961 resultados para fusion and centric inversion


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Ce mémoire documente l’émergence d’une sous-culture gaie masculine dans la région montréalaise entre 1860 et 1910 et s’intéresse aux discours et à la répression envers les hommes ayant des comportements homosexuels ou d’inversion de genre. Par l’analyse de sources journalistiques, judiciaires et juridiques, il déconstruit une série de préjugés, notamment à l’égard des sources, présumées pauvres; du discours public sur les comportements homosexuels, supposé inexistant; et des hommes qui avaient ces comportements, que plusieurs imaginent invisibles et isolés les uns des autres. Il montre au contraire que des archives variées révèlent une vie « gaie » et le déploiement d’une opinion publique à son égard. Ainsi, l’analyse d’un important corpus d’articles de journaux et une étude de cas portant sur deux des plus anciens clubs homosexuels connus au Québec, démantelés en 1892 et en 1908, confirment l’existence de réseaux de sociabilités « gaies » dans la région montréalaise, dès le XIXe siècle. Ce faisant, il dévoile l’existence de pratiques caractéristiques des sous-cultures gaies telles que l’usage d’un vocabulaire spécifique ou l’adoption de manières efféminées par certains hommes que l’on qualifierait aujourd’hui d’homosexuels.


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L'élastographie ultrasonore est une technique d'imagerie émergente destinée à cartographier les paramètres mécaniques des tissus biologiques, permettant ainsi d’obtenir des informations diagnostiques additionnelles pertinentes. La méthode peut ainsi être perçue comme une extension quantitative et objective de l'examen palpatoire. Diverses techniques élastographiques ont ainsi été proposées pour l'étude d'organes tels que le foie, le sein et la prostate et. L'ensemble des méthodes proposées ont en commun une succession de trois étapes bien définies: l'excitation mécanique (statique ou dynamique) de l'organe, la mesure des déplacements induits (réponse au stimulus), puis enfin, l'étape dite d'inversion, qui permet la quantification des paramètres mécaniques, via un modèle théorique préétabli. Parallèlement à la diversification des champs d'applications accessibles à l'élastographie, de nombreux efforts sont faits afin d'améliorer la précision ainsi que la robustesse des méthodes dites d'inversion. Cette thèse regroupe un ensemble de travaux théoriques et expérimentaux destinés à la validation de nouvelles méthodes d'inversion dédiées à l'étude de milieux mécaniquement inhomogènes. Ainsi, dans le contexte du diagnostic du cancer du sein, une tumeur peut être perçue comme une hétérogénéité mécanique confinée, ou inclusion, affectant la propagation d'ondes de cisaillement (stimulus dynamique). Le premier objectif de cette thèse consiste à formuler un modèle théorique capable de prédire l'interaction des ondes de cisaillement induites avec une tumeur, dont la géométrie est modélisée par une ellipse. Après validation du modèle proposé, un problème inverse est formulé permettant la quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques de l'inclusion elliptique. Dans la continuité de cet objectif, l'approche a été étendue au cas d'une hétérogénéité mécanique tridimensionnelle et sphérique avec, comme objectifs additionnels, l'applicabilité aux mesures ultrasonores par force de radiation, mais aussi à l'estimation du comportement rhéologique de l'inclusion (i.e., la variation des paramètres mécaniques avec la fréquence d'excitation). Enfin, dans le cadre de l'étude des propriétés mécaniques du sang lors de la coagulation, une approche spécifique découlant de précédents travaux réalisés au sein de notre laboratoire est proposée. Celle-ci consiste à estimer la viscoélasticité du caillot sanguin via le phénomène de résonance mécanique, ici induit par force de radiation ultrasonore. La méthode, dénommée ARFIRE (''Acoustic Radiation Force Induced Resonance Elastography'') est appliquée à l'étude de la coagulation de sang humain complet chez des sujets sains et sa reproductibilité est évaluée.


