896 resultados para Visual studies


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A camada I tem como característica principal a baixa quantidade de neurônios e uma alta densidade de fibras nervosas. A morfologia dos neurônios da camada I ainda é pouco estudada, tanto que nos estudos que avaliaram a morfologia desses neurônios não se chegou ainda a um consenso sobre as formas e funções desses neurônios. Este estudo avaliou a morfologia dos neurônios da camada I do córtex visual de duas espécies de roedores: Cavia porcellus, popularmente conhecido no Brasil como porquinho-da-índia e Rattus norvegicus, que é o rato e foi utilizada a linhagem Wistar, comumente usado nas pesquisas científicas. O porquinho-da-índia é um modelo animal muito estudado, utilizado em diversos segmentos da ciência. Apesar dessa espécie ser bem estudada, trabalhos na camada I desse animal são relativamente raros, especialmente em relação à morfologia e eletrofisiologia dos neurônios dessa região cortical. Pesquisas em ratos sobre os neurônios da camada I são mais frequentes, tanto em relação a morfologia quanto a eletrofisiologia. Para discriminar as possibilidades de diferenças na morfologia dos neurônios da camada I do córtex visual do porquinho-da-índia e do rato, este estudo classificou esses neurônios de acordo com a trajetória de seus dendritos e analisou as medidas dendríticas utilizando a técnica de injeção intracelular de biocitina. Após a classificação dos neurônios as comparações foram feitas entre os mesmos tipos celulares de cada roedor. Foram utilizados 35 porquinhos-da-índia da variedade Dunkin-Hartley de pêlo curto de ambos os sexos com idades de 4 a 5 dias de vida pós-natal. Quanto aos ratos, foram utilizados 30 ratos da variedade Wistar, de ambos os sexos com idades de 14 a 21 dias de vida pós-natal. Os animais foram anestesiados e tiveram seus encéfalos removidos, hemisférios separados e foram realizados cortes no plano coronal na região occipital onde se localiza a área visual dos roedores. As fatias foram mantidas em líquido cérebro-espinhal artificial e em seguida levadas ao microscópio para injeção de biocitina e posteriormente foram fixadas e tratadas para montagem em lâmina e contracoradas com Nissl para melhor visualização. Os neurônios encontrados foram classificados como: horizontais, ascendentes, descendentes e radias. Foram analisadas as seguintes medidas dendríticas: área do campo receptor, comprimento dendrítico total e médio, área total do corpo celular, número de dendritos, distância da pia-máter e análise da distribuição de Sholl. Dos resultados obtidos os mais notáveis foram o alcance dos ramos dendríticos e o tamanho do corpo celular dos neurônios da camada I do porquinho-da-índia quando comparados aos do rato. Isso sugere que, nessa espécie, um maior número de microcircuitos neurais podem ser estabelecidos, e por conseguinte maior taxa metabólica, justificada pelo maior tamanho do corpo celular.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Background: Although postural changes were already reported in blind adults, no previous study has investigated postural stability in blind children. Moreover, there are few studies which used a stabilometric instrument to measure postural balance. In this study we evaluated stabilometric paramaters in blind children. Methods: We evaluated children between 7 to 12 years old, they were divided into two groups: Blind (n = 11) and age-matched control (n = 11) groups by using computerized stabilometry. The stabilometric examination was performed taking the gravity centers displacement of the individual projected into the platform. Thirthy seconds after the period in which this information was collected, the program defined a medium-pressure center, which was used to define x and y axes displacement and the distance between the pressure center and the platform center. Furthermore, the average sway rate and the body sway area were obtained by dividing the pressure center displacement and the time spent on the task; and by an ellipse function (95% percentille), respectively. Percentages of anterior, posterior, left and right feet weight also were calculated. Variables were compared by using the Student’s t test for unpaired data. Significance level was considered for p <0.05. Results: Displacement of the x axis (25.55 ± 9.851 vs. -3.545 ± 7.667; p <0.05) and average sway rate (19.18 ± 2.7 vs. -10.55 ± 1.003; p <0.001) were increased in the blind children group. Percentage of left foot weight was reduced (45.82 ± 2.017 vs. 52.36 ± 1.33; p <0.05) while percentage of right foot weight was increased (54.18 ± 2.17 vs. 47.64 ± 1.33; p <0.05) in blind children. Other variables did not show differences. Conclusions: Blind children present impaired stabilometric parameters.


