473 resultados para SWITCHES
The nonadiabatic photochemistry of the guanine molecule (2-amino-6-oxopurine) and some of its tautomers has been studied by means of the high-level theoretical ab initio quantum chemistry methods CASSCF and CASPT2. Accurate computations, based by the first time on minimum energy reaction paths, states minima, transition states, reaction barriers, and conical intersections on the potential energy hypersurfaces of the molecules lead to interpret the photochemistry of guanine and derivatives within a three-state model. As in the other purine DNA nucleobase, adenine, the ultrafast subpicosecond fluorescence decay measured in guanine is attributed to the barrierless character of the path leading from the initially populated (1)(pi pi* L-a) spectroscopic state of the molecule toward the low-lying methanamine-like conical intersection (gs/pi pi* L-a)(CI). On the contrary, other tautomers are shown to have a reaction energy barrier along the main relaxation profile. A second, slower decay is attributed to a path involving switches toward two other states, (1)(pi pi* L-b) and, in particular, (1)(n(o)pi*), ultimately leading to conical intersections with the ground state. A common framework for the ultrafast relaxation of the natural nucleobases is obtained in which the predominant role of a pi pi*-type state is confirmed.
A tecnologia de rede dominante em ambientes locais é ethernet. Sua ampla utilização e o aumento crescente nos requisitos impostos pelas aplicações são as principais razões para a evolução constante presenciada desde o surgimento deste tipo de rede simples e barata. Na busca por maior desempenho, configurações baseadas na disputa por um meio de transmissão compartilhado foram substituídas por topologias organizadas ao redor de switches e micro-segmentadas, ou seja, com canais de transmissão individuais para cada estação. Neste mesmo sentido, destacam-se os dispositivos de qualidade de serviço padronizados a partir de 1998, que permitem a diferenciação de tráfego prioritário. O uso desta tecnologia em ambientes de automação sempre foi refreado devido à imprevisibilidade do protocolo CSMA/CD. Entretanto, o uso de switched ethernet em conjunto com a priorização de tráfego representa um cenário bastante promissor para estas aplicações, pois ataca as duas fontes principais de indeterminismo: colisões e enfileiramento. Este trabalho procura avaliar esta estrutura em ambientes de controle distribuído, através de uma análise temporal determinística. Como resultado, propõe-se um modelo analítico de cálculo capaz de prever os valores máximos, médios e mínimos do atraso fim-a-fim observado nas comunicações de diferentes classes de tráfego. Durante a análise, outras métricas relevantes são investigadas como a variação no atraso (jitter) e a interferência entre classes de prioridades distintas.
With the ever increasing demands for high complexity consumer electronic products, market pressures demand faster product development and lower cost. SoCbased design can provide the required design flexibility and speed by allowing the use of IP cores. However, testing costs in the SoC environment can reach a substantial percent of the total production cost. Analog testing costs may dominate the total test cost, as testing of analog circuits usually require functional verification of the circuit and special testing procedures. For RF analog circuits commonly used in wireless applications, testing is further complicated because of the high frequencies involved. In summary, reducing analog test cost is of major importance in the electronic industry today. BIST techniques for analog circuits, though potentially able to solve the analog test cost problem, have some limitations. Some techniques are circuit dependent, requiring reconfiguration of the circuit being tested, and are generally not usable in RF circuits. In the SoC environment, as processing and memory resources are available, they could be used in the test. However, the overhead for adding additional AD and DA converters may be too costly for most systems, and analog routing of signals may not be feasible and may introduce signal distortion. In this work a simple and low cost digitizer is used instead of an ADC in order to enable analog testing strategies to be implemented in a SoC environment. Thanks to the low analog area overhead of the converter, multiple analog test points can be observed and specific analog test strategies can be enabled. As the digitizer is always connected to the analog test point, it is not necessary to include muxes and switches that would degrade the signal path. For RF analog circuits, this is specially useful, as the circuit impedance is fixed and the influence of the digitizer can be accounted for in the design phase. Thanks to the simplicity of the converter, it is able to reach higher frequencies, and enables the implementation of low cost RF test strategies. The digitizer has been applied successfully in the testing of both low frequency and RF analog circuits. Also, as testing is based on frequency-domain characteristics, nonlinear characteristics like intermodulation products can also be evaluated. Specifically, practical results were obtained for prototyped base band filters and a 100MHz mixer. The application of the converter for noise figure evaluation was also addressed, and experimental results for low frequency amplifiers using conventional opamps were obtained. The proposed method is able to enhance the testability of current mixed-signal designs, being suitable for the SoC environment used in many industrial products nowadays.
