593 resultados para Taronges-Publicitat-Gandia.


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La majoria dels experts coincideixen en definir l’empresa familiar com l’empresa a la que el capital, la gestió y el govern estan en mans de una o mes famílies que exerceixen control sobre ella. El punt mes important que diferencia l’empresa familiar de la no familiar es el propòsit de la continuïtat, que es dona en a les empreses familiars, a través de l’entrada de les successives generacions. Aquesta continuïtat es materialitza amb l’èxit del procés successori que dona lloc a la nova generació. La complexitat d’aquest tipus d’empreses deriva de la unió de les dos entitats que la formen, empresa i família. Aquesta unió suposa la combinació d’assumptes purament empresarials amb altres de caràcter més personal. La unió de tots dos interessos dins de l’empresa suposa una important font de conflictes i problemes per a l’organització. A mesura que la família es fa més gran els problemes també creixen, i les relacions entre la família i la empresa es fan més difícils i complicades. Es per això que l’empresa ha d’actuar amb temps i avançar-se a les futures dificultats que puguin presentar-se a l’organització, tractant d’evitar-les, fent servir les eines de que disposa. Per assegurar el èxit del procés successori i evitar futurs problemes interns, l’empresa, i sobretot el predecessor, han de manejar i definir de forma correcta el marc legal i el marc familiar que emmarquen les seves relacions. En primer lloc, el marc legal ha d’assegurar la bona comunicació entre la família i l’empresa, per així, evitar futurs malentesos. A través d’òrgans com el Consell d’Administració i la Junta General d’Accionistes l’empresa reforça aspectes com la unitat i el compromís, que son tan necessaris en moments de canvi generacional. Per una altra banda, el marc familiar ha de vetllar pel manteniment dels valors propis de la família que el predecessor ha inculcat al llarg dels anys, i que han servit de guia tant a l’empresa com a la família. El marc familiar el defineixen eines com el Protocol Familiar, que regula i gestiona les relacions entre la família, l’empresa i els propietaris de la organització. El òrgan encarregat de controlar el compliment d’allò pactat en el Protocol i d’encarregar-se del bon funcionament del marc familiar es el Consell de Família.


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Aquest treball té com a objectiu l'anàlisi de l'estètica cinematogràfica del director Tim Burton. Es desenvoluparà fent un recorregut pels moviments artístics que han servit d'influència al director i les experiències vitals que l'han inspirat a l'hora de construir la seva filmografia. En aquest sentit, la seva biografia és vital per entendre les temàtiques a les que sol recórrer a l'hora de realitzar un film.


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Aquest treball és el resultat d'una investigació sobre com la música ajuda a la publicitat com a eina de memorització. S’ha exposat com ha estat la influència psicològica i social de la música al llarg de la història, la funció que exerceix en el marc de les ciències de la comunicació i la seva implementació en les accions de màrqueting actuals. Les entrevistes finals ens aporten la visió de dos creatius sobre quina ha estat la funció de la música en la seva campanya, quin és el seu paper en el context publicitari actual i quin és el futur que li auguren a la música publicitària dels propers anys.


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Aquest treball analitza el concepte de les xarxes socials online com a eina d’oci i treball a Espanya. Les xarxes socials estan generalment associades amb l’ oci i l’entreteniment, degut a que fa uns anys era bàsicament així. Però ara, també poden ser considerades com a eines de treball. En el nostre país s’ha convertit en un fenomen de masses cada vegada més important, ja que està revolucionant la forma de comunicar-se i interactuar, tant a nivell personal, com professional.


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El treball final de carrera El pop i el rock com a productes de gran consum: els Beatles com a marca, té l’objectiu de demostrar la dimensió del màrketing en el cas dels Beatles. Primerament exposa la evolució dels gèneres musicals i dels compositors i grups més influents de la música pop i rock. Seguidament una breu contextualització dels Beatles, per posteriorment abordar l’objectiu principal del projecte, el qual pretén demostrar que el conjunt de Liverpool va ser una gran marca nascuda de la barreja d’estils musicals i del consumisme.


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Anàlisi i desenvolupament d’una web 2.0 per taxistes, en forma de xarxa social, on puguin participar activament, anunciar la venda de les seves llicències de taxi amb informació detallada i trobin publicitat d’empreses del sector que ofereixen ofertes i promocions dels seus serveis o productes gràcies a les eines que ofereix la web a les empreses subscrites. Optimització de la web pels principals motors de cerca d’ Internet.