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Sexuality and sex education for visually impaired people are still a few subjects studied in the field of Education. The aim of this study was to investigate sexuality and sex education of the visually impaired, through an interview with an adult woman, blind from birth, for further analysis of thematic content. It is a descriptive-qualitative case study. The following categories were described in the results: (1) Concept of sexuality, (2) Sexual Education, (3) Sexuality and Disability, (4) Social issues and prejudice. The data confirm other studies showing the existence of social prejudice, sexual myths, no sex education or sex education with superficial information and difficulties predominantly psychosocial and not organic in relation to sexuality. We conclude that sexuality and sex education are important issues that should be considered in the general education of people with disabilities.


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Postural control is needed to perform various daily activities, from staying in one posture, standing, to sports situations. Many studies have shown that sensory systems help to maintain posture stable; acquisition of perceptual information, particularly through head and eye movements, allows static and dynamic equilibrium. Research related to both motor behavior and physical activities such as gymnastics have contributed to a better understanding of complexities involved in human postural control. The purpose of this study was to review the related literature, searching for possible answers on how everyday and sports actions are performed, with respect to the control and maintenance of posture. Its focus was on how the human body acquires information from the sensory systems, vision in special, and how this information acts to support the control of posture and gaze


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The air part of the cassava is a residue which presents possibilities of being used as a non-wooden raw material in the production of pulp due to the fact that its 81 % of the adult plants air part, besides having high availability and presenting a high concentration of fibers. Studies were developed with the purpose of producing the pulps through the kraft process, which is a mix of the Na2S and NaOH in water heated up to the temperature of 160º C for about 90 minutes to the extraction of lignin. The paper sheets obtained in the practices went through an experimenting process. Studies related to the paper characteristics were accomplished in order to assess its use in the visual communication through printing techniques, silk screen, pictures and others graphical processes. The research results are able to conclude the utilization viability of this material in graphics communication.


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Despite of intense discussion over recent decades about the inclusion of disabled people and the influence of conception of teachers about that inclusion for the effectuation of it, this work sought to identify conceptions of science teachers regarding the inclusion of students with visual impairment in the classes of astronomy providing basis for future studies.


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Currently, too much visual information present in all media is form vehemently, for example, in print media and interfaces used for publicity in conjunction with informational design. This visual information has great influence in the lives of human beings, since the vision of these individuals is the sense most used. Studies on visual identity have not explored this issue in a satisfactory manner, favoring thus the subject of this little development projects in the area. Note the need for analyzes to enable implementation principles of projective, making them accessible to the understanding of most individuals. This study aimed to propose an evaluation of visual identities, which were analyzed by means of visual concepts of usability, design methodologies and Gestalt. We contacted design firms specializing in visual identity projects, places where interviews were conducted to collect the marks allowed for analysis. The results point to a frequent demand the employment of visual usability principles, design methodologies and design in Gestalt visual identities.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Young children have the strong desire to use all of the communicative tools their cultures and families offer them. They want to be able to do all of the things that the powerful people they admire can do, including talking, writing, drawing, using the computer, and otherwise creating and sharing ideas, memories, solutions, even jokes and feelings. Today, we live in a time when the communicative tools are changing rapidly, practically exploding before our eyes in terms of the formats and media available to us in complex combinations not seen before. What do these technological changes mean for how we can support children's development toward literacy? An integrated arts curriculum has long been favored by many educators, but today there are more reasons than ever to implement such a philosophy. From communications theory comes a new understanding of how modern technologies demand that children learn to "read" and "write" messages involving complex combinations and integrations of visual and verbal formats. From psychology come insights about intelligence being multiple not unitary, as well as ecological perception theory offering a well-accepted framework for analyzing the affordances and expressive possibilities of different media. From education come fresh approaches to integrated curriculum, including a philosophy and pedagogy from Reggio Emilia, Italy, that combines well with current thinking by North Americans. Altogether, we have many rationales and exciting strategies at hand for launching young children toward an integrated visual and verbal literacy that involves substance, challenge, and discipline, as well as innovation, creativity, and freedom.


