984 resultados para Transmembrane Glycoprotein
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective To assess the expression of rabies virus G-glycoprotein (RVGP) expression using Semliki Forest virus as a vector in combination with BHK-21 cells cultured in suspension. Results A multilevel factorial design was used to quantify effects of temperature (33–37 C), fresh medium addition after the viral adsorption step (100–200 % with respect to the initial cell suspension volume before infection) and harvest time (8–40 h) on RVGP production. Experimental runs were performed in 24-well cell culture plates at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 16. An additional experiment in spinner-flask was performed at MOI of 9, using the optimal conditions determined in cell culture plates. Values for temperature, fresh medium addition and harvest time of 33 C, 100 % and 16 h, respectively, ensured the optimal RVGP production in culture plates. The volumetric yield (239 ng ml-1 ) in these conditions was higher than that reported previously for adherent cell culture. In spinner-flasks, the volumetric yield was improved (559 ng ml-1 ). Conclusion These results establish the basis for designing bioprocess to produce RVGP.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), or human herpesvirus 8, is a gammaherpesvirus etiologically linked to the development of Kaposi sarcoma, primary effusion lymphomas, and multicentric Castleman disease in humans. KSHV is unique among other human herpesviruses because of the elevated number of viral products that mimic human cellular proteins, such as a viral cyclin, a viral G protein-coupled receptor, anti-apoptotic proteins (e.g. v-bcl2 and v-FLIP), viral interferon regulatory factors, and CC chemokine viral homologues. Several KSHV products have oncogenic properties, including the transmembrane K1 glycoprotein. KSHV K1 is encoded in the viral ORFK1, which is the most variable portion of the viral genome, commonly used to discriminate among viral genotypes. The extracellular region of K1 has homology with the light chain of lambda immunoglobulin, and its cytoplasmic region contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM). KSHV K1 ITAM activates several intracellular signaling pathways, notably PI3K/AKT. Consequently, K1 expression inhibits proapoptotic proteins and increases the life-span of KSHV-infected cells. Another remarkable effect of K1 activity is the production of inflammatory cytokines and proangiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor. KSHV K1 immortalizes primary human endothelial cells and transforms rodent fibroblasts in vitro; moreover, K1 induces tumors in vivo in transgenic mice expressing this viral protein. This review aims to consolidate and discuss the current knowledge on this intriguing KSHV protein, focusing on activities of K1 that can contribute to the pathogenesis of KSHV-associated human cancers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bovine coronavirus has been associated with diarrhoea in newborn calves, winter dysentery in adult cattle and respiratory tract infections in calves and feedlot cattle. In Cuba, the presence of BCoV was first reported in 2006. Since then, sporadic outbreaks have continued to occur. This study was aimed at deepening the knowledge of the evolution, molecular markers of virulence and epidemiology of BCoV in Cuba. A total of 30 samples collected between 2009 and 2011 were used for PCR amplification and direct sequencing of partial or full S gene. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic studies were conducted using partial or complete S gene sequences as phylogenetic markers. All Cuban bovine coronavirus sequences were located in a single cluster supported by 100% bootstrap and 1.00 posterior probability values. The Cuban bovine coronavirus sequences were also clustered with the USA BCoV strains corresponding to the GenBank accession numbers EF424621 and EF424623, suggesting a common origin for these viruses. This phylogenetic cluster was also the only group of sequences in which no recombination events were detected. Of the 45 amino acid changes found in the Cuban strains, four were unique. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Zinc-alpha 2-glycoprotein (ZAG) is a lipid mobilizing factor. Its anti-inflammatory action and expression pattern suggest that ZAG could act by protecting against the obesity-associated disorders. In hemodialysis (HD) patients, ZAG levels were described to be elevated but its effects on markers of inflammation and LDL oxidation are still unclear. We investigated the relationship between ZAG and markers of systemic inflammation and LDL atherogenic modification profile in HD patients. Methods: Forty-three patients regularly on HD were studied and compared to 20 healthy subjects. Plasma ZAG, adiponectin, electronegative LDL [LDL(-)], an atherosclerotic negatively charged LDL subtraction, and anti-LDL(-) autoantibodies levels were measured by ELISA. Markers of inflammation and atherogenic cell recruitment (TNF-alpha, interleukin-6, VCAM-1, ICAM-1, MCP-1 and PAI-1) were also determined. Results: Inflammatory markers and atherogenic cell recruitment were higher in HD patients when compared to healthy subjects. ZAG levels were also higher in HD patients (151.5 +/- 50.1 mg/l vs 54.6 +/- 23.0 mg/l; p<0.0001) and its levels were negatively correlated with TNF-alpha (r= -0.39; p = 0.001) and VCAM-1 (r= -0.52; p<0.0001) and, positively correlated with anti-LDL(-) autoantibodies (r = 038; p = 0.016). On multivariate analyses, plasma ZAG levels were independently associated with VCAM-1 (p = 0.01). Conclusion: ZAG is inversely associated with markers of pro-atherogenic factors linked to systemic inflammation and oxidative stress. Thus, this adipokine may constitute a novel marker of a favorable metabolic profile regarding cardiovascular risk factors in HD population. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vaccination with peptide 10 (P10), derived from the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis glycoprotein 43 (gp43), induces a Th1 response that protects mice in an intratracheal P. brasiliensis infection model. Combining P10 with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or other adjuvants further increases the peptide's antifungal effect. Since dendritic cells (DCs) are up to 1,000-fold more efficient at activating T cells than CFA, we examined the impact of P10-primed bone-marrow-derived DC vaccination in mice. Splenocytes from mice immunized with P10 were stimulated in vitro with P10 or P10-primed DCs. T cell proliferation was significantly increased in the presence of P10-primed DCs compared to the peptide. The protective efficacy of P10-primed DCs was studied in an intratracheal P. brasiliensis model in BALB/c mice. Administration of P10-primed DCs prior to (via subcutaneous vaccination) or weeks after (via either subcutaneous or intravenous injection) P. brasiliensis infection decreased pulmonary damage and significantly reduced fungal burdens. The protective response mediated by the injection of primed DCs was characterized mainly by an increased production of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and interleukin 12 (IL-12) and a reduction in IL-10 and IL-4 compared to those of infected mice that received saline or unprimed DCs. Hence, our data demonstrate the potential of P10-primed DCs as a vaccine capable of both the rapid protection against the development of serious paracoccidioidomycosis or the treatment of established P. brasiliensis disease.
This is a study on the Avian coronavirus IBV and chicken host-relationship from the codon usage point of view based on fifty-nine non-redundant IBV S1 sequences (nt 1-507) from strains detected worldwide and chicken tissue-specific protein genes sequences from IBV-replicating sites. The effective number of codons (ENC) values ranged from 36 to 47.8, indicating a high-to-moderate codon usage bias. The highest IBV codon adaptation index (CAI) value was 0.7, indicating a distant virus versus host synonymous codons usage. The ENC x GC3 % curve indicates that both mutational pressure and natural selection are the driving forces on codon usage pattern in S1. The low CAI values agree with a low S protein expression and considering that S protein is a determinant for attachment and neutralization, this could be a further mechanism besides mRNA transcription attenuation for a low expression of this protein leading to an immune camouflage.