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En un context de crisi, els Estats es troben en un trade-off entre “relaxar” el sistema de control d’ajudes d’Estat per reduir l’impacte de la recessió, o mantenir-lo i evitar així distorsions competitives. Es tracta d’un cas especial de trade-off entre el curt i el llarg termini. La present recerca investiga com la política europea ha gestionat la demanda d’ajudes públiques durant la recent crisi financera. Es diferencia entre “llei” i “procediment”, i es determina que mentre la primera s’ha adaptat al nou context de crisi per donar cabuda a mesures de rescat, una sèrie d’evidències suggereixen que el segon s’ha “relaxat”, i que pot haver estat una estratègia second best per reduir el risc moral associat als rescats i una estratègia necessària per a mantenir el propi sistema de control d’ajudes d’Estat


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This paper aims to analyse the impact of human capital on business productivity, focusing the analysis on the possible effect of the complementarity that exists between human capital and new production technologies, particularly advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs) for the specific case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Catalonia. Additionally, following the theory of skill-biased technological change, the paper analyses whether technological change produces bias exclusively in the skills required for managers, or whether the bias extends to the skills required of production staff. With this objective, we have compared the possible existence of complementarity between AMTs and the level of human capital for different occupational groups. The results confirm the complementary relationship between human capital and new production technologies. The results by occupational group confirm that to maximise the productivity of new technologies, skilled staff are needed both in management and production, with managers and professionals as well as skilled operatives playing a vital role. Keywords: human capital, process technologies, complementarity, business productivity. (JEL D24, J24, O30).


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of human capital, advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT), and new work organizational practices on firm productivity, while taking into account the synergies existing between them. This study expands current knowledge in this area in two ways. First, in contrast with previous works, we focus on AMT and not ICT (information and communication technologies). Second, we use a unique employer-employee data set for small firms in a particular area of southern Europe (Catalonia, Spain). Using a small firm data set, allows us to analyse the particular case of small and medium enterprises, since we cannot assume they have the same characteristics as large firms. The results provide evidence in favor of the complementarity hypothesis between human capital, advanced manufacturing technologies, and new work organization practices, although we show that the complementarity effects depend on what type of work organization practices are used by a firm. For small and medium Catalan firms, the only set of work organization practices that improve the benefits of human capital and technology investment are those practices which are more quality oriented, such as quality circles, problem-solving groups or total quality management.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the determinants of use internal or external labour market to fill a firm vacancy in SME’s taking into account the differences existing among blue and white collar jobs. Following different theories we can identify three main reasons for use internal candidates rather than external ones‐ firm specific knowledge, adverse selection problems and motivation‐. However, there are others factors that might affect this choice but the last theories don’t take into account. In this paper we try to shed some light on what are these other factors that may affect firm decision to use internal or external labour market. Particularly we analyses the relationship among new technologies, innovation activity and firm location on the staffing strategy. The results shows difference behaviour on the decision to fill a vacancy using internal or external labour markets between manufacturing and service firms, and this decision depends not only on firm internal characteristics, like technological complexity or innovation activity, but also on firm location. The results also support the hypothesis of ports of entry especially in the manufacturing sector.


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This article provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of a firm's optimal R&D strategy choice. In this paper a firm's R&D strategy is assumed to be endogenous and allowed to depend on both internal firms. characteristics and external factors. Firms choose between two strategies, either they engage in R&D or abstain from own R&D and imitate the outcomes of innovators. In the theoretical model this yields three types of equilibria in which either all firms innovate, some firms innovate and others imitate, or no firm innovates. Firms'equilibrium strategies crucially depend on external factors. We find that the efficiency of intellectual property rights protection positively affects firms'incentives to engage in R&D, while competitive pressure has a negative effect. In addition, smaller firms are found to be more likely to become imitators when the product is homogeneous and the level of spillovers is high. These results are supported by empirical evidence for German .rms from manufacturing and services sectors. Regarding social welfare our results indicate that strengthening intellectual property protection can have an ambiguous effect. In markets characterized by a high rate of innovation a reduction of intellectual property rights protection can discourage innovative performance substantially. However, a reduction of patent protection can also increase social welfare because it may induce imitation. This indicates that policy issues such as the optimal length and breadth of patent protection cannot be resolved without taking into account specific market and firm characteristics. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C35, D43, L13, L22, O31. Keywords: Innovation; imitation; spillovers; product differentiation; market competition; intellectual property rights protection.


