357 resultados para TOXOPLASMA-GONDII
Apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii contain a primitive plastid, the apicoplast, whose genome consists of a 35-kb circular DNA related to the plastid DNA of plants. Plants synthesize fatty acids in their plastids. The first committed step in fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). This enzyme is encoded in the nucleus, synthesized in the cytosol, and transported into the plastid. In the present work, two genes encoding ACC from T. gondii were cloned and the gene structure was determined. Both ORFs encode multidomain proteins, each with an N-terminal extension, compared with the cytosolic ACCs from plants. The N-terminal extension of one isozyme, ACC1, was shown to target green fluorescent protein to the apicoplast of T. gondii. In addition, the apicoplast contains a biotinylated protein, consistent with the assertion that ACC1 is localized there. The second ACC in T. gondii appears to be cytosolic. T. gondii mitochondria also contain a biotinylated protein, probably pyruvate carboxylase. These results confirm the essential nature of the apicoplast and explain the inhibition of parasite growth in cultured cells by herbicides targeting ACC.
Little is known about the mechanisms involved in human gammadelta T-cell tolerance to self or to foreign antigens. Patients with congenital toxoplasmosis offer a unique opportunity to examine Vdelta2+ gammadelta T-cell tolerance. Analysis of gammadelta T cells in patients with congenital toxoplasmosis revealed evidence for anergy of these cells with or without clonal Vdelta2+ gammadelta T-cell expansion in the acute phase of the Toxoplasma infection. T cells in general were unresponsive and did not proliferate upon exposure to mitogens or to Toxoplasma lysate antigens or in response to live Toxoplasma-infected cells when the congenitally infected infants were 1 month of age, and they exhibited selective anergy to Toxoplasma lysate antigens and live Toxoplasma-infected cells when the infants were aged 5 months. During the chronic phase of congenital toxoplasmosis in the patients who were more than I year of age, the repertoires of the gammadelta T-cell receptors were found to be within normal ranges. In addition, in the chronic phase, the gammadelta T cells proliferated and secreted gamma-interferon in response to exposure to live Toxoplasmia-infected cells. By contrast, alphabeta T cells remained anergic. Vdelta2+ gammadelta T cells have been considered to undergo extrathymic maturation and thus to be subject to development of peripheral tolerance. Our findings indicate that Vdelta2+ gammadelta T-cell tolerance was lost in these infected infants earlier than alphabeta T-cell tolerance. These findings suggest that gammadelta T cells play a role in protection against Toxoplasma gondii in the chronic phase when congenitally infected children are more than 1 year of age, especially in those in whom alphabeta T cells continue to exhibit deficits in specific immune responses to Toxoplasma antigens.
Nonhomologous integration vectors have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of insertional mutagenesis in haploid tachyzoites of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Mutant clones resistant to 5-fluorouracil were identified at a frequency of approximately 10(-6) (approximately 2 x 10(-5) of the stable transformants). Four independent mutants were isolated, all of which were shown to lack uracil phosphoribosyl-transferase (UPRT) activity and harbor transgenes integrated at closely linked loci, suggesting inactivation of the UPRT-encoding gene. Genomic DNA flanking the insertion point (along with the integrated vector) was readily recovered by bacterial transformation with restriction-digested, self-ligated total genomic DNA. Screening of genomic libraries with the recovered fragment identified sequences exhibiting high homology to known UPRT-encoding genes from other species, and cDNA clones were isolated that contain a single open reading frame predicted to encode the 244-amino acid enzyme. Homologous recombination vectors were exploited to create genetic knock-outs at the UPRT locus, which are deficient in enzyme activity but can be complemented by transient transformation with wild-type sequences--formally confirming identification of the functional UPRT gene. Mapping of transgene insertion points indicates that multiple independent mutants arose from integration at distinct sites within the UPRT gene, suggesting that nonhomologous integration is sufficiently random to permit tagging of the entire parasite genome in a single transformation.
