968 resultados para Sports Participation
When sports fans attend live sports events, they usually engage in social experiences with friends, family members and other fans at the venue sharing the same affiliation. However, fans watching the same event through a live television broadcast end up not feeling so emotionally connected with the athletes and other fans as they would if they were watching it live, together with thousands of other fans. With this in mind, we seek to create mobile applications that deliver engaging social experiences involving remote fans watching live broadcasted sports events. Taking into account the growing use of mobile devices when watching TV broadcasts, these mobile applications explore the second screen concept, which allows users to interact with content that complements the TV broadcast. Within this context, we present a set of second screen application prototypes developed to test our concepts, the corresponding user studies and results, as well as suggestions on how to apply the prototypes concepts not only in different sports, but also during TV shows and electronic sports. Finally, we also present the challenges we faced and the guidelines we followed during the development and evaluation phases, which may give a considerable contribution to the development of future second screen applications for live broadcasted events.
Field lab in marketing: Children consumer behaviour
Relatrio de estgio de mestrado em Ensino de Educao Fsica nos Ensinos Bsico e Secundrio
Relatrio de estgio de mestrado em Ensino de Educao Fsica nos Ensinos Bsico e Secundrio
In the context of the scientific research into radio, recent years have encouraged many theories about the meaning of a post-radio (Oliveira & Portela, 2011), thus enlisting several parameters regarding the inclusion of contemporary radio in the digital and online environments. This digital migration has led to the development of mobile applications for radio, broadening the communicative potential of audiences (Aguado, Feijoo & Martnez, 2013), as well as promoting convergence of interactive content among listeners-users. Aware of this opportunity, the main broadcasters in Spain and Portugal have broadened their radiophonic scope to the mobile platform, especially geared towards smartphones through the development of mobile applications, commonly known as apps (Cerezo, 2010). As a symbol of a culture in permanent changing, smartphones not only provide greater easiness in terms of access and interaction, but also afford larger opportunities for disseminating content among audiences, a phenomenon that some studies have labelled as user distributed content (Villi, 2012). This article presents an exploratory analysis of the current policies of the main Spanish and Portuguese radio broadcasters regarding mobile applications, evaluating the different levels of interaction and participation in these platforms. This observation led to the conclusion, among other findings, that the mobile platform represents a supplementary channel for traditional FM radio, rather than a new medium with its own language and expression.
Dissertao de mestrado em Gentica Molecular
Relatrio de estgio de mestrado em Ensino de Educao Fsica nos Ensinos Bsico e Secundrio
Public participation in environmental governance is typically associated with citizen access to power despite many closures and limitations having been identified in participatory processes. This article proposes an analytical framework to analyse discursive practices involved in public consultation processes. Critical Discourse Analysis is used to examine and appraise citizens access, standing and influence. We apply that framework to a notice and comment process on a hydroelectric power plan in Portugal and show that it was discursively managed to justify the decision of constructing 10 large dams and to reject critical or alternative views. Citizens access, standing and influence were constrained through diverse discursive practices which (re)produced very unequal power relationsbetween policy proponents and participating individuals. More generally, the article illustrates the potential of Critical Discourse Analysis to assess voice(s) in policy processes. Focusing on argumentative, interactional and rhetorical levels, and how they are interwoven in public consultation discourses, the proposed framework is conceivably applicable in other studies.
"ECREA series, ISSN 1742-9420"
O presente relatrio constitui-se como uma anlise reflexiva do processo de formao do Estgio Pedaggico desenvolvido na Escola Secundria com 2 e 3 ciclos Anselmo de Andrade, em Almada, no ano letivo 2013/2014. O estgio em questo integra o 2 ano do Mestrado em Ensino da Educao Fsica nos Ensinos Bsico e Secundrio da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. O relatrio teve por base o Guia de Estgio Pedaggico 2013/2014, que define as competncias a adquirir em quatro reas de interveno: (1) Organizao e gesto do ensino e da aprendizagem, (2) Investigao e inovao pedaggica, (3) Participao na escola e (4) Relao com a comunidade. feita uma contextualizao do estgio seguida de uma descrio e reflexo sobre a prtica pedaggica de cada rea e uma reflexo sobre a contribuio das aprendizagens para o meu futuro profissional, sendo ainda lanadas algumas propostas de atividades que poderiam ter sido desenvolvidas no estgio pedaggico ou no futuro. tambm realizada uma reflexo final sobre todo o processo inerente ao estgio, destacando-o como um processo interligado, e, ainda, uma reflexo sobre a importncia do Plano Individual de Formao, efetuando um resumo das competncias desenvolvidas ao longo do processo de estgio.