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This paper explores the factors that determine firm’s R&D cooperation with different partners, paying special attention on the role of tertiary education (degree and PhDs level) in facilitating the connection between the firms and the to scientific bodies (technology centres, public research centres and universities). Here, we attempt to answer two questions. First, are innovative firms that carry out internal and external R&D activities more likely to cooperate on R&D projects with other partners? Second, do Spanish innovative firms with a high participation of researchers with degrees or PhDs tend to cooperate more with scientific partners? To answer both questions we apply a three-dimensional approach on a firm level Panel Data with a sample of 4.998 manufacturing and services Spanish firms. First, we run a complementary test between external R&D acquisition and skilled research workers and find that firms which carry out external R&D activities obtain a greater return on R&D cooperation when they have skilled workers in R&D, especially in high-tech manufactures and KIS services. Second, we carry out a 2-step tobit model to estimate, in the first stage, the determinants that explain whether Spanish innovative firms cooperate or not; and in the second stage the factors that affect the choice of partners. And third, we apply an ordered probit model to test the marginal effects of explanatory variables on the different partners. Here we contrast some of the most interesting empirical hypotheses of previous studies, and which emphasize the role of employees with degrees and PhDs in facilitating cooperative R&D between firms and scientific partners. JEL classification: O31, O33, O38. Key words: Determinants R&D cooperation, industry-university flows, PhD research workers.


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This paper explores how absorptive capacity affects the innovative performance and productivity dynamics of Spanish firms. A firm’s efficiency levels are measured using two variables: the labour productivity and the Total Factor Productivity (TFP). The theoretical framework is based on the seminal contributions of Cohen and Levinthal (1989, 1990) regarding absorptive capacity; and the applied framework is based on the four-stage structural model proposed by Crépon, Duguet and Mairesse (1998) for setting the determinants of R&D, the effects of R&D activities on innovation outputs, and the impacts of innovation on firm productivity. The present study uses a twostage structural model. In the first stage, a probit estimation is used to investigate how the sources of R&D, the absorptive capacity and a vector of the firm’s individual features influence the firm’s likelihood of developing innovations in products or processes. In the second phase, a quantile regression is used to analyze the effect of R&D sources, absorptive capacity and firm characteristics on productivity. This method shows the elasticity of each exogenous variable on productivity according to the firms’ levels of efficiency, and thus allows us to distinguish between firms that are close to the technological frontier and those that are further away from it. We used extensive firm-level panel data from 5,575 firms for the 2004-2009 period. The results show that the internal absorptive capacity has a strong impact on the productivity of firms, whereas the role of external absorptive capacity differs according to nature of the each industry and according the distance of firms from the technological frontier. Key words: R&D sources, innovation strategies, absorptive capacity, technological distance, quantile regression.


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This paper analyses whether a firm’s absorptive capacity and its distance from the technological frontier affect the choice between innovation and imitation in innovative Spanish firms. From an extensive survey of 5,575 firms during the 2004-2009 period, we found two significant results. With regard to the role of absorptive capacity, the empirical evidence shows that when innovative firms have difficulties in accessing external information and hire skilled workers, their innovative capacity is reduced. Meanwhile, with regard to distance from the technological frontier, the firms that reduce this gap manage to increase their innovative capacity at the expense of imitation. To summarise, when we studied firms’ absorptive capacity and their relative position to the technological frontier in tandem, we found that the two factors directly affected firms' ability to innovate or imitate. Key words: R&D sources, innovation and imitation strategies, absorptive capacity, technological frontier, ordered probit.


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This paper studies frequent monitoring in an infinitely repeated game with imperfect public information and discounting, where players observe the state of a continuous time Brownian process at moments in time of length _. It shows that a limit folk theorem can be achieved with imperfect public monitoring when players monitor each other at the highest frequency, i.e., _. The approach assumes that the expected joint output depends exclusively on the action profile simultaneously and privately decided by the players at the beginning of each period of the game, but not on _. The strong decreasing effect on the expected immediate gains from deviation when the interval between actions shrinks, and the associated increase precision of the public signals, make the result possible in the limit. JEL: C72/73, D82, L20. KEYWORDS: Repeated Games, Frequent Monitoring, Public Monitoring, Brownian Motion.