219 resultados para SPIROMETRY
This study evaluated the spirometry and respiratory static pressures in 17 young women, twice a week for three successive ovulatory menstrual cycles to determine if such variables changed across the menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, early-tomid luteal and late luteal phases. The factors phases of menstrual cycle and individual cycles had no significant effect on the spirometry variables except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory static pressures. Significant weak positive correlations were found between the progesterone:estradiol ratio and PEF and between estrogen and tidal volume (r = 0.37), inspiratory time (r = 0.22), expiratory time (r = 0.19), maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (r = 0.20) and for progesterone and maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.32) during the early-to-mid luteal phase. Although most parameters of the spirometry results did not change during the menstrual cycle, the correlations observed between sexual hormones and respiratory control variables suggest a positive influence of sexual female hormones controlling the thoracic pump muscles in the luteal phase
This study evaluated the spirometry and respiratory static pressures in 17 young women, twice a week for three successive ovulatory menstrual cycles to determine if such variables changed across the menstrual, follicular, periovulatory, early-tomid luteal and late luteal phases. The factors phases of menstrual cycle and individual cycles had no significant effect on the spirometry variables except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) and respiratory static pressures. Significant weak positive correlations were found between the progesterone:estradiol ratio and PEF and between estrogen and tidal volume (r = 0.37), inspiratory time (r = 0.22), expiratory time (r = 0.19), maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (r = 0.20) and for progesterone and maximal inspiratory pressure (r = 0.32) during the early-to-mid luteal phase. Although most parameters of the spirometry results did not change during the menstrual cycle, the correlations observed between sexual hormones and respiratory control variables suggest a positive influence of sexual female hormones controlling the thoracic pump muscles in the luteal phase
Background: Currently, under half of the adolescents reach recommended daily levels of physical activity (PA). It is known that higher levels of PA lead to higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and therefore, a health-related CRF criterion value could contribute to identify the target population for primary cardiovascular disease prevention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the relation between PA levels and CRF factors in healthy adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional exploratory study with healthy adolescents aged 12-18 years old was conducted. Socio-demographic and body composition data were collected using a questionnaire. PA level was scored with the Physical Activity Index (PAI) and CRF assessment included lung function (LF) measured with spirometry and exercise tolerance measured with Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT). According to PAI scores the sample was divided in two groups: 1 (sedentary, low and moderately active); 2 (vigorously active (VA)). Descriptive statistics were applied to characterise the sample. Independent sample t-tests assessed differences between groups and simple logistic regressions identified the predictors of being VA. Results: The study included 115 adolescents (14.63±1.70 years old; 56.52% female). Adolescents presented a normal body mass index=21.19±3.14 Kg.m-2) and LF (forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)=105.58±12.73% of the predicted). Significant differences were found between groups in height (G1–163.44±8.01; G2–167±8.65; p=0.024), LF (FEV1/ forced vital capacity (FVC); G1–97.58±10.66; G2–94.04±8.04; p=0.049), ISWT distance (G1– 1089.81±214.04; G2–1173.60±191.86; p=0.038); heart rate (HR) at rest (G1– 84.61±13.68; G2–79.23±13.81; p=0.038), HR at the end of the best ISWT (G1– 124.71±37.57; G2–133.54±33.61; p=0.041) and percentage of the maximal HR achieved during ISWT (G1–63.09±19.03; G2–67.53±17.08; p=0.043). Simple logistic regressions showed that height (OR–1.054; 95%CI 1.006-1.104), ISWT distance (OR–1.002; 95%CI 1.000-1.004) and HR at rest (OR–0.971; 95%CI 0.945-0.999) were predictors of being VA. Conclusions: Results suggest that more physically active adolescents have a better CRF profile. The findings suggest that PA is important to adolescents’ health status and it should be encouraged since childhood. Clinical practice will benefit from the use of PAI, ISWT and HR findings, allowing physiotherapists to use it for prescribing exercise.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted to characterize the indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools and its relationship with children's respiratory symptoms. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes, PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide, bacteria and fungi were assessed in 73 classrooms from 20 public primary schools located in Porto, Portugal. Children who attended the selected classrooms (n = 1134) were evaluated by a standardised health questionnaire completed by the legal guardians; spirometry and exhaled nitric oxide tests. The results indicated that no classrooms presented individual VOC pollutant concentrations higher than the WHO IAQ guidelines or by INDEX recommendations; while PM2.5, PM10 and bacteria levels exceeded the WHO air quality guidelines or national limit values. High levels of total VOC, acetaldehyde, PM2.5 and PM10 were associated with higher odds of wheezing in children. Thus, indoor air pollutants, some even at low exposure levels, were related with the development of respiratory symptoms. The results pointed out that it is crucial to take into account the unique characteristics of the public primary schools, to develop appropriate control strategies in order to reduce the exposure to indoor air pollutants and, therefore, to minimize the adverse health effects.