The mechanisms underlying immune deficiency in diabetes are largely unknown. In the present study, we demonstrate that diabetic mice are highly susceptible to polymicrobial sepsis due to reduction in rolling, adhesion, and migration of leukocytes to the focus of infection. In addition, after sepsis induction, CXCR2 was strongly downregulated in neutrophils from diabetic mice compared with nondiabetic mice. Furthermore, CXCR2 downregulation was associated with increased G-protein coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) expression in these cells. Different from nondiabetic mice, diabetic animals submitted to mild sepsis displayed a significant augment in alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) hepatic mRNA expression and serum protein levels. Administration of AGP in nondiabetic mice subjected to mild sepsis inhibited the neutrophil migration to the focus of infection, as well as induced t-selectin shedding and rise in CD11b of blood neutrophils. Insulin treatment of diabetic mice reduced mortality rate, prevented the failure of neutrophil migration, impaired GRK2-mediated CXCR2 downregulation, and decreased the generation of AGP. Finally, administration of AGP abolished the effect of insulin treatment in diabetic mice. Together, these data suggest that AGP may be involved in reduction of neutrophil migration and increased susceptibility to sepsis in diabetic mice. Diabetes 61:1584-1591, 2012
Alpha- und Beta-Dystroglycan, die zentralen Komponenten eines multimeren Dystrophin-assoziierten Proteinkomplexes wurden bislang im Wesentlichen in der Skelettmuskulatur charakterisiert. Dort stellt der DAG eine molekulare Verbindung zwischen dem Aktin-Zytoskelett der Muskelfaser und einer Basalmembran her, die die einzelne Muskelfaser umhüllt. Dystroglycan vermittelt auf diese Weise die mechanische Festigkeit der Muskelfasern während der Kontraktion. Außerdem dient der DAG als Gerüst für die Anlagerung von Proteinen. Mutationen in den strukturgebenden oder signaltransduzierenden Proteinen des DAG verursachen Muskeldystrophie. Besonders schwere Muskeldystrophien werden durch Mutationen hervorgerufen, die eine veränderte Glykosylierung von Dystroglycan und damit eine verminderte Bindung von alpha-Dystroglycan an Matrixproteine verursachen. Dies führt zu einer Beeinträchtigung der Basalmembranbiosynthese sowie sich daraus ergebende Störungen in der Migration, Schichtung und Differenzierung von Nervenzellen im ZNS. Welche Rolle Dystroglycan im sich entwickelnden ZNS spielt, sollte in dieser Arbeit an der Hühnerretina untersucht werden. Durch Anwendung der in ovo Elektroporation wurden zwei modifizierte Dystroglycankonstrukte in Neuroepithelzellen transfiziert. Die Überexpression eines verkürtzten Dystroglycanproteins, verursachte eine Abrundung der Neuroepithelzellen. Dies führte zur Hyperproliferation der Zellen deren Folge die Bildung von Verdickungen in der Retina war sowie eine verstärkte Bildung postmitotischer Neurone. Die Elektroporation eines nicht-spaltbaren Dystroglycans, führte im Gegensatz dazu zu einer Abnahme der Anzahl proliferierender und differenzierender Nervenzellen. Als Konsequenz veränderte sich die Orientierung der Axone von retinalen Ganglienzellen. Nach der Überexpression des verkürzten Dystroglycans verloren die Axone ihre zentripetale Orientierung auf den optischen Nerv, während die Elektroporation von Wt-Dystroglycan und nicht-spaltbarem Dystroglycan nur einen gelegentlichen Richtungswechsel der Axone verursachte. Die Daten zeigen, dass Dystroglycan einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Proliferation, Differenzierung und Polarität der Neuroepithelzellen ausübt. Dies geschieht vermutlich durch die Vermittlung der Adhäsion des Endfußes von Neuroepithelzellen an die Basalmembran. Die Veränderungen nach der Überexpression der modifizierten Dystroglycankonstrukte liefern möglicherweise eine Erklärung für den ZNS-Phänotyp der sich bei verschiedenen Formen von Muskeldystrophie zeigt.
