993 resultados para Sociologia electoral -- TFM


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O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a sociologia do conhecimento desenvolvida por Durkheim, evidenciando suas influências e repercussões, assim como a necessidade de uma visão auto-reflexiva para a sociologia do conhecimento, para a qual a análise dos clássicos ocupa importante papel. A sociologia do conhecimento de Durkheim abrange todos os principais problemas tratados até hoje pela filosofia, lógica e ciências sociais, a análise desta teoria nos possibilita enxergar melhor as raízes do debate entre estas disciplinas, além de nos dar condições de enfrentar problemas epistemológicos, acerca do fundamento das ciências sociais e de sua relação com outras formas de conhecimento.


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Theory: A classic question in political science concems ",hat deteImines the number of parties that compete in a given polity. Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to answering this question, one that emphasizes the role of electorallaws in structuring coalitional incentives, another that emphasizes the importance of pre-existing social cleavages. In tbis paper, we view the number of parties as a product of the interaction between these two forces, following Powell (1982) and Ordeshook and Shvetsova (1994). Hypotheses: The effective number of parties in a polity should be a multiplicative rather than an additive function ofthe peImissiveness ofthe electoral system and the heterogeneity ofthe society. Methods: Multiple regression on cross-sectional aggregate electoral statistics. Unlike previous studies, we (1) do not confine attention to developed democracies; (2) explicitly control for the influence of presidential elections, taking account of whether they are concurrent or nonconcurrent, and ofthe effective number ofpresidential candidates; and (3) also control for the presence and operation of upper tiers in legislative elections. Results: The hypothesis is confiImed, both as regards the number of legislative and the number of presidential parties .


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In the second consecutive election for the Brazilian Chamber ofDeputies, the majority of incumbents (75% in 1998 and again 75% in 2002) decided to run for reelection and at least 70% ofthem in both elections were successful, suggesting thus it would be incorrect to ignore static ambition as the main target of Brazilian legislators. It also raises doubts about the assertion that incumbents use their posts to pursue their post-Iegislative careers. However, this number also suggests that not alIlegislators seek reelection, indicating that it is also incorrect to assume alI of them are driven by similar motivations. In their attempts at career survival, incumbents may also run for higher offices (Senator, Governor, Vicegovernor). A minority still, may run for state leveI offices (regressive ambition).Given that static and progressive ambition are the two main types of career choice in Brazil, we focus on the factors that influence the career decision and electoral success of those who choose to run for reelection and those who choose to run for higher-level offices, i.e. senator and governor. We use data recently colIected from the 2002 elections.


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This article presents a game-theoretic partisan model of voting and political bargaining. In a two-period setup, voters ¯rst elect an executive incumbent and the legislators from a pool of candidates belonging to di®erent parties. Once elected, the executive and the legislature bargain over a budget. Party origin and a relevant parameter of the economy, the state of the world, in°uence the bargaining cost, such that political gridlocks may occur. At the end of the ¯rst period voters observe the outcome of bargaining but do not observe the true estate of the world, and decide whether or not to reelect the same parties for the Executive and the Legislature. The model con¯rms the very recent literature by showing that voters tend to have more °exible reelection criteria when they believe the true state of the world is likely to be unfavorable. On the other hand, when voters believe the true state of the world is likely to be favorable, they become more demanding in order to reelect the incumbents. In particular, there will be government shutdown with positive probability in equilibrium. Gridlocks occur due to the imperfect information of voters and they constitute indeed an information revelation mechanism that improves electoral control in the second period.


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This paper examines whether access to information enhances political accountabil- ity. Based upon the results of Brazil's recent anti-corruption program that randomly audits municipal expenditures of federally-transferred funds, it estimates the e®ects of the disclosure of local government corruption practices upon the re-election success of incumbent mayors. Comparing municipalities audited before and after the elections, we show that the audit policy reduced the incumbent's likelihood of re-election by approximately 20 percent, and was more pronounced in municipalities with radio sta- tions. These ¯ndings highlight the value of information and the role of the media in reducing informational asymmetries in the political process.


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Na última semana, a pesquisadora da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas (FGV/ DAPP) Roberta Novis participou do congresso anual realizado pela British Society of Criminology (BSC),na Plymouth University, no Reino Unido. Com o tema “Criminology: Voyages of Critical Discovery”, o evento reuniu especialistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que atuam na área criminal, em sociologia do crime, entre outros segmentos afins.


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Professora Isleide Arruda Fontenelle indica livros de sociologia das organizações.


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Homenagem a saudosa e querida professora Gisela Black Taschner que fala de sua pesquisa em cultura e consumo


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Concluidas las exasperadas elecciones de 2014, el país pasa por un momento delicado. Por un lado, es esperado que la nueva composición del gobierno busque un tono de reconciliación posicionándose de una manera más moderada que permita el funcionamiento del modelo de gobierno de coalición aun en práctica. Por otro, ya queda evidente que será un arduo y doloroso proceso en virtud a la intensa polarización política que, a pesar de apuntar tendencias de distensión sigue un expresivo elemento en la conducción de la política brasileña


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No contexto reavaliador dos escritos de Gilberto Freyre, pouco tem sido abordado das idéias deste autor no referente à compreensão do Homem como uma entidade ao mesmo tempo biológica e cultural. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as principais propostas freyrianas no campo da sociologia da medicina e, na sequência, avaliar as possibilidades de aplicação dessas idéias nas iniciativas voltadas para a educação para a saúde.


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The dialogue between philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein s notions and Pierre Bourdieu s sociological concepts related to social practice of language shows that the philosophy of language has an important influence on contemporary social theory. When we compare the ideas of these authors we discover that beyond the direct influences from the philosopher that the sociologist recognizes there are great parallelisms of thought. That is, Wittgenstein s pragmatic thought of the use of language does not concern only language, but also every socially built behavior. When we notice that the social and linguistic behavior are borne by the individual in a tacit way, that leads us to theorize about the prereflective dimension that builds human actions and even the habits of thought. The same processes allow the uses of language to build wider social practices. Besides, John Austin, one of Wittgenstein s disciples, and his speech acts theory, contribute with a way to reflecting on how language ressembles a concrete action. Finally, the linguistc therapy that Wittgenstein means to be his philosophical proposal is assimilated by Bourdieu, who takes it as one of the necessary topics of the sociological work