Toxoplasma gondii is a coccidian parasite with a global distribution. The definitive host is the cat (and other felids). All warm-blooded animals can act as intermediate hosts, including humans. Sexual reproduction (gametogony) takes place in the final host and oocysts are released in the environment, where they then sporulate to become infective. In intermediate hosts the cycle is extra-intestinal and results in the formation of tachyzoites and bradyzoites. Tachyzoites represent the invasive and proliferative stage and on entering a cell it multiplies asexually by endodyogeny. Bradyzoites within tissue cysts are the latent form. T. gondii is a food-borne parasite causing toxoplasmosis, which can occur in both animals and humans. Infection in humans is asymptomatic in more than 80% of cases in Europe and North-America. In the remaining cases patients present fever, cervical lymphadenopathy and other non-specific clinical signs. Nevertheless, toxoplasmosis is life threatening if it occurs in immunocompromised subjects. The main organs involved are brain (toxoplasmic encephalitis), heart (myocarditis), lungs (pulmonary toxoplasmosis), eyes, pancreas and parasite can be isolated from these tissues. Another aspect is congenital toxoplasmosis that may occur in pregnant women and the severity of the consequences depends on the stage of pregnancy when maternal infection occurs. Acute toxoplasmosis in developing foetuses may result in blindness, deformation, mental retardation or even death. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), in recent reports on zoonoses, highlighted that an increasing numbers of animals resulted infected with T. gondii in EU (reported by the European Member States for pigs, sheep, goats, hunted wild boar and hunted deer, in 2011 and 2012). In addition, high prevalence values have been detected in cats, cattle and dogs, as well as several other animal species, indicating the wide distribution of the parasite among different animal and wildlife species. The main route of transmission is consumption of food and water contaminated with sporulated oocysts. However, infection through the ingestion of meat contaminated with tissue cysts is frequent. Finally, although less frequent, other food products contaminated with tachyzoites such as milk, may also pose a risk. The importance of this parasite as a risk for human health was recently highlighted by EFSA’s opinion on modernization of meat inspection, where Toxoplasma gondii was identified as a relevant hazard to be addressed in revised meat inspection systems for pigs, sheep, goats, farmed wild boar and farmed deer (Call for proposals -GP/EFSA/BIOHAZ/2013/01). The risk of infection is more highly associated to animals reared outside, also in free-range or organic farms, where biohazard measure are less strict than in large scale, industrial farms. Here, animals are kept under strict biosecurity measures, including barriers, which inhibit access by cats, thus making soil contamination by oocysts nearly impossible. A growing demand by the consumer for organic products, coming from free-range livestock, in respect of animal-welfare, and the desire for the best quality of derived products, have all led to an increase in the farming of free-range animals. The risk of Toxoplasma gondii infection increases when animals have access to environment and the absence of data in Italy, together with need for in depth study of both the prevalence and genotypes of Toxoplasma gondii present in our country were the main reasons for the development of this thesis project. A total of 152 animals have been analyzed, including 21 free-range pigs (Suino Nero race), 24 transhumant Cornigliese sheep, 77 free-range chickens and 21 wild animals. Serology (on meat juice) and identification of T. gondii DNA through PCR was performed on all samples, except for wild animals (no serology). An in-vitro test was also applied with the aim to find an alternative and valid method to bioassay, actually the gold standard. Meat samples were digested and seeded onto Vero cells, checked every day and a RT-PCR protocol was used to determine an eventual increase in the amount of DNA, demonstrating the viability of the parasite. Several samples were alos genetically characterized using a PCR-RFLP protocol to define the major genotypes diffused in the geographical area studied. Within the context of a project promoted by Istituto Zooprofilattico of Pavia and Brescia (Italy), experimentally infected pigs were also analyzed. One of the aims was to verify if the production process of cured “Prosciutto di Parma” is able to kill the parasite. Our contribution included the digestion and seeding of homogenates on Vero cells and applying the Elisa test on meat juice. This thesis project has highlighted widespread diffusion of T. gondii in the geographical area taken into account. Pigs, sheep, chickens and wild animals showed high prevalence of infection. The data obtained with serology were 95.2%, 70.8%, 36.4%, respectively, indicating the spread of the parasite among numerous animal species. For wild animals, the average value of parasite infection determined through PCR was 44.8%. Meat juice serology appears to be a very useful, rapid and sensitive method for screening carcasses at slaughterhouse and for marketing “Toxo-free” meat. The results obtained on fresh pork meat (derived from experimentally infected pigs) before (on serum) and after (on meat juice) slaughter showed a good concordance. The free-range farming put in evidence a marked risk for meat-producing animals and as a consequence also for the consumer. Genotyping revealed the diffusion of Type-II and in a lower percentage of Type-III. In pigs is predominant the Type-II profile, while