898 resultados para Região Hidrográfica Calha Norte - PA
Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems intermediate between rivers and lakes widely used in the Brazilian semiarid region as a way to provide water supply due to the said region’s water scarcity. The use of water from these supply sources for multiple uses, along with occupation and utilization of its riparian zone without proper management, directly influences the increased nutrient flow into aquatic environments, there with contributing to the acceleration of eutrophication. The semi-arid region is characterized by peculiar weather conditions, such as severe evaporation, high temperatures with little variation throughout the year and long water residence time, making it susceptible to prolonged drought occurrence, which tends to concentrate the nutrients in reservoirs, which favors the development of eutrophic conditions. Moreover, it is common soil use and occupation by carrying out activities with potential environmental impact on natural resources such as agriculture, livestock farming and lack of sanitation. The aim of this study is both to evaluate the water quality of the Cruzeta Reservoir, located in the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, during a prolonged drought period, and assess the quality of its riparian zone soil under different uses, by monitoring physical-chemical variables. Along the prolonged drought, high levels of turbidity, suspended solids, nutrients and chlorophyll a were verified as present, therefore featuring low water quality. In the riparian zone of Cruzeta Reservoir, the areas under use of agriculture and livestock farming appeared as one of the main diffuse sources of nutrients to the said reservoir, featuring the highest levels of phosphorus and nitrogen in the soil, originated from decomposition of animal excreta and from the use of fertilizers, creating a tendency to increased eutrophication of such water supply source. The indicators of water and soil quality are useful for monitoring and evaluating the conservation status of natural resources, allowing the control and mitigation of the reservoir eutrophication process. This study confirmed the hypothesis that the reduction of water level, resulting from prolonged drought event, aggravates the symptoms of eutrophication; and also that using the soil under severalways modifies the physic chemical properties of the soil, having livestock farming and agriculture as the usages with greatest potential towards yielding P and N to the aquatic environment.
The unstable non acid milk (UNAM) is characterized by coagulation in the alcohol test and wanted acidity (14-18°D). Among Brazilian regions, the South and Southeast have the highest occurrence of LINA, which has been causing problems for both producers and for industries, due to the disposal or undervaluation of milk. In the Northeast there are few studies that indicate their occurrence and quality. The objective of this study was to identify the occurrence of unstable non-acid milk in the west and central mesoregions of Rio Grande do Norte, determine their physicochemical characteristics, test alcoholic graduations and evaluate their correlation with the quality of milk. 176 raw milk samples were analyzed in the period from September to December /2014 from 23 APASA’s cooling tanks, located in 7 cities of west and central mesoregions RN. The samples were collected in duplicate, one sample used for alcohol testing at 68, 72 and 76%, measurement of pH, acidity, electrical conductivity and boiling proof, made in LABOLEITE / UFRN; and the other sample containing Bronopol® preservative, was sent to the APCBRH (Cattle Breeders Association Paranaense Holstein) laboratory in Curitiba-PR, which were analyzed fat, protein, total solids, lactose, casein, urea nitrogen and somatic cell count. The test alcohol samples disapproved 31.82%, of which 30% proved to be non-acid, and 30% had high acidity. The samples were divided into three classes: Stable Milk, UNAM and acid milk. 3% Tukey test was used for comparison of stable milk components and UNAM and there was no significant difference between them. Both classes obtained averages within the standard required by IN 62. The average value of electric conductivity was 4.84 mS/cm for stable milk, 4.55 mS/cm for unstable and acid milk and 4.53 mS/cm for non-acid unstable milk. The electrical conductivity was positively correlated with alcohol stability of milk and negative correlation with acidity and pH. Could not observe direct relationship between the electrical conductivity and the somatic cell count.The boiling test was negative for all samples UNAM. It can be concluded that the incidence of UNAM in the studied region is low, although the predisposing factors such as heat stress, drought and nutritional deficiency. In conclusion, the UNAM has quality similar to stable milk, conform the norms required by Agriculture Ministry, and with adequate thermal stability, which proves that there is no reason to reject this milk by industry.
The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.
The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.