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Cette étude décrit le développement des structures morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques chez les enfants francophones âgés entre 3 et 6 ans. Ces données pourront contribuer à particulariser certaines difficultés morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques retrouvées chez l’enfant déficient auditif québécois porteur d’implant cochléaire. Le premier objectif de notre projet pilote vise à comparer les habiletés morphosyntaxiques et morphophonologiques au niveau expressif de l’enfant porteur d’IC à celles des enfants entendants de même âge auditif et chronologique. L’étude évalue spécifiquement l’accord intra-nominal en genre, et les processus de fusion, d’élision et de liaison. Nous prédisons qu’une entrée auditive inférieure à la norme aura un impact sur l’acquisition des règles morpho(phonolo)giques en français. Le deuxième objectif consiste à observer si la maîtrise de ces structures est liée à la maîtrise de la production phonémique chez l’enfant franco-québécois porteur d’IC. L’élaboration de deux tâches expérimentales et la passation de tâches évaluatives et expérimentales ont permis d’étudier les difficultés morphologiques et phonologiques de l’enfant porteur d'IC. Le groupe témoin a inclus 14 enfants à développement typique. Ils ont été comparés au cas de Vincent, âgé de 59 mois, porteur d’implant cochléaire. Ce dernier présente des étapes de développement linguistique décalées qui correspondent à celles d’enfants appariés sur l’âge auditif (date d’IC) plutôt qu’à l’âge chronologique (AC). Nous avons observé des similitudes et des différences, sur le plan phonologique et morphosyntaxique, entre Vincent et les enfants entendants : il présente des performances significativement moins bonnes que la norme pour certaines de structures morphosyntaxiques et processus morphophonologiques (accord du genre, élision, fusion) mais meilleures que les témoins dans la tâche de liaison. Nous pensons que le gain prothétique n’est pas le seul facteur qui a un impact sur le développement linguistique précoce et que d’autres facteurs l’influenceraient, tels l’âge d’implantation, le mode de communication, l’implantation bilatérale, l’investissement des parents et les effets d’apprentissage. Enfin, notre étude de cas n’a pu étayer si la maîtrise de la production phonémique est en relation avec la maîtrise de certaines structures et processus morphologiques.


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La comunicación neuronal en el sistema nervioso está mediada, en la gran mayoría de animales, por la transmisión sináptica química. Generalmente esta comunicación ocurre mediante la liberación de una sustancia transmisora en el terminal presináptico. Este transmisor sináptico se une a receptores postsinápticos y da lugar a una respuesta postsináptica en la célula blanco. La liberación del transmisor en la región presináptica, al parecer, es desencadenada por un aumento transitorio del calcio intracelular en el sitio de liberación. Este aumento se logra, principalmente, por la activación de canales de calcio dependientes de voltaje (VGCC), lo que da lugar a un ingreso de iones de calcio en el citosol presináptico, que desencadena la fusión de las vesículas sinápticas y la liberación del neurotransmisor. En este artículo se revisan las características moleculares y funcionales de los VGCC necesarias para la comprensión de alteraciones patológicas como las canalopatías y la transmisión sináptica anormal. Metodología: se consultaron las bases de datos Medline, Pubmed y los e-journals de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Columbia, correspondientes a los años 1990 a 2004. Resultados: durante la última década se han logrado avances significativos en los aspectos moleculares y en la genética de los canales dependientes de voltaje. La integración de este conocimiento con la neurofisiología funcional y la neurología clínica apenas se está iniciando.


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El canal lumbar estrecho de tipo degenerativo, es una enfermedad que se presenta en pacientes entre la quinta y la sexta década de vida; es la causa más común de cirugía lumbar después de los 65 años. Este trabajo busca determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a la presentación de eventos adversos o re-intervención en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá en los años comprendidos entre 2003 y 2013. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de prevalencia de tipo analítico, en donde se analizaron 249 pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica por cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho.


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We present the extension of a methodology to solve moving boundary value problems from the second-order case to the case of the third-order linear evolution PDE qt + qxxx = 0. This extension is the crucial step needed to generalize this methodology to PDEs of arbitrary order. The methodology is based on the derivation of inversion formulae for a class of integral transforms that generalize the Fourier transform and on the analysis of the global relation associated with the PDE. The study of this relation and its inversion using the appropriate generalized transform are the main elements of the proof of our results.