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Although the diagnosis of Graves' orbitopathy is primarily made clinically based on laboratory tests indicative of thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity, imaging studies, such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and color Doppler imaging, play an important role both in the diagnosis and follow-up after clinical or surgical treatment of the disease. Imaging studies can be used to evaluate morphological abnormalities of the orbital structures during the diagnostic workup when a differential diagnosis versus other orbital diseases is needed. Imaging may also be useful to distinguish the inflammatory early stage from the inactive stage of the disease. Finally, imaging studies can be of great help in identifying patients prone to develop dysthyroid optic neuropathy and therefore enabling the timely diagnosis and treatment of the condition, avoiding permanent visual loss. In this paper, we review the imaging modalities that aid in the diagnosis and management of Graves' orbitopathy, with special emphasis on the diagnosis of optic nerve dysfunction in this condition.


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The effect produced by a warning stimulus(i) (WS) in reaction time (RT) tasks is commonly attributed to a facilitation of sensorimotor mechanisms by alertness. Recently, evidence was presented that this effect is also related to a proactive inhibition of motor control mechanisms. This inhibition would hinder responding to the WS instead of the target stimulus (TS). Some studies have shown that auditory WS produce a stronger facilitatory effect than visual WS. The present study investigated whether the former WS also produces a stronger inhibitory effect than the latter WS. In one session, the RTs to a visual target in two groups of volunteers were evaluated. In a second session, subjects reacted to the visual target both with (50% of the trials) and without (50% of the trials) a WS. During trials, when subjects received a WS, one group received a visual WS and the other group was presented with an auditory WS. In the first session, the mean RTs of the two groups did not differ significantly. In the second session, the mean RT of the two groups in the presence of the WS was shorter than in their absence. The mean RT in the absence of the auditory WS was significantly longer than the mean RT in the absence of the visual WS. Mean RTs did not differ significantly between the present conditions of the visual and auditory WS. The longer RTs of the auditory WS group as opposed to the visual WS group in the WS-absent trials suggest that auditory WS exert a stronger inhibitory influence on responsivity than visual WS.


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The ability of integrating into a unified percept sensory inputs deriving from different sensory modalities, but related to the same external event, is called multisensory integration and might represent an efficient mechanism of sensory compensation when a sensory modality is damaged by a cortical lesion. This hypothesis has been discussed in the present dissertation. Experiment 1 explored the role of superior colliculus (SC) in multisensory integration, testing patients with collicular lesions, patients with subcortical lesions not involving the SC and healthy control subjects in a multisensory task. The results revealed that patients with collicular lesions, paralleling the evidence of animal studies, demonstrated a loss of multisensory enhancement, in contrast with control subjects, providing the first lesional evidence in humans of the essential role of SC in mediating audio-visual integration. Experiment 2 investigated the role of cortex in mediating multisensory integrative effects, inducing virtual lesions by inhibitory theta-burst stimulation on temporo-parietal cortex, occipital cortex and posterior parietal cortex, demonstrating that only temporo-parietal cortex was causally involved in modulating the integration of audio-visual stimuli at the same spatial location. Given the involvement of the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway in mediating audio-visual integration, the functional sparing of this circuit in hemianopic patients is extremely relevant in the perspective of a multisensory-based approach to the recovery of unisensory defects. Experiment 3 demonstrated the spared functional activity of this circuit in a group of hemianopic patients, revealing the presence of implicit recognition of the fearful content of unseen visual stimuli (i.e. affective blindsight), an ability mediated by the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway and its connections with amygdala. Finally, Experiment 4 provided evidence that a systematic audio-visual stimulation is effective in inducing long-lasting clinical improvements in patients with visual field defect and revealed that the activity of the spared retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway is responsible of the observed clinical amelioration, as suggested by the greater improvement observed in patients with cortical lesions limited to the occipital cortex, compared to patients with lesions extending to other cortical areas, found in tasks high demanding in terms of spatial orienting. Overall, the present results indicated that multisensory integration is mediated by the retino-colliculo-extrastriate pathway and that a systematic audio-visual stimulation, activating this spared neural circuit, is able to affect orientation towards the blind field in hemianopic patients and, therefore, might constitute an effective and innovative approach for the rehabilitation of unisensory visual impairments.