O crescente avanço nas mais diversas áreas da eletrônica, desde instrumentação em baixa freqüência até telecomunicações operando em freqüências muito elevadas, e a necessidade de soluções baratas em curto espaço de tempo que acompanhem a demanda de mercado, torna a procura por circuitos programáveis, tanto digitais como analógicos, um ponto comum em diversas pesquisas. Os dispositivos digitais programáveis, que têm como grande representante os Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), vêm apresentando um elevado e contínuo crescimento em termos de complexidade, desempenho e número de transistores integrados, já há várias décadas. O desenvolvimento de dispositivos analógicos programáveis (Field Programmable Analog Arrays – FPAAs), entretanto, esbarra em dois pontos fundamentais que tornam sua evolução um tanto latente: a estreita largura de banda alcançada, conseqüência da necessidade de um grande número de chaves de programação e reconfiguração, e a elevada área consumida por componentes analógicos como resistores e capacitores, quando integrados em processos VLSI Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para aumentar a faixa de freqüências das aplicações passíveis de serem utilizadas tanto em FPAAs comerciais quanto em outros FPAAs, através da utilização de uma interface de translação e seleção de sinais, mantendo características de programabilidade do FPAA em questão, sem aumentar em muito sua potência consumida. A proposta, a simulação e a implementação da interface são apresentadas ao longo desta dissertação. Resultados de simulação e resultados práticos obtidos comprovam a eficácia da proposta.
O presente trabalho busca identificar a ocorrência, duração e probabilidades de transição de diferentes regimes na condução da política monetária no Brasil a partir da implantação do sistema de metas de inflação em 1999. A estimação da função de reação do Banco Central do Brasil é realizada a partir de uma Regra de Taylor forward looking para uma economia aberta, onde utilizamos a metodologia Markov Regime Switching para caracterizar de forma endógena os diferentes regimes de política monetária. Os resultados obtidos indicam a ocorrência de três regimes distintos de política monetária a partir da implantação do sistema de metas de inflação no Brasil. O primeiro regime ocorre durante 21% do período estudado e se caracteriza pela não aderência ao princípio de Taylor e discricionariedade da autoridade monetária, que reage demonstrando maior sensibilidade ao hiato do produto. O segundo regime é o de maior duração, ocorre durante 67% do período estudado, e se caracteriza pela aderência ao princípio de Taylor e equilíbrio nos pesos atribuídos pelo Banco Central tanto ao hiato do produto como ao desvio das expectativas de inflação com relação à meta. Já o terceiro regime ocorre durante 12% do período estudado e se caracteriza não somente pela aderência ao princípio de Taylor, como também por uma maior aversão ao desvio das expectativas de inflação com relação à meta.
This work proposes a method to examine variations in the cointegration relation between preferred and common stocks in the Brazilian stock market via Markovian regime switches. It aims on contributing for future works in "pairs trading" and, more specifically, to price discovery, given that, conditional on the state, the system is assumed stationary. This implies there exists a (conditional) moving average representation from which measures of "information share" (IS) could be extracted. For identification purposes, the Markov error correction model is estimated within a Bayesian MCMC framework. Inference and capability of detecting regime changes are shown using a Montecarlo experiment. I also highlight the necessity of modeling financial effects of high frequency data for reliable inference.
