781 resultados para cultural policy, participatory planning, Cajicá


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This article contributes to the study of cinema audiences in Europe by analyzing theactual behavior of Spanish moviegoers and their level of satisfaction. We modeledmoviegoers’ choice of film by country of origin (U.S.A., Spain, and other countries)according to a set of determinants: (1) consumers’ interpretation of several sources of information, (2) motivations and (3) choice rules. We found three clear consumerstereotypes related to each type of film: (1) U.S.A. films were preferred by almost everyone (especially families and younger audiences); (2) Spanish films had audiences composed of middle-age and middle-class moviegoers; and (3) European productions were preferred by a social or intellectual elite. U.S.A. films dominate the Spanish market for the reason that they provide most of what moviegoers prefer, namely, familiar, reliable entertainment in Spanish; three characteristics that are not satisfied by Spanish and European films. Additionally, we discuss the implications for the European cultural policy


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The effect of long discussions between commissioners with divergent views on certain issues is obvious in the report: it is more oriented towards the short term than expected. Undue attention was paid to trade liberalization with the U.S., a region of the world which the report describes as one in relative decline. The report does not deal with a scenario wherein trade liberalization with the U.S.A. is seen as a necessary transitory measure leading towards diversification of Canada's trade relation away from North America. Such an examination would point to a different approach to the U.S.A. in the short term. The report does not deal with services, information and te telecommunication which are fundamental to the economic development of Canada. There is also overemphasis on commercial policy and relative neglect on the use of domestic policies, among them industrial policy, in the pursuit of Canada's objectives. The report notes the interdependence between commercial and domestic policies and rightly recommend that provinces must, as a consequence, be involved in trade liberalization discussions. It is argued that the report underestimates the pressures for extra- territorial application of U.S. policies to Canada and the pressure for harmonization of policies which would follow trade liberalization. The report pays no attention to the implications of offshore investment going primarily to the U.S.A. and does not pay adequate attention to the role of investment to deal with adjustment problems. Available studies would have allowed the commissioners to clarify the determinants of investment decisions by Canadian head offices who have established subsidiaries in the U.S.A. but they were not examined. Little attention was paid to the role of transnationals and intrafirm trade in examining the implications of trade liberalization. The importance given to the reduction of regional disparities in earned incomes is welcome. However, the recommandation to leave regional development to provinces and municipalities denies the importance of national policies in the attainment of regionalization job equilization the impact of new CAD-CAM-telecommunications technologies on location decisions for the production of goods and services was not examined. Nor were the extent of and changes in interregional (i.e. interprovincial and more particularly province-state) trade flows examined. Knowledge of these patterns is essential in the formulation of industrial and adjustment policies in light of trade liberalization. The report recommends passive industrial adjustment policies focussed on the U.S., a reflection of the concern of the commissioners for the short term and the U.S.A. The implementation of the report's recommendations would lead to a centralization of economic power at the nationallevel, hence the need to establish a renewed senate to favour the formulation of regionally sensitive national policies.


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Within the framework of the “capability approach” to human rights, this paper argues that adults who facilitate participatory planning and design with children and youth have an ethical obligation to foster young people’s capacities for active democratic citizenship. Practitioners often worry, justifiably, that if young people fail to see their ideas realized, they may become disillusioned and alienated from political life. Based on the experience of the Growing Up in Cities program of UNESCO, four rules of good practice are distilled which can help promote young people’s belief in the value of collective action, regardless of the challenges that the full implementation of their ideas may face.


