814 resultados para Sleep homeostasis
BACKGROUND: Sleep-disordered breathing is a common and serious feature of many paediatric conditions and is particularly a problem in children with Down syndrome. Overnight pulse oximetry is recommended as an initial screening test, but it is unclear how overnight oximetry results should be interpreted and how many nights should be recorded.
METHODS: This retrospective observational study evaluated night-to-night variation using statistical measures of repeatability for 214 children referred to a paediatric respiratory clinic, who required overnight oximetry measurements. This included 30 children with Down syndrome. We measured length of adequate trace, basal SpO2, number of desaturations (>4% SpO2 drop for >10 s) per hour ('adjusted index') and time with SpO2<90%. We classified oximetry traces into normal or abnormal based on physiology.
RESULTS: 132 out of 214 (62%) children had three technically adequate nights' oximetry, including 13 out of 30 (43%) children with Down syndrome. Intraclass correlation coefficient for adjusted index was 0.54 (95% CI 0.20 to 0.81) among children with Down syndrome and 0.88 (95% CI 0.84 to 0.91) for children with other diagnoses. Negative predictor value of a negative first night predicting two subsequent negative nights was 0.2 in children with Down syndrome and 0.55 in children with other diagnoses.
CONCLUSIONS: There is substantial night-to-night variation in overnight oximetry readings among children in all clinical groups undergoing overnight oximetry. This is a more pronounced problem in children with Down syndrome. Increasing the number of attempted nights' recording from one to three provides useful additional clinical information.
Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia-Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
Infant sleep undergoes significant re-organization throughout the first 12 months of life, with sleep quality having significant consequences for infant learning and cognitive development. While there has been great interest in the neural basis and developmental trajectories of infant sleep in general, relatively little is known about individual differences in infant sleep and the socio-economic and cultural sources of that variability. We investigated this using questionnaire sleep data in a large, unique multi-ethnic sample of 6-7 month-olds (n=174), with families from South Asian ethnic groups in the UK (Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi) being especially well represented. Consistent with previous data from less variable samples, no effects of SES on sleep latency or nocturnal sleep duration emerged. However, perinatal risk factors and ethnic differences did predict daytime sleep, sleep fragmentation and sleep-onset time. While these results should be interpreted with caution due to several limitations, they likely demonstrate that even when socio-economic status and ethnicity are much less confounded than in previous studies, they have a surprisingly limited impact on individual differences in sleep patterns in young infants.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in Biology at Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Heterogeneous multicore platforms are becoming an interesting alternative for embedded computing systems with limited power supply as they can execute specific tasks in an efficient manner. Nonetheless, one of the main challenges of such platforms consists of optimising the energy consumption in the presence of temporal constraints. This paper addresses the problem of task-to-core allocation onto heterogeneous multicore platforms such that the overall energy consumption of the system is minimised. To this end, we propose a two-phase approach that considers both dynamic and leakage energy consumption: (i) the first phase allocates tasks to the cores such that the dynamic energy consumption is reduced; (ii) the second phase refines the allocation performed in the first phase in order to achieve better sleep states by trading off the dynamic energy consumption with the reduction in leakage energy consumption. This hybrid approach considers core frequency set-points, tasks energy consumption and sleep states of the cores to reduce the energy consumption of the system. Major value has been placed on a realistic power model which increases the practical relevance of the proposed approach. Finally, extensive simulations have been carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the best-case, savings up to 18% of energy are reached over the first fit algorithm, which has shown, in previous works, to perform better than other bin-packing heuristics for the target heterogeneous multicore platform.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
