873 resultados para Spanish language -- To 1500 -- Participle -- Congresses


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Planetary atmospheres exist in a seemingly endless variety of physical and chemical environments. There are an equally diverse number of methods by which we can study and characterize atmospheric composition. In order to better understand the fundamental chemistry and physical processes underlying all planetary atmospheres, my research of the past four years has focused on two distinct topics. First, I focused on the data analysis and spectral retrieval of observations obtained by the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft while in orbit around Saturn. These observations consisted of stellar occultation measurements of Titan's upper atmosphere, probing the chemical composition in the region 300 to 1500 km above Titan's surface. I examined the relative abundances of Titan's two most prevalent chemical species, nitrogen and methane. I also focused on the aerosols that are formed through chemistry involving these two major species, and determined the vertical profiles of aerosol particles as a function of time and latitude. Moving beyond our own solar system, my second topic of investigation involved analysis of infra-red light curves from the Spitzer space telescope, obtained as it measured the light from stars hosting planets of their own. I focused on both transit and eclipse modeling during Spitzer data reduction and analysis. In my initial work, I utilized the data to search for transits of planets a few Earth masses in size. In more recent research, I analyzed secondary eclipses of three exoplanets and constrained the range of possible temperatures and compositions of their atmospheres.


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Esta tese aborda o tema Transitividade Verbal em construções predicativas encontradas em corpus construído com textos jornalísticos impressos do Brasil. Os verbos são estudados segundo ocorrências retiradas de jornais de grande circulação em três capitais. Toma-se a semântica, a pragmática e a sintaxe como determinantes potenciais da transitividade verbal e aborda-se o tema segundo perspectiva histórica, ou seja, procura-se desenhar o percurso do tema nos estudos de língua portuguesa desde a sua primeira gramática, chegando-se, então, a reflexões mais atuais e também ao tratamento dispensado aos verbos e sua construção predicativa em dicionários e em gramáticas pedagógicas. O confronto com estudos acerca da língua espanhola também é motivo de atenção, devido à proximidade que o tema apresenta nas duas línguas. A partir desses estudos, buscou-se elaborar quadro sistemático e mais coerente dos verbos segundo a transitividade e construção predicativa, procurando aliar-se a base teórica consistente, apresentada pela tradição dos estudos gramaticais, às reflexões técnico-científicas acordadas com a realidade lingüística levantada a partir do corpus


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This paper investigates several approaches to bootstrapping a new spoken language understanding (SLU) component in a target language given a large dataset of semantically-annotated utterances in some other source language. The aim is to reduce the cost associated with porting a spoken dialogue system from one language to another by minimising the amount of data required in the target language. Since word-level semantic annotations are costly, Semantic Tuple Classifiers (STCs) are used in conjunction with statistical machine translation models both of which are trained from unaligned data to further reduce development time. The paper presents experiments in which a French SLU component in the tourist information domain is bootstrapped from English data. Results show that training STCs on automatically translated data produced the best performance for predicting the utterance's dialogue act type, however individual slot/value pairs are best predicted by training STCs on the source language and using them to decode translated utterances. © 2010 ISCA.


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In this paper a method to incorporate linguistic information regarding single-word and compound verbs is proposed, as a first step towards an SMT model based on linguistically-classified phrases. By substituting these verb structures by the base form of the head verb, we achieve a better statistical word alignment performance, and are able to better estimate the translation model and generalize to unseen verb forms during translation. Preliminary experiments for the English - Spanish language pair are performed, and future research lines are detailed. © 2005 Association for Computational Linguistics.


