989 resultados para Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction
Im Vordergrund der vorliegenden Arbeit stand die Synthese konjugierter Oligomere und Polymere vom Phenylenvinylen-Typ, die Elektronenakzeptorsubstituenten tragen, sowie die Darstellung von Oligo(phenylenvinylen)en mit reaktiven Alkoxysilylgruppen, die durch Hydrolyse und Polykondensation zu amorphen und filmbildenden Materialien mit definierten Chromophoren umgewandelt werden können.Der Aufbau von Oligo(phenylenvinylen)en (OPVs) und Poly(phenylenvinylen)en (PPVs) mit Elektronenakzeptoren an den aromatischen Kernen wurde über die Heck-Reaktion substituierter Divinylaromaten mit Dibromaromaten durchgeführt. Dazu wurde eine einfache Synthese von Divinylaromaten mit Elektronenakzeptor-substituenten über die zweifache Vinylierung der 1,4-Dibromaromaten mit Ethen bei erhöhtem Druck entwickelt.OPVs haben sich als Emitter in lichtemittierenden Dioden (LEDs) bewährt, ein zentrales Problem bei der Verwendung wohldefinierter niedermolekularer Verbindungen ist deren Kristallisationstendenz. Eine hier angewendete Strategie zur Unterdrückung der Rekristallisation beinhaltet die Verknüpfung stilbenoider Chromophore über ein gemeinsames Silizium-Atom, zu dreidimensionalen Verbindungen. Alternativ können durch die Verknüpfung definierter Chromophore mit Alkoxysilanen Monomere erzeugt werden, die für den Aufbau von Kammpolymeren mit Polysiloxanhauptkette oder von Siloxan-Netzwerken genutzt werden können, um amorphe und filmbildende Materialien aufzubauen. Die Darstellung der Tetrakis-OPV-silane wurde über Horner-Olefinierungen stilbenoider Aldehyde mit einem tetraedrischen Phosphonester mit Si-Zentralatom durchgeführt. Die Verknüpfung stilbenoider Chromophore mit Alkoxysilanen zu polykondensierbaren Monomeren erfolgte über Heck-Reaktion oder gekreuzte Metathese Reaktionen. Eine Verknüpfung über flexible Spacer wird durch Kondensation der Oligostyrylbenzaldehyde mit Aminopropylethoxysilanen zu Schiffschen Basen und deren Reduktion mit Cyanoborhydrid zu sekundären Aminen erzeugt. Die Chromophore, OPVs oder Diaryloxadiazole, mit Kieselsäureestergruppen lassen sich durch saure Hydrolyse und Kondensation zu gut löslichen, fluoreszierenden Oligomeren umwandeln, die entweder ringöffnend polymerisierbar oder zu unlöslichen Filmen vernetzbar sind.
Homo-oligofluorenes (OFn), polyfluorenes (PF2/6) and oligofluorenes with one fluorenenone group in the center (OFnK) were synthesized. They were used as model compounds to understand of the structure-property relationships of polyfluorenes and the origin of the green emission in the photoluminescence (after photooxidation of the PFs) and the electroluminescence (EL) spectra. The electronic, electrochemical properties, thermal behavior, supramolecular self-assembly, and photophysical properties of OFn, PF2/6 and OFnK were investigated. Oligofluorenes with 2-ethylhexyl side chain (OF2-OF7) from the dimer up to the heptamer were prepared by a series of stepwise transition metal mediated Suzuki and Yamamoto coupling reactions. Polyfluorene was synthesized by Yamamoto coupling of 2,7-dibromo-9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)fluorene. Oligofluorenes with one fluorenone group in the center (OF3K, OF5K, OF7K) were prepared by Suzuki coupling between the monoboronic fluorenyl monomer, dimer, trimer and 2, 7-dibromofluorenone. The electrochemical and electronic properties of homo-oligofluorenes (OFn) were systematically studied by several combined techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, steady and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. It was found that the oligofluorenes behave like classical conjugated oligomers, i.e., with the increase of the chain-length, the corresponding oxidation potential, the absorption and emission maximum, ionization potential, electron affinity, band gap and the photoluminescence lifetime displayed a very good linear relation with the reciprocal number of the fluorene units (1/n). The extrapolation of these linear relations to infinite chain length predicted the electrochemical and electronic properties of the corresponding polyfluorenes. The thermal behavior, single-crystal structure and supramolecular packing, alignment properties, and molecular dynamics of the homo-oligofluorenes (OFn) up to the polymer were studied using techniques such as TGA, DSC, WAXS, POM and DS. The OFn from tetramer to heptamer show a smectic liquid crystalline phase with clearly defined isotropization temperature. The oligomers do show a glass transition which exhibits n-1 dependence and allows extrapolation to a hypothetical glass transition of the polymer at around 64 °C. A smectic packing and helix-like conformation for the oligofluorenes from tetramer to heptamer was supported by WAXS experiments, simulation, and single-crystal structure of some oligofluorene derivatives. Oligofluorenes were aligned more easily than the corresponding polymer, and the alignability increased with the molecular length from tetramer to heptamer. The molecular dynamics in a series of oligofluorenes up to the polymer was studied using dielectric spectroscopy. The photophysical properties of OFn and PF2/6 were investigated by the steady-state spectra (UV-vis absorption and fluorescence spectra) and time-resolved fluorescence spectra