619 resultados para Tactics.
The route planning problem for an order in freight transportation involves the selection of the best route for its transportation given a set of options that the network can offer. In its adaptive (or dynamic) version, the problem deals with the planning of a new route for an order while it is actually in transit typically because part or all of its pre-selected route is blocked or disrupted. In the intelligent product approach we are proposing, an order would be capable of identifying and evaluating such new routes in an automated manner and choosing the most preferable one without the intervention of humans. Because such approaches seek to mirror (and then automate) human decision making, in this paper we seek to identify new ways for dynamic route planning in industrial logistics inspired by the way people make similar decisions about their journey when they travel in multi-modal networks. We propose a new simulation game as a methodological tool for capturing their travel behaviour and we use it in this study. The results show that a simulation game can be used for capturing strategies and tactics of travellers and that intelligent products can provide a proper platform for the usage of such strategies in freight logistics. © 2012 IEEE.
In European bitterling Rhodeus amarus, fish that lay their eggs in the gill chambers of living freshwater mussels, females perform conspicuous behaviours associated with spawning that increases the probability of males performing ejaculatory behaviour and participating in a spawning. A significant positive association was detected between behaviour in which a female performs a spawning action but without releasing eggs, here termed 'deceptive female oviposition', and ejaculatory behaviour by courting males.
通过对纸房沟流域土地利用结构和收入结构的简要分析 ,提出了生态系统与经济系统演变的一般规律 ,受生态系统与经济系统演变规律的启示 ,提出了纸房沟流域生态经济系统进一步建设的策略。
Web GIS作为一门新兴的技术学科 ,依托互联网的环境和 Internet实用技术 ,成为地理信息系统理论研究和技术创新的增长点。随着网络技术和应用市场的不断发展和扩大 ,将促进 GIS新兴信息产业的形成。本文结合工作实践 ,论述了 Web GIS的技术背景与发展 ,以及系统功能等基础理论 ,重点讨论了 Web GIS的体系结构、实现策略和技术方法
Over the next five years, computer games will find their way into a vast number of American homes, creating a unique educational opportunity: the development of "computer coaches" for the serious intellectual skills required by some of these games. From the player's perspective, the coach will provide advice regarding strategy and tactics for better play. But, from the perspective of the coach, the request for help is an opportunity to tutor basic mathematical, scientific or other kinds of knowledge that the game exercises.
Gunning, Jeroen, Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence (London: Hurst Publishers Ltd, 2007), pp.xiv+310 RAE2008
Wydział Historyczny
W niniejszej publikacji skupiono się na przedstawieniu źródeł i najważniejszych przejawów radykalizmu islamskiego w Europie. Zwrócono w szczególności uwagę na historyczne i ideologiczne determinanty rozwoju tego zjawiska. Wskazano najważniejsze etapy ewolucji zagrożenia dżihadystycznego oraz aktorów mających wpływ na jego ewolucję. Uwzględniając powyższe przesłanki w artykule zawarto ponadto najważniejsze wnioski dotyczące wzrastającego poziomu powyższego zagrożenia dla wybranych państw europejskich, w okresie ostatnich kilkunastu lat wraz ze wskazaniem zmiennych wpływających na ów poziom w postaci: procesu radykalizacji społeczności muzułmańskich w Europie, zmian w taktyce i organizacji grup dżihadystycznych, sukcesu akcji rekrutacyjnych i antyterrorystycznej aktywności państw Zachodu.
Wydział Historyczny
Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
The Provisional IRA and its political wing Sinn Féin have attracted by far the greatest scholarly interest of all the players in the Northern Irish conflict. This emphasis is perfectly legitimate, given the centrality of the Provos to so many turning-points in the conflict, from the collapse of Stormont in the early 1970s to the hunger strikes of the following decade and the ceasefires which were followed by the Belfast Agreement. My project, however, looks at political groups that at one time or another challenged the Provos for leadership of the militant, anti-state constituency in Northern Ireland (chiefly based in the Catholic working class). Although never as large or influential as the Provisional republicans, groups such as the Official IRA and the Irish Republican Socialist Party sometimes had a discernible impact on the course of events which is overlooked by most studies, and often pioneered ideas and tactics that were later adopted by the Provos themselves. The idea that republicans should embrace political action and work in broad campaigning alliances was promoted by the IRSP and socialist groups such as People’s Democracy before it was taken up by Gerry Adams and his allies, while the Official IRA supported the principle of a settlement based on democratization of the Northern Irish state, which was later accepted by Sinn Féin in the form of the Belfast Agreement. The goal of my research is to provide a novel perspective on the conflict in Northern Ireland, while engaging with theoretical debates about its character.
Gemstone Team VOTE-CP (Voice of the Electorate - Collegiate Participation)