807 resultados para Transmission line theory
近年来,机器人的应用越来越广泛和深入,输电线巡检机器人是当前特种作业机器人的研究热点之一,具有广泛的应用前景和实用价值。本文的研究内容是围绕国家“863”计划支持项目“500KV超高压输电线巡检机器人的研究”展开的。本研究工作针对巡检机器人的关键控制问题,主要由三部分组成:设计了巡检机器人的体系结构,并应用离散事件理论对机器人的任务、行为和动作建模;对巡检机器人双轮同步驱动控制进行了分析,并应用奇异摄动理论设计了控制器;研究了基于单目视觉的输电线立体定位方法及通过视觉伺服完成机器人自主抓线控制。 第一,介绍了巡检机器人的作业环境,重点探讨了机器人机械系统和控制系统的设计与实现。在机械子系统中,详细介绍了巡检机器人的机构实现与越障方法。在控制系统中详细阐述了基于分层递阶的机器人控制系统硬件组成。另外介绍了供电系统、无线传输系统、传感系统的设计与实现。分析了输电线路周围的电磁环境,及其对机器人的影响,并根据分析结果完成了对机器人的电磁防护设计。 第二,开展了输电线巡检机器人体系结构及人机交互系统研究,针对巡检机器人工作特点设计了基于规划和感知行为的混合式体系结构。针对巡检机器人工作环境设计了以机器人为中心的人机交互方式。参考前人建立的离散事件动力系统的层次结构和并行结构,提出了顺序结构并证明了其无阻塞性、可控性和监控器存在性,并结合以上三种结构建立了巡检机器人作业行为的离散动力学模型,分别获得了任务层、行为层和动作层的监控器。 第三,进行了巡检机器人双轮驱动控制研究。巡检机器人双轮行走机构为过驱动系统,对双轮行走系统进行了运动学和动力学建模,将一行走轮设为主动轮另一行走轮设为从动轮。针对两行走轮之间弹性关节导致的控制中的振荡问题,采用奇异摄动理论将系统分为快慢两个子系统;针对巡检机器人系统参数的时变性采用PD自适应算法设计了慢系统控制器;应用最优控制理论设计了快系统控制器。仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。 第四,进行了输电线视觉定位和视觉伺服抓线问题的研究。输电线巡检机器人的自主越障控制是实现机器人实用化的关键问题。为实现巡检机器人自主越障,采用视觉伺服控制机械手臂自动抓线。为提取输电线图像特征点,针对输电线投影图像特征改进了边缘提取算法,应用聚类算法提取了输电线上的像素点。提出在机械手运动过程中采用EKF(扩展卡尔曼滤波)来实现对输电线的立体定位。在分析了当前基于图像的视觉伺服研究现状,建立了基于图像雅克比矩阵的输电线视觉伺服抓线模型。针对非标定状况下图像雅可比矩阵中的不确定参数,应用I&I(Immersion Invariant)自适应算法来实现无标定图像视觉伺服。针对机器人的动力学不确定性,设计了模糊自适应控制器,并证明了稳定性。仿真验证该方法的有效性,实验验证了基于视觉伺服的抓线控制的有效性。
In the present study, a method based on transmission-line mode for a porous electrode was used to measure the ionic resistance of the anode catalyst layer under in situ fuel cell operation condition. The influence of Nafion content and catalyst loading in the anode catalyst layer on the methanol electro-oxidation and direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) performance based on unsupported Pt-Ru black was investigated by using the AC impedance method. The optimal Nafion content was found to be 15 wt% at 75 degrees C. The optimal Pt-Ru loading is related to the operating temperature, for example, about 2.0 mg/cm(2) for 75-90 degrees C, 3.0 mg/cm2 for 50 degrees C. Over these values, the cell performance decreased due to the increases in ohmic and mass transfer resistances. It was found that the peak power density obtained was 217 mW/cm(2) with optimal catalyst and Nafion loading at 75 degrees C using oxygen. (c) 2005 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results of an experimental study (the ultimate load capacity of composite metal decking/concrete floor slabs. Full-scale in situ testing of composite floor slabs was carried out in the Building Research Establishment's Large Building Test Facility (LBTF) at Cardington. A parallel laboratory test programme, which compared the behaviour of composite floor slabs strips, also carried out at Queen's University Belfast (QUB). Articular attention was paid to the contribution of compressive membrane action to the load carrying capacity. The results of both test programmes were compared with predictions by yield line theory and a theoretical prediction method in which the amount of horizontal restraint mid be assessed. The full-scale tests clearly demon-wed the significant contribution of compressive membrane effects to the load capacity of interior floor panels with a lesser contribution to edge/corner panels.
Subwavelength resonators at FIR are presented and studied. The structures consist of 1D cavities formed between a metallized (silver) surface and a metamaterial surface comprising a periodic array of silver patches on a silver-backed silicon substrate. The concept derives from recent discoveries of artificial magnetic conductors (AMC). By studying the currents excited on the metamaterial surface by a normally incident plane wave, the nature of the emerging resonant phenomena and the physical mechanism underlying the AMC operation are investigated. Full wave simulations, based on finite element method and time-domain transmission line modelling technique, have been carried out to demonstrate the effective AMC boundary condition and prove the possibilities for subwavelength cavities. The quality factor of the resonant cavities is assessed as a function of the cavity profile. It is demonstrated that the quality factor drops to about 1/8 of the half-wavelength value for lambda/8 resonant cavity.