Este artigo discute os arranjos produtivos locais em atividades relacionadas ao setor de produção agrícola como uma estratégia de desenvolvimento econômico local e de inclusão social. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, baseada na aplicação de três trabalhos documentais desenvolvidos no Programa de Mestrado da Universidade de Taubaté, SP. Os resultados indicaram que a aplicação do conceito de arranjo produtivo no setor primário é uma prática em exercício na região estudada, e pode proporcionar desenvolvimento naquela localidade, inserindo o pequeno e médio produtor no círculo virtuoso do desenvolvimento regional. O estudo indica a necessidade de ampliar o acesso às fontes de financiamento e de formação de mão de- obra qualificada. É também necessário, em parceria com o poder público, criar mecanismos de redução da distância entre o produtor rural e o mercado consumidor, reduzindo os conflitos típicos da visão centro-periferia.
The tertiary sector has been (re)defining and (re)qualifying, in an impacting way, the urban spaces in the cities, introducing new elements for the discussion of the relationship center/periphery. In Natal, as an inducing economic activity of its development, it conforms to the new needs of the capital, expanding, being materialized through several processes and spatial forms. We aim at analyzing one of those processes, which has taken its Northern Administrative Area to (re)define the design of its urban space, through the actions developed by the agents involved with the spatialization of the tertiary activities, at the same time as it redimensions its role as a periphery of Natal, contributing to the study of the recent and growing transformations of the Brazilian capitals. The studied district corresponds to 39.4% of the municipal area and, until recently, was composed by precarious reproduction spaces, unprovided of relevant economical activities. After the boom of the development of extensive housing complexes by SFH/BNH, the area, gradually stopped being a dependent area, and it imposed itself as an economically participant region, with the increase of the trade and services sectors, as well as a favorable place for the appearance of new activities. Its reflexes are noticeable in the achieved spatial configuration. As the main road to induct changes, Dr. João Medeiros Filho Avenue presents these new tendencies in the production of the intraurban space, concentrating the largest goods and services equipments of the area, through investments of the private and public sectors, which guarantee the capital allocation for the construction of a new centrality
This study aimed to determine the concentration and inorganic chemical composition of samples from airborne particulate matter inhaled in fine and coarse fractions. Aerosol samples were collected in 2013 and 2014, from sites located in the cities of Londrina and Maringa, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The samples were collected daily (24h) in two campaigns: winter and summer. For the collection, was used a dichotomous sampler with quartz fiber filter with 47 mm in size and 2 µm porosity, 97% efficiency, retaining particles of up to 0.3 µm. Quantification of the airborne particulate matter mass was performed by gravimetry method. The results from Londrina to PM2.5 and MP2,5-10 represent, respectively, 29.2% and 70.8% of airborne particulate matter in the winter campaign (2013), 30.9% (PM2.5) and 69.1 % (MP2,5-10) in the summer campaign (2013), and 35.9% (PM2.5) and 64.1% (MP2,5-10) in the winter 2014 campaign. In the city of Maringa, the results presented the percentage of 42.0% (PM2.5) and 58.0% (MP2,5-10) for the winter season (2014), and 28.8% (PM2.5) and 71.2 % (MP2,5-10) for the summer season (2014). The PM2.5/PM10 ratio was on average 0.3, demonstrating that both cities are developing urban areas. Analysis of the major soluble inorganic species in water (NO3-, SO42- and Cl-) associated with MP2,5-10 were quantified by ion chromatography at the LACA Laboratory in the State University of Londrina, with the largest contribution found in all campaigns was to NO3-. The NO3-/SO42- ratios above 1.0 indicate the local traffic contribution. The analysis of metals associated with PM2.5 was carried out by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The Zn, Pb, Cu and Mn concentrations found in all campaigns indicate the contribution of mobile sources to PM2.5. The concentration of BCe in PM2.5 was determined by reflectance, with higher BCe concentrations being found in winter campaigns. In general, Londrina presented the highest concentrations from the species analyzed when compared to Maringá. In addition, the analysis of the air mass trajectories indicated the transportation of pollutants coming mainly from fires in the southeastern region of the country.
