892 resultados para Trials (Assault and battery)
Contrast sensitivity is better with two eyes than one. The standard view is that thresholds are about 1.4 (v2) times better with two eyes, and that this arises from monocular responses that, near threshold, are proportional to the square of contrast, followed by binocular summation of the two monocular signals. However, estimates of the threshold ratio in the literature vary from about 1.2 to 1.9, and many early studies had methodological weaknesses. We collected extensive new data, and applied a general model of binocular summation to interpret the threshold ratio. We used horizontal gratings (0.25 - 4 cycles deg-1) flickering sinusoidally (1 - 16 Hz), presented to one or both eyes through frame-alternating ferroelectric goggles with negligible cross-talk, and used a 2AFC staircase method to estimate contrast thresholds and psychometric slopes. Four naive observers completed 20 000 trials each, and their mean threshold ratios were 1.63, 1.69, 1.71, 1.81 - grand mean 1.71 - well above the classical v2. Mean ratios tended to be slightly lower (~1.60) at low spatial or high temporal frequencies. We modelled contrast detection very simply by assuming a single binocular mechanism whose response is proportional to (Lm + Rm) p, followed by fixed additive noise, where L,R are contrasts in the left and right eyes, and m, p are constants. Contrast-gain-control effects were assumed to be negligible near threshold. On this model the threshold ratio is 2(?1/m), implying that m=1.3 on average, while the Weibull psychometric slope (median 3.28) equals 1.247mp, yielding p=2.0. Together, the model and data suggest that, at low contrasts across a wide spatiotemporal frequency range, monocular pathways are nearly linear in their contrast response (m close to 1), while a strongly accelerating nonlinearity (p=2, a 'soft threshold') occurs after binocular summation. [Supported by EPSRC project grant GR/S74515/01]
This thesis presents a novel high-performance approach to time-division-multiplexing (TDM) fibre Bragg grating (FBG) optical sensors, known as the resonant cavity architecture. A background theory of FBG optical sensing includes several techniques for multiplexing sensors. The limitations of current wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) schemes are contrasted against the technological and commercial advantage of TDM. The author’s hypothesis that ‘it should be possible to achieve TDM FBG sensor interrogation using an electrically switched semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)’ is then explained. Research and development of a commercially viable optical sensor interrogator based on the resonant cavity architecture forms the remainder of this thesis. A fully programmable SOA drive system allows interrogation of sensor arrays 10km long with a spatial resolution of 8cm and a variable gain system provides dynamic compensation for fluctuating system losses. Ratiometric filter- and diffractive-element spectrometer-based wavelength measurement systems are developed and analysed for different commercial applications. The ratiometric design provides a low-cost solution that has picometre resolution and low noise using 4% reflective sensors, but is less tolerant to variation in system loss. The spectrometer design is more expensive, but delivers exceptional performance with picometre resolution, low noise and tolerance to 13dB system loss variation. Finally, this thesis details the interrogator’s peripheral components, its compliance for operation in harsh industrial environments and several examples of commercial applications where it has been deployed. Applications include laboratory instruments, temperature monitoring systems for oil production, dynamic control for wind-energy and battery powered, self-contained sub-sea strain monitoring.
The cost and limited flexibility of traditional approaches to 11kV network reinforcement threatens to constrain the uptake of low carbon technologies. Ofgem has released £500m of funding for DNOs to trial innovative techniques and share the learning with the rest of the industry. One of the techniques under study is the addition of Energy Storage at key substations to the network to help with peak load lopping. This paper looks in detail at the sizing algorithm for use in the assessment of alternatives to traditional reinforcement and investigates a method of sizing a battery for use on a Network taking into account load growth, capacity fade and battery lifecycle issues. A further complication to the analysis is the method of operation of the battery system and how this affects the Depth of Discharge (DoD). The proposed method is being trialled on an area of 11kV network in Milton Keynes Central area and the simulation results are presented in this paper.
