798 resultados para focus group, dialogisme, interactions verbales
Background and Objectives: (i) to assess the prevalence of PTSD in a psychiatric emergency setting by means of a diagnostic instrument and to compare it with PTSD-prevalence of a clinically evaluated, historical sample; and (ii) to assess psychiatric residents' perception of the systematic use of this diagnostic instrument. Methods: A consecutive sample of patients (N = 403) evaluated for a psychiatric emergency was assessed with the module J (PTSD) of the MINI, the historical sample (N = 350), assessed by chart review, consisted of consecutive patients of the same setting evaluated one year prior to the study period. Residents' perceptions were assessed by means of a focus group. Results: While in only 0.57% of the historical sample (N = 350) a diagnosis of PTSD was recorded, 20.3% (N = 64) of the patients assessed with the diagnostic instrument (N = 316) qualified for a diagnosis of PTSD. Higher prevalence rates were observed in refugees and those without legal residency status (50%); patients from countries with a recent history of war (47.1%); those with four (44.4%) or three psychiatric co-morbidities (35.3%); migrants (29.8%) and patients without professional income (25%). Residents felt that the systematic use of the tool was not adequate in the psychiatric emergency setting for various reasons (e.g.: not suitable for a first or single consultation, negative impact on the clinical evaluation). Conclusions: The study confirms that PTSD is underdiagnosed in the psychiatric emergency setting. To improve the situation, targeted screening or educational and institutional strategies are needed.
The communication presents the results of an investigation of exploratory and comparative character which objective is to analyze the influence of the actual labour situation into the demand of official master studies in the field of education. The study has been developed in two countries with a very different labour situation: Brasil, country of economic expansion and Spain, in recession due to the actual economic crisis. In that sense, the study provides data for deep thinking about the influence of the constriction or expansion of employment on the behaviour and demand of the students who access master studies and on how the previous formative and labour trajectory affects their expectations, demands and future projects. The working methodology is qualitative and the strategy for data collection the “focus group”. As a first approach, two groups of discussion have been formed with master students. A first one with students from Universidad de Barcelona- España and another one with members of Universidade do Vale do Itajaí- Brasil. Then, we constituted a mixed group of discussion in order to analyze differences and similarities.
The communication presents the results of an investigation of exploratory and comparative character which objective is to analyze the influence of the actual labour situation into the demand of official master studies in the field of education. The study has been developed in two countries with a very different labour situation: Brasil, country of economic expansion and Spain, in recession due to the actual economic crisis. In that sense, the study provides data for deep thinking about the influence of the constriction or expansion of employment on the behaviour and demand of the students who access master studies and on how the previous formative and labour trajectory affects their expectations, demands and future projects. The working methodology is qualitative and the strategy for data collection the “focus group”. As a first approach, two groups of discussion have been formed with master students. A first one with students from Universidad de Barcelona- España and another one with members of Universidade do Vale do Itajaí- Brasil. Then, we constituted a mixed group of discussion in order to analyze differences and similarities.
This project included a literature review and summary that focused on subjects related to team building, team/committee member motivational strategies, and tools for effective and efficient committee meetings. It also completed an online survey of multidisciplinary safety team (MDST) members that focused on methods to increase meeting attendance and the identification of factors that make MDSTs successful. The survey had a response rate of about 15 percent. Finally, three small MDST focus groups were held and the participants discussed information similar to that investigated by the online survey. The results of these three activities were similar and complementary. In general, the outcomes of all three tasks show that a well-designed agenda that has items relevant to the meeting attendees is very important. In addition, the literature, online survey, and focus group results identified other characteristics that define a good team or MDST. Some of these characteristics included effective and consistent leadership, members that are allowed to provide input and have an impact, members that are vested in the activities of the group, and a match between the interests of the members and the focus/mission/purpose of the meetings/group. Meetings that are scheduled well in advance of the meeting date, include time for networking, local safety activity discussions, hands-on activities/tasks, and/or some type of educational or informational presentation or activity also appeared to be the most desirable. Lastly, it was shown that MDSTs can thrive and be successful through various means, but the ability to focus on a specific safety issue when the group is first organized was suggested as a benefit that could be of assistance for long-term sustainability.
Les lesions per cremades comporten conseqüències a nivell físic, psicològic i social. Les intervencions psicosocials per aquests pacients estan valorades de forma positiva però manquen estudis fets a l’Estat Espanyol. Les intervencions de pacient expert estan donant resultats positius en moltes patologies cròniques però no n’existeix cap per aquest tipus de lesions cròniques. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és comprendre la utilitat d’una intervenció de pacient expert a pacients d’entre 18 i 30 anys que han patit lesions per cremades recentment. Es realitzaran 9 sessions de pacient expert des de la perspectiva bio-psicosocial. El grup focal serà un grup de 8-10 pacients de 18 a 30 anys amb un mínim del 15% de superfície corporal cremada de grau 2n profund o 3r, residents a Barcelona o rodalies. Les dades s’analitzaran per mètode mixt amb enfocament dominant qualitatiu. La recollida de dades s’obtindrà d’entrevistes, testos i anotacions realitzades prèvia a la primera sessió, al finalitzar les 9 sessions i als 6 mesos de la última sessió. Les limitacions de l’estudi són: el risc de pèrdua dels membres del grup focal a causa del retorn a la vida laboral i l’heterogeneïtat del grup en la fase d’acceptació, principis i valors personals que podrien desviar els resultats.
