998 resultados para Vignette


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L'elaborato consiste in una proposta di traduzione del libro “>>”. Si tratta di una raccolta di vignette di Oleg Tiščenkov, disegnatore e fumettista ormai affermato in Russia. La traduzione è introdotta da una breve panoramica sulla storia del fumetto in questo Paese e da una presentazione dell’autore e della sua opera. Segue un commento nel quale si dà una definizione di fumetto come testo multimediale e si affrontano sinteticamente le principali difficoltà che presenta tale genere testuale a livello traduttivo. A partire dagli aspetti generali della questione, si passa poi a una riflessione più dettagliata sulle problematiche del testo scelto.


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L’oggetto di questa tesi è la traduzione di una selezione di vignette a tema politico disegnate da quattro fumettisti giordani: Emad Hajjaj, Osama Hajjaj , Omar al Abdallat e Naser Jafari.


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The literature contains many case reports of planned and complex suicides, which combine various methods to commit suicide. In this article, we present the anomalous suicide of an adult male by strangulation with a belt and simultaneous ingestion of plaster. The specific circumstances of the case are described and relevant literature is briefly reviewed. This case vignette illustrates one example of the wide ranging methods employed in suicides and may represent the first reported case of a fatal complex suicide involving self-strangulation and plaster ingestion. Knowledge of varied and sometimes unusual suicide methods is important to the forensic investigator to prevent unnecessary criminal investigation and to reliably and confidently establish manner and cause of death.


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Previous research has characterized human mate poaching as a prevalent alternative mating strategy that entails risks and costs typically not present during general romantic courtship and attraction. This study is the first to experimentally investigate friendship between a poacher and his/her target as a risk mitigation tactic. Participants (N = 382) read a vignette that differed by whether the poacher was male/female and whether the poacher and poached were friends/acquaintances. Participants assessed the likelihood of the poacher being successful and incurring costs. They also rated the poacher and poached on several personality and mate characteristics. Results revealed that friendship increased the perceived likelihood of success of a mate poaching attempt and decreased the perceived likelihood of several risks typically associated with mate poaching. However, friend-poachers were rated less favorably than acquaintance-poachers across measures of warmth, nurturance, and friendliness. These findings are interpreted using an evolutionary perspective. This study complements and builds upon previous findings and is the first experimental investigation of tactics poachers may use to mitigate risks inherent in mate poaching.


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Previous research has characterized human mate poaching as a prevalent alternative mating strategy that entails risks and costs typically not present during general romantic courtship and attraction. This study is the first to experimentally investigate friendship between a poacher and his/her target as a risk mitigation tactic. Participants (N = 382) read a vignette that differed by whether the poacher was male/female and whether the poacher and poached were friends/acquaintances. Participants assessed the likelihood of the poacher being successful and incurring costs. They also rated the poacher and poached on several personality and mate characteristics. Results revealed that friendship increased the perceived likelihood of success of a mate poaching attempt and decreased the perceived likelihood of several risks typically associated with mate poaching. However, friend-poachers were rated less favorably than acquaintance-poachers across measures of warmth, nurturance, and friendliness. These findings are interpreted using an evolutionary perspective. This study complements and builds upon previous findings and is the first experimental investigation of tactics poachers may use to mitigate risks inherent in mate poaching.


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Previous research has characterized human mate poaching as a prevalent alternative mating strategy that entails risks and costs typically not present during general romantic courtship and attraction. This study is the first to experimentally investigate friendship between a poacher and poachee as a risk mitigation tactic. Participants (N = 382) read a vignette that differed by whether the poacher was male/female and whether the poacher and poachee were friends/acquaintances. Participants assessed the likelihood of the poacher being successful and incurring costs. They also rated the poacher and poachee on several personality and mate characteristics. Results revealed that friendship increased the perceived likelihood of success of a mate poaching attempt and decreased the perceived likelihood of several risks typically associated with mate poaching. However, friend-poachers were rated less favorably than acquaintance-poachers across measures of warmth, nurturance, and friendliness. These findings are interpreted using an evolutionary perspective. This study complements and builds upon previous findings and is the first experimental investigation of tactics mate poachers may use to mitigate risks inherent in mate poaching.


