956 resultados para Small wastewater treatment station (SWTS)
Cork processing involves a boiling step to make the cork softer, which consumes a high volume of water and generates a wastewater with a high organic content, rich in tannins. An assessment of the final wastewater characteristics and of the boiling water composition along the boiling process was performed. The parameters studied were pH, color, total organic carbon (TOC), chemical and biochemical oxygen demands (COD, BOD5, BOD20), total suspended solids (TSS), total phenols and tannins (TP, TT). It was observed that the water solutes extraction power is significantly reduced for higher quantities of cork processed. Valid relationships between parameters were established not only envisaging wastewater characterization but also to provide an important tool for wastewater monitoring and for process control/optimization. Boiling water biodegradability presented decreasing values with the increase of cork processed and for the final wastewater its value is always lower than 0.5, indicating that these wastewaters are very difficult to treat by biological processes. The biodegradability was associated with the increase of tannin content that can rise up to 0.7 g/L. These compounds can be used by other industries when concentrated and the clarified wastewater can be reused, which is a potential asset in this wastewater treatment.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
The present work aims at evaluating the efficiency of an organic polymer from vegetal source used as coagulant for treating different types of industrial effluents. This coagulant (Flox-QT) is obtained from the Black Acacia (Acacia mearnsii). The effluents studied were produced in petrochemical, leather, cork stoppers, metalworking, olive oil, glue, paint (printing), textile and paper industries. The parameters analyzed in the effluents before and after treatment were selected according to the type of wastewater and included pH, conductivity, apparent colour, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and some metals. The coagulant proved to be efficient for almost all effluents tested. The best results were obtained for the paper industry wastewater, with 91% removal of chemical oxygen demand and 95% of total suspended solids removal. The estimated cost of this treatment would be only 0.24 Euro per cubic meter of treated effluent, only regarding the price of the coagulant and the required dosage. The use of this coagulant is also adequate for the valorisation of the sludge obtained, which in this case could be recycled for paper production.
The market for emulsion polymers (latexes) is large and growing at the expense of other manufacturing processes that emit higher amounts of volatile organic solvents. The paint industry is not an exception and solvent-borne paints have been gradually substituted by aqueous paints. In their life-cycle, much of the aqueous paint used for architectural or decorative purposes will eventually be discharged into wastewater treatment facilities, where its polymeric nanoparticles (mainly acrylic and styrene-acrylic) can work as xenobiotics to the microbial communities present in activated sludge. It is well established that these materials are biocompatible at macroscopic scale. But is their behaviour the same at nanoscale? What happens to the polymeric nanoparticles during the activated sludge process? Do nanoparticles agregate and are discharged together with the sludge or remain in emulsion? How do microorganisms interact with these nanoparticles? Are nanoparticles degradated by them? Are they adsorbed? Are these nanoparticles toxic to the microbial community? To study the influence of these xenobiotics in the activated sludge process, an emulsion of cross-linked poly(butyl methacrylate) nanoparticles of ca. 50 nm diameter was produced and used as model compound. Activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant was tested by the OCDE’s respiration inhibition test using several concentrations of PBMA nanoparticles. Particle aggregation was followed by Dynamic Light Scattering and microorganism surfaces were observed by Atomic Force Microscopy. Using sequential batch reactors (SBRs) and continuous reactors, both inoculated with activated sludge, the consumption of carbon, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate was monitored and compared, in the presence and absence of nanoparticles. No particles were detected in all treated waters by Dynamic Light Scattering. This can either mean that microorganisms can efficiently remove all polymer nanoparticles or that nanoparticles tend to aggregate and be naturally removed by precipitation. Nevertheless respiration inhibition tests demonstrated that microorganisms consume more oxygen in the presence of nanoparticles, which suggests a stress situation. It was also observed a slight decrease in the efficiency of nitrification in the presence of nanoparticles. AFM images showed that while the morphology of some organisms remained the same both in the presence and absence of nanoparticles, others assumed a rough surface with hilly like shapes of ca. 50 nm when exposed to nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are thus likely to be either incorporated or adsorbed at the surface of some organisms, increasing the overall respiration rate and decreasing nitrification efficiency. Thus, despite its biocompatibility at macroscopic scale, PBMA is likely to be no longer innocuous at nanoscale.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente,perfil Sanitária