RESUMO: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é uma patologia altamente prevalente, embora claramente subdiagnosticada, em doentes com síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS). Estas duas patologias apresentam uma estreita relação e a monitorização ambulatória da pressão arterial (MAPA), por um período de 24 horas, parece ser o método mais preciso para o diagnóstico de hipertensão em doentes com SAOS. No entanto, esta ferramenta de diagnóstico para além de ser dispendiosa e envolver um número acrescido de meios técnicos e humanos, é mais morosa e, por conseguinte, não é utilizada por rotina no contexto do diagnóstico da SAOS. Por outro lado, apesar da aplicação de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP – Continous Positive Airway Pressure) ser considerada a terapêutica de eleição para os doentes com SAOS, o seu efeito no abaixamento da pressão arterial (PA) parece ser modesto, exigindo, por conseguinte, a implementação concomitante de terapêutica anti-hipertensora. Acontece que são escassos os dados relativos aos regimes de fármacos anti-hipertensores utilizados em doentes com SAOS e, acresce ainda que, as guidelines terapêuticas para o tratamento farmacológico da HA, neste grupo particular de doentes, permanecem, até ao momento, inexistentes. A utilização de modelos animais de hipóxia crónica intermitente (CIH), que mimetizam a HA observada em doentes com SAOS, revela-se extremamente importante, uma vez que se torna imperativo identificar fármacos que promovam um controle adequado da PA neste grupo de doentes. No entanto, estudos concebidos com o intuito de investigar o efeito anti-hipertensor dos fármacos neste modelo animal revelam-se insuficientes e, por outro lado, os escassos estudos que testaram fármacos anti-hipertensores neste modelo não foram desenhados para responder a questões de natureza farmacológica. Acresce ainda que se torna imprescindível garantir a escolha de um método para administração destes fármacos que seja não invasivo e que minimize o stress do animal. Embora a gavagem seja uma técnica indiscutivelmente eficaz e amplamente utilizada para a administração diária de fármacos a animais de laboratório, ela compreende uma sequência de procedimentos geradores de stress para os animais e, que podem por conseguinte, constituir um viés na interpretação dos resultados obtidos. O objectivo global da presente investigação translacional foi contribuir para a identificação de fármacos anti-hipertensores mais efectivos para o tratamento da HT nos indivíduos com SAOS e investigar mecanismos subjacentes aos efeitos sistémicos associadas à SAOS bem como a sua modulação por fármacos anti-hipertensores. Os objectivos específicos foram: em primeiro lugar,encontrar novos critérios, baseados nas medidas antropométricas, que permitam a identificação de doentes com suspeita de SAOS, que erroneamente se auto-classifiquem como nãohipertensos, e desta forma promover um uso mais criterioso do MAPA; em segundo lugar, investigar a existência de uma hipotética associação entre os esquemas de fármacos antihipertensores e o controle da PA (antes e após a adaptação de CPAP) em doentes com SAOS em terceiro lugar, avaliar a eficácia do carvedilol (CVD), um fármaco bloqueador β-adrenérgico não selectivo com actividade antagonista α1 intrínseca e propriedades anti-oxidantes num modelo animal de hipertensão induzida pela CIH; em quarto lugar, explorar os efeitos da CIH sobre o perfil farmacocinético do CVD; e, em quinto lugar, investigar um método alternativo à gavagem para a administração crónica de fármacos anti-hipertensores a animais de laboratório. Com este intuito, na primeira fase deste projecto, fizemos uso de uma amostra com um número apreciável de doentes com SAOS (n=369), que acorreram, pela primeira vez, à consulta de Patologia do Sono do CHLN e que foram submetidos a um estudo polissonográfico do sono, à MAPA e que preencheram um questionário que contemplava a obtenção de informação relativa ao perfil da medicação anti-hipertensora em curso. Numa segunda fase, utilizámos um modelo experimental de HT no rato induzida por um paradigma de CIH. Do nosso trabalho resultaram os seguintes resultados principais: em primeiro lugar, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o perímetro do pescoço (PP) foram identificados como preditores independentes de “auto-classificação errónea” da HA em doentes com suspeita de SAOS; em segundo lugar, não encontramos qualquer associação com significado estatístico entre os vários esquemas de fármacos anti-hipertensores bem como o número de fármacos incluídos nesse esquemas, e o controle da PA (antes e depois da adaptação do CPAP); em terceiro lugar, apesar das doses de 10, 30 e 50 mg/kg de carvedilol terem promovido uma redução significativa da frequência cardíaca, não foi observado qualquer decréscimo na PA no nosso modelo animal; em quarto lugar, as razões S/(R+S) dos enantiómeros do CVD nos animais expostos à CIH e a condições de normóxia revelaram-se diferentes; e, em quinto lugar, a administração oral voluntária mostrou ser um método eficaz para a administração diária controlada de fármacos anti-hipertensores e que é independente da manipulação e contenção do animal. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos através do estudo clínico revelaram que o controle da PA, antes e após a adaptação do CPAP, em doentes com SAOS é independente, quer do esquema de fármacos anti-hipertensores, quer do número de fármacos incluídos num determinado esquema. Os nossos resultados salientam ainda a falta de validade da chamada self-reported hypertension e sugerem que em todos os doentes com suspeita de SAOS, com HA não diagnosticada e com um IMC e um PP acima de 27 kg/m2 e 39 cm, respectivamente, a confirmação do diagnóstico de HA deverá ser realizada através da MAPA, ao invés de outros métodos que com maior frequência são utilizados com este propósito. Os resultados obtidos no modelo animal de HA induzida pela CIH sugerem que o bloqueio do sistema nervoso simpático, juntamente com os supostos efeitos pleiotrópicos do CVD, não parece ser a estratégia mais adequada para reverter este tipo particular de hipertensão e indicam que as alterações farmacocinéticas induzidas pela CIH no ratio S/(R+S) não justificam a falta de eficácia anti-hipertensora do CVD observada neste modelo animal. Por último, os resultados do presente trabalho suportam ainda a viabilidade da utilização da administração oral voluntária, em alternativa à gavagem, para a administração crónica de uma dose fixa de fármacos anti-hipertensores.