957 resultados para Stimulating factor-i
Collagen-related peptide (CRP) stimulates powerful activation of platelets through the glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-FcR gamma-chain complex. We have combined proteomics and traditional biochemistry approaches to study the proteome of CRP-activated platelets, focusing in detail on tyrosine phosphorylation. In two separate approaches, phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitations followed by 1-D-PAGE, and 2-DE, were used for protein separation. Proteins were identified by MS. By following these approaches, 96 proteins were found to undergo PTM in response to CRP in human platelets, including 11 novel platelet proteins such as Dok-1, SPIN90, osteoclast stimulating factor 1, and beta-Pix. Interestingly, the type I transmembrane protein G6f was found to be specifically phosphorylated on Tyr-281 in response to platelet activation by CRP, providing a docking site for the adapter Grb2. G6f tyrosine phoshporylation was also found to take place in response to collagen, although not in response to the G protein-coupled receptor agonists, thrombin and ADP. Further, we also demonstrate for the first time that Grb2 and its homolog Gads are tyrosine-phosphorylated in CRP-stimulated platelets. This study provides new insights into the mechanism of platelet activation through the GPVI collagen receptor, helping to build the basis for the development of new drug targets for thrombotic disease.
Voluntary physical activity improves memory and learning ability in rodents, whereas status epilepticus has been associated with memory impairment. Physical activity and seizures have been associated with enhanced hippocampal expression of BDNF, indicating that this protein may have a dual role in epilepsy. The influence of voluntary physical activity on memory and BDNF expression has been poorly studied in experimental models of epilepsy. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of voluntary physical activity on memory and BDNF expression in mice with pilocarpine-incluced epilepsy. Male Swiss mice were assigned to four experimental groups: pilocarpine sedentary (PS), pilocarpine runners (PRs), saline sedentary (SS) and saline runners (SRs). Two days after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus, the affected mice (PR) and their running controls (SR) were housed with access to a running wheel for 28 days. After that, the spatial memory and the expression of the precursor and mature forms of hippocampal BDNF were assessed. PR mice performed better than PS mice in the water maze test. In addition, PR mice had a higher amount of mature BDNF (14 kDa) relative to the total BDNF (14 kDa + 28 kDa + 32 kDa forms) content when compared with PS mice. These results show that voluntary physical activity improved the spatial memory and increased the hippocampal content of mature BDNF of mice with pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We identified a 4-year-old Brazilian boy from a family of Japanese descent and history of consanguinity, who suffered from severe recurrent pneumonia. He carries factor H (FH) deficiency associated with reduced levels of component C9 and low serum levels of C3 and factor B. His mother also presented low levels of these proteins and factor I, while his father and sister had only lower levels of FH. Western blot assays confirmed the complete absence of FH and FHL-1 polypeptides in this patient. Sequencing of the proband`s FH cDNA revealed a homozygous G453A substitution, encoding an Arg(127)His change. His mother, father and sister are heterozygous for this substitution. Despite the absence of FH in the plasma, this protein was detected in the patient`s fibroblasts, suggesting that Arg(127) may be important for FH secretion. Low concentrations of C9 were detected in the proband serum but no mutations in the patient`s C9 gene or promoter have been identified, suggesting that this is a consequence of uncontrolled complement activation and high C9 consumption.
Introduction Antigen-presenting cells, like dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages, play a significant role in the induction of an immune response and an imbalance in the proportion of macrophages, immature and mature DCs within the tumor could affect significantly the immune response to cancer. DCs and macrophages can differentiate from monocytes, depending on the milieu, where cytokines, like interleukin (IL)-4 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) induce DC differentiation and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha induce DC maturation. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze by immunohistochemistry the presence of DCs (S100+ or CD1a+), macrophages (CD68+), IL-4 and TNF-alpha within the microenvironment of primary lung carcinomas. Results Higher frequencies of both immature DCs and macrophages were detected in the tumor-affected lung, when compared to the non-affected lung. Also, TNF-alpha-positive cells were more frequent, while IL-4-positive cells were less frequent in neoplastic tissues. This decreased frequency of mature DCs within the tumor was further confirmed by the lower frequency of CD14-CD80+ cells in cell suspensions obtained from the same lung tissues analyzed by flow cytometry. Conclusion These data are discussed and interpreted as the result of an environment that does not oppose monocyte differentiation into DCs, but that could impair DC maturation, thus affecting the induction of effective immune responses against the tumor.
