749 resultados para Sounds
[ES] Este artículo intenta explicar la relación existente entre la serie de "voces animantium" incluida en las «Diferencias» de Isidoro de Sevilla («Diff.I», 607 = 225) y en los mss. P y M, como adición a ella, y la lista de voces de esta naturaleza contenida en el «Laterculus» de Polemio Silvio y las copias posteriores. Al final el autor incluye en apéndice la edición de algunas de estas listas, todavía inéditas.
A new method of finding the optimal group membership and number of groupings to partition population genetic distance data is presented. The software program Partitioning Optimization with Restricted Growth Strings (PORGS), visits all possible set partitions and deems acceptable partitions to be those that reduce mean intracluster distance. The optimal number of groups is determined with the gap statistic which compares PORGS results with a reference distribution. The PORGS method was validated by a simulated data set with a known distribution. For efficiency, where values of n were larger, restricted growth strings (RGS) were used to bipartition populations during a nested search (bi-PORGS). Bi-PORGS was applied to a set of genetic data from 18 Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations from the west coast of Vancouver Island. The optimal grouping of these populations corresponded to four geographic locations: 1) Quatsino Sound, 2) Nootka Sound, 3) Clayoquot +Barkley sounds, and 4) southwest Vancouver Island. However, assignment of populations to groups did not strictly reflect the geographical divisions; fish of Barkley Sound origin that had strayed into the Gold River and close genetic similarity between transferred and donor populations meant groupings crossed geographic boundaries. Overall, stock structure determined by this partitioning method was similar to that determined by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA), an agglomerative clustering algorithm.
Spawning periodicities of white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) were evaluated by observing spawning behavior, by collecting eggs, and monitoring recognizable sounds produced during the release of gametes. A total of 297 spawning events were documented from 15 male and 47 female white seabass contained within the seminatural confines of a 526-m3 net pen located in Catalina Harbor, Santa Catalina Island, California. Consistent spawning occurred from March through July 2001−03, and peaked in May at a photoperiod of 14 hours. Most spawning occurred within the 2-hour period following sunset or from 19:00−20:00 hours Pacific Standard Time. White seabass spawned at every phase of the lunar cycle; but an increase in successive spawning events followed the new moon. Most spawning occurred in water temperatures from 15 to 18°C, and there was no apparent correlation with tidal cycles. Seasonal and diel spawning periods were directly correlated with increases in the rate, intensity, and variety of white seabass sounds; this correlation may indicate that sounds function to enhance reproductive success. These findings can be extended to further develop seasonal fishery regulations and to better comprehend the role of sound in the reproduction of sound-producing fishes.
PREFACE: Four species of menhaden, Brevoortia spp., are found along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States. The Atlantic menhaden, B. tyrannus, is found from Nova Scotia, Can., to West Palm Beach, Fla.; the yellowfin menhaden, B. smithi, is found from Cape Lookout, N. C., to the Mississippi River Delta, La.;the Gulf menhaden, B. patronus, is found from Cape Sable, Fla., to Veracruz, Mex.; and the finescale menhaden, B. gunteri, is found from the Mississippi River Delta, La., to Campeche, Mex. Menhaden are euryhaline species that inhabit coastal and inland tidal waters. Spawning occurs principally at sea (in northern areas some spawning occurs in bays and sounds). Eggs hatch at sea and the larvae are moved to estuaries by ocean currents where they metamorphose and develop as juveniles.
Four recognized species of menhaden, Brevoortia spp., occur in North American marine waters: Atlantic menhaden, B. tyrannus; Gulf menhaden, B. patronus; yellowfin menhaden. B. smithi; and finescale menhaden, B. gunteri. Three of the menhaden species are known to form two hybrid types. Members of the genus range from coastal waters of Veracruz, Mex., to Nova Scotia, Can. Atlantic and Gulf menhaden are extremely abundant within their respective ranges and support extensive purse-seine reduction (to fish meal and oil) fisheries. All menhaden species are estuarine dependent through late larval and juvenile stages. Depending on species and location within the range, spawning may occur within bays and sounds to a substantial distance offshore. Menhaden are considered to be filter-feeding, planktivorous omnivores as juveniles and adults. Menhaden eggs, immature developmental stages, and adults are potential prey for a large and diverse number of predators. North American menhadens, including two hybrids, are hosts for the parasitic isopod, Olencira praegustator, and the parasitic copepod, Lemaeenicus radiatus. Although the data are quite variable, a dome-shaped Ricker function is frequently used to describe the spawner-recruitment relationship for Atlantic and Gulf menhaden. Each of these species is treated as a single stock with respect to exploitation by the purse-seine reduction fishery. Estimates of instantaneous natural (other) mortality rates are O.45 for Atlantic menhaden and 1.1 for Gulf menhaden.
O desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica vem ganhando muito destaque quando se discute o processo de aquisição da leitura e da escrita de jovens com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Distinguir os sons das palavras, compreender e manipular as sílabas parece afetar a capacidade para ler e escrever qualquer palavra. O presente estudo tem como objetivos verificar os efeitos de um programa de ensino para favorecer o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica. Esse programa de ensino foi elaborado com base em estudos e nas atividades realizadas por Capovilla e Capovilla (2000), Valério (1998), Moussatché (2002), Nunes (2009), dentre outros. A pesquisa está composta por dois estudos: estudo piloto e esstudo 1. O estudo piloto, iniciado em 2012 ? foi formado por dois jovens com deficiência intelectual que frequentavam uma escola regular e apresentavam dificuldade na leitura e escrita. Um estava no início e o outro já havia passado pelo processo de alfabetização. O estudo 1 iniciado em 2013, foi formado por quatro jovens com deficiência intelectual que estavam no processo de alfabetização e frequentavam uma escola especial. A pesquisa foi realizada nas escolas onde esses alunos estavam matriculados. A análise dos testes de Prova de Consciência Fonológica proposta por Capovilla e Capovilla (2000) o pré-teste - mostrou que os sujeitos do estudo piloto apresentavam na primeira testagem bom rendimento em tarefas como aliteração e rima, mas demonstraram dificuldade na parte de segmentação, síntese e manipulação fonêmica.Com a segunda testagem, o pós-teste - realizada após a implementação de um programa para favorecer o desenvolvimento de habilidades de consciência fonológica pode-se observar uma melhora no desempenho dessas habilidades. No estudo 1, o pré-teste mostrou que os alunos apresentavam dificuldades nas atividades que envolviam as habilidades de adição, subtração e transposição fonêmica e um melhor desempenho em atividades de rima e aliteração. Na prova de leitura oral de palavras e pseudopalavras, observou-se maior dificuldade na leitura das pseudopalavras. No pós-teste, aplicado após o período de intervenção com o programa supracitado, observou-se que nas questões de rima, adição e subtração silábica, adição e subtração fonêmica e transposição silábica, os sujeitos apresentaram aumento na porcentagem de acerto das atividades. Nas atividades de aliteração, transposição fonêmica e trocadilho os sujeitos mantiveram os mesmos resultados do pré-teste ou apresentaram queda na porcentagem de acertos. Nas provas de leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras os sujeitos não demonstraram aumento na porcentagem de leitura correta, com exceção apenas de Ana Clara, que apresentou pequeno aumento no seu resultado. Na parte de compreensão de leitura, os participantes apresentaram pequena alteração no resultado, mas não temos como associar essa melhora ao desempenho nas provas de consciência fonológica. Na avaliação de ditado de palavras e pseudopalavras os alunos demonstraram aumento nos resultados
O transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) é um transtorno de ansiedade que pode ser desenvolvido após a ocorrência de um evento traumático, e que costuma vir acompanhado de um significativo comprometimento da qualidade de vida. Indivíduos diagnosticados com o TEPT apresentam níveis de frequência cardíaca mais elevados em situações de exposição a eventos estressores, como sons e imagens que relembram a experiência traumática. No entanto, estudos que avaliaram a frequência cardíaca no momento do trauma como preditor do desenvolvimento de TEPT não apresentam resultados consistentes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: verificar se frequência cardíaca (FC) peritraumática de repouso, após exposição ao trauma, é um fator preditor para o desenvolvimento do TEPT e para a gravidade dos sintomas de TEPT em adultos. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática, seguida de metanálise, utilizando-se as bases eletrônicas PUBMED, LILACS, PILOTS, PsycoINFO e Web of Science. Foram incluídos 17 estudos nesta revisão sistemática. Os resultados de dez estudos foram utilizados para a metanálise das diferenças de médias de FC combinada. Oito estudos foram utilizados para a metanálise das correlações entre a FC e a gravidade dos sintomas de TEPT. Modelos de meta-regressão foram ajustados para identificar variáveis que pudessem explicar a heterogeneidade entre os estudos. A FC peritraumática no grupo de pacientes com TEPT é, em média, 3,98 batimento por mimuto (bpm) (p=0,04) maior em comparação com aqueles sem o transtorno, e o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson combinado foi de 0,14 (p=0,05).Consistente com a hipótese levantada, a frequência cardíaca peritraumática de repouso foi maior em indivíduos que desenvolveram o TEPT. Contudo, mensuração mais próxima do evento traumático e a exclusão de casos dissociativos poderão ampliar a magnitude do efeito encontrado, tornando este biomarcador simples e facilmente obtido um preditor clinicamente útil do desenvolvimento de TEPT.