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Data from 50 residents of a long-term care facility were used to examine the extent to which performance on a brief, objective inventory could predict a clinical psychologist's evaluation of competence to participate in decisions about medical care. Results indicate that the competence to participate in medical decisions of two-thirds of the residents could be accurately assessed using scores on a mental status instrument and two vignette-based measures of medical decision-making. These procedures could enable nursing home staff to objectively assess the competence of residents to participate in important decisions about their medical care.


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Support among US citizens for severe interrogation has been recognized as drawing upon utilitarian as well as on retributive motivation (Carlsmith & Sood, 2009). Two studies were conducted to expand on these findings in a Swiss sample. In Study 1, participants rated the severity of different interrogation techniques, which were scaled to provide an alternative measure of interrogation severity. In Study 2, retributive motivation was manipulated by varying the terrorist past of a male suspect, and utilitarian motivation was manipulated by varying the probability that the suspect could provide valuable information. Additionally, we manipulated the suspect’s group membership. The results of the vignette study suggest that the number and severity of recommended interrogation techniques is mainly influenced by whether the suspect might provide valuable information. Whether the suspect had a terrorist past was an additional influence that, however, was primarily attributable to the suspect’s group membership: If the suspect belonged to the ingroup, participants’ harsher interrogation recommendations were affected by that person’s past, whereas recommendations were not significantly influenced by a terrorist past if the suspect was an outgroup member.


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Fragestellung/Einleitung: Bisher existieren kaum Daten für den deutschsprachigen Raum, welche Fehler häufig bei der Erstellung von schriftlichen Prüfungsfragen gemacht werden. Diese Erkenntnisse könnten hilfreich sein, um Autoren in Schulungsworkshops mit dem Fokus auf die häufigsten Fehler zu schulen. Im vorliegenden Projekt wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Fehler am häufigsten bei der Erstellung von schriftlichen Prüfungsfragen gemacht werden, und welche Schlussfolgerungen daraus für Autorenschulungen gezogen werden können. Methoden: Am Institut für Medizinische Lehre Bern werden die mit der inhaltlichen und/oder formalen Fragenrevision befassten MitarbeiterInnen (N=14) anhand von semi-strukturierten Interviews befragt, mit welcher Art von Mängeln sie bei den Fragen der von ihnen betreuten schriftlichen Prüfungen am häufigsten umgehen. Weiter wird erhoben, wie dem Revisionsbedarf aus ihrer Sicht in Schulungen am besten begegnet werden kann. Ergebnisse: Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass in folgenden Bereichen am häufigsten Revisionsbedarf besteht: eindeutiger Focus auf ein konkretes Lernziel authentische und relevante Vignette für den Ausbildungsstand angemessener Schwierigkeitsgrad eindeutige Lösung formale und sprachliche Korrektheit Dementsprechend sollte auf diese Themenbereiche ein besonderer Schwerpunkt bei Schulungen gelegt werden. Diskussion/Schlussfolgerung: Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass Mängel von schriftlichen Prüfungsfragen häufig in den Bereichen Focus, Vignette, Schwierigkeitsgrad, Eindeutigkeit und formal-sprachlichen Aspekten liegen. Autorenschulungen sollten diese Aspekte in den Vordergrund stellen. Unsere zum Zeitpunkt der GMA-Tagung vorliegenden definitiven Ergebnisse können dazu beitragen, Workshops zur Fragenerstellung noch besser am Schulungsbedarf auszurichten.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Gründungsmanifest der 'Neuen Preußischen Zeitung', nach der Eisernen Kreuz-Vignette im Titelkopf auch 'Kreuzzeitung' genannt, des Organs der evangelischen Hochkonservativen, die sich zum Ziel setzen, "den entfesselten Geistern der Empörung mit Kraft und Nachdruck entgegen zu treten"