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
O tratamento das águas residuais domésticas surge com o intuito de degradar os poluentes presentes, para que as águas residuais tratadas não prejudiquem o ambiente nem a saúde pública. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a conceção e o dimensionamento de uma Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) na freguesia de Canelas com a finalidade de substituir a já existente e permitir a ampliação da área da rede de saneamento da freguesia. Foram considerados dois tipos de ETAR’s, compacta e convencional, para tratar águas residuais domésticas de aproxidamente 2000 habitantes, com um caudal médio de 400 m3/dia e um caudal de ponta de 1136,7 m3/dia. Das duas opções optou-se pela convencional uma vez que acarreta um menor investimento, no valor de 187 232 €, e se considera também mais adequada às características do efluente a tratar. O tratamento escolhido inclui inicialmente uma gradagem, com uma grade constituída por sete barras com um espaçamento de 20 mm entre elas, seguida de um tamisador rotativo com uma abertura de malha de 3 mm. Depois do tamisador, optou-se por um sistema de desarenação/desengorduramento com um volume do tanque de 3,95 m3 e um fluxo de ar de 17,9 m3/h. Na fase seguinte considerou-se um tratamento biológico por lamas ativadas em regime de arejamento prolongado num tanque de arejamento de volume igual a 245,8 m3 com um arejador submerso, seguindo-se um decantador secundário de volume 33,3 m3. Por último, escolheu-se um sistema de desinfeção por ultravioleta e, a montante do mesmo, um filtro rápido para eliminar pequenas partículas que o efluente ainda possa conter. Para a desinfeção foram consideradas duas secções com cinco módulos de duas lâmpadas cada, ou seja, vinte lâmpadas ultravioleta. Dos resíduos produzidos pelo tratamento da água residual, os gradados e as areias serão encaminhados para aterro, enquanto que as lamas serão enviadas para a ETAR das Termas de S.Vicente, para que sofram o tratamento adequado e sejam encaminhadas para o destinal final adequado (aplicação em solos agrícolas, compostagem ou em alternativa para aterro). No caso da ETAR covencional foi ainda avaliada a possível reutilização de um decantador da ETAR de Milhundos uma vez que esta se encontrava em fase de desativação. Desta avaliação, concluiu-se que não seria economicamente viável o seu reaproveitamento. Mestrado em Engenharia Química – Tecnologias de Proteção Ambiental Para além disso realizou-se também um levantamento dos principais problemas que ocorrem na maioria das ETAR’s e foram apresentadas as respetivas sugestões de resolução. A realização de um inquérito permititu concluir que os odores são o problema que mais causa incómodo à população.
As afluências indevidas resultantes direta ou indiretamente da precipitação são um dos principais fatores que provocam graves problemas de carácter ambiental, estrutural e económico, no âmbito de um bom funcionamento dos sistemas separativos de saneamento e tratamento de águas residuais urbanas. Ao longo dos anos, com a expansão do serviço de saneamento à população, tem sido reconhecido que os caudais excedentes às redes de drenagem de águas residuais e estações de tratamento são um problema grave e para isso estão a ser criados critérios cada vez mais exigentes no domínio da gestão e operação destes sistemas de saneamento. Para uma melhor compreensão sobre a incidência das afluências indevidas nos sistemas de saneamento e nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais, é necessário realizar estudos de quantificação e caracterização no sistema de esgotos. Com a necessidade de compreender a plenitude e natureza deste problema, tornou-se necessário desenvolver metodologias com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência e eficácia hidráulica dos sistemas de drenagem e de tratamento. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise quantitativa das afluências indevidas, recorrendo a um caso de estudo de uma bacia de drenagem de águas residuais. Para adquirir mais conhecimento sobre o tema foi necessário recolher várias metodologias existentes de maneira a selecionar, estudar e aplicar o método mais vantajoso. Nesta dissertação, foram utilizados dados disponibilizados pela SIMRIA, no que respeita aos caudais de bombagem da estação elevatória a que afluiu a rede em estudo, e pela INDAQUA Feira, no que respeita aos dados de precipitação.