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Hypertension (HT) is a highly prevalent condition, although under diagnosed, in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These conditions are closely related and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) seems to be the most accurate measurement for diagnosing hypertension in OSA. However, this diagnostic tool is expensive and time-consuming and, therefore, not routinely used. On the other hand, although continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered the gold standard treatment for symptomatic OSA, its lowering effect on blood pressure (BP) seems to be modest and, therefore, concomitant antihypertensive therapy is still required. Data on antihypertensive drug regimens in patients with OSA are scarce and specific therapeutic guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in these patients remain absent. The use of animal models of CIH, which mimic the HT observed in patients with OSA, is extremely important since it is imperative to identify preferred compounds for an adequate BP control in this group of patients. However, studies aimed at investigating the antihypertensive effect of antihypertensive drugs in this animal model are insufficient, and most reports on CIH animal models in which drugs have been tested were not designed to respond to pharmacological issues. Moreover, when testing antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) it becomes crucial to ensure the selection of a non-invasive and stress-free method for drug delivery. Although gavage is effective and a widely performed technique for daily dosing in laboratory rodents, it comprises a sequence of potentially stressful procedures for laboratory animals that may constitute bias for the experimental results. The overall goal of the present translational research was to contribute to identify more effective AHDs for the treatment of hypertension in patients with OSA and investigate underlying mechanisms of systemic effects associated with OSA, as well as its modulation by AHDs. The specific aims were: first, to find new predictors based on anthropometric measures to identify patients that misclassify themselves as non-hypertensive, and thereby promote the selective use of ABPM; second, to investigate a hypothetical association between ongoing antihypertensive regimens and BP control rates in patients with OSA, before and after CPAP adaptation; third, to determine, in a rat model of CIH-induced hypertension, the efficacy of carvedilol (CVD), a nonselective beta-blocker with intrinsic anti-α1-adrenergic activity and antioxidant properties; fourth, to explore the effects of CIH on the pharmacokinetics profile of CVD and fifth, to investigate an alternative method to gavage, for chronic administration of AHDs to laboratory rats. For that, in the first phase of this project, we used a sizeable sample of patients with OSA (n=369), that attended a first visit at Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, EPE Sleep Unit, and underwent overnight polysomnography, 24-h ABPM and filled a questionnaire that included ongoing antihypertensive medication profile registration. In the second phase, a rat experimental model of HT induced by a paradigm of CIH that simulates OSA was used. The main findings of this work were: first, body mass index (BMI) and neck circumference (NC) were identified as independent predictors of hypertension misclassification in patients suspected of OSA; second, in patients with OSA, BP control is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs, either before or after CPAP adaptation; third, although the doses of 10, 30 and 50 mg/Kg of CVD promoted a significant reduction in heart rate, no decrease in mean arterial pressure was observed; fourth, the S/(R+S) ratios of CVD enantiomers, between rats exposed to CIH and normoxic conditions, were different and fifth, voluntary ingestion proved to be an effective method for a controlled daily dose administration, with a define timetable, that is independent of handling and restraint procedures. In conclusion, the clinical study showed that BP control in OSA patients is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs. Additionally, our results highlight the lack of validity of self-reported hypertension and suggest that all patients suspected of OSA with undiagnosed hypertension and with a BMI and NC above 27 Kg/m2 and 39 cm should be screened for hypertension, through ABPM. The results attained in the rat model of HT related to CIH suggest that the blockade of the sympathetic nervous system together with the putative pleiotropic effects of carvedilol is not able to revert hypertension induced by CIH and point out that the pharmacokinetic changes induced by CIH on S/(R+S) ratio are not apparently responsible for the lack of efficacy of carvedilol in reversing this particular type of hypertension. Finally, the results here presented support the use of voluntary oral administration as a viable alternative to gavage for chronic administration of a fixed dose of AHDs.
