, including leukocyte trafficking from blood vessels into sites of inflammation mediated by selectin, a family of adhesion molecules. In the present study, we examined structural features of a heterofucan extracted from brown algae Padina gymnospora and its effect on the leukocyte migration to the peritoneum. The sulfated polysaccharides were extracted from the brown seaweed by proteolysis with the proteolytic enzyme maxatase. The presence of protein and uronic acid contamination was detected in the crude polysaccharide extract. Fractionation of the crude extract with growing concentrations of acetone produced five fractions with different concentrations of fucose, xylose, uronic acid, galactose, glucose and sulfate. The fraction precipitated with 1.5 volumes of acetone was characterized by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance, through which can be observed the presence of sulfate groups in the C4 of -L-fucose. The anti-inflammatory action of this composite was assessed by a sodium thioglycollate-induced peritonitis assay and through nitric oxide production by the peritoneal macrophages using Griess reagent. Fraction F1.5 was efficient in reducing leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity when 10 mg/kg and 25mg/kg were used, resulting in a decrease of 56 and 39%, respectively. A decrease of nitric oxide production occurred when high concentrations of fucana were used. The cytotoxicity of the composite was also assessed using the reduction of 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT). Fraction F1.5 had no cytotoxicity when 500 μg/mL of the fraction was used. This study suggests the use of fraction F1.5 (heterofucan) as an anti-inflammatory


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Fucans seaweed Lobophora variegata estructures are known for their chemical and biological properties. In this study, we analyzed, the action of fucans L. variegata and the fractions purified with acetone in Zymosan-induced arthritis. After differential fractionation with acetone, six fractions were obtained and named F0.3, F0.5, F0.8, F1, F1.5 and F2. The results showed that the fraction F1 showed high yield (51.9%) and was chosen for studies of antioxidant activity and induced arthritis. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of 13C showed signals at 103.3 and 15.78 ppm that are assigned to links β13 galactose and of the C6 methyl fucose, respectively. The infrared (IR) showed absorbance at 1238 and 850 cm-1 which are attributed to sulfate. The fraction F1 showed antioxidant activities in vitro. For analysis of inflammatory parameters chosen the polysaccharide was administered in different doses (25, 50 and 75 mg / kg ip, per body weight) and diclofenac sodium (5 mg / kg ip) and L-NAME (25 mg / kg ip) in groups of animals (n = 6). After 6 h, were analyzed for cellular influx and levels of nitrite. In experiment five days, were made analysis of swelling and serum TNF-α. Histopathological analysis were performed for confirmation of results. The fraction F1 (25, 50 and 75 mg / kg ip) reduced the cellular influx (52.1 to 96.7%) and nitric oxide levels (27.2 - 39%) compared to control group. The reduction of edema (63.4 - 100%) and serum TNF-α (p <0.001) were observed when the polysaccharide F1 administered at a dose (50 mg / kg) These results suggest that these heterofucanas of Lobophora variegata have besides the activity antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity in arthritis induced by zymosan