A atividade humana e industrial usa a água para as suas atividades do quotidiano. A água é um recurso natural escasso cuja qualidade deve ser protegida, defendida, gerida e tratada em conformidade com o seu uso. Nesse âmbito, a gestão das águas prossegue objetivos de proteção da saúde humana e de preservação, proteção e melhoria da qualidade do ambiente[1]. Desde o final do seculo XIX até aos dias de hoje, verificou-se uma forte evolução nos sistemas de tratamento de águas residuais. Esta evolução foi fundamental para dar resposta às maiores exigências de qualidade do efluente tratado. O sistema de lamas ativadas é um dos processos de tratamento biológico das águas residuais mais usados em todo o mundo. Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento do projeto de conceção e dimensionamento de uma Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) para servir um pequeno aglomerado de cerca de 3200 habitantes equivalentes (hab.eq.), tendo como objetivo o dimensionamento de todas as etapas de tratamento necessárias ao cumprimento da legislação em vigor para a descarga das águas residuais urbanas no meio recetor. O Decreto-lei nº 152/97[2], relativo ao tratamento de águas residuais urbanas, juntamente com o Decreto-lei nº 149/2004[3] que identifica as zonas sensíveis e de zonas menos sensíveis, permitem que as entidades licenciadoras definam o grau de tratamento que a instalação deve possuir tendo em consideração a classificação do meio onde o efluente tratado é descarregado. O Decreto-Lei n.º 135/2009[1] estabelece o regime de identificação, gestão, monitorização e classificação da qualidade das águas balneares, impondo a qualidade microbiológica da água residual tratada mediante o meio recetor, e portanto conseguindo-se assim definir o tratamento de desinfeção a adotar. Resumidamente, a conceção do tratamento focou as seguintes etapas: tratamento preliminar formado por uma unidade compacta de tamisação, desarenador e desengordurador, tratamento secundário por lamas ativadas em regime de arejamento prolongado constituído por dois reatores com cerca de 400 m3 de volume seguido de um decantador com um diâmetro de 9.5 m, tratamento terciário de desinfeção composto por uma microtamisação seguido de desinfeção UV, e a utilização das operações comuns de espessamento e desidratação das lamas produzidas em excesso pelo tratamento, constituída por com um espessador gravítico com 4.6 m de diâmetro, e um filtro banda para a desidratação.
Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão da Água
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) is the most economic and sustainable option used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for phosphorus removal. In this process it is important to control the competition between polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs), since EBPR deterioration or failure can be related with the proliferation of GAOs over PAOs. This thesis is focused on the effect of operational conditions (volatile fatty acid (VFA) composition, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and organic carbon loading) on PAO and GAO metabolism. The knowledge about the effect of these operational conditions on EBPR metabolism is very important, since they represent key factors that impact WWTPs performance and sustainability. Substrate competition between the anaerobic uptake of acetate and propionate (the main VFAs present in WWTPs) was shown in this work to be a relevant factor affecting PAO metabolism, and a metabolic model was developed that successfully describes this effect. Interestingly, the aerobic metabolism of PAOs was not affected by different VFA compositions, since the aerobic kinetic parameters for phosphorus uptake, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) degradation and glycogen production were relatively independent of acetate or propionate concentration. This is very relevant for WWTPs, since it will simplify the calibration procedure for metabolic models, facilitating their use for full-scale systems. The DO concentration and aerobic hydraulic retention time (HRT) affected the PAO-GAO competition, where low DO levels or lower aerobic HRT was more favourable for PAOs than GAOs. Indeed, the oxygen affinity coefficient was significantly higher for GAOs than PAOs, showing that PAOs were far superior at scavenging for the often limited oxygen levels in WWTPs. The operation of WWTPs with low aeration is of high importance for full-scale systems, since it decreases the energetic costs and can potentially improve WWTP sustainability. Extended periods of low organic carbon load, which are the most common conditions that exist in full-scale WWTPs, also had an impact on PAO and GAO activity. GAOs exhibited a substantially higher biomass decay rate as compared to PAOs under these conditions, which revealed a higher survival capacity for PAOs, representing an advantage for PAOs in EBPR processes. This superior survival capacity of PAOs under conditions more closely resembling a full-scale environment was linked with their ability to maintain a residual level of PHA reserves for longer than GAOs, providing them with an effective energy source for aerobic maintenance processes. Overall, this work shows that each of these key operational conditions play an important role in the PAO-GAO competition and should be considered in WWTP models in order to improve EBPR processes.
