950 resultados para atypical mycobacterium


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Drug repurposing to explore target space has been gaining pace over the past decade with the upsurge in the use of systematic approaches for computational drug discovery. Such a cost and time-saving approach gains immense importance for pathogens of special interest, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. We report a comprehensive approach to repurpose drugs, based on the exploration of evolutionary relationships inferred from the comparative sequence and structural analyses between targets of FDA-approved drugs and the proteins of M. tuberculosis. This approach has facilitated the identification of several polypharmacological drugs that could potentially target unexploited M. tuberculosis proteins. A total of 130 FDA-approved drugs, originally intended against other diseases, could be repurposed against 78 potential targets in M. tuberculosis. Additionally, we have also made an attempt to augment the chemical space by recognizing compounds structurally similar to FDA-approved drugs. For three of the attractive cases we have investigated the probable binding modes of the drugs in their corresponding M. tuberculosis targets by means of structural modelling. Such prospective targets and small molecules could be prioritized for experimental endeavours, and could significantly influence drug-discovery and drug-development programmes for tuberculosis.


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Thiolases catalyze the degradation and synthesis of 3-ketoacyl-CoA molecules. Here, the crystal structures of a T1-like thiolase (MSM-13 thiolase) from Mycobacterium smegmatis in apo and liganded forms are described. Systematic comparisons of six crystallographically independent unliganded MSM-13 thiolase tetramers (dimers of tight dimers) from three different crystal forms revealed that the two tight dimers are connected to a rigid tetramerization domain via flexible hinge regions, generating an asymmetric tetramer. In the liganded structure, CoA is bound to those subunits that are rotated towards the tip of the tetramerization loop of the opposing dimer, suggesting that this loop is important for substrate binding. The hinge regions responsible for this rotation occur near Val123 and Arg149. The L alpha 1-covering loop-L alpha 2 region, together with the N beta 2-N alpha 2 loop of the adjacent subunit, defines a specificity pocket that is larger and more polar than those of other tetrameric thiolases, suggesting that MSM-13 thiolase has a distinct substrate specificity. Consistent with this finding, only residual activity was detected with acetoacetyl-CoA as the substrate in the degradative direction. No activity was observed with acetyl-CoA in the synthetic direction. Structural comparisons with other well characterized thiolases suggest that MSM-13 thiolase is probably a degradative thiolase that is specific for 3-ketoacyl-CoA molecules with polar, bulky acyl chains.


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We isolated an 8 kDa mycobacterial hypothetical protein, Rv3423.1, from the chromatin of human macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Bioinformatics predictions followed by in vitro biochemical assays with purified recombinant protein showed that Rv3423.1 is a novel histone acetyltransferase that acetylates histone H3 at the K9/K14 positions. Transient transfection of macrophages containing GFP-tagged histone H1 with RFP-tagged Rv3423.1 revealed that the protein co-localizes with the chromatin in the nucleus. Co-immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that the Rv3423.1-histone interaction is specific. Rv3423.1 protein was detected in the culture filtrate of virulent but not avirulent M. tuberculosis. Infection of macrophages with recombinant Mycobacterium smegmatis constitutively expressing Rv3423.1 resulted in a significant increase in the number of intracellular bacteria. However, the protein did not seem to offer any growth advantage to free-living recombinant M. smegmatis. It is highly likely that, by binding to the host chromatin, this histone acetyltransferase from M. tuberculosis may manipulate the expression of host genes involved in anti-inflammatory responses to evade clearance and to survive in the intracellular environment.