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Cette recherche consiste en un examen du rôle du festival dans une communauté linguistique en contexte minoritaire confrontée à des enjeux spécifiques tels que l’assimilation, l’exogamie, la diglossie, l’inégal accès aux services dans sa langue, de même que l’accès limité aux produits culturels de son groupe linguistique. Le cas des festivals francophones en milieu minoritaire sert à interroger concrètement et empiriquement les possibilités, les conditions, les limites et les contraintes de cette forme particulière d’événement en tant que vecteur de la vitalité culturelle d’une communauté minoritaire. Le festival est aussi exploré en lien aux grandes finalités de développement culturel et de démocratie culturelle, soit des mécanismes culturels à la source des politiques culturelles modernes, ainsi qu’en lien à son rôle aux niveaux de l’affirmation et de la consolidation identitaires. Une étude de cas multiples a été menée afin de comparer et d’analyser trois festivals francophones en milieu minoritaire ontarien qui sont mis sur pied dans différentes régions, et ont des objectifs à la fois similaires et différenciés : 1) La Nuit sur l’étang (Sudbury) ; 2) le Festival franco-ontarien (Ottawa) ; et 3) le Festival du Loup (Lafontaine-Penetanguishene). En focalisant sur chaque cas étudié, nous sommes en mesure de donner une vue d’ensemble du phénomène « festival » dans un tel contexte. Cette recherche présente, par le biais de sources documentaires, d’observations sur le terrain et d’entretiens auprès des organisateurs, des festivaliers et des artistes de ces événements, les perceptions qu’en ont et l’utilisation qu’en font ces différentes catégories d’acteurs impliqués. Elle fait plus précisément état de la contribution du festival au niveau des mécanismes culturels proposés ci-dessus. En outre, elle permet de déterminer si les acteurs directement impliqués dans ce type d’événement le perçoivent comme un enjeu important pour la francité. Bref, l’ensemble des contributions qu’apportent les festivals francophones en Ontario montrent en quoi ces événements agissent comme des vecteurs de la vitalité culturelle d’une communauté minoritaire.


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Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural


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Industries constitute the main spring of development. Without industrial development no country could reach a stage in which a decent living for its citizens would be achieved. Increasing production to meet the basic needs of society augmented scientific invention and machine oriented industrial order.Environmental pollution ls a burning global issue. It is more serious and dangerous than terrorism. Started with the discovery of fire and development of civilization. Pollution went unnoticed throughout the centuries of human growth until its adverse effects on human environment become explicit.National concern tor environment started in our country only atter the cause of protection of environment received global attention. At present legal control ot industrial pollution is in a scattered framework of piece meal processes with overlapping provisions and authorities.Environmental protection- should be an item not only in the concurrent list of schedule 7 to the Constitution but also in the list of matters entrusted to the panchayati institutions in the Schedule 11. It is heartening to note that so far as municipalities are concerned the Constitution of India lives up to the expectation. In the wake of New Industrial Policy based on liberalisation a long list of small scale industries fall outside the purview of environmental clearance. The Indian concept of environmental im»act assessment introduced under the Environment Act by notification excludes the entire gamut of small scale industries and r.elates only to scheduled industries covered by the notifica~ion. Most of them are subjected to ETA only it the investment goes above ~.50 crores. This provision dilutes the impact assessment considerably A mandatory impact assessment with public partiCipation and with provision for a review by specialized environmental courts will eliminate the possible evils of this judicial passiveness.