both in solution and thin film. The time-resolved fluorescence spectra of the oligofluorenes were measured by streak camera and gate detection technique. The lifetime of the oligofluorenes decreased with the extension of the chain-length. No green emission was observed in CW, prompt and delayed fluorescence for oligofluorenes in m-THF and film at RT and 77K. Phosphorescence was observed for oligofluorenes in frozen dilute m-THF solution at 77K and its lifetime increased with length of oligofluorenes. A linear relation was obtained for triplet energy and singlet energy as a function of the reciprocal degree of polymerization, and the singlet-triplet energy gap (S1-T1) was found to decrease with the increase of degree of polymerization. Oligofluorenes with one fluorenone unit at the center were used as model compounds to understand the origin of the low-energy (“green”) emission band in the photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectra of polyfluorenes. Their electrochemical properties were investigated by CV, and the ionization potential (Ip) and electron affinity (Ea) were calculated from the onset of oxidation and reduction of OFnK. The photophysical properties of OFnK were studied in dilute solution and thin film by steady-state spectra and time-resolved fluorescence spectra. A strong green emission accompanied with a weak blue emission were obtained in solution and only green emission was observed on film. The strong green emission of OFnK suggested that rapid energy transfer takes place from higher energy sites (fluorene segments) to lower energy sites (fluorenone unit) prior to the radiative decay of the excited species. The fluorescence spectra of OFnK also showed solvatochromism. Monoexponential decay behaviour was observed by time-resolved fluorescence measurements. In addition, the site-selective excitation and concentration dependence of the fluorescence spectra were investigated. The ratio of green and blue emission band intensities increases with the increase of the concentration. The observed strong concentration dependence of the green emission band in solution suggests that increased interchain interactions among the fluorenone-containing oligofluorene chain enhanced the emission from the fluorenone defects at higher concentration. On the other hand, the mono-exponential decay behaviour and power dependence were not influenced significantly by the concentration. We have ruled out the possibility that the green emission band originates from aggregates or excimer formation. Energy transfer was further investigated using a model system of a polyfluorene doped by OFnK. Förster-type energy transfer took place from PF2/6 to OFnK, and the energy transfer efficiency increased with increasing of the concentration of OFnK. Efficient funneling of excitation energy from the high-energy fluorene segments to the low-energy fluorenone defects results from energy migration by hopping of excitations along a single polymer chain until they are trapped on the fluorenone defects on that chain or transferred onto neighbouring chains by Förster-type interchain energy transfer process. These results imply that the red-shifted emission in polyfluorenes can originate from (usually undesirable) keto groups at the bridging carbon atoms-especially if the samples have been subject to photo- or electro-oxidation or if fluorenone units are present due to an improper purification of the monomers prior to polymerization.
A novel screening platform for potential retroviral fusion inhibitors on the basis of fully functional membrane‐anchored coiled coil lipopeptide receptors has been established. The work comprises the scrutiny of lateral organization of functional lipids in phase separated bilayers and an in‐depth investigation of the biophysical properties of lipopeptide‐based receptors. Lateral sorting of lipids was detected by the recognition of streptavidin of biotinylated lipids in phase separated bilayers and by nanoscopic patterns in mixed fluorocarbon / hydrocarbon lipid bilayers, employing temperature controlled atomic force microscopy (AFM) as a versatile characterization method. Particular features of fluorocarbon bilayers were additionally investigated in great detail by means of ellipsometry and ATR‐IR spectroscopy. Lipopeptide‐receptors were synthesized on the basis of a robust and reliable in situ coupling reaction by coupling terminal cysteine modified receptor‐peptides to a maleimide functionalized lipid bilayer. Receptor functionality of the lipopeptides was visualized by specific binding of vesicles and nanoparticles tracked by a multiplicity of characterization methods, such as AFM, ellipsometry, CLSM and fluorescence spectroscopy. Finally, in situ coupling of viral peptides, originating from the fusion protein of HIV resulted in a mimic of the pre‐hairpin intermediate of gp41. Structural analysis of N36‐lipopepides by means of CD‐spectroscopy in combination with FT‐IR spectroscopy revealed a coiled coil assembly of lipopeptides, which render the aggregates fully functional receptors for potent fusion inhibitors. Thereby, reversible inhibitor binding of T20 and the corresponding C‐ peptides was detected by AFM and ellipsometry, rendering coiled coil lipopeptides a new promising technique for screening of retroviral fusion inhibitors.