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Volume determination of tephra deposits is necessary for the assessment of the dynamics and hazards of explosive volcanoes. Several methods have been proposed during the past 40 years that include the analysis of crystal concentration of large pumices, integrations of various thinning relationships, and the inversion of field observations using analytical and computational models. Regardless of their strong dependence on tephra-deposit exposure and distribution of isomass/isopach contours, empirical integrations of deposit thinning trends still represent the most widely adopted strategy due to their practical and fast application. The most recent methods involve the best fitting of thinning data using various exponential seg- ments or a power-law curve on semilog plots of thickness (or mass/area) versus square root of isopach area. The exponential method is mainly sensitive to the number and the choice of straight segments, whereas the power-law method can better reproduce the natural thinning of tephra deposits but is strongly sensitive to the proximal or distal extreme of integration. We analyze a large data set of tephra deposits and propose a new empirical method for the deter- mination of tephra-deposit volumes that is based on the integration of the Weibull function. The new method shows a better agreement with observed data, reconciling the debate on the use of the exponential versus power-law method. In fact, the Weibull best fitting only depends on three free parameters, can well reproduce the gradual thinning of tephra deposits, and does not depend on the choice of arbitrary segments or of arbitrary extremes of integration.


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Abstract. Three influential theoretical models of OCD focus upon the cognitive factors of inflated responsibility (Salkovskis, 1985), thought-action fusion (Rachman, 1993) and meta-cognitive beliefs (Wells and Matthews, 1994). Little is known about the relevance of these models in adolescents or about the nature of any direct or mediating relationships between these variables and OCD symptoms. This was a cross-sectional correlational design with 223 non-clinical adolescents aged 13 to 16 years. All participants completed questionnaires measuring inflated responsibility, thought-action fusion, meta-cognitive beliefs and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Inflated responsibility, thought-action fusion and metacognitive beliefs were significantly associated with higher levels of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. These variables accounted for 35% of the variance in obsessive-compulsive symptoms, with inflated responsibility and meta-cognitive beliefs both emerging as significant independent predictors. Inflated responsibility completely mediated the effect of thoughtaction fusion and partially mediated the effect of meta-cognitive beliefs. Support for the downward extension of cognitive models to understanding OCD in a younger population was shown. Findings suggest that inflated responsibility and meta-cognitive beliefs may be particularly important cognitive concepts in OCD. Methodological limitations must be borne in mind and future research is needed to replicate and extend findings in clinical samples. Keywords: Obsessive compulsive disorder, adolescents, cognitive models.