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Snake venom glands are a rich source of bioactive molecules such as peptides, proteins and enzymes that show important pharmacological activity leading to in local and systemic effects as pain, edema, bleeding and muscle necrosis. Most studies on pharmacologically active peptides and proteins from snake venoms have been concerned with isolation and structure elucidation through methods of classical biochemistry. As an attempt to examine the transcripts expressed in the venom gland of Bothrops jararacussu and to unveil the toxicological and pharmacological potential of its products at the molecular level, we generated 549 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from a directional cDNA library. Sequences obtained from single-pass sequencing of randomly selected cDNA clones could be identified by similarities searches on existing databases, resulting in 197 sequences with significant similarity to phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)), of which 83.2% were Lys49-PLA(2) homologs (BOJU-1), 0.1% were basic Asp49-PLA(2)s (BOJU-II) and 0.6% were acidic Asp49-PLA(2)s (BOJU-III). Adjoining this very abundant class of proteins we found 88 transcripts codifying for putative sequences of metalloproteases, which after clustering and assembling resulted in three full-length sequences: BOJUMET-I, BOJUMET-II and BOJUMET-III; as well as 25 transcripts related to C-type lectin like protein including a full-length cDNA of a putative galactose binding C-type lectin and a cluster of eight serine-proteases transcripts including a full-length cDNA of a putative serine protease. Among the full-length sequenced clones we identified a nerve growth factor (Bj-NGF) with 92% identity with a human NGF (NGHUBM) and an acidic phospholipase A2 (BthA-I-PLA(2)) displaying 85-93% identity with other snake venom toxins. Genetic distance among PLA(2)s from Bothrops species were evaluated by phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, analysis of full-length putative Lys49-PLA(2) through molecular modeling showed conserved structural domains, allowing the characterization of those proteins as group II PLA(2)s. The constructed cDNA library provides molecular clones harboring sequences that can be used to probe directly the genetic material from gland venom of other snake species. Expression of complete cDNAs or their modified derivatives will be useful for elucidation of the structure-function relationships of these toxins and peptides of biotechnological interest. (C) 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work investigated the effects of increasing temperature from 30 degrees C to 47 degrees C on the physiological and genetic characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 63M after continuous fermentation with cell recycling in a system of five reactors in series. Steady state was attained at 30 degrees C, and then the temperature of the system was raised so it ranged from 35 degrees C in the last reactor to 43 degrees C in the first reactor or feeding reactor with a 2 degrees C difference between reactors. After 15 days at steady state, the temperature was raised from 37 degrees C to 45 degrees C for 25 days at steady state, then from 39 degrees C to 47 degrees C for 20 days at steady state. Starter strain 63M was a hybrid strain constructed to have a MAT a/alpha, LYS/lys, URA/ura genotype. This hybrid yeast showed vigorous growth on plates at 40 degrees C, weak growth at 41 degrees C, positive assimilation of melibiose, positive fermentation of galactose, raffinose and sucrose. of 156 isolates obtained from this system at the end of the fermentation process, only 17.3% showed the same characteristics as starter strain 63M. Alterations in mating type reaction and in utilization of raffinose, melibiose, and sucrose were identified. Only 1.9% of the isolates lost the ability to grow at 40 degrees C. Isolates showing requirements for lysine and uracil were also obtained. In addition, cell survival was observed at 39-47 degrees C, but no isolates showing growth above 41 degrees C were obtained.


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Morphological and phenotypical patterns of proliferative epithelial lesions induced in the gastric stump mucosa by duodenal content reflux after Billroth II partial gastrectomy (BII) were evaluated in rats. Control animals were either sham-operated or submitted at different times after BII to Roux-en-Y (RY) surgical procedure which prevents duodenal reflux. The lesions were analysed using routine haematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical Concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff and sialidase galactose oxidase Schiff reactions). Mucosal hyperplasia (H) was observed in the group submitted to BII procedure 6 weeks after surgery. Adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) also appeared 6 weeks after induction of the reflux and its incidence and size increased until the 54th week of the experiment. RY procedure performed in the normal animals at the beginning of the experiment or at the 24th week after BII gastrectomy led to a significantly lower incidence of AH which was related to the moment of surgery. Most of H was due to pyloric mucosal hyperplasia. AH consisted mainly of gastric type glands but in some animals glands of the intestinal type Were present probably originating from the intestinal mucosa. Six mucinous adenocarcinomas were observed, all of them of intestinal type. This study demonstrates that AH induced by BII procedure is a reversible lesion and that the anomalous epithelial proliferation in the stoma may lead to adenocarcinomas.


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Aims: the aim of this study was to obtain improved strains of pectinolytic yeasts adapted to the conditions of an industrial fermentation process, which was continuously operated to convert citrus molasses into ethanol.Methods and Results: the starter yeast of the industrial fermentation process was a commercial baker's yeast, which was capable of growing without forming any secretion halo of pectinase activity on solid medium. Nevertheless, isolates showing secretion of pectinolytic activity on plates were obtained from the fermentation process. The secretion of pectin-degrading activity by isolates on plates was repressed by galactose and improved as the result of colony aging on polygalacturonic acid plates at 30 degrees C. Liquefaction of polygalacturonate gels as well as the splitting of the pectin-degrading activity into a wall-linked and a supernatant fraction were also observed when the starter yeast was propagated under agitation in liquid medium containing pectin.Conclusions: Isolates capable of secreting pectinolytic activity on plates were predominant at the end of the citrus molasses fermentation. Nevertheless, the sizes of the secretion haloes on plates were not necessarily an indication of the levels of pectinolytic activity secreted in the liquid medium.Significance and Impact of the Study: Improved pectinolytic strains of Saccharomyces can be used as a source of pectinases for a variety of applications. This organism also participates in plant deterioration processes.