PURPOSE: To present the long-term follow-up of 10 adolescents and young adults with documented cognitive and behavioral regression as children due to nonlesional focal, mainly frontal, epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during slow wave sleep (CSWS). METHODS: Past medical and electroencephalography (EEG) data were reviewed and neuropsychological tests exploring main cognitive functions were administered. KEY FINDINGS: After a mean duration of follow-up of 15.6 years (range, 8-23 years), none of the 10 patients had recovered fully, but four regained borderline to normal intelligence and were almost independent. Patients with prolonged global intellectual regression had the worst outcome, whereas those with more specific and short-lived deficits recovered best. The marked behavioral disorders resolved in all but one patient. Executive functions were neither severely nor homogenously affected. Three patients with a frontal syndrome during the active phase (AP) disclosed only mild residual executive and social cognition deficits. The main cognitive gains occurred shortly after the AP, but qualitative improvements continued to occur. Long-term outcome correlated best with duration of CSWS. SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings emphasize that cognitive recovery after cessation of CSWS depends on the severity and duration of the initial regression. None of our patients had major executive and social cognition deficits with preserved intelligence, as reported in adults with early destructive lesions of the frontal lobes. Early recognition of epilepsy with CSWS and rapid introduction of effective therapy are crucial for a best possible outcome.
B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) is a negative regulator of T cell activation, but its function in vivo is not well characterized. Here we show that mice deficient in full-length BTLA or its ligand, herpesvirus entry mediator, had increased number of memory CD8(+) T cells. The memory CD8(+) T cell phenotype resulted from a T cell-intrinsic perturbation of the CD8(+) T cell pool. Naive BTLA-deficient CD8(+) T cells were more efficient than wild-type cells at generating memory in a competitive antigen-specific system. This effect was independent of the initial expansion of the responding antigen-specific T cell population. In addition, BTLA negatively regulated antigen-independent homeostatic expansion of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. These results emphasize two central functions of BTLA in limiting T cell activity in vivo.
BACKGROUND: Intra-specific variation in melanocyte pigmentation, common in the animal kingdom, has caught the eye of naturalists and biologists for centuries. In vertebrates, dark, eumelanin pigmentation is often genetically determined and associated with various behavioral and physiological traits, suggesting that the genes involved in melanism have far reaching pleiotropic effects. The mechanisms linking these traits remain poorly understood, and the potential involvement of developmental processes occurring in the brain early in life has not been investigated. We examined the ontogeny of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a state involved in brain development, in a wild population of barn owls (Tyto alba) exhibiting inter-individual variation in melanism and covarying traits. In addition to sleep, we measured melanistic feather spots and the expression of a gene in the feather follicles implicated in melanism (PCSK2). RESULTS: As in mammals, REM sleep declined with age across a period of brain development in owlets. In addition, inter-individual variation in REM sleep around this developmental trajectory was predicted by variation in PCSK2 expression in the feather follicles, with individuals expressing higher levels exhibiting a more precocial pattern characterized by less REM sleep. Finally, PCSK2 expression was positively correlated with feather spotting. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that the pace of brain development, as reflected in age-related changes in REM sleep, covaries with the peripheral activation of the melanocortin system. Given its role in brain development, variation in nestling REM sleep may lead to variation in adult brain organization, and thereby contribute to the behavioral and physiological differences observed between adults expressing different degrees of melanism.