As take up of low carbon vehicles increase, there is interest in using the energy stored in the vehicles to help maintain system frequency through ancillary services on the electricity grid system. Research into this area is generally classed as vehicle-to-grid research. In theory, the energy available from electric vehicles could be directly correlated to the vehicle's state of charge (SoC) and battery capacity during the time the car is parked and plugged in. However, not all the energy in the vehicle may be used, as some capacity is required by the driver for their next journey. As such, this paper uses data captured as part of a large scale electric vehicle trial to investigate the effect of three different types of driver routine on vehicle-to-grid availability. Each driver's behaviour is analysed to assess the energy that is available for STOR, with follow on journey requirements also considered.
This paper presents an integrated multilevel converter of switched reluctance motors (SRMs) fed by a modular front-end circuit for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) applications. Several operating modes can be achieved by changing the on-off states of the switches in the front-end circuit. In generator driving mode, the battery bank is employed to elevate the phase voltage for fast excitation and demagnetization. In battery driving mode, the converter is reconfigured as a four-level converter, and the capacitor is used as an additional charge capacitor to produce multilevel voltage outputs, which enhances the torque capability. The operating modes of the proposed drive are explained and the phase current and voltage are analyzed in details. The battery charging is naturally achieved by the demagnetization current in motoring mode and by the regenerative current in braking mode. Moreover, the battery can be charged by the external AC source or generator through the proposed converter when the vehicle is in standstill condition. The SRM-based PHEV can operate at different speeds by coordinating the power flow between the generator and battery. Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a three-phase 12/8 SRM confirm the effectiveness of the proposed converter topology.
The concept of ontological security has a remarkable echo in the current sociology to describe emotional status of men of late modernity. However, the concept created by Giddens in the eighties has been little used in empirical research covering various sources of risk or uncertainty. In this paper, a scale for ontological security is proposed. To do this, we start from the results of a research focused on the relationship between risk, uncertainty and vulnerability in the context of the economic crisis in Spain. These results were produced through nine focus groups and a telephone survey with standardized questionnaire applied to a national sample of 2,408 individuals over 18 years. This work is divided into three main sections. In the fi rst, a scale has been built from the results of the application of different items present in the questionnaire used. The second part explores the relationships of the scale obtained with the variables further approximate the emotional dimensions of individuals. The third part observes the variables that contribute to changes in the scale: These variables show the structural feature of the ontological security.
Background: There are approximately 24 million people worldwide with dementia; this is likely to increase to 81 million by 2040. Dementia is a progressive condition, and usually leads to death eight to ten years after first symptoms. End-of-life care should emphasise treatments that optimise quality of life and physicians should minimise unnecessary or non-beneficial interventions. Statins are 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors; they have become the cornerstone of pharmacotherapy for the management of hypercholesterolaemia but their ability to provide benefit is unclear in the last weeks or months of life. Withdrawal of statins may improve quality of life in people with advanced dementia, as they will not be subjected to unnecessary polypharmacy or side effects. However, they may help to prevent further vascular events in people of advanced age who are at high risk of such events.
Objectives: To evaluate the effects of withdrawal or continuation of statins in people with dementia on: cognitive outcomes, adverse events, behavioural and functional outcomes, mortality, quality of life, vascular morbidity, and healthcare costs.
Search methods: We searched ALOIS (medicine.ox.ac.uk/alois/), the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group Specialised Register on 11 February 2016. We also ran additional searches in MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Clinical.Trials.gov and the WHO Portal/ICTRP on 11 February 2016, to ensure that the searches were as comprehensive and as up-to-date as possible.
Selection criteria: We included all randomised, controlled clinical trials with either a placebo or 'no treatment' control group. We applied no language restrictions.
Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently assessed whether potentially relevant studies met the inclusion criteria, using standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. We found no studies suitable for inclusion therefore analysed no data.
