953 resultados para bench press
ABSTRACT The power consumption and load capacity of agricultural machines have grown and the effects of pressure on the soil by tires have been still little investigated. In concern with sustainable development, the relationship machine-tire-soil must be in balance to give more consistency on the best use of tires for a given load. This study aimed to evaluate four tires of two constructive types, the bias belted tires and radial tires, both with respective rim diameters of 22.5 and 26.5 inches with variables measuring the footprint, elastic deformation, sinkage and resistance to penetration. A hydraulic press with an attachment shaft for tire mounting and a box of soil in which the tire has been imposed on a load of 53.00 kN using nominal pressures recommended by the tire manufacturer. The radial construction tire with rim diameter of 26.5 inches obtained less sinkage and resistance to penetration; however, greater elastic deformation and footprint compared to other tires. The bias-belted tire with 22.5-inch rim presented the highest resistance to penetration and the lowest elastic deformation.
It is remarkable the reduction in the number of medical students choosing general surgery as a career. In this context, new possibilities in the field of surgical education should be developed to combat this lack of interest. In this study, a program of surgical training based on learning with models of low-fidelity bench is designed as a complementary alternative to the various methodologies in the teaching of basic surgical skills during medical education, and to develop personal interests in career choice.
Tämä tutkielma käsittelee kaupallisten yhtiöiden julkaisemia lehdistötiedotteita, joissa ilmoitetaan henkilöstövähennyksistä. Erityisenä tutkimuskohteena ovat lehdistötiedotteiden informatiiviset ja promotionaaliset päämäärät ja tarkoitukset sekä näiden päämäärien ja tarkoitusten ilmentyminen tekstin retorisen rakenteen, valittujen retoristen strategioiden sekä leksikaalisten ja kieliopillisten valintojen kautta. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 50 englanninkielisestä lehdistötiedotteesta, jotka sisältävät ilmoituksen henkilöstövähennyksistä. Lehdistötiedotteet kerättiin yritysten verkkosivuilta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehityksenä toimivat soveltavan kielentutkimuksen alalla erityisesti ammattikielentutkimuksessa (ESP, English for Specific Purposes) laajalti käytetty Swalesin (1990) tekstilajia (genre) koskeva määritelmää ja Bhatian (1993) kehittämä geneerisen analyysin malli. Ennen aineiston kielitieteellistä analysointia tutkimuksessa perehdyttiin Bhatian (1993) mallin mukaisesti lehdistötiedotteiden historiaan, kohdeyleisöihin, diskurssiyhteisöön ja sen tuottamiin muihin tekstilajeihin, aikaisempiin lehdistotiedotteita käsitteleviin kielitieteellisiin tutkimuksiin sekä erityisesti yritysten henkilövähennyksiin liittyvään tilannekontekstiin. Kielitieteellisessä analyysissä tutkittavista teksteistä tunnistettiin kahdeksan retorista vaihetta (move), jotka olivat tyypillisiä tutkituille teksteille. Kunkin retorisen vaiheen yksittäiset ilmentymät koottiin yhteen erillisiksi aineistoiksi, joista pyrittiin tunnistamaan kullekin vaiheelle tyypilliset retoriset strategiat sekä toistuvat leksikaaliset ja kieliopilliset valinnat. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että vaikka tutkittujen lehdistötiedotteiden pääasiallinen tarkoitus oli yhtiön toiminnasta tiedottaminen, niillä oli myös promotionaalinen päämäärä, joka ilmeni mm. pyrkimyksenä välittää yhtiöstä mahdollisimman positiivinen kuva eri kohdeyleisöille, erityisesti sijoittajille. Tämän positiivisen kuvan välittämiseen käytettyjä keinoja olivat mm. odotettavissa olevien saavutusten korostaminen, ulkoisten tekijöiden nimeäminen nykyisen tilanteen aiheuttajaksi, passiivin käyttö sekä erilaiset yrityksen julkisen kuvan säilyttämiseen pyrkivät (face-saving) strategiat.
Tässä työssä tarkastellaan kehitettyjä laskentatyökaluja VTT:n Jyväskylän toimipisteen bench-kokoluokan reaktiivisuuskoelaitteiston tulosten käsittelyn nopeuttamiseksi. Työkalut kehitettiin Matlab- ohjelmistossa. Toinen työkalu toimii Savcor Wedge prosessinhallintaohjelmassa reaaliaikaisena laskentatyökaluna. Tulosten varmentamiseen ja tarkistamiseen kehitetty työkalu toimii Matlabissa mittauksista tuodulla mittausdatalla. Työn aluksi tarkastellaan yleisesti palamista ja sen eri vaiheita. Tämän jälkeen esitellään koelaitteisto, jolle analyysityökalut kehitettiin. Koelaitteiston kanssa esitellään esimerkki polttoainepanoskokeista, joiden tutkimisen nopeuttamiseen laskentatyökalut soveltuu. Laskentatyökalujen toiminta esitetään pääpiirteittäin ja niiden välinen tarkkuusero selvennetään.