El estudio del trfico intracelular en neuronas ha despertado gran inters en los ltimos aos, debido a que un gran nmero de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y neuropsiquitricas parecen tener origen en en el transporte defectuoso de protenas en estos tipos celulares. Mediante el uso de tcnicas de biologa celular y molecular, fuimos capaces de describir una de las vas que regula la fisin de las vesculas que llevan su cargo desde la ltima cisterna del Aparato de Golgi hacia la superficie celular en clulas epiteliales no polarizadas. Uno de los componentes clave de esa va result ser la Proteina Kinasa D1 (PKD1), cuya actividad en el Aparato de Golgi es esencial para un normal transporte intracelular. Sorprendentemente, observamos que la PKD1 en neuronas con polaridad establecida no regula la fisin en el Golgi, pero si estara involucrada en la selectividad y distribucin (sorting) de vesculas cuyo cargo debe ser especficamente dirigido a las membranas dendrticas. El bloqueo de la actividad de la PKD1 no solamente cambia el destino final de estos cargos, que son enviados de esta forma a la membrana terminal del axn, sino que tambin es capaz de inducir defectos en el desarrollo y crecimiento de los procesos dendrticos a largo plazo. En este proyecto estudiaremos de que manera influye la perturbacin del sorting, en ausencia de PKD1 activa y de otros componentes que la regulan, en la distribucin de receptores de factores neurotrficos y de neurotransmisores glutamatrgicos, y cmo estos cambios en su distribucin afectan el nmero, tamao, y funcionalidad de los procesos neuronales (axones y dendritas). Estos resultados contribuirn a adquirir mayores conocimientos de los mecanismos dependientes del transporte y sorting de protenas de membrana que participan en la regulacin del crecimiento neuronal, los cuales a su vez aportarn informacin valiosa en la comprensin de un gran nmero de enfermedades neurolgicas. The study of intracellular trafficking in neurons has arisen a great deal of interest in the last years, since a great number of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders seem to be originated in abnormal protein transport in these type of cells. Using cell and molecular biology methodologies, we have been capable of describe one of the pathways that regulate the fission of vesicles that carry their cargo from the last Golgi Apparatus cisternae to the cell surface in non-polarized epithelial cells. One of the key components in this pathway is the Protein Kinase D1 (PKD1), whose activity in the Golgi Apparatus is essential for a normal intracelular transport. Surprisingly, we have observed that PKD1 does not regulate fission in neurons with established polarity, but it would be involved in vesicles' sorting at Golgi, particularly of those that carry specific dendritic cargo. Blocking PKD1 activity changes the final destination of these cargoes, which is now sent to the axons' terminal membranes, and also produces late dendritic development and growing defects. In this project we will study how sorting perturbation in absence of PKD1 and its regulators activities influences selectivity and distribution of neurotrophic and neurotransmitter receptors, and how these sorting changes affect number, size and functionality of neuronal processes (axons and dendrites). These results will help to acquire greater knowledge about transport and sorting mechanisms of neuronal growth regulatory membrane proteins. In addition, these studies will contribute with new valuable information necessary to understand numerous neurological diseases.