Insulin growth factor I (IGF-I) and prolactin (PRL) are peptide hormones that exert complementary effects on reproductive traits by acting on folliculogenesis. In view of the lack of information about the IGF-I and PRL genes in Bos indicus, the objective of this study was to partially characterize the promoter regions of these genes and to screen animals of different ages at first pregnancy for the presence of polymorphisms in these regions. In addition, we determined whether polymorphisms influence the regulation of the two hormone genes, evaluating their association with sexual precocity.The animals were divided into three groups according to age at first pregnancy: 1) 100 heifers considered to be sexually precocious that became pregnant at 15-16 months of age, 2) 100 heifers that became pregnant during the normal breeding season at 24 months of age, and 3) 100 heifers that did not become pregnant until 24 months of age. For the IGF-I gene, PCR-RFLP-SnaBI analysis showed the presence of genotypes AB and BB at frequencies of 0.02 and 0.98, respectively. Sequencing of the IGF-I gene fragment revealed a single nitrogen base change from cytosine to thymine, corresponding to the restriction site of SnaBI. The polymorphisms identified in the 5'-flanking region of the IGF-I gene may serve as a basis for future studies of molecular markers in cattle. For the PRL gene, PCR-RFLP-HaeIII analysis showed the presence of only one migration pattern, a finding characterizing the region studied as monomorphic. The study of other regions in the IGF-I and PRL genes might provide molecular data that can be used in the future for the selection of sexually precocious animals.
Avaliaram-se o efeito do IGF-I na maturação in vitro (MIV) (experimento I) e no desenvolvimento embrionário (DE) (experimento II) de oócitos bovinos fecundados in vitro, quanto às taxas de clivagem (TC), de blastocistos (TB) e de eclosão (TE). Para MIV, complexos cumulus-oócitos imaturos foram cultivados em meio TCM-199 suplementado com HEPES, bicarbonato e piruvato de sódio, aditivos, soro fetal bovino (meio B-199) e gonadotrofinas 14U/ml de PMSG e 7U/ml de hCG). Para o desenvolvimento embrionário, os oócitos/zigotos foram cultivados em meio B-199 com células epiteliais do oviduto bovino em suspensão sob óleo de silicone. As condições de cultivo in vitro para ambos os experimentos seguiram os tratamentos: 1- meio B-199 + 200 ng/ml IGF-I; 2- B-199 + 100 ng/ml IGF-I; 3- B-199 + 50 ng/ml IGF-I; 4- B-199 + 10 ng/ml IGF-I; 5- B-199 + 0 ng/ml IGF-I. Todas as culturas foram realizadas a 38,5° C em atmosfera com 5% de CO2 e os dados foram analisados pelo teste do qui-quadrado. No experimento I, não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto às TC, TB e TE, quando o meio de MIV foi suplementado com IGF-I. No experimento II, a adição de IGF-I ao meio de DE resultou em aumento na TC (P<0,05) mas não influenciou a TB e a TE. A adição de 200 ng/ml de IGF-I ao meio DE melhorou a TC (71,1%) quando comparada com a TC dos grupos de 100 ng/ml de IGF-I (57,6%) ou controle (56,7%), entretanto não houve diferença quando comparada com a dos grupos de 50 ng/ml (69,4%) ou 10 ng/ml (73,1%) de IGF-I. Não houve efeito benéfico na adição de 10 a 200 ng/ml de IGF-I nos meios de MIV e de DE com relação ao desenvolvimento de embriões produzidos a partir de oócitos maturados e fecundados in vitro.
To investigate the influence of short-term physical training on IGF-I concentrations in diabetic rats, male wistar rats were distributed into four groups: sedentary control, trained control, sedentary diabetic and trained diabetic. Diabetes was induced by Alloxan (32 mg/kg b.w.) and training protocol consisted of swimming 1 h/day, 5 days/week, during 4 weeks, supporting 5% b.w. At the end of this period, rats were sacrificed and blood was collected for determinations of serum glucose, insulin, albumin, IGF-I and hematocrit. Liver samples were used to determine glycogen, protein, DNA and IGF-I concentrations. Diabetes reduced insulin and IGF-I concentrations in blood and liver protein, ratio protein/DNA and IGF-I concentrations in liver and increased glycemia. Physical training reduced serum glucose and recovered hepatic glycogen stores in diabetic rats and reduced serum and liver IGF-I concentrations. In conclusion, short-term physical training improved the metabolic conditions of diabetic rats, despite of impairing liver and blood IGF-I concentrations.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The follicular growth and oocyte maturation knowledge are very important to the development and improvement of new biotechnologies such as in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In order to the necessity of clarify the basic mechanisms related to canine oocyte maturation, this investigation focuses on the evaluation of the effect of insulin-like growth factor-i (IGF-I), added to synthetic oviductal fluid medium (SOF) on the in vitro maturation of domestic dog oocytes. Thirty-seven bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy for castration or due to pathological conditions of the uterus were selected as oocytes' donors (n=875). The oocytes were allocated in the following groups: MO (stained in the collection's time), Control (72h in SOF) and Experimental (72h in SOF plus 100 ng IGF-I). After 72 hours of maturation the oocytes' nuclear status were assessed by Hoechst 33342 dye. The best results in terms of oocyte harvest were observed in those juvenile donors,, females in estrus, nuliparous and pure breeds. No significant differences were observed between treatments control (SOF) or experimental (IGF-I).
