230 resultados para Turbidite
Siliciclastic turbidites represent huge volumes of sediments, which are of particular significance for (1) petroleum researchers, interested in their potential as oil reservoirs and (2) sedimentologists, who aim at understanding sediment transport processes from continent to deep-basins. An important challenge when studying marine turbidites has been to establish a reliable chronology for the deposits. Indeed, conventional marine proxies applied to hemipelagic sediments are often unreliable in detrital clays. In siliciclastic turbidites, those proxies can be used only in hemipelagic intervals, providing a poor constraint on their chronology. In this study, we have used sediments from the Rhône Neofan (NW Mediterranean Sea) to demonstrate that pollen grains can provide a high-resolution chronostratigraphical framework for detrital clays in turbidites. Vegetation changes occurring from the end of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 to the end of Marine Isotopic Stage 2 (from ~30 to ~18 ka cal. BP) are clearly recorded where other proxies have failed previously, mainly because the scarcity of foraminifers in these sediments prevented any continuous Sea Surface Temperature (SST) record and radiocarbon dating to be obtained. We show also that the use of palynology in turbidite deposits is able to contribute to oceanographical and sedimentological purposes: (1) Pinus pollen grains can document the timing of sea-level rise, (2) the ratio between pollen grains transported from the continent via rivers and dinoflagellate cysts (elutriating) allows us to distinguish clearly detrital sediments from pelagic clays. Finally, taken together, all these tools show evidence that the Rhône River disconnected from the canyon during the sea-level rise and thus evidence the subsequent rapid starvation of the neofan at 18.5 ka cal. BP. Younger sediments are hemipelagic: the frequency of foraminifers allowed to date sediments with radiocarbon. First results of Sea Surface Temperature obtained on foraminifers are in good agreement with the dinoflagellate cysts climatic signal. Both provide information on the end of the deglaciation and the Holocene.
One of the primary prerequisites for the application of organic proxies is that they should not be substantially affected by diagenesis. However, studies have shown that oxic degradation of biomarker lipids can affect their relative distribution. We tested the diagenetic stability of the UK'37 and TEX86 palaeothermometers upon long term oxygen exposure. For this purpose, we studied the distributions of alkenones and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in different sections of turbidites at the Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP) that experienced different degrees of oxygen exposure. Sediments were deposited anoxically on the shelf and then transported by turbidity currents to the MAP, which has oxic bottom water. This resulted in partial degradation of the turbidite organic matter as a result of long term exposure to oxic bottom water. Concentrations of GDGTs and alkenones were reduced by one to two orders of magnitude in the oxidized parts of the turbidites compared to the unoxidized parts, indicating substantial degradation. High-resolution analysis of the Pleistocene F-turbidite showed that the UK'37 index of long chain alkenones increased only slightly (0.01, corresponding to <0.5 °C) in the oxidized part of the turbidite, suggesting minor preferential degradation of the C37:3 alkenone, in agreement with previous studies. TEX86 values showed a small increase (0.02, corresponding to ~2 °C) in the F-turbidite, like UK'37 , while for other Pliocene/Miocene turbidites it either remained unchanged or decreased substantially (up to 0.06, corresponding to ~6 °C). Previous observations showed that the BIT index, a proxy for the contribution of soil organic matter to total organic carbon, was always substantially higher in the oxidized part in all the turbidites, as a result of preferential degradation of marine-derived GDGTs. This relative increase in soil-derived GDGTs affects TEX86, as the isoprenoid GDGT distribution on the continent can be quite different from that in the marine environment. Our results indicate that the organic proxies are affected by long term oxic degradation to different extents; this should be taken into account when applying these proxies in palaeoceanographic studies of sediments which have been exposed to prolonged oxic degradation.