In order to address and resolve the wastewater contamination problem of the Sines refinery with the main objective of optimizing the quality of this stream and reducing the costs charged to the refinery, a dynamic mass balance was developed nd implemented for ammonia and polar oil and grease (O&G) contamination in the wastewater circuit. The inadequate routing of sour gas from the sour water stripping unit and the kerosene caustic washing unit, were identified respectively as the major source of ammonia and polar substances present in the industrial wastewater effluent. For the O&G content, a predictive model was developed for the kerosene caustic washing unit, following the Projection to Latent Structures (PLS) approach. Comparison between analytical data for ammonia and polar O&G concentrations in refinery wastewater originating from the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) effluent and the model predictions of the dynamic mass balance calculations are in a very good agreement and highlights the dominant impact of the identified streams for the wastewater contamination levels. The ammonia contamination problem was solved by rerouting the sour gas through an existing clogged line with ammonia salts due to a non-insulated line section, while for the O&G a dynamic mass balance was implemented as an online tool, which allows for prevision of possible contamination situations and taking the required preventive actions, and can also serve as a basis for establishing relationships between the O&G contamination in the refinery wastewater with the properties of the refined crude oils and the process operating conditions. The PLS model developed could be of great asset in both optimizing the existing and designing new refinery wastewater treatment units or reuse schemes. In order to find a possible treatment solution for the spent caustic problem, an on-site pilot plant experiments for NaOH recovery from the refinery kerosene caustic washing unit effluent using an alkaline-resistant nanofiltration (NF) polymeric membrane were performed in order to evaluate its applicability for treating these highly alkaline and contaminated streams. For a constant operating pressure and temperature and adequate operating conditions, 99.9% of oil and grease rejection and 97.7% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) rejection were observed. No noticeable membrane fouling or flux decrease were registered until a volume concentration factor of 3. These results allow for NF permeate reuse instead of fresh caustic and for significant reduction of the wastewater contamination, which can result in savings of 1.5 M€ per year at the current prices for the largest Portuguese oil refinery. The capital investments needed for implementation of the required NF membrane system are less than 10% of those associated with the traditional wet air oxidation solution of the spent caustic problem. The operating costs are very similar, but can be less than half if reusing the NF concentrate in refinery pH control applications. The payback period was estimated to be 1.1 years. Overall, the pilot plant experimental results obtained and the process economic evaluation data indicate a very competitive solution through the proposed NF treatment process, which represents a highly promising alternative to conventional and existing spent caustic treatment units.
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are widely used on a daily basis. After their usage they reach the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). These compounds have different physico-chemical characteristics, which makes them difficult to completely remove in the WWTPs, througth conventional treatments. Currently, there is no legislation regarding PPCPs thresholds in effluent discharge. But, even at vestigial concentrations, these compounds enclose environmental risks due to, e.g., endocrine disruption potential. There is a need of alternative techniques for their removal in WWTPs. The main goal of this work was to assess the use of electrodialytic (ED) process to remove PPCPs from the effluent to be discharged. A two-compartment ED cell was used testing (i) the effluent position in the cell (anode and cathode compartment); (ii) the use of anion (AEM) and cation exchange membrane (CEM); (iii) the treatment period (6, 12 and 24 hours); (iv) effluent recirculation and current steps; (v) the feasibility of sequential treatments. Phosphorus (P) removal from effluent and energetic costs associated to the process were also evaluated. Five PPCPs were studied – caffeine (CAF), bisphenol A (BPA), 17 β-estradiol (E2), ethinyl estradiol (EE2) and oxybenzone (MBPh). The ED process showed to be effective in the removal when effluent is in the anode compartment. Oxidation is suggested to be the main removal process, which was between 88 and 96%, for all the compounds, in 6 hours. Nevertheless, the presence of intermediates and/or by-products was also observed in some cases. Effluent recirculation should have a retention time in the ED cell big enough to promote removal whereas the current steps (effluent in anode compartment) slightly increased removal efficiencies (higher than 80% for all PPCPs). The sequential set of ED treatment (effluent in anode compartment) showed to be effective during both periods with a removal percentage between 80 and 95% and 73 to 88% in the case of AEM and CEM, respectively. Again, the main removal process is strongly suggested to be oxidation in the anode compartment. However, there was an increase of BOD5 and COD, which might be explained by effluent spiking, these parameters limiting the effluent discharge. From these treatments, the use of AEM, enhanced the P removal from effluent to minimize risk of eutrophication. Energetic costs of the best set-up (6 hours) are approximately 0,8€/m3 of wastewater, a value considered low, attending to the prices of other treatment processes.