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Die Diskussion in den Planungswissenschaften beschreibt den Paradigmenwechsel vom so genannten DEAD-Model (Decide-Announce-Defend) zum Tripple-D-Model (Dialogue-Decide-Deliver) und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit dem Thema Governance. Komplexe Planungsaufgaben brauchen eine Vielfalt an Lösungsideen unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher Gruppen. Planung verfolgt u. a. die Umsetzung der Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung, die die Einbeziehung der Öffentlichkeit (Zivilgesellschaft, Unternehmen und Bürger) verlangt. Darüber hinaus wird eine Erweiterung der Perspektive über Verfahren und Steuerungsformen hinaus auf Akteure und Prozesse gefordert. Räumliche Entwicklungen sollen stärker im Zusammenhang mit Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse untersucht werden. Die Dissertation ergänzt eine wirkungsorientierte Perspektive, die Wirkungen, sowohl räumliche als auch soziale, in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stellt. Sie stützt sich auf Beobachtungen, dass klassisches Projektmanagement für erfolgreiche Planungsprozesse nicht ausreicht, sondern zusätzlich Prozessmanagement braucht. Mit der Weiterentwicklung der partizipativen Planung, die zusätzlich in den Kontext gesellschaftlicher Lernprozesse und zukunftsfähiger Veränderungen gesellschaftlicher Bedingungen gestellt wird, ergänzt die Dissertation planungswissenschaftliche Theorien. Aus einem fachübergreifenden Blickwinkel wird die räumliche Planung in die Reihe von Management- und Organisationswissenschaften eingeordnet. Ausgehend von der Frage, welche räumlichen und sozialen Wirkungen durch Beteiligungsprozesse unter welchen Bedingungen erzielt werden, wurden Fallstudien aus der Wasserwirtschaft und ihre Prozessbiografien umfassend evaluiert. Als Evaluierungsmethode wurde ein von der EU-Kommission empfohlener Evaluierungsrahmen gewählt, der sowohl den Prozess selbst, seine Rahmenbedingungen und Durchführung, als auch Wirkungen analysiert und bewertet. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse und theoretischer Erkenntnisse, vorrangig aus der Evaluationsforschung, wird ein umfassender Beteiligungsansatz konzipiert. Dabei handelt es sich um ein offenes Gerüst, in das sich bewährte und innovative Elemente strategisch gezielt integrieren lassen. Die Struktur verbindet verschiedene Beteiligungswerkzeuge unterschiedlicher Intensitäten und für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen zu einem Gesamtkonzept, mit dem Ziel, möglichst die gewünschten Wirkungen zu erreichen. Wesentlich an dem Ansatz ist, dass bereits das Prozessdesign unter Mitwirkung von Projektträgern, Beratern und Schlüsselakteuren erfolgt. Die partizipative Beteiligungsplanung bedeutet somit Klärung der Vorgehensweise und gleichzeitig Bewusstseins- und Kompetenzerweiterung der verantwortlichen Akteure. Im Ausblick werden künftige Forschungsaufgaben im Bereich der Mitwirkung in der räumlichen Planung formuliert und Handlungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt, um Partizipation als Teil planerischer „Alltagskultur“ weiterzuentwickeln. Dies erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund der Bedeutung von Partizipation und Bildung als Umsetzungsstrategie von Ideen der Landschaftsentwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit.


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This paper presents the impact of integrating interventions like nutrition gardening, livestock rearing, product diversification and allied income generation activities in small and marginal coconut homesteads along with nutrition education in improving the food and nutritional security as well as the income of the family members. The activities were carried out through registered Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in three locations in Kerala, India during 2005-2008. Data was collected before and after the project periods through interviews using a pre-tested questionnaire containing statements indicating the adequacy, quality and diversity of food materials. Fifty respondents each were randomly selected from the three communities, thereby resulting in a total sample size of 150. The data was analysed using SPSS by adopting statistical tools like frequency, average, percentage analysis, t – test and regression. Participatory planning and implementation of diverse interventions notably intercropping and off-farm activities along with nutrition education brought out significant improvements in the food and nutritional security, in terms of frequency and quantity of consumption as well as diet diversity. At the end of the project, 96%of the members became completely food secure and 72% nutritionally secure. The overall consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk by both children and adults and egg by children recorded increase over the project period. Consumption of fish was more than the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) level during pre and post project periods. Project interventions like nutrition gardening could bring in surplus consumption of vegetables (35%) and fruits (10%) than RDI. In spite of the increased consumption of green leafy vegetables and milk and milk products over the project period, the levels of consumption were still below the RDI levels. CBO-wise analysis of the consumption patterns revealed the need for location-specific interventions matching to the needs and preferences of the communities.


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El texto permite al lector aproximarse al conocimiento de las dinámicas de participación en las ciudades y reconocer su importancia para la generación de una cultura cívica, el surgimiento de la acción colectiva y la consolidación de una responsabilidad compartida entre la sociedad civil y el Estado. La ciudadanía y la gobernabilidad son dos aspectos necesarios para la vida en los centros urbanos en la actualidad, para su construcción es necesario realizar procesos impulsados desde las administraciones municipales o por los ciudadanos, uno de los mecanismos es la formulación de los planes de desarrollo bajo el modelo de planeación participativa.


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El trabajo se enmarca en las discusiones relacionadas con segregación espacial, segregación social y construcción de barrios mezclados. Específicamente, selecciona el caso de La Felicidad: ciudad parque en Bogotá como un ejemplo que sirve para analizar las políticas públicas enfocadas en disminuir la segregación residencial en la ciudad a partir de la construcción de un vecindario que está compuesto por vivienda de interés social y vivienda regular. A partir de métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos se analiza cómo esta funcionando esta propuesta urbana.