Subsurface stratigraphic analysis of Devonian strata from the Rio do Peixe Basin, newly recognized by palynological studies, has resulted in the identification of two new lithostratigraphic units assembled in the Santa Helena Group. The Pilões Formation, the lower unit, is composed mainly of dark mudstones and medium-tovery fine-grained sandstones, with minor conglomerates and breccias. The Triunfo Formation, the upper unit, comprises whitish grey, kaolinitic, coarse-grained to conglomeratic, cross stratified sandstones and conglomerates, with interbedded mudstones and fine-grained sandstones. These units were characterized using cores, sidewall and cuttings samples, conventional logs and image log, from three wells drilled by PETROBRAS, and 3D seismic data. The Pilões Formation is interpreted as prodeltaic facies, with lesser associated subaqueous talus, debrite and sandy turbidite lobe facies, distal part of fandelta and braided fluviodeltaic facies of Triunfo Formation. The Santa Helena Group corresponds to the Lower Devonian tectono-sequence deposited in a NW-SE-trending graben during a transgressiveregressive cycle. With 343 meters of thickness (isochore) in well 1-PIL-1-PB (Pilões 1), this sequence has a non-conformity at the lower boundary and its upper boundary is an unconformity with the Lower Cretaceous tectono-sequence (Rio do Peixe Group), that represents a hiatus of about 265 million years. Ignimbrites and coignimbrite breccias (Poço da Jurema volcanic breccia), related to an unknown pyroclastic volcanic event, were recognized at the northern margin of the Sousa halfgraben. Evidence from well data suggests that this event is coeval with the Devonian graben filling. The present study indicates a polyhistorical tectono-volcanosedimentary evolution of the basin. This lithostratigraphic update brings new perspectives for geological research in the Rio do Peixe Basin, as well as in other inland basins of the Northeastern of Brazil. The results of the research also contribute to the kwnoledge of the Borborema Province and western Gondwana paleogeography during the Early Devonian.
Physical and sedimentological investigations were carried out on a 14 m long gravity core and a 0.5 m long box core from 4440 m water depth off Queen Maud Land, East-Antarctica. Strongly bioturbated hemipelagic muds of predominantly terrigenous origin and a very small biogenic part build up the 'Normal-Facies'. Several sandy to silty layers are inserted in the 'Normal-Facies'. These layers are seperated by lithology, structure and the investigated parameters of this study and are interpreted as turbidites. The source area for the turbidity currents is supposed to be at the uppermost continental margin, close to the shelf break and there is evidenee for this gravity transport within the erosive Ritscher-Canyon, which extends close to the core position. The distribution of biogenic components indicates an age of 1.3 million years or more, with an average sedimentation rate of about 1 cm/1000 years. Early diagenetic proeesses caused water loss by compaction, errosion and dissolution of biogenic components and precipitation and recrystallization of manganese micronodules. Cyclic fluctuations of the sediment-parameters within the 'Normal-Facies' enable the distinction of a 'Glazial'- and an 'Interglazial'-Facies. The 'Glazial'-Facies reflects glacial sedimentary conditions and shows a dark olive gray colour, high susceptibility, low silt/clay-ratios, only a few biogenic components and the regular occurence of interrelated turbidite layers. In contrast, the 'Interglazial'-Facies is dominated by a light olive or olive-brown colour, low susceptibility, high silt/clay-ratios and an increased number of biogenic components. This facies corresponds to interglacial conditions. Three main processes are supposed to have been responsible for the observed facies changes: (1) the bottom water mass circulation, (2) the gravity transport by turbidity currents and (3) the biogenic surface production. These processes are related to the quaternary climatic changes. The extension of the ice shelves directed the gravity transport to the deep sea and the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water, which in turn influenced the silt/clay-ratios in the sediment record. Fluctuations in sea ice coverage controlled the biogenic surface production.
Free and ester-bound lipid biomarkers were analysed in oxidised and unoxidised parts of four distinct turbidites from the Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP), which contained 1 to 2% organic carbon homogeneously distributed throughout the turbidites at the time they were deposited. These turbidites are well suited to study the effects of oxic degradation on lipid biomarkers without the complicating influence of varying organic matter sources, sedimentation rates, or bioturbation. One sample from the oxidised turbidite was compared with two samples from the unoxidised part of each turbidite. Postdepositional oxic degradation decreased concentrations of biomarkers by several orders of magnitude. The ester-bound lipids were degraded to a far lesser extent than their free counterparts were. The extent of degradation of different compounds differed substantially. Within a specific class of biomarkers, degradation also took place to a different extent, altering their distributions. This study shows that oxic degradation of the organic matter may have a profound effect on the biomarker fingerprint and may result in a severe bias in, for example, the interpretation of organic matter sources and the estimation of the palaeoproductivity of specific groups of phytoplankton.