The response of zooplankton assemblages to variations in the water quality of four man-made lakes, caused by eutrophication and siltation, was investigated by means of canonical correspondence analysis. Monte Carlo simulations using the CCA eingenvalues as test statistics revealed that changes in zooplankton species composition along the environmental gradients of trophic state and abiogenic turbidity were highly significant. The species Brachionus calyciflorus, Thermocyclops sp. and Argyrodiaptomus sp. were good indicators of eutrophic conditions while the species Brachionus dolabratus, Keratella tropica and Hexarthra sp. were good indicators of high turbidity due to suspended sediments. The rotifer genus Brachionus was the most species-rich taxon, comprising five species which were associated with different environmental conditions. Therefore, we tested whether this genus alone could potentially be a better biological indicator of these environmental gradients than the entire zooplankton assemblages or any other random set of five species. The ordination results show that the five Brachionus species alone did not explain better the observed pattern of environmental variation than most random sets of five species. Therefore, this genus could not be selected as a target taxon for more intensive environmental monitoring as has been previously suggested by Attayde and Bozelli (1998). Overall, our results show that changes in the water quality of man-made lakes in a tropical semi-arid region have significant effects on the structure of zooplankton assemblages that can potentially affect the functioning of these ecosystems
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito da dissertação de Mestrado em Supervisão Pedagógica e insere-se na linha de investigação de políticas educativas e supervisão pedagógica. Pretendeu-se encontrar, através da investigação que aqui se apresenta, os contributos dos coordenadores de departamento curricular e delegados de grupo com funções de avaliadores internos no processo de avaliação de desempenho docente. Procurou-se ainda encontrar o perfil dos avaliadores para se poder exercer o cargo, assim como apresentar o enquadramento teórico dos autores e legislação que o sustentam. Este estudo focalizou-se no Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.º 26/2012/M, de 8 de outubro que regulamenta as novas regras da avaliação de desempenho docente e a unidade de estudo deste trabalho é uma escola pública do ensino básico e secundário, no concelho de São Vicente, Norte da Madeira. Para dar cumprimento aos eixos de análise do trabalho utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa estudo de caso e através de uma análise documental, de inquéritos por entrevista dirigidos aos 12 avaliadores internos - coordenadores de departamento e delegados de grupo - e aos 14 docentes avaliados, considerados a amostra da dimensão interna, encontrou-se um perfil de avaliador interno de desempenho docente na prática, assim como os contributos destes na avaliação de desempenho docente, de acordo com a legislação regional da Madeira. Tendo por base os resultados obtidos, concluímos que o novo modelo de avaliação de desempenho de docente é um modelo formativo, privilegia o trabalho colaborativo, promove a reflexão, a partilha e a troca de experiências, bem como a melhoria das práticas pedagógicas e o desenvolvimento profissional, apesar da conjuntura atual não promover a progressão na carreira devido ao congelamento como medida de austeridade, o que desmotiva os docentes avaliados e faz ainda com que estes profissionais encarem a avaliação interna como um trabalho menos sério, que não premeia o desempenho e o mérito.
The failure of materials is always an unwelcome event for several reasons: human lives are put in danger, economic losses, and interference in the availability of products and services. Although the causes of failures and behaviour of materials can be known, the prevention of such a condition is difficult to be guaranteed. Among the failures, wear abrasion by the low voltage is the kind of failure that occurs in more equipment and parts industry. The Plants Sucroalcooleiras suffer significant losses because of such attrition, this fact that motivated their choice for the development of this work. For both, were considered failures in the swing hammers desfibradores stopped soon after the exchange provided in accordance with tonnage of cane processed, then were analyzed by the level of wear testing of rubber wheel defined by the standard ASTM G65-91.The failures were classified as to the origin of the cause and mechanism, moreover, were prepared with samples of welding procedures according to ASME code, sec. IX as well, using the technique of thermal spraying to analyze the performance of these materials produced in laboratories, and compares them with the solder used in the plant. It was observed that the bodies-of-proof prepared by the procedure described as welding, and the thermal spraying the results of losing weight have been minimized significantly compared to the preparations in the plant. This is because the use of techniques more appropriate and more controlled conditions of the parameters of welding. As for the thermal spraying, this technique has presented a satisfactory result, but requires the use of these coatings in the best condition for real affirmation of the results
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em identificar os fatores de eleição do destino turístico para a região Norte de Portugal Alto Trás-os-Montes (ATM). Especificamente, visa-se: i) a identificação dos principais fatores motivacionais de eleição do destino turístico ATM; ii) a identificação dos principais fatores de atração de eleição do destino turístico ATM. Os fatores de eleição em análise foram selecionados com base na revisão da literatura turística e no modelo de Crompton (1979). Para tal, aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário aos visitantes nacionais e estrangeiros que se deslocaram à região ATM no período de agosto de 2013 a agosto de 2014, e os dados foram tratados tendo por base uma Análise Fatorial Exploratória. Dos resultados obtidos extraíram-se quatro Fatores Motivacionais que explicam 60.87% da variância total, a saber: 1) competências sócio e interculturais, 2) relacionamento e vivências interpessoais, 3) conveniência e lazer e 4) escape e autorrenovação. Por outro lado, identificaram-se quatro Fatores de Atração que explicam 62% da estrutura dos dados: 1) acolhimento e qualidade dos serviços, 2) animação e atrações turísticas, 3) facilitadores e promotores da viagem e 4) encantos rurais. Estes resultados podem ser utilizados para a aplicação de outras técnicas estatísticas e como um elemento informativo para os stakeholders da atividade turística.