Die DNA-Doppelhelix ist eine relativ dicke (Ø ≈ 2 nm), kompakte und dadurch auf kurzen Längenskalen relativ steife Verbindung (lp[dsDNA] ≈ 50-60 nm), mit einer klar definierten Struktur, die durch biologische Methoden sehr präzise manipuliert werden kann. Die Auswirkungen der primären Sequenz auf die dreidimensionale Strukturbildung ist gut verstanden und exakt vorhersagbar. Des Weiteren kann DNA an verschiedenen Stellen mit anderen Molekülen verknüpft werden, ohne dass ihre Selbsterkennung gestört wird. Durch die helikale Struktur besteht außerdem ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Lage und der räumlichen Orientierung von eingeführten Modifikationen. Durch moderne Syntheseverfahren lassen sich beliebige Oligonukleotidsequenzen im Bereich bis etwa 150-200 Basen relativ preiswert im Milligrammmaßstab herstellen. Diese Eigenschaften machen die DNA zu einem idealen Kandidaten zur Erzeugung komplexer Strukturen, die durch Selbsterkennung der entsprechenden Sequenzen gebildet werden. In der hier vorgelegten Arbeit wurden einzelsträngige DNA-Abschnitte (ssDNA) als adressierbare Verknüpfungsstellen eingesetzt, um verschiedene molekulare Bausteine zu diskreten nicht periodischen Strukturen zu verbinden. Als Bausteine dienten flexible synthetische Polymerblöcke und semiflexible Doppelstrang-DNA-Abschnitte (dsDNA), die an beiden Enden mit unterschiedlichen Oligonukleotidsequenzen „funktionalisiert“ sind. Die zur Verknüpfung genutzten Oligonukleotidabschnitte wurden so gewählt (n > 20 Basen), dass ihre Hybridisierung zu einer bei Raumtemperatur stabilen Doppelstrangbildung führt. Durch Kombination der Phosphoramiditsynthese von DNA mit einer festkörpergestützten Blockkopplungsreaktion konnte am Beispiel von Polyethylenoxiden ein sehr effektiver Syntheseweg zur Herstellung von ssDNA1-PEO-ssDNA2-Triblockcopolymeren entwickelt werden, der sich problemlos auf andere Polymere übertragen lassen sollte. Die Längen und Basenabfolgen der beiden Oligonukleotidsequenzen können dabei unabhängig voneinander frei gewählt werden. Somit wurden die Voraussetzungen geschaffen, um die Selbsterkennung von Oligonukleotiden durch Kombination verschiedener Triblockcopolymere zur Erzeugung von Multiblockcopolymeren zu nutzen, die mit klassischen Synthesetechniken nicht zugänglich sind. Semiflexible Strukturelemente lassen sich durch die Synthese von Doppelstrangfragmenten mit langen überstehenden Enden (sticky-ends) realisieren. Die klassischen Ansätze der molekularen Genetik zur Erzeugung von sticky-ends sind in diesem Fall nicht praktikabel, da sie zu Einschränkungen im Bezug auf Länge und Sequenz der überhängenden Enden führen. Als Methode der Wahl haben sich zwei verschiedene Varianten der Polymerase Kettenreaktion (PCR) erwiesen, die auf der Verwendung von teilkomplementären Primern beruhen. Die eigentlichen Primersequenzen wurden am 5´-Ende entweder über ein 2´-Desoxyuridin oder über einen kurzen Polyethylenoxid-Spacer (n = 6) mit einer frei wählbaren „sticky-end-Sequenz“ verknüpft. Mit diesen Methoden sind sowohl 3´- als auch 5´-Überhänge zugänglich und die Länge der Doppelstrangabschnitte kann über einen breiten Molmassenbereich sehr exakt eingestellt werden. Durch Kombination derartiger Doppelstrangfragmente mit den biosynthetischen Triblockcopolymeren lassen sich Strukturen erzeugen, die als Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung verschiedener Biomoleküle genutzt werden können, die in Form eines mehrfach gebrochenen Stäbchens vorliegen. Im letzten Abschnitt wurde gezeigt, dass durch geeignete Wahl der überstehenden Enden bzw. durch Hybridisierung der Doppelstrangfragmente mit passenden Oligonukleotiden verzweigte DNA-Strukturen mit Armlängen von einigen hundert Nanometern zugänglich sind. Im Vergleich zu den bisher veröffentlichten Methoden bietet diese Herangehensweise zwei entscheidende Vorteile: Zum einen konnte der Syntheseaufwand auf ein Minimum reduziert werden, zum anderen ist es auf diesem Weg möglich die Längen der einzelnen Arme, unabhängig voneinander, über einen breiten Molmassenbereich zu variieren.