Sediment descriptions and lithostratigraphy (chapter 6.4) NANSEN BASIN The upperrnost 20-50 cm of sedirnents in the Nansen Basin norrnally cornprise soft dark brown, brown-grayish and brown clay. Except for the toprnost clay, the four piston cores retrieved, contained quite different lithologies: a rnuddy diarnicton with outsized clasts (PS2157-6), sandy-silt beds alternating with clay beds (PS2159-6), and silty clay beds of brownish and grayish colours (PS2161-3). Core PS2208-3 was retrieved frorn a plateau on a searnount. The plateau was serni-encircled by hills. The upper 250 cm of this core cornprise brown and olive brown clays. Below these are several sandlayers and a 74 cm thick unit of a sandy mud with rnud-clasts up to 20 cm in diameter. GAKKEL RIDGE The uppermost 20-50 cm of sediments on the Gakkel Ridge comprise soft dark brown, brown, grayish brown clay. In most of the cores there are two horizons of brown clay separated by olive brown clay. The upper horizon is darker. The older stratigraphy is rather varied. Core PS2165-1 contains several thin gray sandlsilt layers, probably distal turbidites. The sarne is found in Core PS2167-1. This core also has a thick (approx. 2 rn) coarse grained turbidite containing large rnud clasts and basaltic rock fragrnents. The color of the turbiditic layers is dark gray. There are several horizons of hernipelagic sandylsilty clays with quite a variety in colours; black, gray, olive, brown, yellowish brown and reddish. The colour variation rnay be due to hydrotherrnal activity or provenance or a shift in redox potential. Cores PS2168-2 and PS2169-1 have typical sequences of very dark gray sandy mud with sharp lower boundaries grading upwards into olive brown clay. Below the lower boundary is often a thin (1-2 cm) gray clay layer. AMUNDSEN BASIN The giant box cores (GKG) provided in most cases excellently preserved sedirnent surfaces which consisted in the entire Amundsen Basin of dark brown to dark grayish brown silty clay with few dropstones and common calcareous microfossils (foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils). The brown and grayish brown color of the sediment surface is a result of the oxidizing conditions at the seafloor due to the rapid renewal of the bottom water rnasses. Planktic forarninifers and calcareous nannofossils are relatively frequent and well preserved despite the rernote location of the basin and its water depths of >4000 rn. Srnear slide descriptions have shown that the surface sedirnents consist dorninantly of clays to silty rnuds with clay rninerals and quartz as the rnost important constituents. The coarse fractions contained besides planktic and benthic forarninifers and coarse clastic rnaterials, rare bivalves, dropstones and mud clasts. The Station PS2190 at the North Pole is a particular good exarnple of the type of sedirnents deposited at the sea floor surface of the Arnundsen Basin, with hornogenous dark brown soft clay covering a sedirnent sequence of highly variable cornposition. Nurnerous giant box cores also provide insight into the detailed lithostratigraphy of the upperrnost sedirnent layers. Twelve box cores have been collected frorn the Arnundsen Basin. Below the youngest unit of 5-20 crn thick silty clays deposits of variable stratigraphies have been found, rnostly consisting of clays or silty clays. In a few instances turbidites have been observed. Benthic forarninifers have not been found in the surface sedirnents. Other fossils were extrernely rare. Bioturbation is weakly developed on all stations. Benthic anirnals seern to live only in and on the upperrnost 2 cm of the uppermost sediment layer. They cornprise amphipods (on all stations) and holothurians, bryozoans, polychaetes, and porifers at one station each. LOMONOSOV RIDGE Sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge show a variety of colors and textures. Following smear slide analyses they are composed mostly of clay minerals and quartz with mica and feldspars, especially in the siltier and sandier parts. Volcanic glass, microcrystalline carbonate, opaque minerals and green amphibole are occasional accessories. The sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge show a noticeable difference from sediments collected from the surrounding basins. Lomonosov Ridge sediments are richer in silt and sand than basin sediments. Occasional turbidites occur in ridge sediments but these must be of entirely local origin. The ridge sediments include frequent layers of "cottage cheese" texture made up of what appear to be small, angular mud clasts of a variety of colors.
Sediment and interstitial water samples recovered during DSDP Leg 93 at Site 603 (lower continental rise off Cape Hatteras) were analyzed for a series of geochemical facies indicators to elucidate the nature and origin of the sedimentary material. Special emphasis was given to middle Cretaceous organic-matter-rich turbidite sequences of Aptian to Turanian age. Organic carbon content ranges from nil in pelagic claystone samples to 4.2% (total rock) in middle Cretaceous carbonaceous mudstones of turbiditic origin. The organic matter is of marine algal origin with significant contributions of terrigenous matter via turbidites. Maturation indices (vitrinite reflectance) reveal that the terrestrial humic material is reworked. Maturity of autochthonous material (i.e., primary vitrinite) falls in the range of 0.3 to 0.6% Carbohydrate, hydrocarbon, and microscopic investigations reveal moderate to high microbial degradation. Unlike deep-basin black shales of the South and North Atlantic, organic-carbon-rich members of the Hatteras Formation lack trace metal enrichment. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in interstitial water samples ranges from 34.4 ppm in a sandstone sample to 126.2 ppm in an organic-matter-rich carbonaceous claystone sample. One to two percent of DOC is carbohydratecarbon.