In recent times the packaging industry is finding means to maximize profit. Wood used to be the most advantageous and everyday material for packaging, worktables, counters, constructions, interiors, tools and as materials and utensils in the food companies in the world. The use of wood has declined vigorously, and other materials like plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, concrete, and aluminum have taken its place. One way that the industry could reduce its cost is by finding possibilities of using wood for primary packaging after which it can be safely recycled or burned as a carbon source for energy. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of press-forming a wood film into primary packaging. In order to achieve the stated objectives, discussion on major characteristics of wood in terms of structure, types and application were studied. Two different wood species, pine and birch were used for the experimental work. These were provided by a local carpentry workshop in Lappeenranta and a workshop in Ruokolahti supervised by Professor Timo Kärki. Laboratory tests were carried out at Lappeenranta University of Technology FMS workshop on Stenhøj EPS40 M hydraulic C-frame press coupled with National Instruments VI Logger and on the Adjustable packaging line machine at LUT Packaging laboratory. The tests succeeded better on the LUT packaging line than on the Stenhoj equipment due to the integrated heating system in the machine. However, there is much work to be done before the quality of a tray produced from the wood film is comparable to that of the wood plastic composite tray.
The aim of this study was to introduce the tangential microfiltration (TMF) technique on the production of orange juice (TMFJ), and compare it with pasteurised juice (control) as regards chemical composition and sensorial characteristics. We used a TMF pilot equipped with four monotubular ceramic membranes (0.1, 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4mm) arranged in series with a filtering area of 0.005 m² each. Commercial flash-pasteurised orange juice was used as the initial product. Experiments were divided into three parts: a) the characterisation of the TMF pilot; b) optimisation of operational conditions; c) production of the TMFJ. In the second part, membrane with 0.8-mm pores presented best flux followed by those with 1.4-, 0.1-, and 0.2-mm pores. However, to guarantee permeate sterility, we chose the membrane with 0.1-mm pores for TMFJ production. Initially, the orange juice was sieved in order to separate part of the pulp, being subsequently submitted to TMF. A mixture of retentate and pulp was made, and was subsequently pasteurised. We obtained the TMFJ by adding the permeate to the mixture. TMFJ presented soluble solids content (°Brix), pulp, pH, and titrable acidity similar to the initial pasteurised juice (control). Nevertheless, 28% of vitamin C was lost during the TMFJ production. According to the juice taster panel, the control juice presented best sensorial characteristics (greater aroma intensity and fruity flavour) when compared with the TMJF.
This qualitative study has started from the interest to examine how the reality of crosscultural encounters is presented in the global business press. The research paper emphasizes different ways to classify culture and cross-cultural competency, both from the point of view of individuals and organizations. The analysis consists of public discourses, where cross-cultural realities are created through different persons, stories and contexts For data collection, a comprehensive database search was performed and 10 articles from the widely known worldwide business magazine The Financial Times were chosen as the data for the study paper. For the functions of addressing the research study questions, Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) and also Discourse Analysis (DA) are utilized, added with the continuous comparison method of grounded theory in the formation of the data.The academic references consist of literary works and articles presenting relevant concepts, creating a cross-cultural framework, and it is designed to assist the reader in the navigation through the topics of culture and cross-cultural competency. The repertoires were formed from the data and following, the first repertoire is contrast difference between home and target culture that the individual was able to discern. As a consequence of the first repertoire, the companies then offer cultural training to their employees to prepare them to situations of increasing levels of cultural variation. The third repertoire is increased awareness of other cultures, which is conveyed as a result of cultural training and contextual work experience. The fourth repertoire is globalization as an international business environment, where the people in the articles perform their job functions. It is stated in the conclusions that the representations emphasize Western values and personal traits in leadership.