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Calcium binding and charge distribution on highly branched and linear sulfated L-galactans from ascidians have been studied using a metallochromic indicator and conductimetric titrations. The distance between charged groups of the linear and highly branched galactans does not vary despite their marked differences in sulfate/total sugar molar ratios. These results indicate that the sulfated L-galactose units are concentrated in the central polysaccharide core and not intercalated among non-sulfated units. This inference is consistent with the chemical studies of these galactans. Surprisingly, calcium affinity increases with increasing amounts of non-sulfated sugar branches in the molecule. Thus, calcium binding in these polymers is not a simple function of availability of anion binding sites but a more complex calcium-polysaccharide interaction. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Biomass and ethanol production by industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were strongly affected by the structural complexity of the nitrogen source during fermentation in media containing galactose, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low galactose concentrations independent of nitrogen supplementation. At high sugar concentrations altered patterns of galactose utilisation were observed. Biomass accumulation and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source and were different for baking and brewing ale and lager strains. Baking yeast showed improved galactose fermentation performance in the medium supplemented with casamino acids. High biomass production was observed with peptone and casamino acids for the ale brewing strain, however high ethanol production was observed only in the presence of casamino acids. Conversely, peptone was the nitrogen supplement that induced higher biomass and ethanol production for the lager brewing strain. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. The results with galactose differed from those obtained with glucose and maltose which indicated that supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone) was more positive for yeast metabolism, suggesting that sugar catabolite repression has a central role in yeast performance in a medium containing nitrogen sources with differing levels of structural complexity.


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Previously we reported the majority of lesions induced hy bile reflux, in the absence of chemical carcinogens, in the rat remnant stomach to consist primarily of gastric type and secondarily of intestinal type cells, and that they are reversible after diversion of bile reflux. The present study was designed to evaluate changes in proliferative activities in cells of each type under these conditions. The frequency of adenomatous hyperplasia (AH) induced in the gastric stump mucosa by duodenal content reflux after Billroth II partial gastrectomy (BII) increased until the 54th week of the experiment. Roux-en-Y (RY) surgical procedure which prevents duodenal reflux performed at the 24th or 36th week after BII led to a decrease in AH. Cell content of the lesions was analyzed using routine H&E staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff and sialidase galactose oxidase Schiff reactions) and proliferation in each compartment evaluated by an immunohistochemical method using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and a monoclonal antibody against BrdU. At the 54th week the number of BrdU-labeled cells per normal pyloric column was significantly (P < 0.05) increased to 10.63/pit after the BII operation, while it diminished to 5.23/pit after RY diversion, this being the same level as with the RY procedure alone. AH maintained a high rate of BrdU incorporation at 12.7% after BII operation, which was also significantly reduced (P < 0.01) to 7.0% by the RY surgery. The intestinal type cell showed highest (22.2%), the surface mucous type cell showed the next (16.5%) and the pyloric gland type cell showed lowest (5.2%) BrdU labeling indices after BII operation. All the cell types in AH showed similar proportional decreases in BrdU incorporation after RY diversion. Thus surgical intervention reverses the cell proliferation caused by bile reflux in the gastric stump.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to determine conditions that may provide greater solubilization of insouluble phosphate, the fungus Aspergillus niger was grown in a stationary culture containing modified citrate medium supplemented with 800 mg fluorapatite per litre. Solubilization of insouluble phosphate increased with fungal growth, reaching a maximum after 11 days of culture. Soluble phosphate levels were correlated with pH of the culture medium but not with titratable acidity values, probably due to the metabolic activity of the fungus resulting from consumption of sugar in the culture medium. Fructose, glucose, xylose, and sucrose were the carbohydrates that favoured fluorapatite solubilization the most when compared with galactose and maltose. Although increasing fructose concentrations in the culture medium favoured mycelial growth, increased total acidity and a fall in pH, soluble phosphate levels were reduced, probably owing to consumption by the rapidly growing fungus. Among the nitrogen sources tested, ammonium salts favoured the production of larger amounts of soluble phosphate than organic nitrogen (peptone or urea) or nitrate, corresponding to the lowest pH and highest titratable acidity values obtained. © 1988 Springer-Verlag.