A series of imidazolium salts of the type [BocNHCH2CH2ImR]X (Boc = t-Bu carbamates; Im = imidazole) (R = Me, X = I, 1a; R = Bn, X = Br, 1b; R = Trityl, X = Cl, 1c) and [BnImR’]X (R’ = Me, X = Br, 1d; R’ = Bn, X = Br, 1e; R’ = Trityl, X = Cl, 1g; R’ = tBu, X = Br, 1h) bearing increasingly bulky substituents were synthetized and characterized. Subsequently, these precursors were employed in the synthesis of silver(I)-N-heterocyclic (NHC) complexes as transmetallating reagents for the preparation of rhodium(I) complexes [RhX(NBD)(NHC)] (NHC = 1-(2-NHBoc-ethyl)-3-R-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R = Me, 4a; R = Bn, 4b; R = Trityl, 4c; X = I, R = Me, 5a; NHC = 1-Bn-3-R’-imidazolin-2-ylidene; X = Cl; R’ = Me, 4d, R’ = Bn, 4e, R’ = Trityl, 4g; R’ = tBu, 4h). VT NMR studies of these complexes revealed a restricted rotation barriers about the metal-carbene bond. While the rotation barriers calculated for the complexes in which R = Me, Bn (4a,b,d,e and 5a) matched the experimental values, this was not true for the complexes 4c,g, bearing a trityl group for which the values are much smaller than the calculated ones. Energy barriers for 4c,g, derived from a line shape simulation, showed a strong dependence on the temperature while for 4h the rotational energy barrier is stopped at room temperature. The catalytic activity of the new rhodium compounds was investigated in the hydrosilylation of terminal alkynes and in the addition of phenylboronic acid to benzaldehyde. The imidazolium salts 1d,e were also employed in the synthesis of new iron(II)-NHC complexes. Finally, during a six-months stay at the University of York a new ligand derived from Norharman was prepared and employed in palladium-mediated cross-coupling.
Negli ultimi anni sono stati sintetizzati numerosi oligomeri e polimeri del tiofene che, grazie alle loro proprietà di semiconduttori, hanno trovano largo impiego in molti campi di interesse tecnologico come, ad esempio, transistor ad effetto di campo, diodi elettroluminescenti, dispositivi ottici non lineari e celle fotovoltaiche. Più recentemente, oligomeri tiofenici ossidati allo zolfo hanno trovato applicazione sia in campo elettronico, come materiali accettori in blenda con il poli(3-esiltiofene) (P3HT) usato come materiale donatore, in celle solari di tipo Bulk Hetero Junction (BHJ), ma anche in campo biologico come marcatori fluorescenti di proteine e oligonucleotidi. Tuttavia la sintesi di queste specie richiede condizioni di reazione spinte e al contempo rischiose dovute all’utilizzo in largo eccesso di agenti ossidanti molto forti. Uno degli obiettivi di questa tesi è stato lo sviluppo di metodi più versatili per la mono e di-ossidazione selettiva allo zolfo del tiofene di building-blocks dibromurati di diversa natura. Successivamente i building-blocks S-monossido e S,S-diossido derivati sono stati impiegati per la sintesi di oligomeri e polimeri tramite reazioni di cross-coupling Palladio catalizzate. I composti finali sono stati caratterizzati sia dal punto di vista spettroscopico UV-Vis che elettrochimico, mettendo in evidenza le relazioni che esistono fra gli andamenti dei dati sperimentali ottenuti con il diverso stato di ossidazione dei composti tiofenici diversamente sostituiti. Infine i composti finali sono stati testati sia in campo fotovoltaico che biologico.