Main results: The search strategy identified 28 unique references, all of which were excluded.
Authors' conclusions: We found no evidence to enable us to make an informed decision about statin withdrawal in dementia. Randomised controlled studies need to be conducted to assess cognitive and other effects of statins in participants with dementia, especially when the disease is advanced.
Hintergrund: Für die Therapie maligner Neubildungen stellt die Strahlentherapie wichtige Behandlungsmöglichkeiten dar, die sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten deutlich weiterentwickelt haben. Hierzu gehört unter anderem die stereotaktische Radiochirurgie (SRS), die durch eine einmalige Applikation fokussierter hoher Strahlendosen in einem klar definierten Zeitraum gekennzeichnet ist. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist die SRS für die Behandlung von Hirnmetastasen. Fragestellung: Ziel dieses HTA-Berichts ist die Erstellung einer umfassenden Übersicht der aktuellen Literatur der Behandlung von Hirnmetastasen, um die Radiochirurgie als alleinige Therapie oder in Kombination mit Therapiealternativen bezüglich der medizinischen Wirksamkeit, Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie ethischer, sozialer und juristischer Aspekte zu vergleichen. Methodik: Relevante Publikationen deutscher und englischer Sprache werden über eine strukturierte Datenbank- sowie mittels Handrecherche zwischen Januar 2002 und August 2007 identifiziert. Die Zielpopulation bilden Patienten mit einer oder mehreren Hirnmetastasen. Eine Beurteilung der methodischen Qualität wird unter Beachtung von Kriterien der evidenzbasierten Medizin (EbM) durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Von insgesamt 1.495 Treffern erfüllen 15 Studien die medizinischen Einschlusskriterien. Insgesamt ist die Studienqualität stark eingeschränkt und mit Ausnahme von zwei randomisierte kontrollierte Studien (RCT) und zwei Metaanalysen werden ausschließlich historische Kohortenstudien identifiziert. Die Untersuchung relevanter Endpunkte ist uneinheitlich. Qualitativ hochwertige Studien zeigen, dass die Ergänzung der Ganzhirnbestrahlung (WBRT) zur SRS sowie der SRS zur WBRT mit einer verbesserten lokalen Tumorkontrolle und Funktionsfähigkeit einhergeht. Nur im Vergleich zur alleinigen WBRT resultiert die Kombination von SRS und WBRT jedoch bei Patienten mit singulären Hirnmetastasen, RPA-Klasse 1 (RPA = Rekursive Partitionierungsanalyse) und bestimmten Primärtumoren in verbesserter Überlebenszeit. Die Therapiesicherheit zeigt in beiden Fällen keine deutlichen Unterschiede zwischen den Interventionsgruppen. Methodisch weniger hochwertige Studien finden keine eindeutigen Unterschiede zwischen SRS und WBRT, SRS und Neurochirurgie (NC) sowie SRS und hypofraktionierter Strahlentherapie (HCSRT). Die Lebensqualität wird in keiner Studie untersucht. Durch die Datenbankrecherche werden 320 Publikationen für den ökonomischen Bereich identifiziert. Insgesamt werden fünf davon für den vorliegenden Health Technology Assessment (HTA)-Bericht verwendet. Die Qualität der Publikationen ist dabei unterschiedlich. Bezüglich der Wirtschaftlichkeit verschiedener Gerätealternativen ergibt sich, unter der Annahme gleicher Wirksamkeit, eine starke Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der behandelten Patienten. Im Fall, dass die beiden Gerätealternativen nur für die SRS verwandt werden, liegen Hinweise vor, dass das Gamma Knife kostengünstiger sein kann. Andernfalls ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass der flexiblere modifizierte Linearbeschleuniger kostengünstiger ist. Nach einem HTA sind die Gesamtkosten für ein Gamma Knife und einen dedizierten Linearbeschleuniger ungefähr gleich, während ein modifizierter Linearbeschleuniger günstiger ist. Für ethische, juristische und soziale Fragestellungen werden keine relevanten Publikationen identifiziert. Diskussion: Insgesamt sind sowohl die Qualität als auch die Quantität identifizierter Studien stark reduziert. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass die Prognose von Patienten mit Hirnmetastasen auch unter modernsten therapeutischen Möglichkeiten schlecht ist. Ausreichend starke Evidenz gibt es lediglich für die Untersuchung ergänzender WBRT zur SRS und der ergänzenden SRS zur WBRT. Ein direkter Vergleich von SRS und WBRT, SRS und NC sowie SRS und HCSRT ist hingegen nicht möglich. Die Wirtschaftlichkeit verschiedener Gerätealternativen hängt von der Patientenzahl und den behandelten Indikationen ab. Für ausgelastete dedizierte Systeme, liegen Hinweise vor, dass sie kostengünstiger sein können. Bei flexibler Nutzung scheinen modifizierte Systeme wirtschaftlich vorteilhafter. Diese Aussagen erfolgen unter der nicht gesicherten Annahme gleicher Wirksamkeit der Alternativen. Die Behandlungspräzision der Geräte kann Einfluss auf die Gerätewahl haben. Zu neueren Gerätealternativen wie z. B. dem CyberKnife liegen bisher keine Untersuchungen vor. Aus der wirtschaftlich vorteilhaften hohen Auslastung folgt aber eine begrenzte Geräteanzahl in einem vorgegebenen Gebiet, was evtl. einen gleichberechtigten, wohnortnahen Zugang zu dieser Technik erschwert. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Kombination SRS und WBRT geht mit einer verbesserten lokalen Tumorkontrolle und Funktionsfähigkeit gegenüber der jeweils alleinigen Therapie einher. Nur für Patienten mit singulärer Metastase resultiert dies in Vorteilen der Überlebenszeit. Qualitativ hochwertige Studien sind notwendig um die SRS direkt mit WBRT und NC zu vergleichen. Weiterhin sollte besonders die Lebensqualität in zukünftigen Studien mitberücksichtigt werden. Bei der Art des verwendeten Gerätes zeichnet sich eine deutliche Abhängigkeit der Wirtschaftlichkeit der Geräte von der erreichbaren Auslastung ab. Hohe Patientenzahlen bieten Vorteile für spezialisierte Systeme und bei geringeren Patientenzahlen ist die Flexibilität modifizierter System vorteilhaft. Weitere Studien z. B. zum CyberKnife sind wünschenswert. Insgesamt ist die Studienlage insbesondere für das deutsche Gesundheitssystem sehr mangelhaft.
Contexto: A Hipertensão Arterial (HTA) é uma das principais causas de morte a nível mundial sendo urgente intervir nos seus fatores de risco como forma de prevenção e tratamento. A associação entre a ingestão de café e a HTA tem feito com que os profissionais de saúde o desaconselhem. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do consumo do café na Pressão Arterial (PA) sistólica e diastólica em pessoas adultas e idosas com HTA. Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura com metanálise que obedeceu aos princípios propostos pelo Cochrane Handbook. A análise crítica, a extração e a síntese dos dados foi efetuada por dois investigadores isoladamente, a metanálise foi realizada com recurso ao software RevMan 5.3.5. Resultados: Foram incluídos três Ensaios Clínicos Randomizados (RCT) e dois estudos de coorte abrangendo 264 e 1919 indivíduos respetivamente. Os resultados da metanálise, que incluiu os RCT, indicam que a ingestão de café com Hidroxihidroquinona (HHQ) reduzida apresenta um efeito benéfico na PA sistólica (MD= -2.60; 95% Cl=-4.81, -0.39; p=0.02) e na PA diastólica (MD= -1.30; 95% Cl=-1.67, -0.93; p<0.01). Os restantes estudos demonstram que na população adulta com HTA o consumo de café não interfere com a PA, contudo o consumo de café superior a três chávenas por dia está associado ao risco de HTA. Nos indivíduos idosos com HTA a ingestão de café superior a três chávenas aumenta a PA e a possibilidade de PA descontrolada. Conclusões: Nos indivíduos com HTA é desaconselhado um consumo de café superior a três chávenas por dia. A ingestão de café com HHQ reduzida é aconselhada. Descritores: Café; Cafeína; Hipertensão; Pressão Arterial.