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LysM domains have been recognized in bacteria and eukaryotes as carbohydrate-binding protein modules, but the mechanism of their binding to chitooligosaccharides has been underexplored. Binding of a Mycobacterium smegmatis protein containing a lectin (MSL) and one LysM domain to chitooligosaccharides has been studied using isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence titration that demonstrate the presence of two binding sites of nonidentical affinities per dimeric MSL-LysM molecule. The affinity of the molecule for chitooligosaccharides correlates with the length of the carbohydrate chain. Its binding to chitooligosaccharides is characterized by negative cooperativity in the interactions of the two domains. Apparently, the flexibility of the long linker that connects the LysM and MSL domains plays a facilitating role in this recognition. The LysM domain in the MSL-LysM molecule, like other bacterial domains but unlike plant LysM domains, recognizes equally well peptidoglycan fragments as well as chitin polymers. Interestingly, in the case presented here, two LysM domains are enough for binding to peptidoglycan in contrast to the three reportedly required by the LysM domains of Bacillus subtilis and Lactococcus lactis. Also, the affinity of the MSL-LysM molecule for chitooligosaccharides is higher than that of LysM-chitooligosaccharide interactions reported so far.


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The ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to resist intraphagosomal stresses, such as oxygen radicals and low pH, is critical for its persistence. Here, we show that a cytoplasmic redox sensor, WhiB3, and the major M. tuberculosis thiol, mycothiol (MSH), are required to resist acidic stress during infection. WhiB3 regulates the expression of genes involved in lipid anabolism, secretion, and redox metabolism, in response to acidic pH. Furthermore, inactivation of the MSH pathway subverted the expression of whiB3 along with other pH-specific genes in M. tuberculosis. Using a genetic biosensor of mycothiol redox potential (E-MSH), we demonstrated that a modest decrease in phagosomal pH is sufficient to generate redox heterogeneity in E-MSH of the M. tuberculosis population in a WhiB3-dependent manner. Data indicate that M. tuberculosis needs low pH as a signal to alter cytoplasmic E-MSH, which activates WhiB3-mediated gene expression and acid resistance. Importantly, WhiB3 regulates intraphagosomal pH by down-regulating the expression of innate immune genes and blocking phagosomal maturation. We show that this block in phagosomal maturation is in part due to WhiB3-dependent production of polyketide lipids. Consistent with these observations, Mtb Delta whiB3 displayed intramacrophage survival defect, which can be rescued by pharmacological inhibition of phagosomal acidification. Last, Mtb Delta whiB3 displayed marked attenuation in the lungs of guinea pigs. Altogether, our study revealed an intimate link between vacuolar acidification, redox physiology, and virulence in M. tuberculosis and discovered WhiB3 as crucial mediator of phagosomal maturation arrest and acid resistance in M. tuberculosis.


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We previously reported that Rv1860 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis stimulated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells secreting gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in healthy purified protein derivative (PPD)-positive individuals and protected guinea pigs immunized with a DNA vaccine and a recombinant poxvirus expressing Rv1860 from a challenge with virulent M. tuberculosis. We now show Rv1860-specific polyfunctional T (PFT) cell responses in the blood of healthy latently M. tuberculosis-infected individuals dominated by CD8(+) T cells, using a panel of 32 overlapping peptides spanning the length of Rv1860. Multiple subsets of CD8(+) PFT cells were significantly more numerous in healthy latently infected volunteers (HV) than in tuberculosis (TB) patients (PAT). The responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from PAT to the peptides of Rv1860 were dominated by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) secretions, the former coming predominantly from non-T cell sources. Notably, the pattern of the T cell response to Rv1860 was distinctly different from those of the widely studied M. tuberculosis antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10, Ag85A, and Ag85B, which elicited CD4(+) T cell-dominated responses as previously reported in other cohorts. We further identified a peptide spanning amino acids 21 to 39 of the Rv1860 protein with the potential to distinguish latent TB infection from disease due to its ability to stimulate differential cytokine signatures in HV and PAT. We suggest that a TB vaccine carrying these and other CD8(+) T-cell-stimulating antigens has the potential to prevent progression of latent M. tuberculosis infection to TB disease.