Landslides are an increasing problem in Nepal's Middle Hills due to both natural and human phenomena: mainly increasingly intense monsoon rains and a boom in rural road construction. This problem has largely been neglected due to underreporting of losses and the dispersed nature of landslides. Understanding how populations cope with landslides is a first step toward developing more effective landslide risk management programs. The present research focuses on two villages in Central-Eastern Nepal, both affected by active landslides but with different coping strategies. Research methods are interdisciplinary, based on a geological assessment of landslide risk and a socio-economic study of the villages using household questionnaires, focus group discussions and transect walks. Community risk maps are compared with geological landslide risk maps to better understand and communicate community risk perceptions, priorities and coping strategies. A modified typology of coping strategies is presented, based on previous work by Burton, Kates, and White (1993) that is useful for decision-makers for designing more effective programs for landslide mitigation. Main findings underscore that coping strategies, mainly seeking external assistance and outmigration, are closely linked to access to resources, ethnicity/social status and levels of community organization. Conclusions include the importance of investing in organizational skills, while building on local knowledge about landslide mitigation for reducing landslide risk. There is great potential to increase coping strategies by incorporating skills training on landslide mitigation in existing agricultural outreach and community forest user group training.
La sociedad de la información está ampliando los referentes informativos de las personas sordas signantes (usuarias de una lengua de signos). Con el objetivo de explorar las vías más utilizadas para acceder a la actualidad periodística por parte del colectivo mencionado, este artículo resume una investigación cuantitativa realizada con una encuesta a 138 personas Sordas: 69 en España y 69 en EE.UU. El trabajo se complementa cualitativamente con un focus group en la Gallaudet University de Washington, en American Sign Language (ASL), y con la observación de tres conferencias-magazines en Barcelona, para participantes sordos, en Lengua de Signos Catalana (LSC).
Durante años, muchas instituciones y universidades han comenzado a experimentar con los dispositivos móviles en el aprendizaje a través de diferentes proyectos como parte de su metodología de aprendizaje. La experiencia adquirida con el empleo de estrategias y enfoques en la educación a distancia puede facilitar la conceptualización del aprendizaje móvil, así como el desarrollo de aplicaciones para este nuevo medio de aprendizaje. Los dispositivos móviles abren además nuevos caminos para el aprendizaje y una nueva generación para la educación a distancia, y los investigadores conocen estos nuevos caminos para el aprendizaje y oportunidades de llegar a un público más amplio. Este trabajo, muestra los resultados de un grupo de discusión que se llevó a cabo entre 20 estudiantes de licenciatura con el fin de explorar las percepciones, y en general todo aquello que afecta a la interpretación subjetiva de los individuos y su interacción con un fenómeno social como el aprendizaje móvil.
BACKGROUND: Patients with rare diseases such as congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) are dispersed, often challenged to find specialized care and face other health disparities. The internet has the potential to reach a wide audience of rare disease patients and can help connect patients and specialists. Therefore, this study aimed to: (i) determine if web-based platforms could be effectively used to conduct an online needs assessment of dispersed CHH patients; (ii) identify the unmet health and informational needs of CHH patients and (iii) assess patient acceptability regarding patient-centered, web-based interventions to bridge shortfalls in care. METHODS: A sequential mixed-methods design was used: first, an online survey was conducted to evaluate health promoting behavior and identify unmet health and informational needs of CHH men. Subsequently, patient focus groups were held to explore specific patient-identified targets for care and to examine the acceptability of possible online interventions. Descriptive statistics and thematic qualitative analyses were used. RESULTS: 105 male participants completed the online survey (mean age 37 ± 11, range 19-66 years) representing a spectrum of patients across a broad socioeconomic range and all but one subject had adequate healthcare literacy. The survey revealed periods of non-adherence to treatment (34/93, 37%) and gaps in healthcare (36/87, 41%) exceeding one year. Patient focus groups identified lasting psychological effects related to feelings of isolation, shame and body-image concerns. Survey respondents were active internet users, nearly all had sought CHH information online (101/105, 96%), and they rated the internet, healthcare providers, and online community as equally important CHH information sources. Focus group participants were overwhelmingly positive regarding online interventions/support with links to reach expert healthcare providers and for peer-to-peer support. CONCLUSION: The web-based needs assessment was an effective way to reach dispersed CHH patients. These individuals often have long gaps in care and struggle with the psychosocial sequelae of CHH. They are highly motivated internet users seeking information and tapping into online communities and are receptive to novel web-based interventions addressing their unmet needs.
