933 resultados para advanced solid tumors
L’irinotécan est un agent de chimiothérapie largement utilisé pour le traitement de tumeurs solides, particulièrement pour le cancer colorectal métastatique (mCRC). Fréquemment, le traitement par l’irinotécan conduit à la neutropénie et la diarrhée, des effets secondaires sévères qui peuvent limiter la poursuite du traitement et la qualité de vie des patients. Plusieurs études pharmacogénomiques ont évalué les risques associés à la chimiothérapie à base d’irinotécan, en particulier en lien avec le gène UGT1A, alors que peu d’études ont examiné l’impact des gènes codant pour des transporteurs. Par exemple, le marqueur UGT1A1*28 a été associé à une augmentation de 2 fois du risque de neutropénie, mais ce marqueur ne permet pas de prédire la toxicité gastrointestinale ou l’issue clinique. L’objectif de cette étude était de découvrir de nouveaux marqueurs génétiques associés au risque de toxicité induite par l’irinotécan, en utilisant une stratégie d’haplotype/SNP-étiquette permettant de maximiser la couverture des loci génétiques ciblés. Nous avons analysé les associations génétiques des loci UGT1 et sept gènes codants pour des transporteurs ABC impliqués dans la pharmacocinétique de l’irinotécan, soient ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2, ABCC5, ABCG1, ABCG2 ainsi que SLCO1B1. Les profils de 167 patients canadiens atteints de mCRC sous traitement FOLFIRI (à base d’irinotécan) ont été examinés et les marqueurs significatifs ont par la suite été validés dans une cohorte indépendante de 250 patients italiens. Nous avons découvert dans la région intergénique en aval du gène UGT1, un nouveau marqueur (rs11563250G) associé à un moindre risque de neutropénie sévère (rapport des cotes (RC)=0.21; p=0.043 chez les canadiens, RC=0.27; p=0.036 chez les italiens, et RC=0.31 p=0.001 pour les deux cohortes combinées). De plus, le RC est demeuré significatif après correction pour multiples comparaisons (p=0.041). Par ailleurs, pour l’haplotype défini par les marqueurs rs11563250G et UGT1A1*1 (rs8175347 TA6), le RC était de 0.17 (p=0.0004). Un test génétique évaluant ces marqueurs permettrait d’identifier les patients susceptibles de bénéficier d’une augmentation de dose d’irinotécan. En revanche, une autre combinaison de marqueurs, ABCC5 rs3749438 et rs10937158 (T–C), a prédit un risque plus faible de diarrhée sévère dans les deux cohortes (RC = 0.43; p=0.001). La coexistence des marqueurs ABCG1 rs225440T et ABCC5 rs2292997A a prédit un risque accru de neutropénie (RC=5.93; p=0.0002), alors qu’une prédiction encore plus significative a été obtenue lorsque ces marqueurs sont combinés au marqueur de risque bien établi UGT1A1*28 rs8175347 (RC=7.68; p<0.0001). Enfin, les porteurs de l’allèle de protection UGT1 rs11563250G en absence d’allèles de risque, ont montré une incidence réduite de neutropénie sévère (8.2% vs. 34.0%; p<0.0001). Nous concluons que ces nouveaux marqueurs génétiques prédictifs pourraient permettre d’améliorer l’évaluation du risque de toxicité et personnaliser le traitement à base d’irinotécan pour les patients atteints du cancer colorectal métastatique.