Aim: Determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Method: Cross-sectional study by postal questionnaire. Sleep disturbances were assessed using the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (validated on 1157 healthy children). A total sleep score and six sleep disturbance factors representing the most common sleep disorders were computed. Potential associations between pathological scores and personal, medical and environmental factors were assessed. Results: Sixteen of 63 boys (25.4%) had a pathological total sleep score compared with 3% in the general population. The most prevalent sleep disorders were disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (DIMS) 29.7%, sleep-related breathing disorders 15.6% and sleep hyperhydrosis 14.3%. On multivariate analysis, pathological total sleep scores were associated with the need to be moved by a carer (OR = 9.4; 95%CI: 2.2-40.7; p = 0.003) and being the child of a single-parent family (OR = 7.2; 95%CI: 1.5-35.1; p = 0.015) and DIMS with the need to be moved by a carer (OR = 18.0; 95%CI: 2.9-110.6; p = 0.002), steroid treatment (OR = 7.7; 95%CI: 1.4-44.0; p = 0.021) and being the child of a single-parent family (OR = 7.0; 95%CI: 1.3-38.4; p = 0.025). Conclusion: Sleep disturbances are frequent in boys with DMD and are strongly associated with immobility. Sleep should be systematically assessed in DMD to implement appropriate interventions.
BACKGROUND: Screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is recommended as part of the preoperative assessment of obese patients scheduled for bariatric surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of oximetry alone versus portable polygraphy in the preoperative screening for OSA. METHODS: Polygraphy (type III portable monitor) and oximetry data recorded as part of the preoperative assessment before bariatric surgery from 68 consecutive patients were reviewed. We compared the sensitivity of 3% or 4% desaturation index (oximetry alone) with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI; polygraphy) to diagnose OSA and classify the patients as normal (<10 events per hour), mild to moderate (10-30 events per hour), or severe (>30 events per hour). RESULTS: Using AHI, the prevalence of OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) was 57.4%: 16.2% of the patients were classified as severe, 41.2% as mild to moderate, and 42.6% as normal. Using 3% desaturation index, 22.1% were classified as severe, 47.1% as mild to moderate, and 30.9% as normal. With 4% desaturation index, 17.6% were classified as severe, 32.4% as mild, and 50% as normal. Overall, 3% desaturation index compared to AHI yielded a 95% negative predictive value to rule out OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) and a 100% sensitivity (0.73 positive predictive value) to detect severe OSA (AHI > 30 per hour). CONCLUSIONS: Using oximetry with 3% desaturation index as a screening tool for OSA could allow us to rule out significant OSA in almost a third of the patients and to detect patients with severe OSA. This cheap and widely available technique could accelerate preoperative work-up of these patients.
Study Objectives: Interspecific variation in sleep measured in captivity correlates with various physiological and environmental factors, including estimates of predation risk in the wild. However, it remains unclear whether prior comparative studies have been confounded by the captive recording environment. Herein we examine the impact of predation pressure on sleep in sloths living in the wild. Design: Comparison of two closely related sloth species, one exposed to predation and one free from predation. Setting: Panamanian mainland rainforest (predators present) and island mangrove (predators absent). Participants: Mainland (Bradypus variegatus, 5 males and 4 females) and island (Bradypus pygmaeus, 6 males) sloths. Interventions: None. Measurements and Results: EEG and EMG activity were recorded using a miniature data logger. Although both species spent between 9 and 10 hours per day sleeping, the mainland sloths showed a preference for sleeping at night, whereas island sloths showed no preference for sleeping during the day or night. EEG activity during NREM sleep showed lower low-frequency power, and increased spindle and higher frequency power in island sloths when compared to mainland sloths. Conclusions: In sloths sleeping in the wild, predation pressure influenced the timing of sleep, but not the amount of time spent asleep. The preference for sleeping at night in mainland sloths may be a strategy to avoid detection by nocturnal cats. The pronounced differences in the NREM sleep EEG spectrum remain unexplained, but might be related to genetic or environmental factors.