in wildlife is more diffused a Type-III and mixed profiles (mainly Type-II/III). The mixed genotypes (Type-II/III) could be explained by the presence of mixed infections. Free-range farming and the contact with wildlife could facilitate the spread of the parasite and the generation of new and atypical strains, with unknown consequences on human health. The curing process employed in this study appears to produce hams that do not pose a serious concern to human health and therefore could be marketed and consumed without significant health risk. Little is known about the diffusion and genotypes of T. gondii in wild animals; further studies on the way in which new and mixed genotypes may be introduced into the domestic cycle should be very interesting, also with the use of NGS techniques, more rapid and sensitive than PCR-RFLP. Furthermore wildlife can become a valuable indicator of environmental contamination with T. gondii oocysts. Other future perspectives regarding pigs include the expansion of the number of free-range animals and farms and for Cornigliese sheep the evaluation of other food products as raw milk and cheeses. It should be interesting to proceed with the validation of an ELISA test for infection in chickens, using both serum and meat juice on a larger number of animals and the same should be done also for wildlife (at the moment no ELISA tests are available and MAT is the reference method for them). Results related to Parma ham do not suggest a concerning risk for consumers. However, further studies are needed to complete the risk assessment and the analysis of other products cured using technological processes other than those investigated in the present study. For example, it could be interesting to analyze products such as salami, produced with pig meat all over the Italian country, with very different recipes, also in domestic and rural contexts, characterized by a very short period of curing (1 to 6 months). Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most diffuse food-borne parasites globally. Public health safety, improved animal production and protection of endangered livestock species are all important goals of research into reliable diagnostic tools for this infection. Future studies into the epidemiology, parasite survival and genotypes of T. gondii in meat producing animals should continue to be a research priority.
A hipótese de \"manipulação comportamental\" supõe que um parasito pode alterar o comportamento de seu hospedeiro visando aumentar a probabilidade de completar seu ciclo evolutivo. Tais alterações aumentariam a taxa de transmissão hospedeirohospedeiro, assegurando ao parasito ou a seus propágulos o encontro de novo hospedeiro. A possibilidade de infecções parasitárias provocarem mudanças comportamentais em seus hospedeiros e a elevada frequência com que o acometimento de seres humanos por larvas de Toxocara e cistos de Toxoplasma ocorre, têm chamado à atenção de pesquisadores interessados no estudo das relações hospedeiro-parasita. Na infecção por Toxoplasma gondii e Toxocara canis, cistos e larvas estão presentes em diversos locais anatômicos incluindo musculatura, coração, pulmões, olhos e cérebro. A presença de parasitos no cérebro dá oportunidade de manipulação do comportamento do hospedeiro. Entretanto, não se sabe qual ou quais mecanismos estão envolvidos no processo de manipulação do comportamento. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram verificar alterações na ansiedade, medo, memória e aprendizagem de Rattus norvegicus experimentalmente infectados por Toxocara canis e/ou Toxoplasma gondii em dois períodos após infecção, bem como a localização das larvas e cistos e presença de placas beta amiloide ( A) na região do hipocampo no tecido cerebral desses roedores corado pela técnica de Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE), e Vermelho de Congo, respectivamente. Foram utilizadas 40 exemplares fêmeas da espécie Rattus norvegicus, com seis a oito semanas. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Toxocara - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis, Toxoplasma -10 ratos infectados com 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, Infecção dupla - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis e 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, e controle - 10 ratos sem infecção. Nos dias 40, 41, 70 e 71 após a infecção, os animais dos grupos infectados e controle foram submetidos à avaliação no Labirinto em Cruz Elevado e Campo aberto. Aos 120 após infecção foi feita avaliação da memória, aprendizado e aversão a urina de gato dos animais no Labirinto de Barnes. No final das análises comportamentais os animais foram levados a eutanásia para retirada do cérebro e confecção dos cortes histológicos preparados em HE e Vermelho de Congo. Os resultados mostraram efeito ansiolítico para ambas as infecções, principalmente para Toxoplasma gondii. Não houve comprometimento da memória e aprendizado no LB, porém os animais infectados por Toxocara canis ou Toxoplasma gondii apresentaram menor tempo para encontrar a toca com urina e entrar nela. A leitura dos cortes histológicos corados com HE mostraram larvas de Toxocara canis e cistos de Toxoplasma gondii em regiões do sistema nervoso central dos animais relacionadas com memória e aprendizado. As lâminas coradas com Vermelho de Congo apresentaram placas beta amiloides ( A) em metade dos animais infectados por Toxoplasma gondii. Conclui-se que a infecção por ambos os parasitos apresenta efeito ansiolítico quando ocorre infecção única. Quando a Infecção ocorre concomitantemente há modulação no comportamento. Além disso, ratas infectadas com infecção única apresentam-se menos aversivas à urina de gatos.