International audience
Os fármacos anti-reabsorção óssea mais utilizados atualmente são os bifosfonatos que são medicamentos que inibem a actividade osteoclástica. O mecanismo de ação destes fármacos consiste na redução da reabsorção óssea pois inibem a apoptose dos osteoclastos e promovem a inibição da angiogénese. Estes fármacos são utilizados no tratamento de doenças como a osteoporose, hipercalcemia, doença de Paget e em pacientes oncológicos com metástases ósseas de tumores sólidos e mieloma múltiplo. Por outro lado, estes fármacos além de todos os benefícios que têm para os pacientes nestas condições, podem ter como complicação a osteonecrose dos maxilares (ONM). A ONM é uma complicação oral grave caracterizada, na maioria, por uma osteomielite inicial que normalmente evolui para uma exposição de osso necrosado acompanhada por dor na maxila ou na mandíbula. Nos doentes oncológicos têm sido diagnosticados vários casos de necrose óssea mais frequentemente na mandíbula. Esta patologia (ONM) apesar de ter baixa incidência e do seu aparecimento ser relativamente recente, levou à introdução de algumas recomendações internacionais para o uso de bifosfonatos, principalmente em pacientes oncológicos. Para a execução deste trabalho recorri a fontes de pesquisas como as bases de dados como a PubMed, B-On e, também ao Repositório Institucional da Universidade Fernando Pessoa das quais resultaram 198 artigos e duas monografias realizadas por exalunos da Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Com a realização deste trabalho foi possível esclarecer algumas dúvidas acerca dos efeitos que os fármacos anti-reabsorção óssea têm no organismo e mais especificamente na cavidade oral, de forma a estar consciente dos riscos que estes pacientes correm, caso lhes sejam realizados procedimentos como é o caso, das exodontias ou da colocação de implantes.
Las representaciones sociales son una construcción de significados que las personas otorgan a un objeto en este caso el tratamiento oncológico. En el mundo, el cáncer es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia y sus tratamientos suelen generar numerosos efectos secundarios, pero a la vez es el recurso médico disponible para controlar la enfermedad. Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo analizar las representaciones sociales del tratamiento oncológico en población colombiana. Participaron voluntariamente 20 personas seleccionadas por conveniencia. Se realizaron entrevistas abiertas y se analizaron los resultados a través del análisis temático y se interpretaron con base en la teoría de las representaciones sociales. Los resultados indicaron que las personas representan el tratamiento oncológico convencional, predominantemente como quimioterapia, generadores de sufrimiento, miedo, alto costo físico, emocional y económico; así como una apuesta en la que la ganancia puede ser la prolongación de la vida o la remisión. Se discuten los resultados y sus implicaciones.
An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system Nd-Pd-O at 1350 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing 13 different compositions and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive analysis of x-rays. The binary oxides PdO and NdO were not stable at 1350 K. Two ternary oxides Nd4PdO7 and Nd2Pd2O5 were identified. Solid and liquid alloys, as well as the intermetallics NdPd3 and NdPd5, were found to be in equilibrium with Nd2O3. Based on the phase relations, three solidstate cells were designed to measure the Gibbs energies of formation of PdO and the two ternary oxides. An advanced version of the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode was used for high-temperature thermodynamic measurements. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between reference and working electrodes, was to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MP a as the reference electrode. Electromotive force measurements, conducted from 950 to 1425 K, indicated the presence of a third ternary oxide Nd2PdO4, stable below 1135 (±10) K. Additional cells were designed to study this compound. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of PdO (†f G 0) was measured from 775 to 1125 Kusing two separate cell designs against the primary reference standard for oxygen chemical potential. Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system Nd-Pd-O were also developed.
An advanced design of the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode has been developed for high temperature thermodynamic measurements. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between reference and working electrodes, was to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The application of the novel design and its advantages have been demonstrated by measuring the standard Gibbs energies of formation of ternary oxides of the system Sm–Pd–O. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. For the design of appropriate working electrodes, phase relations in the ternary system Sm–Pd–O were investigated at 1273 K. The two ternary oxides, Sm4PdO7 and Sm2Pd2O5, compositions of which fall on the Sm2O3–PdO join, were found to coexist with pure metal Pd. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary oxides were measured using three-phase electrodes in the temperature range 950–1425 K. During electrochemical measurements a third ternary oxide, Sm2PdO4, was found to be stable at low temperature. The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Δf(ox)Go) of the compounds from their component binary oxides Sm2O3 and PdO, can be represented by the equations: Sm4PdO7: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−34,220+0.84T(K) (±280); Sm2PdO4: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−33,350+2.49T(K) (±230); Sm2Pd2O5: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−59,955+1.80T(K) (±320). Based on the thermodynamic information, three-dimensional P–T–C and chemical potential diagrams for the system Sm–Pd–O were developed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The incidence of encephalic tumors in dogs and cats has increased in recent years due to the constant advancement of methods of specialist Diagnostic Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT), used in small animals. These tools, which were distant in the past, are now becoming increasingly important as an additional aid to the identification of tumor processes in the Central Nervous System. The objective, of the present study, was describe imaging findings obtained in 32 cases of encephalic tumors, through techniques of CT and MR imaging procedures during the years 2004 to 2011. Were diagnosed 19/32 by MRI and 13/32 by CT, being the most affected breed Boxer (9/32), the mean age was 10 years.