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that skeletal muscle adaptations induced by long-term resistance training (RT) are associated with increased myogenic regulatory factors (MRF) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) mRNA expression in rats skeletal muscle. Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: 8-week control (C8), 8-week trained (T8), 12-week control (C12) and 12-week trained (T12). Trained rats were submitted to a progressive RT program (4 sets of 10-12 repetitions at 65-75% of the 1RM, 3 day/week), using a squat-training apparatus with electric stimulation. Muscle hypertrophy was determined by measurement of muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) of the muscle fibers, and myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression were measured by RT-qPCR. A hypertrophic stabilization occurred between 8 and 12 weeks of RT (control-relative % area increase, T8: 29% vs. T12: 35%; p>0.05) and was accompanied by the stabilization of myogenin (control-relative % increase, T8: 44.8% vs. T12: 37.7%, p>0.05) and MyoD (control-relative % increase, T8: 22.9% vs. T12: 22.3%, p>0.05) mRNA expression and the return of IGF-I mRNA levels to the baseline (control-relative % increase, T8: 30.1% vs. T12: 1.5%, p<0.05). Moreover, there were significant positive correlations between the muscle fiber CSA and mRNA expression for MyoD (r=0.85, p=0.0001), myogenin (r=0.87, p=0.0001), and IGF-I (r=0.88, p=0.0001). The significant (p<0.05) increase in myogenin, MyoD and IGF-I mRNA expression after 8 weeks was not associated with changes in the fiber-type frequency. In addition, there was a type IIX/D-to-IIA fiber conversion at 12 weeks, even with the stabilization of MyoD and myogenin expression and the return of IGF-I levels to baseline. These results indicate a possible interaction between MRFs and IGF-I in the control of muscle hypertrophy during long-term RT and suggest that these factors are involved more in the regulation of muscle mass than in fiber-type conversion. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.
There is species divergence in control of DNA methylation during preimplantation development. The exact pattern of methylation in the bovine embryo has not been established nor has its regulation by gender or maternal signals that regulate development such as colony stimulating factor 2 (CSF2). Using immunofluorescent labeling with anti-5-methylcytosine and embryos produced with X-chromosome sorted sperm, it was demonstrated that methylation decreased from the 2-cell stage to the 6-8 cell stage and then increased thereafter up to the blastocyst stage. In a second experiment, embryos of specific genders were produced by fertilization with X- or Y-sorted sperm. The developmental pattern was similar to the first experiment, but there was stage × gender interaction. Methylation was greater for females at the 8-cell stage but greater for males at the blastocyst stage. Treatment with CSF2 had no effect on labeling for DNA methylation in blastocysts. Methylation was lower for inner cell mass cells (i.e., cells that did not label with anti-CDX2) than for trophectoderm (CDX2-positive). The possible role for DNMT3B in developmental changes in methylation was evaluated by determining gene expression and degree of methylation. Steady-state mRNA for DNMT3B decreased from the 2-cell stage to a nadir for D 5 embryos >16 cells and then increased at the blastocyst stage. High resolution melting analysis was used to assess methylation of a CpG rich region in an intronic region of DNMT3B. Methylation percent decreased between the 6-8 cell and the blastocyst stage but there was no difference in methylation between ICM and TE. Results indicate that DNA methylation undergoes dynamic changes during the preimplantation period in a manner that is dependent upon gender and cell lineage. Developmental changes in expression of DNMT3B are indicative of a possible role in changes in methylation. Moreover, DNMT3B itself appears to be under epigenetic control by methylation. © 2013 Dobbs et al.