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RecA plays a central role in bacterial DNA repair, homologous recombination, and restoration of stalled replication forks by virtue of its active extended nucleoprotein filament. Binding of ATP and its subsequent recognition by the carboxamide group of a highly conserved glutamine (GIn196 in MsRecA) have been implicated in the formation of active RecA nucleoprotein filaments. Although the mechanism of ATP-dependent structural transitions in RecA has been proposed on the basis of low-resolution electron microscopic reconstructions, the precise sequence of events that constitute these transitions is poorly understood. On the basis of biochemical and crystallographic analyses of MsRecA variants carrying mutations in highly conserved Gln196 and Arg198 residues, we propose that the disposition of the interprotomer interface is the structural basis of allosteric activation of RecA. Furthermore, this study accounts, for the contributions of several conserved amino acids to ATP hydrolysis and to the transition from collapsed to extended filament forms in Mycobacterium smegmatis RecA (MsRecA). In addition to their role in the inactive compressed state, the study reveals a role for GIn196 and Arg198 along with Phe219 in ATP hydrolysis in the active extended nucleoprotein filament. Finally, our data suggest that the primary, but not secondary, nucleotide binding site in MsRecA isomerizes into the ATP binding site present in the extended nucleoprotein filament.


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The alarmone (p)ppGpp regulates transcription, translation, replication, virulence, lipid synthesis, antibiotic sensitivity, biofilm formation, and other functions in bacteria. Signaling nucleotide cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) regulates biofilm formation, motility, virulence, the cell cycle, and other functions. In Mycobacterium smegmatis, both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are synthesized and degraded by bifunctional proteins Rel(Msm) and DcpA, encoded by rel(Msm) and dcpA genes, respectively. We have previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA knockout strains are antibiotic resistant and defective in biofilm formation, show altered cell surface properties, and have reduced levels of glycopeptidolipids and polar lipids in their cell wall (K. R. Gupta, S. Kasetty, and D. Chatterji, Appl Environ Microbiol 81:2571-2578, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/AEM.03999-14). In this work, we have explored the phenotypes that are affected by both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP in mycobacteria. We have shown that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed to maintain the proper growth rate under stress conditions such as carbon deprivation and cold shock. Scanning electron microscopy showed that low levels of these second messengers result in elongated cells, while high levels reduce the cell length and embed the cells in a biofilm-like matrix. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the elongated Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA cells are multinucleate, while transmission electron microscopy showed that the elongated cells are multiseptate. Gene expression analysis also showed that genes belonging to functional categories such as virulence, detoxification, lipid metabolism, and cell-wall-related processes were differentially expressed. Our results suggests that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP affect some common phenotypes in M. smegmatis, thus raising a possibility of cross talk between these two second messengers in mycobacteria. IMPORTANCE Our work has expanded the horizon of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP signaling in Gram-positive bacteria. We have come across a novel observation that M. smegmatis needs (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP for cold tolerance. We had previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA strains are defective in biofilm formation. In this work, the overproduction of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP encased M. smegmatis in a biofilm-like matrix, which shows that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed for biofilm formation. The regulation of cell length and cell division by (p) ppGpp was known in mycobacteria, but our work shows that c-di-GMP also affects the cell size and cell division in mycobacteria. This is perhaps the first report of c-di-GMP regulating cell division in mycobacteria.