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Planner is a formalism for proving theorems and manipulating models in a robot. The formalism is built out of a number of problem-solving primitives together with a hierarchical multiprocess backtrack control structure. Statements can be asserted and perhaps later withdrawn as the state of the world changes. Under BACKTRACK control structure, the hierarchy of activations of functions previously executed is maintained so that it is possible to revert to any previous state. Thus programs can easily manipulate elaborate hypothetical tentative states. In addition PLANNER uses multiprocessing so that there can be multiple loci of changes in state. Goals can be established and dismissed when they are satisfied. The deductive system of PLANNER is subordinate to the hierarchical control structure in order to maintain the desired degree of control. The use of a general-purpose matching language as the basis of the deductive system increases the flexibility of the system. Instead of explicitly naming procedures in calls, procedures can be invoked implicitly by patterns of what the procedure is supposed to accomplish. The language is being applied to solve problems faced by a robot, to write special purpose routines from goal oriented language, to express and prove properties of procedures, to abstract procedures from protocols of their actions, and as a semantic base for English.


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In order to present visual art as a paradigm for philosophy, Merleau-Ponty investigated the creative processes of artists whose work corresponded closely with his philosophical ideas. His essays on art are widely valued for emphasising process over product, and for challenging the primacy of the written word in all spheres of human expression. While it is clear that he initially favoured painting, Merleau-Ponty began to develop a much deeper understanding of the complexities of how art is made in his late work in parallel with his advancement of a new ontology. Although his ontology remains unfinished and only exists as working notes and a manuscript entitled The Visible and Invisible, Merleau-Ponty had begun to appreciate the fundamental role drawing plays in the making of art and the creation of a language of expression that is as vital as the written or spoken word. Through an examination of Merleau-Ponty’s unfinished manuscript and working notes my thesis will investigate his working methods and use of materials and also explore how he processed his ideas by using my own art practice as the basis of my research. This research will take the form of an inquiry into how the unfinished and incomplete nature of text and artworks, while they are still ‘works in progress’, can often reveal the more human and carnal components of creative processes. Applying my experience as a practitioner and a teacher in an art school, I focus on the significance of drawing practice for Merleau-Ponty’s later work, in order to rebalance an overemphasis on painting in the literature. Understanding the differences between these two art forms, and how they are taught, can offer an alternative engagement with Merleau-Ponty’s later work and his struggle to find a language to express his developing new ontology. In addition, by re-reading his work through the language of drawing, I believe we gain new insights which reaffirm Merleau-Ponty's relevance to contemporary art making and aesthetics.


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This Dissertation Project comprises recordings of Argentine art songs. The discs are approximately 40-60 minutes in length and consist of songs from the traditional art-song repertoire for voice and piano. This project is particularly appropriate because of the very limited number of recordings of Argentine songs, which are notable both not only for their high quality but for their accessibility of performance for voice teachers, students, and professional singers alike. Art songs in the Spanish language are a welcome resource, and the poetry included in this project is of an outstanding quality. Some of the poets set to music are Gabriela Mistral (a poet laureate of Chile and the first Latin American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature), Pablo Neruda (also a Nobel laureate), Luis Cernuda, and Leon Benar6s. The lyrics of some songs are based on traditional sources, and the melodies and rhythms of all are representative of South American-indigenous and European­ immigrant cultures. The composers represented here will be familiar to some listeners but more than likely unfamiliar to most. Yet Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) is considered to be the greatest of all Argentine composers. Alberto Williams (1862-1952) is known as the father of the Nationalist School of composition in Argentina, and Carlos Lopez Buchardo (1881-1963) is a most influential composer and pedagogue after whom the national Conservatory of Music in Buenos Aries is named. Two composers who remain relatively unknown outside of South America, Abraham Jurafsky (1906- 1993) and Julio Perceval (1903-1963) are also represented in this project. A complete compact disc is devoted to the works of Carlos Guastavino. Known as the "Argentine Schubert", Guastavino has over 250 songs to his credit. Chiefly a composer for piano and voice, his recent death (October 2000) makes a recording of his works especially appropriate. This project also includes a written component, a supportive dissertation briefly describing the history of the Argentine art song and the lives and influences of the composers and poets represented in the studio recordings. The CD recordings are held in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland.