Desde os tempos da Roma Antiga que se associam problemas respiratórios a trabalhadores da panificação, em parte, provocados pela inalação de substâncias de alto peso molecular como farinhas. A espirometria é uma forma simples de estudar a ventilação pulmonar na qual se obtêm informações acerca de uma possível obstrução, restrição ou situação mista. Pretendeu-se avaliar a Capacidade Vital Forçada, o Volume Expiratório Máximo no Primeiro Segundo e a respectiva razão entre eles, recorrendo à espirometria em trabalhadores da panificação da cidade de Portimão, que aceitaram participar voluntariamente no estudo. A amostra final contemplou 48 trabalhadores. Através da análise dos resultados ficou patente que os trabalhadores com mais de 1O anos de serviço sofrem alterações na função respiratória estatisticamente significativa em relação aos valores de referência (p<0,05). Pode-se, por isso, afirmar que na cidade de Portimão, existe uma relação directa, numa perspectiva a longo prazo, entre a exposição à farinha e a obstrução respiratória. ABSTRACT; Since Rome Ancient times there has been an association between respiratory problems and bakery employees, in part because of the inhalation of substances of high molecular weight such as flours. Spirometry is a simple way to study pulmonary ventilation, through which one can obtain information about a possible obstruction, restriction or mixed situation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second and the ratio between them, using spirometry with volunteering bakery workers in the city of Portimão. The final sample compromised 48 workers. lt was evident that individuals working more than 1O years have statistically significant changes in respiratory function (p<0,05), when compared with reference values leading to the conclusion that in the city of Portimão, there is a direct relationship, in a long-term perspective, between exposure to flour and respiratory obstruction.
Background: Most of the hypogammaglobulinemic patients have a clinical history in favor of allergic respiratory disease. Nevertheless, in these patients the importance and prevalence of atopic disorders have not been completely explained. Objectives: This study was aimed to evaluate atopic manifestations (dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and asthma) and pulmonary function in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia. Patients and Methods: We used the international study of asthma and allergies in childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire in forty-five patients diagnosed with hypogammaglobulinemia and spirometry was done in 41 patients older than 5 years. Results: Spirometry results were normal in 21 (51%), and showed obstructive in 15 (37%) and restrictive pattern in 5 (12%) of the 41 patients who were evaluated. By the end of the study, asthma was diagnosed in nine (20%) patients and other atopies (rhinitis and dermatitis) identified in 10 (22%), and four (9%), respectively. Conclusions: Atopic conditions should be investigated in the hypogammaglobulinemic patients and the prevalence in these patients may be higher than in normal population. Also, it is recommended to perform a pulmonary function test as a routine procedure in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia and atopy should be assessed in these patients.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia
Introducción: La enfermedad respiratoria ocupacional es causada por la exposición a diferentes agentes en el trabajo. Las pruebas objetivas realizadas en sospecha de enfermedad respiratoria de origen laboral, son importantes herramientas que permiten realizar un adecuado diagnóstico, una detección precoz de la enfermedad respiratoria ocupacional, disminuye el progreso rápido de la patología, la morbilidad de los trabajadores y el impacto negativo sobre su futuro laboral. Objetivo: Caracterizar las pruebas paraclínicas de las patologías respiratorias de trabajadores, en un centro de referencia neumológico de Bucaramanga año 2014-2016. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con datos secundarios de 96 trabajadores que laboran en diferentes actividades económicas. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, laborales, ayudas imagenológicas y pruebas de función pulmonar, realizando 3 grupos de acuerdo a su patología que fueron: Asma, síndrome de disfunción reactiva de la vía aérea y neumoconiosis. En el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Resultados: De los 96 trabajadores 84.4% son hombres, las actividades económicas más frecuentes fueron la industria del petróleo y gas en un 27.1% y trabajadores en materiales de construcción en un 19.8%. En la caracterización paraclínica por grupo de patología, para asma predominó la obstrucción en la espirometría (46.9%) y los volúmenes pulmonares con atrapamiento aéreo (95.5%), en RADS (síndrome de disfunción de vías aéreas reactivas) los volúmenes pulmonares con atrapamiento aéreo (77%) y en las neumoconiosis para Rx de tórax (90.3%) y Tac de tórax (100%) reportaron alteraciones parenquimatosas, espirometría con obstrucción (54.8%) y volúmenes pulmonares con atrapamiento aéreo (62.5 %).Discusión y Conclusiones: Las ocupaciones de mayor riesgo para desarrollo de neumopatías de origen ocupacional fuero, , son la minería y construcción y para asma la agricultura y manufacturas. Para asma se evidenció que no hay significancia diagnóstica para estudios imagenológicos pero sí para las pruebas de función pulmonar. Para neumoconiosis el estudio imagenológico es el de mayor importancia ya que en las radiografías se presentan cambios incluso mucho antes de la afectación de la función pulmonar. Para RADS se concluyó que la realización de un test de provocación con metacolina sería el Gold estándar para el diagnóstico. Las pruebas de función respiratoria son de vital importancia para determinar la enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores expuestos para vigilancia y detección precoz, es conveniente la realización de protocolos para la evaluación y diagnóstico de la enfermedad respiratoria de origen ocupacional. Palabras claves: Neumoconiosis, asma ocupacional, función pulmonar, radiografía de tórax, ocupación, Colombia.