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Esta investigación diagnostica constituye un análisis acerca de la posibilidad de creación del departamento del magdalena medio y la incidencia de los factores políticos y culturales en la planeación de nuevas entidades territoriales. En este sentido, se exploran las diferentes reformas al ordenamiento territorial colombiano desde la constitución de 1886, y las intersecciones de la constituyente de 1991 en la ordenación del territorio colombiano a través de la (LOOT). Para ello, se reflexiona a través de la articulación conceptual de las dificultades del ordenamiento territorial colombiano a causa de una deficiente distribución del territorio.


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La financiación de los sistemas de salud en los países en desarrollo mediante esquemas de aseguramiento, presenta el desafío estructural de la informalidad de los mercados laborales. Ni el esquema de financiamiento comunitario ni el del subsidio a la oferta, parecen ofrecer una garantía de acceso a los grupos más vulnerables. Pero la extensión de esquemas de seguro subsidiado también implica mayores presiones sobre el gasto social. Este artículo es una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema, en el cual se revisan experiencias internacionales de los tipos mencionados, y se analiza su relevancia para Colombia.


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El propósito de la presente investigación es identificar la incidencia que tuvo la participación de la población de Barú en el diseño del modelo de desarrollo sostenible para el área marina protegida del Archipiélago de Nuestra Señora del Rosario y San Bernardo (2013 - 2040), para el cual se empleó la metodología de planeación participativa durante el periodo 2011 - 2013. En un primer momento se analiza la importancia política que tiene la planeación participativa en Colombia, para luego explicar en qué consiste el modelo de desarrollo sostenible y comprender qué problemáticas motivaron su construcción y descubrir por qué era importante la utilización de la planeación participativa como metodología para el diseño del modelo y por último ofrecer la visión de los habitantes de Barú sobre el modelo de desarrollo sostenible y cómo se vieron involucrados en el proceso.


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This article contributes to the study of cinema audiences in Europe by analyzing the actual behavior of Spanish moviegoers and their level of satisfaction. We modeled moviegoers’ choice of film by country of origin (U.S.A., Spain, and other countries) according to a set of determinants: (1) consumers’ interpretation of several sources of information, (2) motivations and (3) choice rules. We found three clear consumer stereotypes related to each type of film: (1) U.S.A. films were preferred by almost everyone (especially families and younger audiences); (2) Spanish films had audiences composed of middle-age and middle-class moviegoers; and (3) European productions were preferred by a social or intellectual elite. U.S.A. films dominate the Spanish market for the reason that they provide most of what moviegoers prefer, namely, familiar, reliable entertainment in Spanish; three characteristics that are not satisfied by Spanish and European films. Additionally, we discuss the implications for the European cultural policy


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El presente trabajo tiene como punto de partida la convicción que es necesario explorar nuevos marcos teóricos y metodológicos para la producción de conocimiento sobre las múltiples relaciones de la cultura con el desarrollo. Para tal efecto revisa la naturaleza polisémica del concepto cultura, su tratamiento por las ciencias sociales y la economía y su concepción actual como explicación última de toda actividad humana. Subraya la necesidad de generar un conocimiento propio del campo cultural que adopte renovadas concepciones y bases epistemológicas provenientes de las artes y las humanidades que privilegian lo intuitivo, lo individual frente a lo colectivo. La revisión de fuentes provenientes de la filosofía permite una lectura y un enfoque reformado de la naturaleza de la cultura que cuestiona la clásica concepción antropológica que reduce lo religioso a una expresión cultural. Los argumentos presentados exponen que en toda forma cultural está implícita una particular cosmovisión, una visión de la vida; una valoración del mundo que se conecta con el significado último de la existencia humana que es de naturaleza religiosa. Todas las comunidades culturales tienen en su haber una serie de prácticas, tradiciones, usos, costumbres, expresiones creativas que dan cuenta de una identidad particular y que son registradas a través de mapeos culturales y sistemas de información. El texto hace referencias a políticas y programas culturales sobre cultura y desarrollo en la región centroamericana