T. gondii can infect the gut mucosa by direct invasion of epithelial cells in the small intestine and these cells may respond directly to infection promoting a local immune response. C57BL/6 mice orally infected with a high parasitic load of T.gondii are highly susceptible, presenting a lethal ileitis. Recently, it was demonstrated that pretreatment with STAg protects C57BL/6 mice against intestinal pathology in oral T. gondii infection. To investigate the mechanisms induced by STAg in the small intestine in oral T.gondii infection, BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were treated with STAg 48 hours before oral infection with 30 ME-49 cysts and sacrificed at 8 days of infection. Previous treatment with STAg were able of decrease parasitism and pathology in peripheral organs of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice and induced a increase in amounts of goblet cells, IgA positive cells, Paneth cells and expression of cryptidin in the small intestine of both lineages of mice, moreover BALB/c mice presented higher amount of these cells comparing with C57BL/6 mice. The results suggests that STAg is able of promoting protective mechanisms in both lineages of mice, although these protection is more evidenced in BALB/c mice, and these mechanisms could be in part mediated by increase in goblet, Paneth and local secretion of IgA in the small intestine of mice orally infected with T.gondii.
Chapter I - The obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii is the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, a disease that affects humans and generates economic losses in farm animals. When prevention fails disease refers to the diagnosis and subsequent treatment if the individual is diagnosed as positive. Therefore, the development of new accurate diagnostic tools for detecting T. gondii infection is a need in particular to determine the environmental source of infection which can result in more appropriate public health policies against different routes of infection and prevent potential damage that toxoplasmosis can cause when animals are infected. Chapter II - The domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) are considered epidemiological sentinels, still representing a major source of recombinant strains when predated by cats, it is common to find them with multiple infections. We evaluate the diagnostic potential of six synthetic peptides (SAG2Y, MIC1, M2AP, GRA10, ROP2 and ROP7) predicted in silico from tachyzoites immunodominant markers of T. gondii in samples from naturally infected chickens, comparing synthetic peptides with antigen total soluble (STAg). In general, our results demonstrated that reactivity rates and positivity for these peptides are similar to the STAg, and the ROP7 peptide and the combination of peptides MIC1+ROP2 have significant sensitivity, confirming them as potential diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in chickens. Chapter III - Sheep (Ovis aries) are commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii due to his eating habits. Infection in pregnant sheep can have serious consequences such as embryonic death, fetal resorption, mummification, and neonatal death. One concern regarding the infection in these animals is that the meat can be a source of contamination to humans and other carnivores. Therefore perform accurate diagnosis in these animals is of fundamental importance. In the present study we evaluated the potential of new synthetic peptides as a diagnostic tool. Synthetic peptides (SAG2Y, SRS52A, MIC14, GRA4, GRA10 and GRA15) were predicted in silico from immunodominant proteins of T. gondii. We determine the levels of IgG antibodies using sera obtained from two farms in the city of Uberlândia. Analyzing the results together, the peptide combination GRA10+GRA15 (Accuracy = 0,82) showed better characteristics compared with the other mixtures. This preparation could be better analyzed with an antigenic mixture potential use in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in sheep and other species.
The classical treatment for congenital toxoplasmosis is based on combination of sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine plus folinic acid. Due to teratogenic effects and bone marrow suppression caused by pyrimethamine, the establishment of new therapeutic targets is indispensable to minimize the undesirable effects and improve the control of the infection. Previous studies demonstrated that enrofloxacin and toltrazuril were able to control the infection triggered by Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Therefore, the aim of this present study was evaluate the efficacy of enrofloxacin and toltrazuril in the control of T. gondii proliferation in human trophoblast cells (BeWo lineage) and in human villous explants from third trimester. BeWo cells and villous were treated with several concentrations of enrofloxacin, toltrazuril, sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine or association (sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine) in other to verify their viability by MTT or LDH assay, respectively. Next, BeWo cells were infected with T. gondii RH (2F1 clone) or ME49 strain, whereas villous were infected only with RH strain (2F1 clone), after, both cells and villous were treated or not with the same antibiotics and analyzed to T. gondii intracellular proliferation by beta-galactosidase assay (for RH strain) or blue toluidine staining (for ME49 strain). ELISA was performed in the supernatant to evaluate the cytokine profile. Enrofloxacin and toltrazuril did not change strongly the viability in cells and villous. Furthermore, the drugs decreased the parasite intracellular proliferation regardless T. gondii strain in BeWo cells and villous explants when compared to untreated and infected conditions. In BeWo cells infected by RH, enrofloxacin induced high levels of IL-6 low levels of MIF, while both cytokines were upregulated by enrofloxacin and toltrazuril in BeWo cells infected by ME49 strain. Additionally, in villous explantes, enrofloxacin induced high MIF production. Thus, enrofloxacin and toltrazuril were able to control the parasitism in BeWo cells and villous explants, and probably it occurs by modulation of immune response in these cells or tissues and direct action on parasite, but future experiments are necessary to verify this hypothesis.