Context: To assess the efficacy of preoperative chemotherapy in Wilms’ tumor patients and explore its true value for specific subgroups. Objectives: In the presence of these controversies, a meta-analysis that examines the efficacy of preoperative chemotherapy in Wilms’ tumor patients and specific subgroups is needed to clarify these issues. The objective of this meta-analysis is to assess the efficacy of preoperative chemotherapy in Wilms’ tumor patients and explore its true value for specific subgroups. Data Sources: Computer-based systematic search with “preoperative chemotherapy”, “Neoadjuvant Therapy” and “Wilms’ tumor” as search terms till January 2013 was performed. Study Selection: No language restrictions were applied. Searches were limited to randomized clinical trials (RCTs) or retrospective studies in human participants under 18 years. A manual examination of references in selected articles was also performed. Data Extraction: Relative Risk (RR) and their 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for Tumor Shrinkage (TS), total Tumor Resection (TR), Event-Free Survival (EFS) and details of subgroup analysis were extracted. Meta-analysis was carried out with the help of the software STATA 11.0. Finally, four original Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) and 28 retrospective studies with 2375 patients were included. Results: For preoperative chemotherapy vs. up-front surgery (PC vs. SU) group, the pooled RR was 9.109 for TS (95% CI: 5.109 - 16.241; P < 0.001), 1.291 for TR (95% CI: 1.124 - 1.483; P < 0.001) and 1.101 for EFS (95% CI: 0.980 - 1.238; P = 0.106). For subgroup short course vs. long course (SC vs. LC), the pooled RR was 1.097 for TS (95% CI: 0.784 - 1.563; P = 0.587), 1.197 for TR (95% CI: 0.960 - 1.493; P = 0.110) and 1.006 for EFS (95% CI: 0.910 - 1.250; P = 0.430). Conclusions: Short course preoperative chemotherapy is as effective as long course and preoperative chemotherapy only benefits Wilms’ tumor patients in tumor shrinkage and resection but not event-free survival.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Background: Orthodontic treatment involves using fixed or removable appliances (dental braces) to correct the positions of teeth. It has been shown that the quality of treatment result obtained with fixed appliances is much better than with removable appliances. Fixed appliances are, therefore, favoured by most orthodontists for treatment. The success of a fixed orthodontic appliance depends on the metal attachments (brackets and bands) being attached securely to the teeth so that they do not become loose during treatment. Brackets are usually attached to the front and side teeth, whereas bands (metal rings that go round the teeth) are more commonly used on the back teeth (molars). A number of adhesives are available to attach bands to teeth and it is important to understand which group of adhesives bond most reliably, as well as reducing or preventing dental decay during the treatment period. :Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of the adhesives used to attach bands to teeth during fixed appliance treatment, in terms of: (1) how often the bands come off during treatment; and (2) whether they protect the banded teeth against decay during fixed appliance treatment. Search methods: The following electronic databases were searched: Cochrane Oral Health's Trials Register (searched 2 June 2016), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016, Issue 5) in the Cochrane Library (searched 2 June 2016), MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 2 June 2016) and EMBASE Ovid (1980 to 2 June 2016). We searched ClinicalTrials.gov and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching the electronic databases. Selection criteria: Randomised and controlled clinical trials (RCTs and CCTs) (including split-mouth studies) of adhesives used to attach orthodontic bands to molar teeth were selected. Patients with full arch fixed orthodontic appliance(s) who had bands attached to molars were included. Data collection and analysis: All review authors were involved in study selection, validity assessment and data extraction without blinding to the authors, adhesives used or results obtained. All disagreements were resolved by discussion. Main results: Five RCTs and three CCTs were identified as meeting the review's inclusion criteria. All the included trials were of split-mouth design. Four trials compared chemically cured zinc phosphate and chemically cured glass ionomer; three trials compared chemically cured glass ionomer cement with light cured compomer; one trial compared chemically cured glass ionomer with a chemically cured glass phosphonate. Data analysis was often inappropriate within the studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Authors' conclusions: There is insufficient high quality evidence with regard to the most effective adhesive for attaching orthodontic bands to molar teeth. Further RCTs are required.