This Study assessed the development of sludge treatment and reuse policy since the original 1993 National Sludge Strategy Report (Weston-FTA, 1993). A review of the 48 sludge treatment centres, current wastewater treatment systems and current or planned sludge treatment and reuse systems was carried out Sludges from all Regional Sludge Treatment Centres (areas) were characterised through analysis of selected parameters. There have been many changes to the original policy, as a result of boundary reviews, delays in developing sludge management plans, development in technology and changes in tendering policy, most notably a move to design-build-operate (DBO) projects. As a result, there are now 35 designated Hub Centres. Only 5 of the Hub Centres are producing Class A Biosolids. These are Ringsend, Killamey, Carlow, Navan and Osberstown. Ringsend is the only Hub Centre that is fully operational, treating sludge from surrounding regions by Thermal Drying. Killamey is producing Class A Biosolids using Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) but is not, as yet, treating imported sludge. The remaining three plants are producing Class A Biosolids using Alkaline Stabilisation. Anaerobic Digestion with post pasteurisation is the most common form of sludge treatment, with 11 Hub Centres proposing to use it. One plant is using ATAD, two intend to use Alkaline Stabilisation, seven have selected Thermal Drying and three have selected Composting. While the remaining plants have not decided which sludge treatment to select, this is because of incomplete Sludge Management Plans and on DBO contracts. Analysis of sludges from the Hub Centres showed that all Irish sewage sludge is safe for agricultural reuse as defined by the Waste Management Regulations {Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) (S.I. 267/2001), providing that a nutrient management plan is taken into consideration and that the soil limits of the 1998 (S.I. 148/1998) Waste Management Regulations are not exceeded.
It has been well documented that the optimum feedstock for anaerobic digesters consists of readily biodegradable compounds, as found in primary sludge or even a mixed substrate of primary and excess activated sludge. Due to the requirements of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant Directive of 1991, the quantities of secondary sludge generated is set to increase substantially. A pilot scale study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of both Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion and Thermophilic Aerobic digestion in the treatment of secondary sludge. The results indicated that the anaerobic pilot scale digester achieved a greater solids destruction than the aerobic pilot plant averaging at 28% T.S. removal verses 20% for the aerobic digester, despite the fact that secondary sludge is the optimum feedstock for aerobic digestion. This can, however, be attributed to the greater biomass yield experienced with aerobic systems, and to the absence of Autothermal conditions. At present, the traditional technique of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion is in widespread application throughout Ireland, for the stabilisation of sewage sludge. There is only one Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digester at present situated in Killarney, Co. Kerry. A further objectives of the study was to compare full-scale applications of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion to ATAD. Two Sludge Treatment plants, situated in Co. Kerry, were used for this purpose, and were assessed mainly under the following headings; process stability, solids reduction on average, the ATAD plant in Killarney has the advantage of producing a “Class A” Biosolid in terms of pathogen reduction, and can effectively treat double the quantity of sludge. In addition, economically the ATAD plant is cheaper to run, costing €190 / t.d.s verses €211 / t.d.s. for the anaerobic digester in Tralee. An overview of additional operational Anaerobic Digestion Plants throughout Ireland is also presented.