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A paleomagnetic study was carried out on the Late Jurassic Sarmiento Ophiolitic Complex (SOC) exposed in the Magallanes fold and thrust belt in the southern Patagonian Andes (southern Chile). This complex, mainly consisting of a thick succession of pillow-lavas, sheeted dikes and gabbros, is a seafloor remnant of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Rocas Verdes basin that developed along the south-western margin of South America. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization permitted the isolation of a post-folding characteristic remanence, apparently carried by fine grain (SD?) magnetite, both in the pillow-lavas and dikes. The mean ""in situ"" direction for the SOC is Dec: 286.9 degrees, Inc: -58.5 degrees, alpha-95: 6.9 degrees, N: 11 (sites). Rock magnetic properties, petrography and whole-rock K-Ar ages in the same rocks are interpreted as evidence of correlation between remanence acquisition and a greenschist facies metamorphic overprint that must have occurred during latest stages or after closure and tectonic inversion of the basin in the Late Cretaceous. The mean remanence direction is anomalous relative to the expected Late Cretaceous direction from stable South America. Particularly, a declination anomaly over 50 degrees is suggestively similar to paleomagnetically interpreted counter clockwise rotations found in thrust slices of the Jurassic El Quemado Fm. located over 100 km north of the study area in Argentina. Nevertheless, a significant ccw rotation of the whole SOC is difficult to reconcile with geologic evidence and paleogeographic models that suggest a narrow back-arc basin sub-parallel to the continental margin. A rigid-body 30 degrees westward tilting of the SOC block around a horizontal axis trending NNW, is considered a much simpler explanation, being consistent with geologic evidence. This may have occurred as a consequence of inverse reactivation of old normal faults, which limit both the SOC exposures and the Cordillera Sarmiento to the East. The age of tilting is unknown but it must postdate remanence acquisition in the Late Cretaceous. Two major orogenic events of the southern Patagonian Andes, in the Eocene (ca. 42 Ma) and Middle Miocene (ca. 12 Ma), respectively, could have caused the proposed tilting. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho é um estudo teórico sobre o suicídio em uma perspectiva psicanalítica. O que se pretendeu foi elaborar uma visão compreensiva das motivações inconscientes presentes nos processos autodestrutivos através da retomada das observações que a este respeito estão contidas na obra de Sigmund Freud, correlacionando-as com uma ordenação de suas ideias seu pensamento em termos do desenvolvimento de Inicialmente, Freud faz apenas algumas observações esparsas sobre o suicídio, e suas contribuições posteriores repousam basicamente sobre a concepção de que os impulsos autodestrutivos revelam o sentimento de culpabilidade e a necessidade de autopunição decorrente do ódio inconsciente dirigido a pessoas queridas e do desejo, também inconsciente, de que elas morram. Com a introdução dos conceitos de narcisismo, identificação primária e ideal do ego, Freud amplia seus recursos teóricos identificando a melancolia com a autodestruição. A seguir, investiga-se o aparecimento do conceito de pulsão de morte e as modificações que este conceito acarretou na teoria do suicídio. Examina-se, ainda, a compulsão à repetição, a nova concepção de pulsão como expressão da natureza conservadora dos seres vivos, a fusão pulsional e o problema econômico do masoquismo. A extrema complexidade do fenômeno nos faz concluir que, apesar das contribuições metapsicológicas que nos permitem, à luz da psicanálise, compreender a natureza inconsciente da autodestruição não se pode prescindir, no estudo de casos individuais, de uma perspectiva que leve em conta a singularidade das motivações que contribuem para a tessitura múltipla da rede de fatores que impulsionam a busca da própria morte. A história individual, o contexto sócio-cultural, e a visão que tem do suicídio a sociedade, contribuem para a trama singular, específica e acessível à análise dos atos destrutivos.


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Uma significativa quantidade de proteínas vegetais apresenta-se compartimentalizada nas diversas estruturas celulares. A sua localização pode conduzir à elucidação do funcionamento dos processos biossintéticos e catabólicos e auxiliar na identificação de genes importantes. A fim de localizar produtos gênicos relacionados à resistência, foi utilizada a fusão de cDNAs de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) ao gene da proteína verde fluorescente (GFP). Os cDNAs foram obtidos a partir de uma biblioteca supressiva subtrativa de genes de arroz durante uma interação incompatível com o fungo Magnaporthe grisea. Estes cDNAs foram fusionados a uma versão intensificada de gfp e usados para transformar 500 plantas de Arabidopsis thaliana. Outras 50 plantas foram transformadas com o mesmo vetor, porém sem a fusão (vetor vazio). Foram obtidas aproximadamente 25.500 sementes oriundas das plantas transformadas com as fusões EGFP::cDNAs e 35.000 sementes das transformadas com o vetor vazio, produzindo, respectivamente, 750 e 800 plantas tolerantes ao herbicida glufosinato de amônio. Após a seleção, segmentos foliares das plantas foram analisados por microscopia de fluorescência, visando o estabelecimento do padrão de localização de EGFP. Foram observadas 18 plantas transformadas com a fusão EGFP::cDNAs e 16 plantas transformadas com o vetor vazio apresentando expressão detectável de GFP. Uma planta transformada com uma fusão EGFP::cDNA apresentou localização diferenciada da fluorescência, notadamente nas células guarda dos estômatos e nos tricomas. Após seqüenciamento do cDNA fusionado, foi verificado que esta planta apresentava uma inserção similar a uma seqüência codificante de uma quinase, uma classe de enzimas envolvidas na transdução de sinais em resposta à infecção por patógenos.