Pronunciation is an important part of speech acquisition, but little attention has been given to the mechanism or mechanisms by which it develops. Speech sound qualities, for example, have just been assumed to develop by simple imitation. In most accounts this is then assumed to be by acoustic matching, with the infant comparing his output to that of his caregiver. There are theoretical and empirical problems with both of these assumptions, and we present a computational model- Elija-that does not learn to pronounce speech sounds this way. Elija starts by exploring the sound making capabilities of his vocal apparatus. Then he uses the natural responses he gets from a caregiver to learn equivalence relations between his vocal actions and his caregiver's speech. We show that Elija progresses from a babbling stage to learning the names of objects. This demonstrates the viability of a non-imitative mechanism in learning to pronounce.
A significant fraction of the total nitrogen entering coastal and estuarine ecosystems along the eastern U.S. coast arises from atmospheric deposition; however, the exact role of atmospherically derived nitrogen in the decline of the health of coastal, estuarine, and inland waters is still uncertain. From the perspective of coastal ecosystem eutrophication, nitrogen compounds from the air, along with nitrogen from sewage, industrial effluent, and fertilizers, become a source of nutrients to the receiving ecosystem. Eutrophication, however, is only one of the detrimental impacts of the emission of nitrogen containing compounds to the atmosphere. Other adverse effects include the production of tropospheric ozone, acid deposition, and decreased visibility (photochemical smog). Assessments of the coastal eutrophication problem indicate that the atmospheric deposition loading is most important in the region extending from Albemarle/Parnlico Sounds to the Gulf of Maine; however, these assessments are based on model outputs supported by a meager amount of actual data. The data shortage is severe. The National Research Council specifically mentions the atmospheric role in its recent publication for the Committee on Environmental and Natural Resources, Priorities for Coastal Ecosystem Science (1994). It states that, "Problems associated with changes in the quantity and quality of inputs to coastal environments from runoff and atmospheric deposition are particularly important [to coastal ecosystem integrity]. These include nutrient loading from agriculture and fossil fuel combustion, habitat losses from eutrophication, widespread contamination by toxic materials, changes in riverborne sediment, and alteration of coastal hydrodynamics. "
Over the past 50 years, economic and technological developments have dramatically increased the human contribution to ambient noise in the ocean. The dominant frequencies of most human-made noise in the ocean is in the low-frequency range (defined as sound energy below 1000Hz), and low-frequency sound (LFS) may travel great distances in the ocean due to the unique propagation characteristics of the deep ocean (Munk et al. 1989). For example, in the Northern Hemisphere oceans low-frequency ambient noise levels have increased by as much as 10 dB during the period from 1950 to 1975 (Urick 1986; review by NRC 1994). Shipping is the overwhelmingly dominant source of low-frequency manmade noise in the ocean, but other sources of manmade LFS including sounds from oil and gas industrial development and production activities (seismic exploration, construction work, drilling, production platforms), and scientific research (e.g., acoustic tomography and thermography, underwater communication). The SURTASS LFA system is an additional source of human-produced LFS in the ocean, contributing sound energy in the 100-500 Hz band. When considering a document that addresses the potential effects of a low-frequency sound source on the marine environment, it is important to focus upon those species that are the most likely to be affected. Important criteria are: 1) the physics of sound as it relates to biological organisms; 2) the nature of the exposure (i.e. duration, frequency, and intensity); and 3) the geographic region in which the sound source will be operated (which, when considered with the distribution of the organisms will determine which species will be exposed). The goal in this section of the LFA/EIS is to examine the status, distribution, abundance, reproduction, foraging behavior, vocal behavior, and known impacts of human activity of those species may be impacted by LFA operations. To focus our efforts, we have examined species that may be physically affected and are found in the region where the LFA source will be operated. The large-scale geographic location of species in relation to the sound source can be determined from the distribution of each species. However, the physical ability for the organism to be impacted depends upon the nature of the sound source (i.e. explosive, impulsive, or non-impulsive); and the acoustic properties of the medium (i.e. seawater) and the organism. Non-impulsive sound is comprised of the movement of particles in a medium. Motion is imparted by a vibrating object (diaphragm of a speaker, vocal chords, etc.). Due to the proximity of the particles in the medium, this motion is transmitted from particle to particle in waves away from the sound source. Because the particle motion is along the same axis as the propagating wave, the waves are longitudinal. Particles move away from then back towards the vibrating source, creating areas of compression (high pressure) and areas of rarefaction (low pressure). As the motion is transferred from one particle to the next, the sound propagates away from the sound source. Wavelength is the distance from one pressure peak to the next. Frequency is the number of waves passing per unit time (Hz). Sound velocity (not to be confused with particle velocity) is