The tertiary sector has been (re)defining and (re)qualifying, in an impacting way, the urban spaces in the cities, introducing new elements for the discussion of the relationship center/periphery. In Natal, as an inducing economic activity of its development, it conforms to the new needs of the capital, expanding, being materialized through several processes and spatial forms. We aim at analyzing one of those processes, which has taken its Northern Administrative Area to (re)define the design of its urban space, through the actions developed by the agents involved with the spatialization of the tertiary activities, at the same time as it redimensions its role as a periphery of Natal, contributing to the study of the recent and growing transformations of the Brazilian capitals. The studied district corresponds to 39.4% of the municipal area and, until recently, was composed by precarious reproduction spaces, unprovided of relevant economical activities. After the boom of the development of extensive housing complexes by SFH/BNH, the area, gradually stopped being a dependent area, and it imposed itself as an economically participant region, with the increase of the trade and services sectors, as well as a favorable place for the appearance of new activities. Its reflexes are noticeable in the achieved spatial configuration. As the main road to induct changes, Dr. João Medeiros Filho Avenue presents these new tendencies in the production of the intraurban space, concentrating the largest goods and services equipments of the area, through investments of the private and public sectors, which guarantee the capital allocation for the construction of a new centrality
O cancro colo-retal é um dos tipos de cancro mais comuns, em ambos os sexos, tendo em conta os dados existentes nos registos oncológicos nas mais diversas regiões do globo, facto que acontece também na região Norte de Portugal. O objetivo desta dissertação foi utilizar métodos de análise de sobrevivência tradicional e de análise de sobrevivência relativa, em dados do cancro colo-retal, considerando um período de observação de 5 anos. Os dados analisados são provenientes do Registo Oncológico Regional do Norte (RORENO), obtendo-se, após inspeção e tratamento prévio, um total de 2855 pacientes aos quais foi diagnosticado cancro colo-retal em dois períodos distintos, 2000-2001 e 2007- 2008. Pretendeu-se também determinar de que forma as covariáveis influenciam a sobrevivência, e como esta evoluiu entre essas duas coortes. Dado não existir informação sobre as causas de morte, foi objetivo deste estudo estimar que parte da mortalidade observada se deve à doença em questão e que parte se deve a outras causas que afetam a mortalidade da população geral. Foram, também, estimados os coeficientes das covariáveis consideradas para os modelos adotados. Todos os resultados foram obtidos utilizando como recurso o software R e seus pacotes adequados. Utilizaram-se diversos métodos tais como Kaplan-Meier, Cox, Ederer II e Net Survival, sendo este último considerado o mais adequado a este tipo de estudo pois é considerado pela comunidade científica o único estimador centrado para análise de sobrevivência relativa e cujas propriedades estatísticas permitem a sua utilização em estudos comparativos entre países. Verificou-se, por este estimador, que não existem diferenças significativas na sobrevivência em função do sexo, idade, distrito ou localização do cancro (cólon ou reto). Por outro lado verificaram-se diferenças significativas para a sobrevivência em função do estadio e das coortes, registando-se um acréscimo global de 8.5% na sobrevivência aos 5 anos de 2000-2001 para 2007-2008. Por fim destacam-se alguns aspetos que merecem atenção em estudos futuros.