From amphiphilic block copolymers to ferrocenyl-functionalized polymers for biosensoric applications
The present thesis can be divided in three main parts. In all parts new polymer architecturesrnwere synthesized and characterized concerning their special features.rnThe first part will emphasize the advantage of a polystyrene-block-(hyperbranchedrnpolyglycerol) copolymer in comparison to an analogue polystyrene-block-(linear polyglycerol)rncopolymer. Therefore a synthethic route to prepare linear block copolymersrnhas been developed. Two strategies were examined. One strategy was based on thernclassic, sequential anionic polymerization; the second strategy was based on arn“Click-Chemistry” coupling reaction. In a following step glycidol was hypergraftedrnfrom these block copolymers by applying a hypergrafting reaction with glycidol. Thernbehavior of the amphiphilic block copolymers synthesized was studied in differentrnsolvents. Furthermore the polarity of the solvent was changed to form the correspondingrninverse micelles. DLS, SLS, SEC-MALLS-VISCO, AFM and Cyro TEMrnmeasurements were performed to obtain a visual image from the appearance of thernaggregates. It was found that a linear-hyperbranched architecture is necessary, ifrnwell defined, monodisperse aggregates are required, e.g. for the preparation of orderedrnnanoarrays. Linear-linear block copolymers formed only polydisperse aggregates.rnAdditionally it was found that size distribution could be improved dramaticallyrnby passing the aggregates through a SEC column with large pores. The SEC columnsrnacted like a template in which the aggregates adopt a more stable conformation.rnIn the second part anionic polymerization was employed to synthesize silaneendfunctionalizedrnmacromonomers with different molecular weights based on polybutadienernand polyisoprene. These were polymerized by a hydrosilylation reaction inrnbulk to obtain branched polymers, using Karstedt’s catalyst. Surprisingly the additionrnof monofunctional silanes during the polymerization had only a minimal effect concerningrnthe degree of polymerization. It was possible to introduce silanes without increasingrnthe overall number of reaction steps by a very convenient “pseudo-copolymerization”rnmethod. All branched polymers were analyzed by SEC, SEC-MALLS,rnSEC-viscometry, 1H-NMR-spectroscopy and DSC concerning their branching ratio.rnThe branching parameters for the branched polymers exhibited similar characteristicsrnas hyperbranched polymers based on AB2 monomers. Detailed kinetic study showedrnthat the polymerization occurred very rapidly in comparison to the hydrosilylation polymerizationrnof classical AB2 type carbosilanes monomers.rnThe last part will deal with ferrocenyl-functionalized polymers. On the one hand,rnferrocenyl-functionalized polyglycerols (PG) were studied. Esterification of PGs withrndifferent molecular weight using ferrocenemonocarboxylic acid gave the ferrocenylrnfuntionalized polymers in high yields. On the other hand three different block copolymersrnwere prepared with different ratios of styrene to butadiene units (10:1, 4:1, 2:1).rnThe double bonds of the 1,2-PB block were hydrosilylated using silanes bearing onern(HSiMe2Fc) or two (HSiMeFc2) ferrocene units. High degrees of functionalizationrnwere obtained (up to 83 %). In this manner, six different ferrocenyl-rich block copolymersrnwith different fractions of ferrocene were prepared and analyzed, employingrnNMR-spectroscopy, SEC, SEC/MALLS/viscometry, DLS and cyclic voltammetry. Thernredox properties of the studied polymers varied primarily with the nature of the silanernunit attached. Additionally, the redox properties in solution of the studied polymersrnwere influenced by the block length ratio of the block copolymers. Unexpectedly, withrnincreasing block length of the ferrocenyl block the fraction of active ferrocenes decreased.rnNevertheless, in case of thin monolayer films this behaviour was not observed.rnAll polymers (PG and PS-b-PB based) exhibited good electrochemical propertiesrnin a wide range of solvents, which rendered them very interesting for biosensoricrnapplications.