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Chronic pain, without any organic or physical cause (DC), which in psycho-medical terminology is known as fi bromyalgia, (FM), is diagnosed each year to a considerable number of women in capitalistic societies. Our main interest in the following paper is to go in depth in the elaboration of this symptom, its treatment and the psychosocial effects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it. Our main goal in the following paper is to look deeper in the elaboration (conceptualization) of this symptom, its treatment and psychological affects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it, we are using linked speeches in Spanish magazines publications. The result has been the emergence of three hegemonic discourse positions: One position “scientist”, one “therapeutic of the conformity” position and one “economic and legalistic” position. Each of these has a specifi c feature, but on the whole, is enhanced, producing effects such as the absence of social context to explain the disease; disregard of gender differences in the management and treatment; the instrumentalization of pain to legitimize their practices and the subjection of women to the “psycho-biomedical” paradigm. In that way, a new signifi cance and politicization of the concept of pain is proposed.


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O presente Relatório Final de estágio tem como principal intento fazer o relato de uma experiência de integração curricular da intercompreensão (IC) numa turma de Espanhol Língua Estrangeira (ELE) do Ensino Secundário, decorrente do desenvolvimento de uma sessão na plataforma Galanet, procurando verificar de que forma esta experiência concorrre para o desenvolvimento curricular da disciplina. Após uma breve incursão pela paisagem didatológica que enforma este trabalho e pelos documentos reguladores do ensino de ELE em Portugal, prossegue-se com uma apresentação do contexto em que a intervenção foi realizada e da intervenção em si mesma (objetivos, estratégias, materiais, etc.). Posteriormente, procede-se a uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados, recolhidos ao longo das diversas intervenções didáticas: notas de campo elaboradas pela própria professora, artefactos escritos e orais elaborados pelos alunos; inquérito final. Propõe-se uma análise dos dados a partir do referencial aprendente, elaborado no âmbito do projeto Miriadi (Mutualização e Inovação por uma Rede de Intercompreensão à Distância), e do CARAP (Cadre de Référence pour les Approches Plurielles), orientado para as abordagens plurais do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas. Em concomitância, descreve-se de que forma a presente proposta de integração curricular da IC no ensino de ELE concorre para atingir os objetivos propostos pelo Programa de Espanhol para o Ensino Secundário, 10º ano iniciação. Os resultados evidenciam que a integração curricular da IC no ensino de ELE induz dinâmicas de ensino-aprendizagem que, ao colocarem os sujeitos em situações de comunicação plural, envolvem-nos nas suas dimensões afetiva e inteletual, originando significativas aprendizagens, tanto no que concerne a aspetos linguísticos comuns às diversas línguas românicas como a particularidades da língua espanhola.


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O presente Relatório Final de Estágio tem como principal finalidade descrever as representações que os alunos têm sobre a aprendizagem de ELE. A relevância e o interesse das representações associadas a Espanha, aos espanhóis e aos países de língua oficial espanhola surgem pelo facto de os alunos que aprendem esta língua demonstrarem que as tomam como verdades inquestionáveis. Assim, com o presente trabalho de investigação, de cariz qualitativo, procurou-se, por um lado, identificar os fatores que influenciaram a escolha de ELE, por parte dos alunos e, por outro, descrever a perceção que estes têm sobre a aprendizagem desta língua. Para tal, recolhemos dados provenientes de um inquérito por questionário aplicado a 29 alunos de duas turmas do 10.º ano de escolaridade, num Agrupamento de Escolas do perímetro urbano de Aveiro. Na análise de dados, a técnica priviligiada foi a análise de conteúdo. A análise dos dados, ainda que limitados face ao número de alunos participantes, permitiu-nos concluir que os alunos optam pelo espanhol pela facilidade que julgam estar-lhe inerente, uma vez que esta é uma língua românica tal como o português. Além disso, os alunos inquiridos revelam representações positivas acerca do espanhol, de Espanha, e dos restantes países de língua espanhola e seus falantes.