OBJECTIVE In this study, the "Progressive Resolution Optimizer PRO3" (Varian Medical Systems) is compared to the previous version "PRO2" with respect to its potential to improve dose sparing to the organs at risk (OAR) and dose coverage of the PTV for head and neck cancer patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS For eight head and neck cancer patients, volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment plans were generated in this study. All cases have 2-3 phases and the total prescribed dose (PD) was 60-72Gy in the PTV. The study is mainly focused on the phase 1 plans, which all have an identical PD of 54Gy, and complex PTV structures with an overlap to the parotids. Optimization was performed based on planning objectives for the PTV according to ICRU83, and with minimal dose to spinal cord, and parotids outside PTV. In order to assess the quality of the optimization algorithms, an identical set of constraints was used for both, PRO2 and PRO3. The resulting treatment plans were investigated with respect to dose distribution based on the analysis of the dose volume histograms. RESULTS For the phase 1 plans (PD=54Gy) the near maximum dose D2% of the spinal cord, could be minimized to 22±5 Gy with PRO3, as compared to 32±12Gy with PRO2, averaged for all patients. The mean dose to the parotids was also lower in PRO3 plans compared to PRO2, but the differences were less pronounced. A PTV coverage of V95%=97±1% could be reached with PRO3, as compared to 86±5% with PRO2. In clinical routine, these PRO2 plans would require modifications to obtain better PTV coverage at the cost of higher OAR doses. CONCLUSION A comparison between PRO3 and PRO2 optimization algorithms was performed for eight head and neck cancer patients. In general, the quality of VMAT plans for head and neck patients are improved with PRO3 as compared to PRO2. The dose to OARs can be reduced significantly, especially for the spinal cord. These reductions are achieved with better PTV coverage as compared to PRO2. The improved spinal cord sparing offers new opportunities for all types of paraspinal tumors and for re-irradiation of recurrent tumors or second malignancies.
Cell-based therapies have demonstrated potency and efficacy as cancer treatment modalities. T cells can be dichotomized by their T cell receptor (TCR) complexes where alpha/beta T cells (95% of T cells) and gamma/delta T cells (+T cells proliferated to clinically significant numbers and ROR1+ tumor cells were effectively targeted and killed by both ROR1-specific CAR+ T cell populations, although ROR1RCD137 were superior to ROR1RCD28 in clearance of leukemia xenografts in vivo. The second specific aim focused on generating bi-specific CD19-specific CAR+ gamma/delta T cells with polyclonal TCRgamma/delta repertoire on CD19+ artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPC). Enhanced cytolysis of CD19+ leukemia was observed by CAR+ gamma/delta T cells compared to CARneg gamma/delta T cells, and leukemia xenografts were significantly reduced compared to control mice in vivo. The third specific aim looked at the broad anti-tumor effects of polyclonal gamma/delta T cells expanded on aAPC without CAR+ T cells, where Vdelta1, Vdelta2, and Vdelta3 populations had naïve, effector memory, and central memory phenotypes and effector function strength in the following order: Vdelta2>Vdelta3>Vdelta1. Polyclonal gamma/delta T cells eliminated ovarian cancer xenografts in vivo and increased survival compared to control mice. Thus, translating these methodologies to clinical trials will provide cancer patients novel, safe, and effective options for their treatment.