Within this thesis, new approaches for the concepts of peptide-polymer conjugates and peptide-based hybrid nanomaterials are investigated. In the first part, the synthesis of a triblock polymer-peptide-polymer is carried out following a typical peptide coupling reaction, both in solution and on solid-phase. The peptide sequence is chosen, so that it is cleaved by an enzyme preparation of trypsin. End-functionalized polystyrene is used as a model hydrophobic polymer and coupled to the peptide sequence. The results show successful coupling reactions in both methods, while the solid phase method produced a more defined product. Suspensions, consisting of peptide-polymer conjugates particles, are prepared in water by ultrasonication. In contact with the enzyme, the peptide constituting the conjugated particles is cleaved. This demonstrates the enzymatic cleavage in heterophase of enzymatic sequence bond to hydrophobic polymers, and is of great interest for the encapsulation and delivery of hydrophobic molecules.rnA second approach is the preparation of peptide-based hybrid nanocapsules. This is achieved by interfacial polyaddition in inverse miniemulsion with the peptide sequence functionalized with additional amino acids. A method suitable to the use of a peptide sequence for interfacial polyaddition was developed. It is shown that, the polarity of the dispersed phase influences the structures prepared, from particle-like to polymeric shell with a liquid core.rnThe peptide sequence is equipped with a FRET pair (more exactly, an internally-quenched fluorescent system) which allows the real-time monitoring of the enzymatic cleavage of the recognition site. This system shows the successful cleavage of the peptide-based nanocapsules when trypsin preparation is added to the suspensions. A water-soluble fluorescent polymer is efficiently entrapped and its possible use as marker for the capsules is highlighted. Furthermore, a small water-soluble fluorescent dye (SR-101) is successfully encapsulated and the encapsulation efficiency as a function of the functionality of the peptide and the amount of comonomer equivalent (toluene diisocyanate) is studied. The dye is encapsulated at such a high concentration, that self-quenching occurs. Thus, the release of the encapsulated dye triggered by the enzymatic cleavage of the peptide results in a fluorescence recovery of the dye. The fluorescence recovery of the FRET pair in the peptide and of the encapsulated dye correlate well.rnFinally, nanocapsules based on a hepsin-cleavable peptide sequence are prepared. Hepsin is an enzyme, which is highly upregulated in prostate cancer cells. The cleavage of the nanocapsules is investigated with healthy and “cancerous” (hepsin-expressing) cell cultures. The degradation, followed via fluorescence recovery of the FRET system, is faster for the suspensions introduced in the hepsin expressing cell cultures.rnIn summary, this work tackles the domain of responsive nanomaterials for drug delivery from a new perspective. It presents the adaptation of the miniemulsion process for hybrid peptide-based materials, and their successful use in preparing specific enzyme-responsive nanoparticles, with hydrophilic payload release properties.rn
What is the intracellular fate of nanoparticles (NPs) taken up by the cells? This question has been investigated for polystyrene NPs of different sizes with a set of molecular biological and biophysical techniques.rnTwo sets of fluorescent NPs, cationic and non-ionic, were synthesized with three different polymerization techniques. Non-ionic particles (132 – 846 nm) were synthesized with dispersion polymerization in an ethanol/water solution. Cationic NPs with 120 nm were synthesized by miniemulsion polymerization Particles with 208, 267 and 603 nm were produced by seeding the 120 nm particle obtained by miniemulsion polymerization with drop-wise added monomer and polymerization of such. The colloidal characterization of all particles showed a comparable amount of the surface groups. In addition, particles were characterized with regard to their size, morphology, solid content, amount of incorporated fluorescent dye and zeta potential. The fluorescent intensities of all particles were measured by fluorescence spectroscopy for calibration in further cellular experiments. rnThe uptake of the NPs to HeLa cells after 1 – 24 h revealed a much higher uptake of cationic NPs in comparison to non-ionic NPs. If the same amount of NPs with different sizes is introduced to the cell, a different amount of particles is present in the cell medium, which complicates a comparison of the uptake. The same conclusion is valid for the particles’ overall surface area. Therefore, HeLa cells were incubated with the same concentration, amount and surface area of NPs. It was found that with the same concentration always the same polymer amount is taking up by cells. However, the amount of particles taken up decreases for the biggest. A correlation to the surface area could not be found. We conclude that particles are endocytosed by an excavator-shovel like mechanism, which does not distinguish between different sizes, but is only dependent on the volume that is taken up. For the decreased amount of large particles, an overload of this mechanism was assumed, which leads to a decrease in the uptake. rnThe participation of specific endocytotic processes has been determined by the use of pharmacological inhibitors, immunocytological staining and immunofluorescence. The uptake of NPs into the endo-lysosomal machinery is dominated by a