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Salmonella enterica sv. typhimurium (S. enterica sv. Typhimurium) has two metal-transporting P(1)-type ATPases whose actions largely overlap with respect to growth in elevated copper. Mutants lacking both ATPases over-accumulate copper relative to wild-type or either single mutant. Such duplication of ATPases is unusual in bacterial copper tolerance. Both ATPases are under the control of MerR family metal-responsive transcriptional activators. Analyses of periplasmic copper complexes identified copper-CueP as one of the predominant metal pools. Expression of cueP was recently shown to be controlled by the same metal-responsive activator as one of the P(1)-type ATPase genes (copA), and copper-CueP is a further atypical feature of copper homeostasis in S. enterica sv. Typhimurium. Elevated copper is detected by a reporter construct driven by the promoter of copA in wild-type S. enterica sv. Typhimurium during infection of macrophages. Double mutants missing both ATPases also show reduced survival inside cultured macrophages. It is hypothesized that elevated copper within macrophages may have selected for specialized copper-resistance systems in pathogenic microorganism such as S. enterica sv. Typhimurium.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de tuberculosis(Micobacterium bovis) y brucelosis (Brucella abortus) en bovinos criollos de raza Reyna de la finca Santa Rosa propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. Este trabajo se realizó en dos etapas de campo con un intervalo de 215 días entre el primer muestreo y el segundo muestreo de la misma población de bovinos. Primer muestreo: 80 bovinos muestreados de un total de 120 animales, correspondiente al 66.83% de la población total. Segundo muestreo serológico se utilizaron 85 bovinos de una población de 130 equivalente al 65.39% del total de bovinos.Los criterios de selección fueron: bovinos de la raza Reyna clínicamente sanos y en edad reproductiva. Para la interpretación de los datos en este estudio se utilizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Para el diagnóstico de tuberculosis se realizó la prueba de tuberculina anocaudal y la prueba doble comparativa en los bovinos que reaccionaron a la aplicación de tuberculina PPD. En la primera y segunda etapa del muestreo serológico los animales dieron “no reactores” a la sensibilización dérmica por tuberculina. Los resultados del muestreo serológico realizados a través de las pruebas rosa de bengala, rivanol y test de ELISA para el diagnostico de brucelosis,demuestran que ninguno de los sueros de los bovinos presentaron anticuerpos aglutinantes, indicando que los animales no estuvieron expuestos a Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis o Brucellasuis.


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Background: Gene expression technologies have opened up new ways to diagnose and treat cancer and other diseases. Clustering algorithms are a useful approach with which to analyze genome expression data. They attempt to partition the genes into groups exhibiting similar patterns of variation in expression level. An important problem associated with gene classification is to discern whether the clustering process can find a relevant partition as well as the identification of new genes classes. There are two key aspects to classification: the estimation of the number of clusters, and the decision as to whether a new unit (gene, tumor sample ... ) belongs to one of these previously identified clusters or to a new group. Results: ICGE is a user-friendly R package which provides many functions related to this problem: identify the number of clusters using mixed variables, usually found by applied biomedical researchers; detect whether the data have a cluster structure; identify whether a new unit belongs to one of the pre-identified clusters or to a novel group, and classify new units into the corresponding cluster. The functions in the ICGE package are accompanied by help files and easy examples to facilitate its use. Conclusions: We demonstrate the utility of ICGE by analyzing simulated and real data sets. The results show that ICGE could be very useful to a broad research community.


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Em diversos estados do Brasil, foram relatadas epidemias de infecções causadas por micobactérias de crescimento rápido (MCR) desde o ano 2000. A maioria dos casos foi principalmente associada ao clone BRA100 de Mycobacterium massiliense, recentemente renomeada para Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii, isolado de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos invasivos nos quais os instrumentos médicos não foram adequadamente esterilizados e/ou desinfetados. Sendo as quinolonas uma opção no tratamento de infecções por MCR e sugerida para esquemas terapêuticos para esses surtos, foram avaliadas nesse trabalho as atividades in vitro de quatro gerações de quinolonas para cepas clinicas e de referência de MCR através da microdiluição em caldo. Também foram analisadas as sequências peptídicas das regiões determinantes da resistência a quinolonas (RDRQ) das subunidades A e B da DNA gyrase (GyrA e GyrB) após o seqüenciamento de DNA seguido pela tradução da sequência de aminoácidos. Cinquenta e quatro cepas de M. abscessus subsp bolletii, incluindo o clone BRA100, isoladas em diferentes estados do Brasil, e 19 cepas de referência de MCR foram caracterizadas. Todas as 54 cepas clínicas de M. abscessus subsp. bolletii foram resistentes a todas as gerações de quinolonas e mostraram o mesmo resíduo nas RDRQ, incluindo Ala-83 em GyrA, Arg-447 e Asp-464 em GyrB, descritos como sendo responsáveis por gerar um baixo nível de resistência a quinolonas em micobactérias. Porém, outras espécies de MCR apresentaram diferentes susceptibilidade e padrões de mutações contrários aos classicamente já definidos, sugerindo que outros mecanismos de resistência, diferentes de mutações em gyrA e gyrB também possam estar envolvidos na alta resistência a quinolonas.