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This thesis is a retrospective qualitative study based on psychotherapy sessions with children presenting autistic features who use language in atypical ways. The aim was to understand, through the transferential relationship, what psychological context in terms of anxieties and defences prevents the child from using language efficiently. Hypotheses concerning children‘s use of language in the context of their emotional oscillation and evolution during the course of treatment were noted and checked against subsequent developments. They were also triangulated with the outcome of a grounded theory analysis. The grounded theory analysis led to the emergence of higher-level themes that were compared within and across cases and allowed factors surrounding the children‘s use of language to be conceptualized. The grounded theory method was used in parallel with the usual process of evaluation of the dynamics of each session and patient used by psychoanalysts a posteriori and which is part of the researcher‘s background. This procedure was enhanced by the use of Bion‘s Grid, here in a version adapted to the aims of the research. This approach is discussed in detail in the Methodology chapter. The psychoanalytic theoretical background that supported the research was mainly based on the tradition of Object-Relations Theory, particularly the evolution of Kleinian thinking represented by Bion‘s works, and as far as autism is concerned, by Frances Tustin and Donald Meltzer‘s formulations. Concerning the subject of language development, Meltzer‘s explorations on the necessary conditions for its development and the philosopher Wittgenstein‘s investigations on the social function of language were the main influences of this work. The evolution of the children‘s use of language in parallel with their emotional development in the context of their psychotherapies was analyzed and some hypotheses about the oscillations in their emotional and mental functioning were made. The oscillation in the children‘s emotional state, language use and thinking processes was also studied in terms of a general fluctuation between different mental states that was considered to be present in different degrees and quality in mental life and more strongly when there are limitations in communication skills and social interaction. A few excerpts from notes on adolescent and adult cases with autistic features were included in the Discussion Chapters to briefly illustrate this aspect.


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This Ph.D., by thesis, proposes a speculative lens to read Internet Art via the concept of digital debris. In order to do so, the research explores the idea of digital debris in Internet Art from 1993 to 2011 in a series of nine case studies. Here, digital debris are understood as words typed in search engines and which then disappear; bits of obsolete codes which are lingering on the Internet, abandoned website, broken links or pieces of ephemeral information circulating on the Internet and which are used as a material by practitioners. In this context, the thesis asks what are digital debris? The thesis argues that the digital debris of Internet Art represent an allegorical and entropic resistance to the what Art Historian David Joselit calls the Epistemology of Search. The ambition of the research is to develop a language in-between the agency of the artist and the autonomy of the algorithm, as a way of introducing Internet Art to a pluridisciplinary audience, hence the presence of the comparative studies unfolding throughout the thesis, between Internet Art and pionners in the recycling of waste in art, the use of instructions as a medium and the programming of poetry. While many anthropological and ethnographical studies are concerned with the material object of the computer as debris once it becomes obsolete, very few studies have analysed waste as discarded data. The research shifts the focus from an industrial production of digital debris (such as pieces of hardware) to obsolete pieces of information in art practice. The research demonstrates that illustrations of such considerations can be found, for instance, in Cory Arcangel’s work Data Diaries (2001) where QuickTime files are stolen, disassembled, and then re-used in new displays. The thesis also looks at Jodi’s approach in Jodi.org (1993) and Asdfg (1998), where websites and hyperlinks are detourned, deconstructed, and presented in abstract collages that reveals the architecture of the Internet. The research starts in a typological manner and classifies the pieces of Internet Art according to the structure at play in the work. Indeed if some online works dealing with discarded documents offer a self-contained and closed system, others nurture the idea of openness and unpredictability. The thesis foregrounds the ideas generated through the artworks and interprets how those latter are visually constructed and displayed. Not only does the research questions the status of digital debris once they are incorporated into art practice but it also examine the method according to which they are retrieved, manipulated and displayed to submit that digital debris of Internet Art are the result of both semantic and automated processes, rendering them both an object of discourse and a technical reality. Finally, in order to frame the serendipity and process-based nature of the digital debris, the Ph.D. concludes that digital debris are entropic . In other words that they are items of language to-be, paradoxically locked in a constant state of realisation.


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This is a poster in both Spanish and English advertising The Point, a teen health center in Spartanburg S.C.


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This sheet, printed in Spanish, shows what vaccinations infants and children should get at various ages. Also listed are diseases, the vaccine that prevents them, how the disease is spread, its symptoms and disease complications.