caveolin-mediated endocytosis. Other pathways, which include macropinocytosis and a dynamin-dependent mechanism but exclude clathrin mediated endocytosis, also occur as competing processes. All particles can be found to some extent in early endosomes, but only bigger particles were proven to localize in late endosomes. No particles were found in lysosomes; at least not in lysosomes that are labeled with Lamp1 and cathepsin D. However, based on the character of the performed experiment, a localization of particles in lysosomes cannot be excluded.rnDuring their ripening process, vesicles undergo a gradual acidification from early over late endosomes to lysosomes. It is hypothesized that NPs in endo-lysosomal compartments experience the same change in pH value. To probe the environmental pH of NPs after endocytosis, the pH-sensitive dye SNARF-4F was grafted onto amino functionalized polystyrene NPs. The pH value is a ratio function of the two emission wavelengths of the protonated and deprotonated form of the dye and is hence independent of concentration changes. The particles were synthesized by the aforementioned miniemulsion polymerization with the addition of the amino functionalized copolymer AEMH. The immobilization of SNARF-4F was performed by an EDC-coupling reaction. The amount of physically adsorbed dye in comparison to covalently bonded dye was 15% as determined by precipitation of the NPs in methanol, which is a very good solvent for SNARF-4F. To determine influences of cellular proteins on the fluorescence properties, a intracellular calibration fit was established with platereader measurements and cLSM imaging by the cell-penetrable SNARF-4F AM ester. Ionophores equilibrated the extracellular and intracellular pH.rnSNARF-4F NPs were taken up well by HeLa cells and showed no toxic effects. The pH environment of SNARF-4F NPs has been qualitatively imaged as a movie over a time period up to 1 h in pseudo-colors by a self-written automated batch program. Quantification revealed an acidification process until pH value of 4.5 over 24 h, which is much slower than the transport of nutrients to lysosomes. NPs are present in early endosomes after min. 1 h, in late endosomes at approx. 8 h and end up in vesicles with a pH value typical for lysosomes after > 24 h. We therefore assume that NPs bear a unique endocytotic mechanism, at least with regards to the kinetic involvedrn
Nell'ultimo decennio sono stati sviluppati numerosi materiali π-coniugati contenenti unità tiofeniche per applicazioni in dispositivi organici a film sottile. Nel campo delle celle solari, la possibilità di creare dispositivi basati sull’utilizzo di materiali organici, rispetto ai dispositivi attualmente in commercio a base di silicio, ha suscitato grande interesse soprattutto per la possibilità di realizzare dispositivi su larga area con basso costo di produzione e su substrati flessibili. Gli oligo- e i politiofeni sono eccellenti candidati grazie alle ottime proprietà di trasporto di carica e alle caratteristiche di assorbimento di luce. In celle solari di tipo Bulk-Heterojunction (BHJ), ad esempio, il poli(3-esiltiofene) è uno tra i materiali più studiati. Ad oggi, con il P3HT sono state raggiunte efficienze certificate superiori all’8%, variando sia parametri dipendenti dalla struttura molecolare, come ad esempio il peso molecolare, la regioregolarità delle catene alchiliche, il grado di polidispersità, il grado di polimerizzazione, sia parametri da cui dipende l’organizzazione della blend donatore-accettore. Per superare l’efficienza di conversione ottenuta con i polimeri classici come il P3HT è necessario progettare e sintetizzare materiali con precise caratteristiche: basso energy gap per aumentare l’assorbimento di luce, elevata mobilità di carica per avere una rapida estrazione delle cariche, posizione ottimale degli orbitali di frontiera per garantire una efficiente dissociazione dell’eccitone ed infine buona solubilità per migliorare la processabilità. Il presente lavoro di tesi si è articolato nei seguenti punti: sintesi di oligo- e politiofeni tioalchil sostituiti con inserzione di unità benzotiadiazolo per massimizzare l’assorbimento ed abbassare il gap energetico; studio dell’effetto della ramificazione del gruppo tioalchilico sull’organizzazione supramolecolare allo stato solido e successiva ottimizzazione della morfologia del film solido variando metodi di deposizione e solventi; applicazione degli oligomeri e dei polimeri sintetizzati come materiali donatori in celle fotovoltaiche di tipo Bulk-Heterojunction in presenza di fenil-C61-butirrato di metile (PCBM) come materiale accettore.
L’oggetto della presente tesi di laurea magistrale consiste nello studio di polimeri coniugati nella catena principale, per una loro applicazione come materiali fotoattivi in celle fotovoltaiche. In particolare, sono stati sintetizzati e caratterizzati politiofeni tioalchil sostituiti, funzionalizzati in posizione 3-3' con catene alchiliche di diversa lunghezza e grado di ramificazione (tra cui una chirale), al fine di studiarne l'effetto sulle proprietà ottiche ed elettriche del materiale. I polimeri ottenuti sono stati caratterizzati mediante tecniche spettroscopiche (1H-NMR, UV-PL), cromatografia a permeazione su gel (GPC), analisi termiche (DSC, TGA) e misure elettrochimiche (voltammetria ciclica). Il comportamento chiro-ottico del campione chirale è stato inoltre valutato tramite misure di dicroismo circolare. Si è infine testata l’efficienza delle celle fotovoltaiche ottenute utilizzando i polimeri sintetizzati come materiale fotoattivo.