Abordar la infancia desde el enfoque de derechos (ED) implica una lectura de los derechos de los cuales los nios, nias y adolescentes (NNA) son titulares y de las acciones estatales que se implementan para viabilizar el ejercicio concreto de ellos. Esta perspectiva exige comprender los contenidos de las polticas pb,el grado de participacin que se les asigna y los sentidos que ellas toman en trminos de progresividad de los derechos. Los cambios de concepcin de la infancia desde la Convencin Internacional de los Derechos del Nio (CIDN) y los cambios legislativos interpelan al Estado y la sociedad a modificar la visin hegemnica. Nuestra hiptesis gira alrededor de las siguientes considerac.: se han producido algunas modificaciones en las polticas y acciones estatales, an no se dan las transformaciones necesarias de las lgicas institucionales y de los operadores que estimulen la participacin de NNA en el mbito escolar. Esto se visualiza en la ausencia de anlisis cuali de los contenidos de las acc. y la falta de ftes estadsticas especficas, que muestren la orientac.de los contenidos en los principios de la protecc.integral. Estos presupuestos plantean interrogantes que delimitan el problema de investigacin: cmo se construye y reconstruye el ejercicio de la ciudadana a travs de la participacin de los NNA, en su paso por la escuela, y cules son las lgicas institucionales que habilitan u obstaculizan ese ejercicio? Y cules son los recursos institucionales que permitan que los programas y acciones redunden en el ejercicio efectivo de los derechos?.Obj.gral: Describir, analizar e interpretar la progresividad en el ejercicio de los derechos de participacin e informaciin que tienen los adolescentes en escuelas secundarias de la cd de Cba, durante 2005 / 2010, para promover espacios pblicos de construccin de ciudadana. Se analizarn tres escuelas de Crdoba, escuela pblica provincial, pb. nacional y privada. Obj. Espec.: Analizar las prcticas participativas formales e informales en las escuelas seleccionadas.- Aplicar indicadores cuanti y cualitativos del Sistema de Indicadores para los derechos de la Infancia Describir y analizar los recursos materiales y humanos. Elaborar y proponer procedim. para la confec. de registros de datos estadsticos - Elaborar y proponer lineamientos para la elaborac.e implementac.de acciones. Disear herramientas de difusin sobre los ds de participacin e informacin.Esta investigac. es de carcter descriptivo e interpretativo, analizar diferentes ftes de informac.con tcnicas cuanti y cualitativas, durante perodo la promulgacin de la Ley 26061/05 y la adhesin prov. 9396/07. Se tomarn del Sistema de Indicadores, el derecho a la educacin, el tema transversal Acceso a la informacin y participacin, y las categoras de anlisis Recepcin del Derecho y Capacidades estatales. Se trabajaran indicadores cuanti y seales de progreso (cualitativos): estructurales, proceso y resultados. Sern analizados los Programas implementados durante el perodo de estudio. Estrategias cuali observac. participante, entrevistas, grupos focales, talleres de sensibilizacin, etc .Otras ftes de info: doc. institucionales, registros, evaluac, contenidos de programas y campaas y de difusin, prensa escrita, legislaciones, etc. La info se analizar a travs Programa Atlas Ti, y del anlisis estadstico. Algunos resultados esperados: Evaluac.y ajuste del Sistema de indicadores, la sensibilizac. desde el EF de autorid. escol. para la formulac. de planes y programas para el monitoreo adecuado de los mismos y para la rendic. de ctas de su gestin. Estimular la participac. de NNA en la escuela. Realizac.de documental. Brindar herramientas al Edo para superv de la aplicacin progresiva del ejercicio de los derechos de participacin e informacin de NNA Promov la continua evaluac. de los programas y acc.desde el ED para estimular el reconoc. de la nec.de ajuste de la poltica. The issue of children from the rights focus implies a reading of the rights in which children and adolescents are the holders and the state actions that are implemented to enable the exercise of them. This perspective requires understanding the contents of the public policies, the participation level that is assigned, and the senses that they take in terms of rights progressivity of. The conception changes about children since the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and legislative changes challenge to the State and society to modify hegemony vision. Our hypothesis revolves around the following considerations: there have been some public policies and state actions changes, but they not turn out, yet, transformations in logical institutional and actors whose are encourages children participation in school. This could be reflects in the absence of qualitative analysis in the actions contents and the lack of sources specific statistics, that will be showing the control of the principal contents of integral protection. These, raise the questions that delimit our problem research: how is built citizenship exercise through children and adolescents participation in the school, and what are the institutional logical that empowers or turns difficult that exercise? And What are the institutional resources that make possible the effective exercise of the rights, through different programs and actions?. General Objective: To describe, analyze and interpret exercise progressivity participation and information rights that have the adolescents in secondary schools in Crdoba City during 2005 / 2010, in order to promote public spaces for the construction of citizenship. It will analyze three schools in Cordoba, provincial public school, national public school and private school. . Obj. Specifics: To analyze the formal and informal participative practices in the schools selected. - To apply quantitative and qualitative indicators of the Indicators System for Infa