The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developing the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. It s important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformer s secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity
The usual programs for load flow calculation were in general developped aiming the simulation of electric energy transmission, subtransmission and distribution systems. However, the mathematical methods and algorithms used by the formulations were based, in majority, just on the characteristics of the transmittion systems, which were the main concern focus of engineers and researchers. Though, the physical characteristics of these systems are quite different from the distribution ones. In the transmission systems, the voltage levels are high and the lines are generally very long. These aspects contribute the capacitive and inductive effects that appear in the system to have a considerable influence in the values of the interest quantities, reason why they should be taken into consideration. Still in the transmission systems, the loads have a macro nature, as for example, cities, neiborhoods, or big industries. These loads are, generally, practically balanced, what reduces the necessity of utilization of three-phase methodology for the load flow calculation. Distribution systems, on the other hand, present different characteristics: the voltage levels are small in comparison to the transmission ones. This almost annul the capacitive effects of the lines. The loads are, in this case, transformers, in whose secondaries are connected small consumers, in a sort of times, mono-phase ones, so that the probability of finding an unbalanced circuit is high. This way, the utilization of three-phase methodologies assumes an important dimension. Besides, equipments like voltage regulators, that use simultaneously the concepts of phase and line voltage in their functioning, need a three-phase methodology, in order to allow the simulation of their real behavior. For the exposed reasons, initially was developped, in the scope of this work, a method for three-phase load flow calculation in order to simulate the steady-state behaviour of distribution systems. Aiming to achieve this goal, the Power Summation Algorithm was used, as a base for developping the three phase method. This algorithm was already widely tested and approved by researchers and engineers in the simulation of radial electric energy distribution systems, mainly for single-phase representation. By our formulation, lines are modeled in three-phase circuits, considering the magnetic coupling between the phases; but the earth effect is considered through the Carson reduction. Its important to point out that, in spite of the loads being normally connected to the transformers secondaries, was considered the hypothesis of existence of star or delta loads connected to the primary circuit. To perform the simulation of voltage regulators, a new model was utilized, allowing the simulation of various types of configurations, according to their real functioning. Finally, was considered the possibility of representation of switches with current measuring in various points of the feeder. The loads are adjusted during the iteractive process, in order to match the current in each switch, converging to the measured value specified by the input data. In a second stage of the work, sensibility parameters were derived taking as base the described load flow, with the objective of suporting further optimization processes. This parameters are found by calculating of the partial derivatives of a variable in respect to another, in general, voltages, losses and reactive powers. After describing the calculation of the sensibility parameters, the Gradient Method was presented, using these parameters to optimize an objective function, that will be defined for each type of study. The first one refers to the reduction of technical losses in a medium voltage feeder, through the installation of capacitor banks; the second one refers to the problem of correction of voltage profile, through the instalation of capacitor banks or voltage regulators. In case of the losses reduction will be considered, as objective function, the sum of the losses in all the parts of the system. To the correction of the voltage profile, the objective function will be the sum of the square voltage deviations in each node, in respect to the rated voltage. In the end of the work, results of application of the described methods in some feeders are presented, aiming to give insight about their performance and acuity
The reconfiguration of a distribution network is a change in its topology, aiming to provide specific operation conditions of the network, by changing the status of its switches. It can be performed regardless of any system anomaly. The service restoration is a particular case of reconfiguration and should be performed whenever there is a network failure or whenever one or more sections of a feeder have been taken out of service for maintenance. In such cases, loads that are supplied through lines sections that are downstream of portions removed for maintenance may be supplied by the closing of switches to the others feeders. By classical methods of reconfiguration, several switches may be required beyond those used to perform the restoration service. This includes switching feeders in the same substation or for substations that do not have any direct connection to the faulted feeder. These operations can cause discomfort, losses and dissatisfaction among consumers, as well as a negative reputation for the energy company. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a heuristic for reconfiguration of a distribution network, upon the occurrence of a failure in this network, making the switching only for feeders directly involved in this specific failed segment, considering that the switching applied is related exclusively to the isolation of failed sections and bars, as well as to supply electricity to the islands generated by the condition, with significant reduction in the number of applications of load flows, due to the use of sensitivity parameters for determining voltages and currents estimated on bars and lines of the feeders directly involved with that failed segment. A comparison between this process and classical methods is performed for different test networks from the literature about networks reconfiguration
This work presents the development of a prototype of an intelligent active orthosis for lower limbs whit an electronic embedded system. The proposed orthosis is an orthopedical device with the main objective of providing walking capacity to people with partial or total loss of lower limbs movements. In order to design the kinematics, dynamics and the mechanical characteristics of the prototype, the biomechanics of the human body was analized. The orthosis was projected to reproduce some of the movements of the human gait as walking in straight forward, sit down, get up, arise and go down steps. The joints of the orthosis are controlled by DC motors equipped with mechanical reductions, whose purpose is to reduce rotational speed and increase the torque, thus generating smooth movements. The electronic embedded system is composed of two motor controller boards with two channels that communicate with a embedded PC, position sensors and limit switches. The gait movements of the orthosis will be controlled by high level commands from a human-machine interface. The embedded electronic system interprets the high level commands, generates the angular references for the joints of the orthosis, controls and drives the actuators in order to execute the desired movements of the user