This work is based on the study of new synthetic paths to obtain thioimidate N-oxides (TINOs) from D-ribose and to study their reactivity with the purpose to obtain ketonitrones. TINOs, aren’t well known molecules, but these enantiomerically pure backbones could be valuable intermediates in the synthesis of novel ketonitrones which are key intermediates in the synthesis of iminosugars. TINOs were discovered from the study of glucoraphanin, a particular glucosinolate, that unexpectedly cyclized into a TINO after desulfatation, by a spontaneous intramolecular Michael addition. The first part of this work was to synthetize the TINO 3 from D-ribose 1. The key step was the desilylative cyclisation of a suitably functionalized thiohydroximate 2. Based on precedent work developed in the laboratory, we could obtain the thiohydroximate from D-ribose. We then focused our studies on the cyclisation step trying to find the suitable substituents that could give the TINO in good yield by desilylative cyclisation. The second part of the project is to obtain ketonitrones 4 by palladiumcatalyzed coupling reaction.
A method for the production of macrocyclic polystyrene via ring closing of a linear !,"-dibrominated polystyrene by an Atom Transfer Radical Coupling (ATRC) reaction is described. The dibrominated polystyrene chain was produced from two simultaneous atom transfer radical polymerizations (ATRPs) originating from a dibrominated benzal bromide initiator. To ensure the retention of the halogen end groups polymerization was allowed to proceed to less than 50% conversion. Using this precursor in an intramolecular ATRC (ring closing) reaction was found to yield in excess of 90% cyclic product based on refractive index-gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis. The cyclic architecture of the polymer was verified by GPC, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and mass spectrometry analysis. The utility of this method has been expanded by the addition of 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane to the coupling reaction, which allows for the coupling to proceed at a faster rate and to yield macrocycles with incorporated alkoxyamine functionality. The alkoxyamine functionality allows for degradation of the cycles at high temperatures (>125° C) and we hypothesize that it may allow the macrocycles to act as a macroinitiator for a ring expansion polymerization in future studies.
Polymers with mid-chain alkoxyamine functionality were synthesized by activating monohalogenated polymers in the presence of nitroso or nitrone radical traps. The resulting polymers were either polystyrene (PSt) homopolymers with a mid-chain alkoxyamine or PSt-poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA) diblock copolymers with an alkoxyamine unit at the junction between the segments. Monohalogenated polymers where synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and were then reacted to form polymer radicals in the presence of a radical trap, nitrone or nitroso. When only polystyrene radicals were reacted with the radical trap a dimer was formed with an alkoxyamine functionality in the center of the polymer chain. This functionality allowed the polymer chain to be cleaved in order to visualize the extent of the alkoxyamine functionality incorporation into the polymer chains. It was found that near quantitative alkoxyamine mid-chain functionality could be achieved by activating the PStBr in the presence of 10 equivalents of nitrone, 5 equivalents of copper bromide, and 2 equivalents of copper metal. Further reducing the amount of copper metal led to incomplete coupling, while increasing the equivalents beyond 2 generated polymer dimers with less than quantitative mid-chain functionality. Monochlorinated polystyrene (PStCl) precursors gave much poorer coupling results compared to reactions with PStBr, which is consistent with the stronger C-Cl bond resisting activation and the formation of the polystyryl radicals. When poly (methyl acrylate) (PMABr) is reacted with PStBr in the presence of a nitroso group at reduced temperatures (30 oC) block copolymers were selectively formed with an alkoxyamine functionality in the center. This was done by first activating the PSt-Br to form a polymer radical that would react with the radical trap to form a persistent radical on the oxygen. The PMA-Br, once activated, reacted with the radical on the oxygen to form the block copolymer. To test the amount of functionality incorporated, a coupling reaction was performed with no nitroso present, and found that no reaction occurred. This showed that the radical trap is essential for the coupling to occur, and cleavage of the diblock indicated that the alkoxyamine functionality was indeed incorporated into the diblock.
The synthesis is reported of a new series of oligo(aryleneethynylene) (OAE) derivatives of up to ca. 6 nm in molecular length (OAE9) using iterative Pd-mediated Sonogashira cross-coupling methodology. The oligo-p-phenyleneethynylene cores of the molecular wires are functionalized at both termini with pyridyl units for attachment to gold leads. The molecular structures determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis are reported for OAE4, OAE5, OAE7, and OAE8a. The charge transport characteristics of derivatives OAE3–OAE9 in single-molecular junctions have been studied using the mechanically controlled break junction technique. The data demonstrate that the junction conductance decreases with increasing molecular length. A transition from coherent transport via tunneling to a hopping mechanism is found for OAE wires longer than ca. 3 nm.