Hole 887B of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) comprises a 44 m (750 kyr) long continuous section recovered from the Patton-Murray Rise, an elevated plateau that is largely isolated from turbidite deposition. The Patton-Murray area is centered under the Alaska Gyre, a region characterized by the domal upwelling of nutrient-rich waters. Marked increases in productivity and rapid settling of biogenic matter are suggested throughout the section by the episodic accumulation of diatomaceous oozes up to ~1 m thick that are accompanied by barium enrichments. Significant delta13Corg maxima in the major diatomaceous bands suggest that mixedlayer [CO2(aq)] may have been drawn down significantly during some of the productivity events. The episodes of enhanced productivity at Site 887 occur synchronously with short-lived minima in planktonic foram delta18O, suggesting a direct link to low salinity, or less likely, warming, events in the Gulf of Alaska. There is no obvious explanation for the events, but they may be related to seasonal incursions of meltwater from Alaska. We speculate that episodic input of meltwater- or dust-borne iron from Asian or Alaskan sources may have promoted the extraordinary diatom production events recorded in the sedimentary record.
Clay mineral relative abundances in approximately 450 samples from cores recovered during ODP Leg 117 in the Arabian Sea have been used to examine the paleoclimatic, paleoenvironmental, and tectonic histories of the Indus Fan, Owen Ridge, Oman margin, and adjacent continental source regions. Geographic variations in the relative abundances of minerals and correlations with depositional processes support previous interpretations that smectite has been supplied from weathering of the Deccan Traps; illite and chlorite have been supplied either from the Himalayas via marine transport or from the Iran-Makran region by winds; and palygorskite has been supplied from the Arabian peninsula and Somalia by winds. Pleistocene sediments of the Indus Fan record two modes of deposition: turbidites supplied from the Indus drainage and dominated by illite and chlorite, and pelagic carbonates containing smectites and wind-transported palygorskite. Local and regional causes for shifts between these depositional processes cannot be demonstrated conclusively with the data available, but sea-level fluctuations probably exerted a significant control on the rate of turbidite influx. Lower Miocene sediments on the Owen Ridge are also turbidites supplied by the Indus drainage; in the middle Miocene, a shift to pelagic carbonates records the uplift of the Owen Ridge, and is accompanied by the increased relative importance of wind-transported palygorskite. Associations of palygorskite and biosiliceous components in middle to upper Miocene sediments are interpreted to record vigorous monsoonal circulation and accompanying upwelling-produced biological productivity. Mineralogic and geochemical data indicate that light/dark color alternations in upper Miocene sediments on the Owen Ridge record climatic fluctuations, but the climatic significance of similar alternations in Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments is unclear. Palygorskite is the dominant clay on the Oman margin, reflecting proximity to its source areas. On the Oman margin, clay mineral relative abundances are most variable at structurally complex sites, indicating that local depositional settings have been influenced by their tectonic histories since the Miocene.
The continuous sediment record from Lake El'gygytgyn in the northeastern Eurasian Arctic spans the last 3.6 Ma and for much of this time permafrost dynamics and lake level changes have likely played a crucial role for sediment delivery to the lake. Changes in the ground-ice hydrochemical composition (d18O, dD, pH, electrical conductivity, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO4-) of a 141 m long permafrost record from the western crater plain are examined to reconstruct repeated periods of freeze and thaw at the lake edge. Stable water isotope and major ion records of ground ice in the permafrost reflect both a synsedimentary palaeo-precipitation signal preserved in the near-surface permafrost (0.0-9.1 m core depth) and a post-depositional record of thawing and refreezing in deeper layers of the core (9.1-141.0 m core depth). These lake marginal permafrost dynamics were controlled by lake level changes that episodically flooded the surfaces and induced thaw in the underlying frozen ground. During times of lake level fall these layers froze over again. At least three cycles of freeze and thaw are identified and the hydrochemical data point to a vertical and horizontal talik refreezing through time. Past permafrost thaw and freeze may have destabilised the basin slopes of Lake El'gygytgyn and this has probably promoted the release of mass movements from the lake edge to the deeper basin as known from frequently occurring turbidite layers in the lake sediment column.
The Cutri Formation’s, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by Álvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.