Samples (blood or tissue fluid) from 594 arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus), 390 Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus), 361 sibling voles (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis), 17 walruses (Odobenus rosmarus), 149 barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis), 58 kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), and 27 glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from Svalbard and nearby waters were assayed for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii using a direct agglutination test. The proportion of seropositive animals was 43% in arctic foxes, 7% in barnacle geese, and 6% (1 of 17) in walruses. There were no seropositive Svalbard reindeer, sibling voles, glaucous gulls, or kittiwakes. The prevalence in the arctic fox was relatively high compared to previous reports from canid populations. There are no wild felids in Svalbard and domestic cats are prohibited, and the absence of antibodies against T gondii among the herbivorous Svalbard reindeer and voles indicates that transmission of the parasite by oocysts is not likely to be an important mechanism in the Svalbard ecosystem. Our results suggest that migratory birds, such as the barnacle goose, may be the most important vectors bringing the parasite to Svalbard. In addition to transmission through infected prey and carrion, the age-seroprevalence profile in the fox population suggests that their infection levels are enhanced by vertical transmission.
La toxoplasmosis congénita (TC) afecta 1 a 2 niños cada 1.000 nacimientos al año. La mayoría de los recién nacidos infectados son asintomáticos pero la ausencia de tratamiento puede determinar secuelas oftalmológicas y neurológicas. Objetivo: describir el seguimiento de los hijos de mujeres con primoinfección por Toxoplasma gondii durante el embarazo derivados a una Policlínica de Infectología de la Médica Uruguaya entre diciembre de 2010 y mayo de 2015. Material y método: se incluyeron los hijos de mujeres con primoinfección por T.gondii durante el embarazo entre el 1 de diciembre de 2010 y el 31 de mayo de 2015. Se confirmó primoinfección mediante determinación inmunoenzimática de IgG e IgM específicas, complementada por IgM por inmunofluorescencia indirecta o test de avidez de IgG según el caso. El diagnóstico de infección congénita se realizó por la presencia de IgM o títulos de IgG estables o en aumento en los primeros 9 meses de seguimiento del niño. Resultados: se diagnosticó primoinfección en 34 mujeres. La mayoría controló adecuadamente el embarazo y ninguna presentó infección por VIH, sífilis o Chagas. Se confirmó TC en 3 niños nacidos a término, con peso adecuado, hijos de mujeres con primoinfección adquirida en el tercer trimestre y tratadas con espiramicina. Uno presentó coriorretinitis, los otros fueron asintomáticos. En todos la IgM fue negativa, el diagnóstico se confirmó con curva de IgG. Todos recibieron piremetamina, sulfadiazina y ácido folínico sin efectos adversos. A la fecha continúan en tratamiento y seguimiento dos de los tres niños. Discusión y conclusión: la captación temprana de la mujer embarazada, la indicación oportuna de medidas de prevención constituyen pilares fundamentales para reducir la TC. El tratamiento oportuno y adecuado puede prevenir las secuelas.
Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2013
Toxoplasma gondii is the causative protozoan agent of toxoplasmosis, which is a common infection that is widely distributed worldwide. Studies revealed stronger clonal strains in North America and Europe and genetic diversity in South American strains. Our study aimed to differentiate the pathogenicity and sulfadiazine resistance of three T. gondii isolates obtained from livestock intended for human consumption. The cytopathic effects of the T. gondii isolates were evaluated. The pathogenicity was determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) using a CS3 marker and in a rodent model in vivo. Phenotypic sulfadiazine resistance was measured using a kinetic curve of drug activity in Swiss mice. IgM and IgG were measured by ELISA, and the dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) gene sequence was analysed. The cytopathic effects and the PCR-RFLP profiles from chickens indicated a different infection source. The Ck3 isolate displayed more cytopathic effects in vitro than the Ck2 and ME49 strains. Additionally, the Ck2 isolate induced a differential humoral immune response compared to ME49. The Ck3 and Pg1 isolates, but not the Ck2 isolate, showed sulfadiazine resistance in the sensitivity assay. We did not find any DHPS gene polymorphisms in the mouse samples. These atypical pathogenicity and sulfadiazine resistance profiles were not previously reported and served as a warning to local health authorities.