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Background: It is yet unclear if there are differences between using electronic key feature problems (KFPs) or electronic case-based multiple choice questions (cbMCQ) for the assessment of clinical decision making. Summary of Work: Fifth year medical students were exposed to clerkships which ended with a summative exam. Assessment of knowledge per exam was done by 6-9 KFPs, 9-20 cbMCQ and 9-28 MC questions. Each KFP consisted of a case vignette and three key features (KF) using “long menu” as question format. We sought students’ perceptions of the KFPs and cbMCQs in focus groups (n of students=39). Furthermore statistical data of 11 exams (n of students=377) concerning the KFPs and (cb)MCQs were compared. Summary of Results: The analysis of the focus groups resulted in four themes reflecting students’ perceptions of KFPs and their comparison with (cb)MCQ: KFPs were perceived as (i) more realistic, (ii) more difficult, (iii) more motivating for the intense study of clinical reasoning than (cb)MCQ and (iv) showed an overall good acceptance when some preconditions are taken into account. The statistical analysis revealed that there was no difference in difficulty; however KFP showed a higher discrimination and reliability (G-coefficient) even when corrected for testing times. Correlation of the different exam parts was intermediate. Conclusions: Students perceived the KFPs as more motivating for the study of clinical reasoning. Statistically KFPs showed a higher discrimination and higher reliability than cbMCQs. Take-home messages: Including KFPs with long menu questions into summative clerkship exams seems to offer positive educational effects.


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OBJECTIVES Primary care physicians (PCPs) should prescribe faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) or colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening based on their patient's values and preferences. However, there are wide variations between PCPs in the screening method prescribed. The objective was to assess the impact of an educational intervention on PCPs' intent to offer FIT or colonoscopy on an equal basis. DESIGN Survey before and after training seminars, with a parallel comparison through a mailed survey to PCPs not attending the training seminars. SETTING All PCPs in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS Of 592 eligible PCPs, 133 (22%) attended a seminar and 106 (80%) filled both surveys. 109 (24%) PCPs who did not attend the seminars returned the mailed survey. INTERVENTION A 2 h-long interactive seminar targeting PCP knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding offering a choice of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening options. OUTCOME MEASURES The primary outcome was PCP intention of having their patients screened with FIT and colonoscopy in equal proportions (between 40% and 60% each). Secondary outcomes were the perceived role of PCPs in screening decisions (from paternalistic to informed decision-making) and correct answer to a clinical vignette. RESULTS Before the seminars, 8% of PCPs reported that they had equal proportions of their patients screened for CRC by FIT and colonoscopy; after the seminar, 33% foresaw having their patients screened in equal proportions (p<0.001). Among those not attending, there was no change (13% vs 14%, p=0.8). Of those attending, there was no change in their perceived role in screening decisions, while the proportion responding correctly to a clinical vignette increased (88-99%, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS An interactive training seminar increased the proportion of physicians with the intention to prescribe FIT and colonoscopy in equal proportions.


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vom Hofrath v. Eckartshausen


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In 2004, Houston had one of the lowest childhood immunization levels among major metropolitan cities in the United States at 65% for the 4:3:1:3:3 vaccination series. Delays in the receipt of scheduled vaccinations may be related to missed opportunities due to health care provider lack of knowledge about catch-up regimens and contraindications for pediatric vaccination. The objectives of this study are to identify, measure, and report on VFC provider-practice characteristics, knowledge of catch-up regimens and contraindications, and use of Reminder recall (R/R) and moved or gone elsewhere (MOGE) practices among providers with high (>80%) and low (<70%) immunization coverage among 19-35 month old children. The sampling frame consists of 187 Vaccines for Children (VFC) providers with 2004 clinic assessment software application (CASA) scores. Data were collected by personal interview with each participating practice provider. Only ten VFC providers were successful at maximizing vaccinations for every vignette and no provider administered the maximum possible number of vaccinations at visit 2 for all six vignettes. Both coverage groups administered polio conjugate vaccine (PCV), haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), and diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP) most frequently and omitted most frequently varicella zoster vaccine (VZV) and measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. ^


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Este articulo plantea la idea de que la Educación Especial se introduce en lo común articulando el Derecho a la Diferencia con la Diferencia de Derechos, abriendo así una vía alternativa entre la pura lógica de la diferencia y la pura lógica de lo idéntico, o sea, entre la oferta educativa diferenciada y la homogenización. Para ello parte de escenas escolares cotidianas respecto del tratamiento de la diferencia, analizando en cada caso la lógica y las operaciones que se ponen en juego para retornar a la escena escolar con una viñeta que nos llevará a concluir que “para poder ser iguales tenemos que poder hacer cosas diferentes". Cada una de las experiencias escolares que se presentan queda enmarcada en una ética que renuncia a las “tareas a realizar" (Agamben; 2006) y para la que lo propio de todo sujeto es ser su misma posibilidad.