Agonist ligands for the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ have been shown to induce terminal differentiation of normal preadipocytes and human liposarcoma cells in vitro. Because the differentiation status of liposarcoma is predictive of clinical outcomes, modulation of the differentiation status of a tumor may favorably impact clinical behavior. We have conducted a clinical trial for treatment of patients with advanced liposarcoma by using the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ ligand troglitazone, in which extensive correlative laboratory studies of tumor differentiation were performed. We report here the results of three patients with intermediate to high-grade liposarcomas in whom troglitazone administration induced histologic and biochemical differentiation in vivo. Biopsies of tumors from each of these patients while on troglitazone demonstrated histologic evidence of extensive lipid accumulation by tumor cells and substantial increases in NMR-detectable tumor triglycerides compared with pretreatment biopsies. In addition, expression of several mRNA transcripts characteristic of differentiation in the adipocyte lineage was induced. There was also a marked reduction in immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67, a marker of cell proliferation. Together, these data indicate that terminal adipocytic differentiation was induced in these malignant tumors by troglitazone. These results indicate that lineage-appropriate differentiation can be induced pharmacologically in a human solid tumor.
The atomic-level structure and chemistry of materials ultimately dictate their observed macroscopic properties and behavior. As such, an intimate understanding of these characteristics allows for better materials engineering and improvements in the resulting devices. In our work, two material systems were investigated using advanced electron and ion microscopy techniques, relating the measured nanoscale traits to overall device performance. First, transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy (TEM-EELS) were used to analyze interfacial states at the semiconductor/oxide interface in wide bandgap SiC microelectronics. This interface contains defects that significantly diminish SiC device performance, and their fundamental nature remains generally unresolved. The impacts of various microfabrication techniques were explored, examining both current commercial and next-generation processing strategies. In further investigations, machine learning techniques were applied to the EELS data, revealing previously hidden Si, C, and O bonding states at the interface, which help explain the origins of mobility enhancement in SiC devices. Finally, the impacts of SiC bias temperature stressing on the interfacial region were explored. In the second system, focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) was used to reconstruct 3D models of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes. Since the specific degradation mechanisms of SOFC cathodes are poorly understood, FIB/SEM and TEM were used to analyze and quantify changes in the microstructure during performance degradation. Novel strategies for microstructure calculation from FIB-nanotomography data were developed and applied to LSM-YSZ and LSCF-GDC composite cathodes, aged with environmental contaminants to promote degradation. In LSM-YSZ, migration of both La and Mn cations to the grain boundaries of YSZ was observed using TEM-EELS. Few substantial changes however, were observed in the overall microstructure of the cells, correlating with a lack of performance degradation induced by the H2O. Using similar strategies, a series of LSCF-GDC cathodes were analyzed, aged in H2O, CO2, and Cr-vapor environments. FIB/SEM observation revealed considerable formation of secondary phases within these cathodes, and quantifiable modifications of the microstructure. In particular, Cr-poisoning was observed to cause substantial byproduct formation, which was correlated with drastic reductions in cell performance.
INTRODUCTION: Performance status (PS) 2 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) experience more toxicity, lower response rates, and shorter survival times than healthier patients treated with standard chemotherapy. Paclitaxel poliglumex (PPX), a macromolecule drug conjugate of paclitaxel and polyglutamic acid, reduces systemic exposure to peak concentrations of free paclitaxel and may lead to increased concentrations in tumors due to enhanced vascular permeability. METHODS: Chemotherapy-naive PS 2 patients with advanced NSCLC were randomized to receive carboplatin (area under the curve = 6) and either PPX (210 mg/m/10 min without routine steroid premedication) or paclitaxel (225 mg/m/3 h with standard premedication) every 3 weeks. The primary end point was overall survival. RESULTS: A total of 400 patients were enrolled. Alopecia, arthralgias/myalgias, and cardiac events were significantly less frequent with PPX/carboplatin, whereas grade ≥3 neutropenia and grade 3 neuropathy showed a trend of worsening. There was no significant difference in the incidence of hypersensitivity reactions despite the absence of routine premedication in the PPX arm. Overall survival was similar between treatment arms (hazard ratio, 0.97; log rank p = 0.769). Median and 1-year survival rates were 7.9 months and 31%, for PPX versus 8 months and 31% for paclitaxel. Disease control rates were 64% and 69% for PPX and paclitaxel, respectively. Time to progression was similar: 3.9 months for PPX/carboplatin versus 4.6 months for paclitaxel/carboplatin (p = 0.210). CONCLUSION: PPX/carboplatin failed to provide superior survival compared with paclitaxel/carboplatin in the first-line treatment of PS 2 patients with NSCLC, but the results with respect to progression-free survival and overall survival were comparable and the PPX regimen was more convenient. © 2008International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.