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o comportamento dos níveis séricos de cortisol e dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) em pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum. Como o cortisol apresenta um efeito imunossupressor e o DHEA um efeito imunoestimulador, estudou- se a correlação entre os níveis destes esteróides e a condição clínica do paciente de malária. A amostra constou de 24 pacientes com malária por P. falciparum não-complicada, sendo 18 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com idade variando de 15 a 47 anos, 12 primoinfectados e 12 multi-infectados, provenientes de área endêmica de malária da Amazônia. Coletaram-se amostras diárias de sangue de 20 em 20 minutos no pré-tratamento (D0), 24 horas após o início da medicação (D1) e no 8º dia de acompanhamento (D7), quando o paciente já se encontrava assintomático. Todos os pacientes apresentavam parasitemia negativa em D7. Dosaram-se: os níveis séricos de cortisol em D0, D1 e D7; DHEA em D0 e D7; os níveis de anticorpos totais IgG anti-P. falciparum, anti-P. vivax, e anticorpos IgM anti-P. falciparum em D0. Comparam-se os níveis séricos de cortisol dos três dias, concluindo-se que os níveis de cortisol eram significativamente mais elevados em D0 do que nos outros dias. Foram correlacionados os níveis de cortisol com a parasitemia, obtendo-se como significativas as correlações entre cortisol D0 e parasitemia D1, assim como cortisol D1 com parasitemia D1, levando-se a deduzir que o cortisol pode interferir na resposta inicial à terapêutica de pacientes com malária por P. falciparum. O cortisol foi correlacionado com a temperatura, tempo de evolução da doença, níveis de anticorpos IgG anti-P. falciparum, não se obtendo resultados estatisticamente significativos, levando a inferir que a temperatura não interfere nos níveis de cortisol e o mesmo não interfere nos níveis de anticorpos, e não apresenta variações importantes com o tempo de evolução da doença. Os níveis de DHEA em D0, foram significativamente mais elevados do que em D7, apesar dos pacientes estarem sintomáticos há mais de um dia, já que um estímulo mantido do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA) leva a uma diminuição deste esteróide. O DHEA foi correlacionado com a parasitemia obtendo-se um resultado significativo na correlação DHEA D0 com parasitemia D1. A correlação entre cortisol e DHEA em D0 não foi significativa (p = 0,057), porém este resultado leva a crer que o DHEA acompanha o aumento dos níveis de cortisol. Obteve-se uma correlação negativa entre DHEA e tempo de evolução de doença, apesar destes níveis estarem aumentados no pré-tratamento. Calculou-se a correlação parcial entre cortisol, DHEA e temperatura, concluindo-se que a temperatura interfere positivamente na correlação cortisol e DHEA. Uma vez que a febre reflete o momento em que ocorre a lise das hemácias secundária a esquizogonia, provavelmente esta lise com conseqüente liberação de citocinas serve como um fator agudizador da estimulação do eixo HPA, sugerindo que a liberação dos dois hormônios apresenta mecanismo comum. A correlação entre DHEA e anticorpos não foi significativa, portanto o DHEA não deve interferir na produção de anticorpos de pacientes com malária por P. falciparum.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Farmacologia) - IBB
The objective of this study was to evaluate lyophilized bovine colostrum as an alternative source of passive immunity and insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I) for goat kids, considering newborns consuming non-maternal colostrum. Twenty-nine male newborns received 5% of body weight of lyophilized bovine (LBC) or goat colostrum (GC), both with 55 mg/mL of IgG, at 0, 7 and 14 h of life. Blood samples were collected at 0, 7, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h of life to determine serum IgG, total protein (TP), IGF-I and apparent efficiency of IgG absorption at 7, 14, 18 and 24 h (AEA(7hr), AEA(14hr), AEA(18hr), AEA(total), respectively). In LBC, the values of serum IgG at 14, 18,24 and 48 h (13.1, 13.4, 14.1 and 14.6 mg/mL, respectively) were higher than the values at 0 and 7 h (0.04 and 6.9 mg/mL, respectively). In GC, the serum IgG at 18 h (9.3 mg/mL) was higher than the value at 7 h (5.5 mg/mL). AEA(7hr) and AEA(14hr) in LBC were the same (19.2 and 18.5%, respectively, P>0.05) and the values of AEA(18hr) and AEA(total), 9.3 and 9.5%, respectively, were equal and smaller than AEA(7hr), and AEA(14hr). In GC, AEA(7hr), 20.8%, was higher than AEA(14hr), 16.1% (P<0.05) and AEA(18hr), and AEA(total), 9.2 and 8.0%, respectively, were equal and smaller than AEA(7hr) and AEA(14hr). The serum TP and IGF-I were not affected by colostrum feeding. Considering the variables study in the present work, lyophilized bovine colostrum constitutes a promising alternative substitute to goat colostrum in newborn goat kids, since the supply of immunoglobulins and IGF-I was suitable for the kids. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.