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A comparison of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates from seals (pinnipeds) in Australia, Argentina, Uruguay, Great Britain and New Zealand was undertaken to determine their relationships to each other and their taxonomic position within the complex. Isolates from 30 cases of tuberculosis in six species of pinniped and seven related isolates were compared to representative and standard strains of the M. tuberculosis complex. The seal isolates could be distinguished from other members of the M. tuberculosis complex, including the recently defined ‘Mycobacterium canettii’ and ‘Mycobacterium caprae’, on the basis of host preference and phenotypic and genetic tests. Pinnipeds appear to be the natural host for this ‘seal bacillus’, although the organism is also pathogenic in guinea pigs, rabbits, humans, Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and, possibly, cattle. Infection caused by the seal bacillus is predominantly associated with granulomatous lesions in the peripheral lymph nodes, lungs, pleura, spleen and peritoneum. Cases of disseminated disease have been found. As with other members of the M. tuberculosis complex, aerosols are the most likely route of transmission. The name Mycobacterium pinnipedii sp. nov. is proposed for this novel member of the M. tuberculosis ...


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A vacina anti-diftérica de uso corrente no Brasil (DTP), embora de alta eficácia na prevenção da difteria, está associada com episódios de toxicidade e reatogenicidade no recipiente vacinal, resultantes de proteínas residuais derivadas do processo de produção ou detoxificação. Estratégias para o desenvolvimento de vacinas menos reatogênicas e ao mesmo tempo mais eficazes e economicamente viáveis contra a difteria têm sido alvo de intensa investigação. A alternativa proposta por nosso grupo é a utilização da vacina contra a tuberculose (Mycobacterium bovis BCG sub-cepa Moreau), como vetor do gene que codifica o fragmento B da toxina diftérica (dtb) de 58,3 kDa. Neste trabalho o dtb foi clonado no vetor micobacteriano bifuncional (pUS977) de expressão citoplasmática e os clones recombinantes (pUS977dtbPW8), após a transformação do BCG, foram testados com relação a expressão do DTB em BCG e quanto a antigenicidade frente a anticorpos policlonais anti-toxóide diftérico por Immunobloting. A integridade do gene dtb e a identidade das sequências de DNA da construção plasmidial pUS977dtbPW8 foram confirmadas por sequenciamento de DNA e análise de similaridade. A imunogenicidade do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 expressando o DTB foi investigada em camundongos BALB/c, os resultados obtidos revelaram uma soroconversão específica (IgG). A infectividade e atividade microbicida do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 no ambiente intracelular foi avaliada através da infecção de linhagens de células de monócitos humano (THP-1), os dados obtidos indicaram que houve sobrevivência intracelular em até 12 dias. Nesse contexto, esplenócitos dos camundongos imunizados com 30 e 60 dias foram extraídos, mostrando que o BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 persistiu até 60 dias na ausência de pressão seletiva e a viabilidade celular não sofreu alteração significativa durante o período testado. Por outro lado, o BCGr pUS977dtbPW8, quando submetido a seis sub-cultivos consecutivos in vitro não apresentou diferença significativa na capacidade de expressar o DTB, demonstrando portanto a persistência da estabilidade funcional da linhagem recombinante. A estabilidade estrutural da construção pUS977dtbPW8 também foi avaliada por PCR confirmando a presença do gene dtb em colônias do BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 . Adicionalmente, foi possível avaliar preliminarmente in vitro a capacidade soroneutralizante dos soros de camundongos imunizados com BCGr pUS977dtbPW8 após 30 e 60 dias em células VERO. A ação citotóxica da toxina diftérica entre as diluições de 1/4 e 1/16 foram neutralizadas com o pool de soros imunes com 60 dias. Finalmente, em nosso estudo foi possível avaliar o potencial da vacina BCG como vetor de expressão de um antígeno de Corynebacterium diphtheriae in vitro e in vivo.