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is one of the most successful parasites in the world because of its capability of infecting all warm-blooded animals. It has been reported that up to one third of the world population is infected with this parasite. Chickens are recognized as good indicators of the environmental T. gondii oocysts contamination because they obtain food from the ground. Thus, the prevalence of T. gondii in chicken provides more insight related to public health concern from T. gondii. Previous studies have shown a high isolation rate from free-range chickens raised in the United States. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the microbial safety and infection of T. gondii in free-range chickens available at the grocery stores and farms for the consumers to purchase and genotype T. gondii isolates. Chicken hearts were obtained from the local markets and also from the farms raising free- range chickens. Heart juice was obtained from cavities of each heart. Modified agglutination test (MAT) for detection of IgG antibodies was conducted with those heart juice samples with titer of 1:5, 1:25, and 1: 100. Each seropositive heart was pepsin digested and bioassayed into a group of two mice. Six weeks post inoculation (p.i.) mice were bled and euthanized to examine the infection of T. gondii. In addition, multiplex multilocus nested PCR-RFLP was performed to genetically characterize T. gondii isolates with eleven PCR-RFLP markers including SAG1, SAG2, altSAT2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-a, L358, PK1, and Apico. One hundred fifty from a total of 997 samples (15.0%) were found seropositive for T. gondii. No viable T. gondii was isolated from chicken hearts that were sampled. A total of four genotypes were identified, including one new genotype and three previously identified genotypes. The results suggest that T. gondii oocysts could present in the environment and infect the food animals. T. gondii prevalence in chicken hearts could reflect the environmental contamination of T. gondii and prevalence information can be used to manage T. gondii infection risk.
Toxoplasmosis is one zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii protozoan. Goats, amongst the production animals, are one of the species most susceptible to this parasite, being one them main involved agents in ovine and goat abortions, determining great economic losses and implications for public health, since the presence it parasite in the products of goat origin, consist in one of the main sources of infection for the man. In this study 244 blood samples in 8 farms situated in 4 cities from the Sertão do Cabugi region, Rio Grande do Norte State, northeast of Brazil and, tested by ELISA assay. The results had shown a prevalence of 47.13% for anti- T. gondii antibodies and a significant association between positivity and variable evaluated as age, locality and property. The IgG avidity assay evaluated in 115 positive samples was carried to discriminate acute and chronic infection. Twelve samples (10.4%) had presented antibodies of low avidity while 103 (89.6%) presented high avidity antibodies; indicating that most of the animals was precocious exposure to the parasite. Significant difference was verified only for the variable sex. We also evaluate the capacity of recombinant adenoviruses codifying SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and CMV in inducing activation of specific immune response in goat. These 109 animals received 109 pfu of the AdSAG1, AdSAG2, AdSAG3, AdCMV or PBS in vaccine protocol with 3 immunizations. Serum samples of the each animal, before and after mmunization, had been submitted to the ELISA. The results demonstrate that the immunizations had induced the production of IgG antibodies specific against T. gondii proteins
Toxoplasmosis is an important parasitic zoonosis with a worldwide distribution, being the parasitic disease with the highest occurrence in Europe. Wild boar has an important role in the epidemiological cycle of Toxoplasma gondii as an intermediate host, that can potentially infect humans when the meat is consumed raw or undercooked. The purpose of this work was to determine the presence of antibodies to T. gondii in serum of hunted wild boar. During the hunting season 2011/2012, sera samples were collected from 97 wild boar and tested for IgG antibodies to T. gondii, using the modified agglutination test. Twenty out of the 97 wild boar (20.6%) were seropositive for T. gondii IgG antibodies. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that males and older animals were associated with T. gondii seropositivity. These results show that T. gondii has an important presence in wild boar population from Portugal, suggesting a potential zoonotic risk for humans when wild boar meat or meat products are consumed raw or undercooked.