La reorganización empresarial de los servicios sanitarios ha generado notables cambios en las condiciones de trabajo de los profesionales de la medicina. Objetivo: profundizar sobre influencia de las nuevas condiciones de trabajo en el bienestar laboral y en la salud ocupacional de los profesionales de la medicina. Participaron (voluntariamente) 281 profesionales de la medicina de hospitales de España (47,7%) y de América Latina (52,3%), a quienes se accedió mediante un muestreo de conveniencia, intencional y estratificado por sexo (55,4% hombres y 44,6% mujeres), edad (X= 43,16 años, SD=11,19) y antigüedad en la profesión (X=16,51 años, SD=10,85). Para ello, se articuló un diseño mixto que combinó tanto metodología cualitativa (entrevistas en profundidad y focus group – análisis de contenido temático inspirado en grounded theory) como cuantitativa (cuestionarios de QCT y QBLG de Blanch y cols. – estadística inferencial), lo que permitió por una parte evaluar aspectos cuantificables del bienestar laboral del colectivo médico en el marco de sus nuevas condiciones de trabajo, y, por otra, analizar y profundizar en aspectos cualitativos relevantes de la dimensión subjetiva de esta experiencia laboral. Los resultados evidenciaron una valoración moderadamente positiva de las condiciones de trabajo y del bienestar laboral - mayor en los participantes de América Latina-, contrapesada por sentimientos y percepciones ambivalentes hacia el contexto y la propia experiencia laboral. Además, aunque en el factor bienestar laboral general los resultados solo arrojan una diferencia tendencial entre los grupos iberoamericano y español, los resultados cualitativos arrojan una diferencia clara en la valoración subjetiva del profesional en cuanto al devenir del cambio organizacional, siendo a mejor en el primer grupo y a peor en el español. El abordaje mixto ha permitido fortalecer y ahondar más en los vericuetos del Bienestar laboral, sin embargo, sería preciso integrar variables culturales y de la organización sanitaria de ambos grupos estudiados. Palabras clave Bienestar laboral, calidad de vida laboral, condiciones de trabajo, organización saludable, personal médico, riesgo psicosocial.
Aquest article pretén descriure el procés metodològic d'identificació i mesurament de les competències TIC dels professors i com a formadors en les TIC en un entorn d'aprenentatge en línia en l'Educació Superior portat a terme en el marc del Projecte Europeu Elene-TLC.La revisió de la recerca en les competències en línia del professor demostra que, en primer lloc, el mètode més utilitzat per a identificar aquestes competències és el focus group. En segon lloc, la tècnica Delphi és la tècnica més utilitzada per reunir el consens d'experts sobre quines són les competències principals per al professor en línia entre els que s'indiquen.La proposta metodològica descrita en aquest document consisteix en la creació de 7 grups de discussió en línia, l'objectiu dels quals era identificar les competències formatives dels professors en línia i les dels professos en línia. La llista de competències obtingudes posteriorment es va oferir als experts europeus que participaven en l'aplicació de la tècnica Delphi. A aquests experts se'ls va demanar que ordenessin les competències d'acord amb el seu grau d'importància.Els resultats mostren que els grups de discussió en línia i el mètode Delphi són les metodologies apropiades per a identificar les competències TIC dels professors universitaris en els entorns d'aprenentatge en línia.
By means of a qualitative approach I bring insights on the relationship older people (60+) have with mobile communication in a low income district of Lima (Peru). The case study I conducted in September 2013 included interviews and one focus group with 20 inhabitants of San Juan de Miraflores district. The user/non-user dichotomous classification turned out to be too narrow in this context. While some participants reported a common, bidirectional use of the device, restrictions and discontinuities played a role. Some described an asymmetric use of the mobile phone, as they used it exclusively for receiving calls, while never making outgoing calls. Others described discontinuities in ownership, which was the case when their mobile was stolen and they could not replace it immediately. My initial hypothesis is that such restrictions are related to income, skills and age.