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RONCALLI, Angelo Giuseppe. A organização da demanda em serviços públicos de saúde bucal: universalidade, eqüidade e integralidade em Saúde Bucal Coletiva. raçatuba, 2000. 238p. Tese (Doutorado em Odontologia Preventiva e Social). Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”


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In this work was used a plasma torch of non transferred arc with argon as work gas, using a power supply with maximum DC current of 250 A and voltage of 30 V to activate the plasma and keep it switched on. The flame temperature was characterized by optical emission spectroscopy, through Boltzmann-plot-method. The torch has been used like igniter in the aluminothermic reduction of the mixture tantalum oxide and aluminum, seeking to obtain metallic tantalum. In heating of the reagents only one particle will be considered to study interactions between plasma-particle, seeking to determinate its fusion and residence time. The early powders were characterized by laser granulometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis. The final product of this reaction was characterized by SEM and X-ray diffraction. Crystallite size was calculated by the Scherrer equation and microdeformation was determined using Willamsom-Hall graph. With Rietveld method was possible to quantify the percentile in weight of the products obtained in the aluminothermic reaction. Semi-quantitative chemical analysis (EDS) confirmed the presence of metallic tantalum and Al2O3 as products of the reduction. As was waited the particle size of the metallic tantalum produced, presents values in nanometric scale due the short cooling time of those particles during the process


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The lethal concentration of 50% (LC (I) and the histopathologic effects of diquat herbicide on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fish were evaluated in three experiments. The fishes were exposed to concentrations of 0, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 rug diquat L-1, and gill and liver histology were evaluated in the surviving fishes. The estimated LC (I) (50-96h) of diquat was 37.28 mg L-1, with lower limits of 33.12 mg L-1 and upper limits of 41.44 mg L-1. In the treatment with 30, 35 and 40 mg L-1, signs of apical fusion of the secondary lamellae were observed; with 45 and 50 mg L-1, congestion of the primary lamellae was observed; in the treatment with 55 mg L-1, congestion of blood vessels on secondary lamellae took place. The livers of fishes in treatments with 0, 25, 30 and 35 mg L-1showed cordonal organization of hepatocytes. In the treatments with 40 and 45 mg L-1, hypertrophy of hepatocytes took place; with 50 and 55 mg L-1, cell fusion and the presence of vacuoles inside hepatocytes were observed. Diquat presented low risk of toxicity for nile tilapia, as the more severe histopathologic alterations occurred only in higher concentrations.


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The circadian behavior associated with the 24 hours light-dark (LD) cycle (T24) is due to a circadian clock , which in mammals is located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Under experimental conditions in which rats are espoused to a symmetric LD 22h cycle (T22) the two SCN regions, ventrolateral (vl) and dorsomedial (dm), can be functionally isolated, suggesting that each region regulates distinct physiological and behavioral components. The vl region regulates the locomotor activity and slow wave sleep (SWS) rhythms, while the dm region assures the body temperature and paradoxical sleep (PS) rhythms regulation. This research aimed to deepen the knowledge on the functional properties of circadian rhythmicity, specifically about the internal desynchronization process, and its consequences to locomotor activity and body temperature rhythms as well as to the sleep-wake cycle pattern in rats. We applied infrared motion sensors, implanted body temperature sensors and a telemetry system to record electrocorticogram (ECoG) and electromyogram (EMG) in two rat groups. The control group under 24h period LD cycle (T24: 12hL-12hD) to the baseline record and the experimental group under 22h period LD cycle (T22: 11hL- 11hD), in which is known to occur the uncoupling process of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm where the animals show two distinct locomotor activity rhythms: one synchronized to the external LD cycle, and another expressed in free running course, with period greater than 24h. As a result of 22h cycles, characteristic locomotor activity moment appear, that are coincidence moments (T22C) and non coincidence moments (T22NC) which were the main focus or our study. Our results show an increase in locomotor activity, especially in coincidence moments, and the inversion of locomotor activity, body temperature, and sleep-wake cycle patterns in non coincidence moments. We can also observe the increase in SWS and decrease in PS, both in coincidence and non coincidence moments. Probably the increases in locomotor activity as a way to promote the coupling between circadian oscillators generate an increased homeostatic pressure and thus increase SWS, promoting the decreasing in PS