Free and ester-bound lipid biomarkers were analysed in oxidised and unoxidised parts of four distinct turbidites from the Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP), which contained 1 to 2% organic carbon homogeneously distributed throughout the turbidites at the time they were deposited. These turbidites are well suited to study the effects of oxic degradation on lipid biomarkers without the complicating influence of varying organic matter sources, sedimentation rates, or bioturbation. One sample from the oxidised turbidite was compared with two samples from the unoxidised part of each turbidite. Postdepositional oxic degradation decreased concentrations of biomarkers by several orders of magnitude. The ester-bound lipids were degraded to a far lesser extent than their free counterparts were. The extent of degradation of different compounds differed substantially. Within a specific class of biomarkers, degradation also took place to a different extent, altering their distributions. This study shows that oxic degradation of the organic matter may have a profound effect on the biomarker fingerprint and may result in a severe bias in, for example, the interpretation of organic matter sources and the estimation of the palaeoproductivity of specific groups of phytoplankton.
Supplement to: Hoefs, Marcel JL; Rijpstra, W Irene C; Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S (2002): The influence of oxic degradation on the sedimentary biomarker record I: Evidence from Madeira abyssal plain turbidites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66(15), 2719-2735, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00864-5