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue identificar la relación entre ideación suicida y desesperanza en 160 pacientes con cáncer. La ideación suicida se midió a través de dos ítems de una entrevista semiestructurada, la escala de ideación suicida (ISS), el ítem 9 del inventario de depresión de Beck (BDI-IA). La desesperanza se midió con la escala de desesperanza de Beck (BHS). Los resultados obtenidos indicaron una relación significativa (p=.000) entre ideación suicida y desesperanza; una prevalencia de ideación suicida en los pacientes con cáncer entre 4.4% y 13.8% y de riesgo de suicidio entre 5.6% y 30.6%; y algún grado de desesperanza en 31.9 % de los participantes. De acuerdo con lo anterior, se confirma que existe relación entre la desesperanza y la ideación suicida en pacientes oncológicos adultos. Adicionalmente, que estas variables están presentes en los pacientes y que ameritan atención en la intervención interdisciplinaria.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El Edema Macular (EM) es la principal causa de perdida de agudeza visual en pacientes con Oclusión Venosa Retiniana (OVR); luego del tratamiento, algunos pacientes persisten con mala agudeza visual. OBJETIVO: Realizar una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura (RSL), para identificar la evidencia existente sobre factores tomográficos que predicen el resultado visual en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR. FUENTE DE LA INFORMACIÓN: PUBMED, MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, COCHRANE, literatura gris. SELECCIÓN DE LOS ESTUDIOS: Ensayos Clínicos Controlados (ECC) y estudios observacionales analíticos. EXTRACCIÓN Y SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS: Dos investigadores seleccionaron los artículos de forma independiente. Se realizó una síntesis cualitativa de la información siguiendo las recomendaciones de la declaración PRISMA 2009. MEDIDAS Y DESENLACE PRINCIPAL: Grosor Retiniano Central (GRC), integridad de Banda Elipsoide e Integridad de Membrana Limitante Externa (MLE), determinados por SD OCT. El desenlace principal es la Agudeza Visual Mejor Corregida (AVMC) a los 6, 12,18 y/o 24 meses. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 872 abstract y se incluyeron 8 artículos en el análisis cualitativo. Seis estudios evaluaron el GRC sin encontrar asociación con resultado visual final. Solo 2 estudios evaluaron y encontraron asociación estadísticamente significativa de la integridad de la MLE con el desenlace visual, Kang, H 2012 (r2 0,51 p 0,000), Rodriguez, F 2014 (p< 0,001). La integridad de la BE fue asociada a pronostico visual en 4 de 5 estudios que evaluaron esta variable, con resultados estadísticamente significativos. La AVMC de base también se asocio con desenlace visual en 4 de 5 estudios que la evaluaron. El mejor modelo que predice el resultado funcional según el estudio de Kang, H 2012 fue: Integridad de MLE, integridad de BE y AVMC de base (R2 0,671 p 0,000), a los 12 meses de seguimiento. CONCLUSION: La evidencia actual sugiere que la integridad de la BE y la MLE son predictores del resultados funcional en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR después de 6 o mas meses de seguimiento. Es necesario la realización de estudios controlados para llegar a resultados mas concluyentes.