This work aims to investigate the behavior of fractal elements in planar microstrip structures. In particular, microstrip antennas and frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) had changed its conventional elements to fractal shapes. For microstrip antennas, was used as the radiating element of Minkowski fractal. The feeding method used was microstrip line. Some prototypes were built and the analysis revealed the possibility of miniaturization of structures, besides the multiband behavior, provided by the fractal element. In particular, the Minkowski fractal antenna level 3 was used to exploit the multiband feature, enabling simultaneous operation of two commercial tracks (Wi-Fi and WiMAX) regulated by ANATEL. After, we investigated the effect of switches that have been placed on the at the pre-fractal edges of radiating element. For the FSSs, the fractal used to elements of FSSs was Dürer s pentagon. Some prototypes were built and measured. The results showed a multiband behavior of the structure provided by fractal geometry. Then, a parametric analysis allowed the analysis of the variation of periodicity on the electromagnetic behavior of FSS, and its bandwidth and quality factor. For numerical and experimental characterization of the structures discussed was used, respectively, the commercial software Ansoft DesignerTM and a vector network analyzer, Agilent N5230A model
In this article we consider a control chart based on the sample variances of two quality characteristics. The points plotted on the chart correspond to the maximum value of these two statistics. The main reason to consider the proposed chart instead of the generalized variance |S| chart is its better diagnostic feature, that is, with the new chart it is easier to relate an out-of-control signal to the variables whose parameters have moved away from their in-control values. We study the control chart efficiency considering different shifts in the covariance matrix. In this way, we obtain the average run length (ARL) that measures the effectiveness of a control chart in detecting process shifts. The proposed chart always detects process disturbances faster than the generalized variance |S| chart. The same is observed when the size of the samples is variable, except in a few cases in which the size of the samples switches between small size and very large size.
This paper presents a new single-phase interleaved high power factor boost pre-regulator operating in critical conduction mode, where the switches and boost diode performing zero-current commutations during its turn-off, eliminating the disadvantages related to the reverse recovery losses and electromagnetic interference problems of the boost diode, when operating in the continuous conduction mode. The interleaving technique is applied in the power cell, providing a significant input current ripple reduction in comparison to discontinuous mode of operation, due to its input current continuous conduction operation. This paper presents a complete modeling for the converter operating in critical conduction mode, resulting in an improved design procedure for interleaved techniques with high input power factor, a complete design procedure, and main simulation results from a design example with two interleaved cells rated at 1kW, 400V output voltage and 220V rms input voltage.
This paper presents a novel single-phase high-power-factor (HPF) pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) boost rectifier featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero current (ZC), It incorporates the most desirable properties of conventional PWM and soft-switching resonant techniques.The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control and continuous inductor current mode.This new PWM converter provides ZC turn on and turn off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high-power applications employing insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT's),The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400-Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efficiency and the power factor were 96.2% and 0.99%, respectively, with an input current total harmonic distortion (THD) equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage with THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load.
This paper presents an analysis of a novel pulse-width-modulated (PWM) voltage step-down/up Zeta converter, featuring zero-current-switching (ZCS) at the active switches. The applications in de to de and ac to de (rectifier) operation modes are used as examples to illustrate the performance of this new ZCS-PWM Zeta converter. Regarding to the new ZCS-PWM Zeta rectifier proposed, it should be noticed that the average-current mode control is used in order to obtain a structure with high power-factor (HPF) and low total harmonic distortion (THD) at the input current.Two active switches (main and auxiliary transistors), two diodes, two small resonant inductors and one small resonant capacitor compose the novel ZCS-PWM soft-commutation cell, used in these new ZCS-PWM Zeta converters. In this cell, the turn-on of the active switches occurs in zero-current (ZC) and their turn-off in zero-current and zero-voltage (ZCZV). For the diodes, their turn-on process occurs in zero-voltage (ZV) and their reverse-recovery effects over the active switches are negligible. These characteristics make this cell suitable for Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) applications.The main advantages of these new Zeta converters, generated from the new soft-commutation cell proposed, are possibility of obtaining isolation (through their accumulation inductors), and high efficiency, at wide load range. In addition, for the rectifier application, a high power factor and low THD in the input current ran be obtained, in agreement with LEC 1000-3-2 standards.The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis and a design example for the new de to de Zeta converter operating in voltage step-down mode are presented. Experimental results are obtained from a test unit with 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(dc) input voltage, operating at 50kHz switching frequency. The efficiency measured at rated toad is equal to 97.3%for this new Zeta converter.Finally, the new Zeta rectifier is analyzed, and experimental results from a test unit rated at 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(rms) input voltage, and operating at 50kHz switching frequency, are presented. The measured efficiency is equal to 96.95%, the power-factor is equal to 0.98, and the input current THD is equal to 19.07%, for this new rectifier operating at rated load.