GARP (Glycoprotein A Repetitions Predominant) ist ein Oberflächenrezeptor auf regulatorischen T–Zellen (TRegs), der den latenten TGF–β (Transforming Growth Factor–β) bindet. Ein Funktionsverlust von T Regs hat gravierende Autoimmunerkrankungen wie das Immunodysregulation Polyendocrinopathy Enteropathy X–linked Syndrome (IPEX), Multiple Sklerose (MS) oder Rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) zur Folge. GARP stellt über eine Erhöhung der Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β den regulatorischen Phänotyp von TRegs sicher und inhibiert die Ausbreitung von autoreaktiven TH17 Zellen.rn In dieser Arbeit stand die Regulation von GARP selbst im Mittelpunkt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es sich innerhalb der kiefertragenden Vertebraten um ein strikt konserviertes Protein handelt. Datenbankanalysen machten deutlich, dass es zuerst in basalen Knochenfischen zusammen mit anderen Komponenten der adaptiven Immunantwort auftritt. Ein 3D–Modell, welches über Homologiemodellierung erstellt wurde, gab Aufschluss über die Struktur des Rezeptors und mögliche intramolekulare Disulfidbrücken. Für in vitro Versuche wurde eine lösliche Variante von GARP durch einen Austausch der Transmembrandomäne durch C–terminale Meprin α Domänen konstruiert. Diese Variante wurde in der eukaryotischen Zellkultur zuverlässig in den Überstand sezerniert und konnte chromatografisch gereinigt werden. Mit diesem rekombinanten GARP wurden Prozessierungsversuche mit Autoimmunpathogenese assoziierten Proteasen durchgeführt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Serinproteasen Trypsin, Neutrophile Elastase und Plasmin, sowie die Metalloprotease MMP2 in der Lage sind, GARP vollständig zu degradieren. In TGF–β sensitiven Proliferationsuntersuchungen stellte sich heraus, dass die entstandenen Fragmente immer noch in der Lage waren die Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β zu erhöhen. Neben der Degradierung durch die oben genannten Proteasen konnte ebenfalls beobachtet werden, dass MMP9 und Ovastacin in der Lage sind GARP spezifisch zu schneiden. Ovastacin mRNA wurde in dieser Arbeit das erste Mal außerhalb der Oocyte, in T–Zellen beschrieben. Mit GARP wurde zudem das zweite Proteinsubstrat, neben dem Zona Pellucida Protein 2 identifiziert. Das durch MMP9 erzeugte N–terminale Fragment besitzt zwar die Eigenschaft, an TGF–β zu binden, kann aber die Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β nicht mehr wie das intakte GARP erleichtern. rnDiese Arbeit zeigte, dass GARP durch Proteolyse reguliert wird, wobei die entstehenden Fragmente unterschiedlichen Einfluss auf die Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β haben. Dieses Wissen bildet die Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen im translationalen Forschungsbereich, um die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zur Immunmodulation in der Therapie verschiedener Krankheiten einsetzen zu können.rn
Herzwirksame Glykoside sind in der Natur sowohl im Tier- als auch im Pflanzenreich zu finden und werden regelmäßig zur Therpaie von Herzinsuffizienz eingesetzt. In letzter Zeit belegten viele Studien, dass herzwirksame Glykoside vielversprechende Substanzen für die Behandlung von Krebs darstellen. Ihr Wirkmechanismus basiert auf der Hemmung der Na+/K+-ATPase. Die Na+/K+-ATPase spielt neuerdings eine wichtige Rolle in der Krebsbiologie, da sie viele relevante Signalwege beeinflusst. Multiresistenzen gegen Arzneimittel sind oftmals verantwortlich für das Scheitern einer Chemotherapie. Bei multi-drug-resistenten Tumoren erfolgt ein Transport der Chemotherapeutika aus der Krebszelle hinaus durch das Membranprotein P-Glykoprotein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Zytotoxizität von 66 herzwirksamen Glykosiden und ihren Derivaten in sensitiven und resistenten Leukämie-Zellen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Naturstoffe die Zell-Linien in verschiedenen molaren Bereichen abtöten. Allerdings waren die Resistenz-Indizes niedrig (d. h. die IC50 Werte waren in beiden Zell-Linien ähnlich). Die untersuchten 66 Substanzen besitzen eine große Vielfalt an chemischen Substituenten. Die Wirkung dieser Substituenten auf die Zytotoxizität wurde daher durch Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (SAR) erforscht. Des Weiteren wiesen quantitative Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (QSAR) und molekulares Docking darauf hin, dass die Na+/K+-ATPase in sensitiven und resistenten Zellen unterschiedlich stark exprimiert wird. Eine Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen wurde durch Western Blot bestätigt und die Wirkung dieser auf relevante Signalwege durch Next-Generation-Sequenzierung weiter verfolgt. Dadurch konnte eine Verbindung zwischen der Überexpression von P-Glykoprotein und der Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase hergestellt werden. Der zweite Aspekt der Arbeit war die Hemmung von P-Glykoprotein durch herzwirksame Glykoside, welche durch Hochdurchsatz-Durchflusszytometrie getestet wurde. Sechs wirksame Glykoside konnten den P-Glykoprotein-vermittelten Transport von Doxorubicin inhibieren. Zudem konnte die Zytotoxität von Doxorubicin in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen teilweise wieder zurück erlangt werden. Unabhängig von herzwirksamen Glykosiden war die Bewertung der Anwendung von molekularem Docking in der P-Glykoprotein Forschung ein weiterer Aspekt der Arbeit. Es ließ sich schlussfolgern, dass molekulares Docking fähig ist, zwischen den verschiedenen Molekülen zu unterscheiden, die mit P-Glykoprotein interagieren. Die Anwendbarkeit von molekularem Docking in Bezug auf die Bestimmung der Bindestelle einer Substanz wurde ebenfalls untersucht.