Käyttäjäkeskeinen ohjelmistokehityson nimensä mukaisesti käyttäjän tarpeista ja vaatimuksista lähtevä ohjelmistojen kehittämistapa. Tällä tavoin halutaan saada selville, millaisia vaikutusmahdollisuuksia hän haluaa. Työ käsittelee tähän perustuvaa toteutusta, jolla käyttäjät voivat toteuttaa eksplisiittistä personointia eli toisin sanoen voivat muokataitse omaa henkilökohtaista tietoaan. Käyttäjille tarjotaan mahdollisuus vaikuttaa tapauskohtaisesti, kuinka hän käyttää personointitietojaan. Työssä luodaan avoimen lähdekoodin väliohjelmistoalustalle (MUPE) personointitiedon kustomointityökalu ja sitä hyödyntävät havainnollistavat palvelut. Tämän pohjana on aikaisemmin suoritettu informaation keruu. Naiden toteutuksien avulla on luotu käyttötapausesimerkkejä, joista voidaan havaita erilaisten personointitietojen käytön vaikutukset käyttäjän kannalta. Työkalun ja havainnollistavien palvelujen avulla luodut esimerkit tarjoavat hyvän ja kestävän pohjan sekä kustomointityökalun että käyttötapausesimerkkien laajentamiselle. Naita esimerkkejä voidaan myös jo suoraan soveltaa todellisissa käyttäjäkeskeisissä kenttätutkimuksissa.
Pro gradu tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata informaatiotalouden aikakauden tuomia haasteita päätöksentekoa tukevalla mittaamiselle. Keskeisenä tavoitteena tutkimuksessa oli hahmottaa millaisia haasteita aineeton talous, liiketoimintaympäristön muutokset ja kiristyvä kilpailu tuovat yrityksen päätöksentekoa tukevalle mittaamiselle. Samalla yritettiin luoda käsitys siitä millainen merkitys aineettomilla asioilla on nykypäivän yrityksille. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus tehtiin keväällä 2006 suomalaisille logistiikka-alan yrityksille. Tutkimus toteutettiin www- lomakehaastatteluna, johon vastasi lähes 130 alan päätöksentekijää. Tutkimuksen eri hypoteeseja testattiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Hypoteesit vahvistavat kirjallisuudesta löytyneet havainnot siitä, että aineettomat asiat ovat yrityksille tärkeitä. Haasteena yrityksillä on aineettomien mittareiden ja asioiden käyttö päätöksenteon tukena. Lähes kaikki tutkimukseen vastanneet olivat kehittäneet viime aikoina mittaamistaan ja pitivät aineettomia asioita tärkeinä. Samaan aikaan päätöksentekoa tukena oli edelleen vahvasti taloudellinen informaatio, vaikka yksilötasolla aineettomat asiat nähtiin vahvimpina lisäarvon tuottajina. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä havaintona oli aineettomien asioiden merkityksen muutos siirryttäessä yksilötasolta organisaatiotasolle.
Ylläpitääkseen kilpailuetua ja menestyäkseen markkinoilla yritysten tulee teknologisen ja liiketoimintaosaamisen lisäksi hallita tehokas sisäinen toimintansa. Tieto on tärkein tuotannontekijä ja sen jakaminen yrityksessä onkriittistä innovaatioiden syntymisen kannalta. Luottamus edistää tiedon luomista ja jakamista. Luottamusta yrityksissä on tutkittu pääasiassa henkilöiden välisenä luottamuksena omiin esimiehiin ja kollegoihin. Kansainvälisistä omistaja- jamuista yritysjärjestelyistä johtuen yritysten sisäinenkin toiminta on usein maantieteellisesti hajautettua, mikä vähentää henkilöiden välisten luottamussuhteiden syntymistä. Tällaisissa tilanteissa yritykseen itseensä kohdistuva ei-henkilöityvä luottamus täydentää tutkimusten mukaan vähäisiä henkilöiden välisiä luottamussuhteita. Yrityksen ei-henkilöityvää luottamusta on tutkittu vain vähän ja kokonaisvaltaista teoriapohjaista ja/tai empiiristä tutkimusta ei ole tehty tai sitä ei ole raportoitu. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkittiin, mitä yrityksen institutionaalinen luottamus on ja mistä se muodostuu. Tutkielman teoriatausta nousee sosiologian, taloustieteen ja sosiaalipsykologian eri teorioista sekä aikaisemmasta monitieteisestä luottamustutkimuksesta. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin neljässä fokusryhmäkeskustelussa ja aineisto analysoitiin sekä aineistolähtöisesti että teoriaohjaavasti hyödyntäen ATLAS.ti kvalitatiivisen aineiston analyysiohjelmaa. Työn keskeisenä tuloksena oli teorian ja empirian synteesinä muodostunutyrityksen institutionaalisen luottamuksen määritelmä. Yrityksen institutionaalisella luottamuksella tarkoitetaan yksilön odotuksia työnantajayrityksen kyvykkyydelle ja oikeudenmukaisuudelle. Kyvykkyydellä tarkoitetaan yrityksen havaittua kyvykkyyttä menestyä markkinoilla jatkuvasti ja organisoida sisäinen toimintansa tehokkaasti ja varmasti. Oikeudenmukaisuudella tarkoitetaan koettua oikeudenmukaista henkilöstöpolitiikkaa ja hyvää työnantajamainetta.