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A tuberculose (Tb) é a principal causa de morte no mundo, por um agente infeccioso. O tratamento padrão é a quimioterapia: rifampicina (RMP), isoniazida (INH) e pirazinamida (PZA). O maior problema global da Tb é o aumento de cepas multirresistentes (resistência pelo menos à INH e à RMP) do Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb). A resistência à INH e RMP ocorre geralmente por mutação genética nos genes KatG e rpoB, respectivamente. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1. Analisar os tipos e freqüências de mutações em duas regiões iniciais do gene katG do MTb. 2. Determinar os tipos e freqüências das mutações no gene rpoB. Duas regiões do gene katG e uma do gene rpoB foram amplificadas por PCR e seqüenciadas para o diagnóstico das mutações. Para a análise do gene katG foram utilizadas 101 cepas. Dentre estas, 4 eram sensíveis e não apresentaram mutação (controle). Das 97 cepas restantes, na primeira região seqüenciada do KatG, não ocorreram mutações em 67. Nas outras 30 cepas houve 33 deleções de nucleotídeos, sendo que 24 ocorreram no último nucleotídeo do códon 4 (24,7%), o que caracterizou um novo alelo. Na região 2, dentre as 97 cepas não houve mutação em 16 - sete estavam associadas a ausência de mutação na região 1. Ocorreram 83 mutações pontuais, sendo 75,3% no códon 315. Sete cepas resistentes a INH não apresentaram mutações em nenhuma das duas regiões analisadas. As mutações na região 2 permitiram o diagnóstico de resistência à INH em 79 cepas ou 81,4%. Nove cepas que não mostraram mutações na região 2 tiveram mutações na região 1. Logo, esta região permitiu o acréscimo do diagnóstico de resistência à INH para 88 cepas, aumentando a positividade em 9,3%. Em sete casos resistentes não houve mutação em ambas as regiões. Na análise do gene rpoB usamos 120 cepas de MTb. Nenhuma mutação foi encontrada em 13 isolados resistentes à RMP. O códon que apresentou maior freqüência de mutação foi o 531 (45.6%), seguido pelo 526 (26%) e 516 (12.5%). Em outros onze códons, foi encontrado um total de 18 mutações (15.2%), principalmente nos códons 511 (3.4%) e 513 (3.4%). Nenhum dos isolados sensíveis à RMP apresentou mutações. No Estado do Rio de Janeiro, as mutações mais freqüentes foram: 516 (5%), 526 (2.5 %) e 531 (21.2%). Dentre os outros estados, as mutações mais freqüentes foram: 516 (2.5 %), 526 (11%) e 531 (19.4%). A freqüência de mutações dos isolados do Rio de Janeiro foi comparada com a encontrada nos outros estados, mas quando o removemos da análise, a freqüência de mutações nos códons 531 e 526 para os outros 15 estados é semelhante. A análise estatística mostra que este dado é significativo (p=0.002). No entanto, quando todos os estados são analisados simultaneamente, o códon 531 é novamente o mais freqüentemente mutado. A análise do gene rpoB diagnosticou a resistência à rifampicina em 89,17% das cepas. Nossos resultados confirmam que, no Brasil, mutações na região RRDR do gene rpoB podem predizer resistência a RMP.