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Lesions to the primary geniculo-striate visual pathway cause blindness in the contralesional visual field. Nevertheless, previous studies have suggested that patients with visual field defects may still be able to implicitly process the affective valence of unseen emotional stimuli (affective blindsight) through alternative visual pathways bypassing the striate cortex. These alternative pathways may also allow exploitation of multisensory (audio-visual) integration mechanisms, such that auditory stimulation can enhance visual detection of stimuli which would otherwise be undetected when presented alone (crossmodal blindsight). The present dissertation investigated implicit emotional processing and multisensory integration when conscious visual processing is prevented by real or virtual lesions to the geniculo-striate pathway, in order to further clarify both the nature of these residual processes and the functional aspects of the underlying neural pathways. The present experimental evidence demonstrates that alternative subcortical visual pathways allow implicit processing of the emotional content of facial expressions in the absence of cortical processing. However, this residual ability is limited to fearful expressions. This finding suggests the existence of a subcortical system specialised in detecting danger signals based on coarse visual cues, therefore allowing the early recruitment of flight-or-fight behavioural responses even before conscious and detailed recognition of potential threats can take place. Moreover, the present dissertation extends the knowledge about crossmodal blindsight phenomena by showing that, unlike with visual detection, sound cannot crossmodally enhance visual orientation discrimination in the absence of functional striate cortex. This finding demonstrates, on the one hand, that the striate cortex plays a causative role in crossmodally enhancing visual orientation sensitivity and, on the other hand, that subcortical visual pathways bypassing the striate cortex, despite affording audio-visual integration processes leading to the improvement of simple visual abilities such as detection, cannot mediate multisensory enhancement of more complex visual functions, such as orientation discrimination.


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We usually perform actions in a dynamic environment and changes in the location of a target for an upcoming action require both covert shifts of attention and motor planning update. In this study we tested whether, similarly to oculomotor areas that provide signals for overt and covert attention shifts, covert attention shifts modulate activity in cortical area V6A, which provides a bridge between visual signals and arm-motor control. We performed single cell recordings in monkeys trained to fixate straight-ahead while shifting attention outward to a peripheral cue and inward again to the fixation point. We found that neurons in V6A are influenced by spatial attention demonstrating that visual, motor, and attentional responses can occur in combination in single neurons of V6A. This modulation in an area primarily involved in visuo-motor transformation for reaching suggests that also reach-related regions could directly contribute in the shifts of spatial attention necessary to plan and control goal-directed arm movements. Moreover, to test whether V6A is causally involved in these processes, we have performed a human study using on-line repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the putative human V6A (pV6A) during an attention and a reaching task requiring covert shifts of attention and reaching movements towards cued targets in space. We demonstrate that the pV6A is causally involved in attention reorienting to target detection and that this process interferes with the execution of reaching movements towards unattended targets. The current findings suggest the direct involvement of the action-related dorso-medial visual stream in attentional processes, and a more specific role of V6A in attention reorienting. Therefore, we propose that attention signals are used by the V6A to rapidly update the current motor plan or the ongoing action when a behaviorally relevant object unexpectedly appears at an unattended location.