the impedance is loosely equivalent to the resistance of a medium to the passage of sound waves (technically it is the ratio of acoustic pressure to particle velocity). A high impedance means that acoustic particle velocity is small for a given pressure (low impedance the opposite). When a sound strikes a boundary between media of different impedances, both reflection and refraction, and a transfer of energy can occur. The intensity of the reflection is a function of the intensity of the sound wave and the impedances of the two media. Two key factors in determining the potential for damage due to a sound source are the intensity of the sound wave and the impedance difference between the two media (impedance mis-match). The bodies of the vast majority of organisms in the ocean (particularly phytoplankton and zooplankton) have similar sound impedence values to that of seawater. As a result, the potential for sound damage is low; organisms are effectively transparent to the sound – it passes through them without transferring damage-causing energy. Due to the considerations above, we have undertaken a detailed analysis of species which met the following criteria: 1) Is the species capable of being physically affected by LFS? Are acoustic impedence mis-matches large enough to enable LFS to have a physical affect or allow the species to sense LFS? 2) Does the proposed SURTASS LFA geographical sphere of acoustic influence overlap the distribution of the species? Species that did not meet the above criteria were excluded from consideration. For example, phytoplankton and zooplankton species lack acoustic impedance mis-matches at low frequencies to expect them to be physically affected SURTASS LFA. Vertebrates are the organisms that fit these criteria and we have accordingly focused our analysis of the affected environment on these vertebrate groups in the world’s oceans: fishes, reptiles, seabirds, pinnipeds, cetaceans, pinnipeds, mustelids, sirenians (Table 1).
A recent study has found that toddlers do not compensate for an artificial alteration in a vowel they hear themselves producing. This raises questions about how young children learn speech sounds. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Synthesised acoustic guitar sounds based on a detailed physical model are used to provide input for psychoacoustical testing. Thresholds of perception are found for changes in the main parameters of the model. Using a three-alternative forced-choice procedure, just-noticeable differences are presented for changes in frequency and damping of the modes of the guitar body, and also for changes in the tension, bending stiffness and damping parameters of the strings. These are compared with measured data on the range of variation of these parameters in a selection of guitars. © S. Hirzel Verlag © EAA.
The physical meaning and methods of determining loudness were reviewed Loudness is a psychoacoustic metric which closely corresponds to the perceived intensity of a sound stimulus. It can be determined by graphical procedures, numerical methods, or by commercial software. These methods typically require the consideration of the 1/3 octave band spectrum of the sound of interest. The sounds considered in this paper are a 1 kHz tone and pink noise. The loudness of these sounds was calculated in eight ways using different combinations of input data and calculation methods. All the methods considered are based on Zwicker loudness. It was determined that, of the combinations considered, only the commercial software dBSonic and the loudness calculation procedure detailed in DIN 45631 using 1/3 octave band levels filtered using ANSI S1.11-1986 gave the correct values of loudness for a 1 kHz tone. Comparing the results between the sources also demonstrated the difference between sound pressure level and loudness. It was apparent that the calculation and filtering methods must be considered together, as a given calculation will produce different results for different 1/3 octave band input. In the literature reviewed, no reference provided a guide to the selection of the type of filtering that should be used in conjunction with the loudness computation method.
Auditory scene analysis is extremely challenging. One approach, perhaps that adopted by the brain, is to shape useful representations of sounds on prior knowledge about their statistical structure. For example, sounds with harmonic sections are common and so time-frequency representations are efficient. Most current representations concentrate on the shorter components. Here, we propose representations for structures on longer time-scales, like the phonemes and sentences of speech. We decompose a sound into a product of processes, each with its own characteristic time-scale. This demodulation cascade relates to classical amplitude demodulation, but traditional algorithms fail to realise the representation fully. A new approach, probabilistic amplitude demodulation, is shown to out-perform the established methods, and to easily extend to representation of a full demodulation cascade.
Human listeners can identify vowels regardless of speaker size, although the sound waves for an adult and a child speaking the ’same’ vowel would differ enormously. The differences are mainly due to the differences in vocal tract length (VTL) and glottal pulse rate (GPR) which are both related to body size. Automatic speech recognition machines are notoriously bad at understanding children if they have been trained on the speech of an adult. In this paper, we propose that the auditory system adapts its analysis of speech sounds, dynamically and automatically to the GPR and VTL of the speaker on a syllable-to-syllable basis. We illustrate how this rapid adaptation might be performed with the aid of a computational version of the auditory image model, and we propose that an auditory preprocessor of this form would improve the robustness of speech recognisers.