Garlic extracts have been shown to decrease drug exposure for saquinavir, a P-glycoprotein and cytochrome P450 3A4 substrate. In order to explore the underlying mechanisms and to study the effects of garlic on pre-systemic drug elimination, healthy volunteers were administered garlic extract for 21 days. Prior to and at the end of this period, expression of duodenal P-glycoprotein and cytochrome P450 3A4 protein were assayed and normalized to villin, while hepatic cytochrome P450 3A4 function and simvastatin, pravastatin and saquinavir pharmacokinetics were also evaluated. Ingestion of garlic extract increased expression of duodenal P-glycoprotein to 131% (95% CI, 105-163%), without increasing the expression of cytochrome P450 3A4 which amounted to 87% (95% CI, 67-112%), relative to baseline in both cases. For the erythromycin breath test performed, the average result was 96% (95% CI, 83-112%). Ingestion of garlic extract had no effect on drug and metabolite AUCs following a single dose of simvastatin or pravastatin, although the average area under the plasma concentration curve (AUC) of saquinavir decreased to 85% (95% CI, 66-109%), and changes in intestinal P-glycoprotein expression negatively correlated with this change. In conclusion, garlic extract induces intestinal expression of P-glycoprotein independent of cytochrome P450 3A4 in human intestine and liver.
The cholecystokinin-2 receptor (CCK2R), is expressed in cancers where it contributes to tumor progression. The CCK2R is over-expressed in a sub-set of tumors, allowing its use in tumor targeting with a radiolabel ligand. Since discrepancies between mRNA levels and CCK2R binding sites were noticed, we searched for abnormally spliced variants in tumors from various origins having been previously reported to frequently express cholecystokinin receptors, such as medullary thyroid carcinomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas, and gastroenteropancreatic tumors. A variant of the CCK2R coding for a putative five-transmembrane domains receptor has been cloned. This variant represented as much as 6% of CCK2R levels. Ectopic expression in COS-7 cells revealed that this variant lacks biological activity due to its sequestration in endoplasmic reticulum. When co-expressed with the CCK2R, this variant diminished membrane density of the CCK2R and CCK2R-mediated activity (phospholipase-C and ERK activation). In conclusion, a novel splice variant acting as a dominant negative on membrane density of the CCK2R may be of importance for the pathophysiology of certain tumors and for their in vivo CCK2R-targeting.
Indications for a protective function of beta2-glycoprotein I in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
It has been shown that β(2) -glycoprotein I (β(2) GPI) interacts with von Willebrand factor (VWF) in a glycoprotein (GP)Ib binding state. Given the presence of active VWF multimers in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), we speculated that β(2) GPI might play a role in TTP. We found that β(2) GPI plasma levels were significantly lower in acute and remission TTP patients than in normal controls, showing a direct correlation with ADAMTS 13 levels and an inverse correlation with the extent of VWF activation. In vitro flow experiments demonstrated that β(2) GPI can block platelet adhesion to endothelial cell-derived VWF strings. We confirmed the direct binding of β(2) GPI to VWF by surface plasmon resonance, and determined that domain I of β(2) GPI is the binding site of VWF A1 domain. Adhesion of β(2) GPI to erythrocytes and platelets was increased in the presence of active VWF, indicating that β(2) GPI may be cleared from the circulation during TTP episodes together with blood cells. Our findings suggest that β(2) GPI may protect from the effects of hyper-functional VWF by inhibiting its interaction with platelets.