Periodically loaded dipole arrays printed on grounded dielectric substrate are shown to exhibit left-handed propagation properties. In an equivalent transmission line representation, lefthandedness emerges due to the excess series capacitance and shunt inductance. Based on this concept, the authors study the distribution of the modal fields and the variation of series capacitance and shunt inductance as the dipoles are loaded with stubs. Full wave dispersion curves that show the gradual transition from a right-handed to a left-handed medium upon periodically loading the dipoles with stubs are presented. An equivalent circuit is derived that matches to a very good extent the full wave result. The cell dimensions are a small fraction of the wavelength (),15), so the structure can be considered as an equivalent homogeneous surface. The structure is simple, readily scalable to higher frequencies and compatible with low-cost fabrication techniques.
Planar periodic arrays of metallic elements printed on grounded dielectric substrates are presented to exhibit left-handed properties for surface wave propagation. The proposed structures dispense with the need for grounding vias and ease the implementation of uniplanar left-handed metamaterials at higher frequencies. A transmission line description is used for the initial design and interpretation of the left-handed property. A thorough study based on full wave simulations is carried out with regards to the effect of the element geometrical characteristics and the array periodicity to the properties of the artificial material. Dispersion curves are presented and studied. The distribution of the modal fields in the unit cell is also studied in order to provide an explanation of the material properties. The scalability of the proposed structures to infrared frequencies is demonstrated.
Analysis and synthesis of the new Class-EF power amplifier (PA) are presented in this paper. The proposed circuit offers means to alleviate some of the major issues faced by existing Class-EF and Class-EF PAs, such as (1) substantial power losses due to parasitic resistance of the large inductor in the Class-EF load network, (2) unpredictable behaviour of practical lumped inductors and capacitors at harmonic frequencies, and (3) deviation from ideal Class-EF operation mode due to detrimental effects of device output inductance at high frequencies. The transmission-line load network of the Class-EF PA topology elaborated in this paper simultaneously satisfies the Class-EF optimum impedance requirements at fundamental frequency, second, and third harmonics as well as simultaneously providing matching to the circuit optimum load resistance for any prescribed system load resistance. Furthermore, an elegant solution using an open and short-circuit stub arrangement is suggested to overcome the problem encountered in the mm-wave IC realizations of the Class-EF PA load network due to lossy quarter-wave line. © 2010 IEICE Institute of Electronics Informati.
The Class-EF power amplifier (PA) introduced recently has a peak switch voltage much lower than the well-known Class-E PA. However, the value of the transistor output capacitance at high frequencies is typically larger than the required Class-EF optimum shunt capacitance. As a result, softswitching operation that minimizes power dissipation during OFF-to-ON transient cannot be achieved at high frequencies. A novel Class-EF topology with transmission-line load network proposed in this paper allows the PA to operate at much higher frequencies without trading the other figures of merit. Closed-form formulations are derived to simultaneously satisfy the Class-EF impedances requirement at fundamental frequency, all even harmonics, and the first two odd harmonics as well as to provide matching to 50O load. © 2011 Institut fur Mikrowellen.
The physical mechanisms underlying the dramatic reduction of the unit cell electrical size along with broadening fractional bandwidths provided by intertwined spiral arrays are discussed. Based upon this insight, a multi-strip transmission line (MTL) model is developed to analytically estimate the equivalent capacitance and inductance of intertwined spiral array elements in terms of their geometrical parameters. The proposed MTL model enables an accurate prediction of the fundamental resonance characteristics and provides a valuable tool for design of the arrays with the specified frequency response.
his paper proposes an optimisation-based method to calculate the critical slip (speed) of dynamic stability and critical clearing time (CCT) of a self-excited induction generator (SEIG). A simple case study using the Matlab/Simulink environment has been included to exemplify the optimisation method. Relationships between terminal voltage, critical slip and reactance of transmission line, CCT and inertial constant have been determined, based on which analysis of impact on relaying setting has been further conducted for another simulation case.
This paper presents the design and implementation of a low-voltage-stress Class-EF power amplifier (PA) with extended maximum operating frequency, named as ‘third-harmonic-peaking Class-EF PA’. A novel transmission-line load network is proposed to meet the Class-EF impedance requirements at the fundamental, all even harmonics, and third harmonic components. It also provides an impedance matching to a 50 Ω load. A more effective λ/8 open- and shorted-stub network is deployed at the drain of the transistor replacing the traditional λ/4 transmission line. Implemented using GaN HEMTs, the PA delivered 39.2 dBm output power with 80.5% drain efficiency and 71% PAE at 2.22 GHz.
A new variant of Class-EF power amplifier (PA), the so-called third-harmonic-peaking Class-EF, is presented. It inherits a soft-switching operation from the Class-E PA and a low peak switch voltage from the Class-F PA. More importantly, the new topology allows operations at higher frequencies and permits deployment of large transistors which is normally prohibited since they are always accompanied with high output capacitances. Using a simple transmission-line load network, the PA is synthesized to satisfy Class-EF impedances at fundamental frequency, third harmonic, and all even harmonics as well as to simultaneously provide an impedance matching to 50-Ω load.