Press forming is nowadays one of the most common industrial methods in use for producing deeper trays from paperboard. Demands for material properties like recyclability and sustainability have increased also in the packaging industry, but there are still limitations related to the formability of paperboard. A majority of recent studies have focused on material development, but the potential of the package manufacturing process can also be improved by the development of tooling and process control. In this study, advanced converting tools (die cutting tools and the press forming mould) are created for production scale paperboard tray manufacturing. Also monitoring methods that enable the production of paperboard trays with enhanced quality, and can be utilized in process control are developed. The principles for tray blank preparation, including creasing pattern and die cutting tool design are introduced. The mould heating arrangement and determination of mould clearance are investigated to improve the quality of the press formed trays. The effect of the spring back of the tray walls on the tray dimensions can be managed by adjusting the heat-related process parameters and estimating it at the mould design stage. This enables production speed optimization as the process parameters can be adjusted more freely. Real-time monitoring of pressing force by using multiple force sensors embedded in the mould structure can be utilized in the evaluation of material characteristics on a modified production machinery. Comprehensive process control can be achieved with a combination of measurement of the outer dimensions of the trays and pressing force monitoring. The control method enables detection of defects and tracking changes in the material properties. The optimized converting tools provide a basis for effective operation of the control system.
The growth of the food packaging industry has raised more interest in bio-based fibre packing. The use of petroleum based packages is unfriendly to the environment while bio-based is a sustainable option for food packing. In this Master Thesis the aim was to discover how the press forming machineries runnability is affected by parameters of the press and how it also affects formability of paperboard trays. Familiarisation of the working operation parameters was done with the KAMA ST 75 flat-bed die cutting machine and the VP3-70 mould press. Some small test runs of moulding trays where done to get acquainted to the adjustment parameters of the machines. Literature study was done on how paperboards physical properties react to the forces applied during press forming. The study of what kind of defects to the paperboard tray might occur during forming process and the causes for these defects. Also how the parameters of the press forming machine affects formability of the tray. Maintenance procedures was done to the press forming machine to enhance the reliably of production process. Tool alignment measurement was done to determine proper alignment. Laboratory test of the physical properties of the test material was done to find any connection to how the test material performs in press forming. An evaluation criterion was made to evaluate the dimensions and defects of the tray. From the test result a conclusion can be drawn on how the parameters of the press forming process affect the paperboard material. Based on the results the adjustment the parameters of moulding machines to the mechanical properties of paperboard it is possible to produce high quality fibre passed trays for the food packaging industry.
Three-dimensional (3D) forming of paperboard and heat sealing of lidding films to trays manufactured by the press forming process are investigated in this thesis. The aim of the work was to investigate and recognize the factors affecting the quality of heat sealing and the leak resistance (tightness) of press-formed, polymer-coated paperboard trays heatsealed with a multi-layer polymer based lidding film. One target was to achieve a solution that can be used in food packaging using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). The main challenge in acquiring adequate tightness properties for the use of MAP is creases in the sealing area of the paperboard trays which can act as capillary tubes and prevent leak-proof sealing. Several experiments were made to investigate the effect of different factors and process parameters in the forming and sealing processes. Also different methods of analysis, such as microscopic analysis and 3D-profilometry were used to investigate the structure of the creases in the sealing area, and to analyse the surface characteristics of the tray flange of the formed trays to define quality that can be sealed with satisfactory tightness for the use of MAP. The main factors and parameters that had an effect on the result of leak-proof sealing and must be adjusted accordingly were the tray geometry and dimensions, blank holding force in press forming, surface roughness of the sealing area, the geometry and depth of the creases, and the sealing pressure. The results show that the quality of press-formed, polymer-coated paperboard trays and multi-layer polymer lidding films can be satisfactory for the use of modified atmosphere packaging in food solutions. Suitable tools, materials, and process parameters have to be selected and used during the tray manufacturing process and lid sealing process, however. Utilizing these solutions and results makes it possible for a package that is made mostly from renewable and recyclable sources to be a considerable alternative for packages made completely from oil based polymers, and to achieve a greater market share for fibre-based solutions in food packaging using MAP.
An ad extolling the benefits of the Lightning Zephyr nylon zipper. This ad was directed towards the garment industry.
He was with the Brock University Student News Paper, "The Badger"
The Brock Press newsroom located in the Glenridge Campus.
This unhappy looking young girl is featured in an early black and white tintype photograph. The date, location and name of the photographer are unknown. This small tintype was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Sloman - Bell families have descendants who are former slaves from the United States."Tintypes were the invention of Prof. Hamilton Smith of Ohio. They begin as thin sheets of iron, covered with a layer of black paint. This serves as the base for the same iodized collodion coating and silver nitrate bath used in the ambrotype process. First made in 1856, millions were produced well into the twentieth century. When tintypes were finished in the same sorts of mats and cases used for ambrotypes, it can be almost impossible to distinguish which process was used without removing the image to examine the substrate." Source: American Museum of Photography http://www.photographymuseum.com/primer.html