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A disponibilidade de recursos energéticos em um país impacta diretamente no seu desenvolvimento sócio-econômico. Com a elevação dos preços dos energéticos no Brasil, a eficientização do uso de energia tornar-se uma atividade estratégica para o setor industrial. Com esse intuito as avaliações energéticas empregadas nesse setor objetivam otimizar a eficiência dos seus sistemas térmicos. Essas avaliações de desempenho energético são baseadas na Primeira Lei da Termodinâmica e são capazes de identificar apenas as perdas de energia, diferente da avaliação exergética que permite qualificar essa energia perdida. Devido a essa análise de qualificação da energia ser sofisticada e demorada, tornar-se necessário desenvolver um protocolo que seja executado de forma rápida e que contemple as particularidades da Amazônia, tanto o clima quanto a sua biomassa. Para isto, este trabalho propõe e aplica uma metodologia através do emprego de análises energéticas, exergética e exergo-econômica em uma planta de potência a vapor instalada no Estado Pará e operando com ciclo Rankine. Com aplicação dessas avaliações obtêm-se as taxas de energia e de perdas de energia, as taxas de exergia, as taxas de destruição de exergia, as taxas de custo de cada produto e o custo monetário da capacidade energética produzida pela planta em R$/kWh. Com esses resultados foi possível identificar as maiores perdas energéticas da planta, quantificar o custo da destruição de exergia nos principais equipamentos e a taxa de custo dos produtos principais da planta que são energia térmica e energia elétrica. Isto permite visualizar o desempenho energético, exergético e econômico em cada equipamento da planta e indicar os processos que merecem um trabalho de desenvolvimento para melhorar a sua eficiência econômica. Além disso, o custo da capacidade energética em R$/kWh produzida pela planta a vapor foi comparado com o valor cobrado pela concessionária de energia local. Essa comparação mostrou que central geradora de energia tem um custo de energia menor do que o valor confrontado.


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A Amazônia tem imensos recursos florestais, abrigando um terço das florestas tropicais do mundo. A Amazônia brasileira compreende uma área maior que 5 milhões de km2, o que corresponde a 61 % do território brasileiro. A região norte produz 72,45% da madeira em tora do Brasil, o estado do Pará contribui com 55,47% de acordo com IBMA (2007). A exploração madeireira na Amazônia é caracterizada como “garimpagem florestal”, ou seja, os exploradores entram na floresta selecionam as toras de valor comercial e a retiram. Passando-se certo tempo, eles voltam novamente a essa área e a exploram, esse processo de exploração está acontecendo em um intervalo de tempo cada vez menor. A Amazônia legal abrigava 833 serrarias circulares em 1998. Essas serrarias estavam localizadas principalmente no estuário amazônico (71%) – nos furos e tributários dos rios Amazonas, Xingu, Tocantins e Pará. Essas processadoras familiares consumiram conjuntamente 1,3 milhões de metros cúbicos de madeira em tora (5% da produção da Amazônia). Neste trabalho estimou-se o balanço de carbono em serrarias do estuário do rio Amazonas e foi desenvolvido o ciclo de vida do carbono para uma serraria no estuarino amazônico. Foi identificado que no processo produtivo da comunidade há um caminho bem definido do recurso natural (biomassa/madeira): exploração florestal, transporte de biomassa, transformação (empresas madeireiras) / processos produtivos, geração e utilização de resíduos, transporte de madeira processada, comercialização/mercado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os recursos energéticos através do fluxo (inputs e outputs) da madeira e da energia no processo. Para isso, desenvolveu um modelo que simulou os fluxos de carbono, da madeira e a área afetada pela exploração. Neste trabalho criou-se um modelo específico onde se avaliou o fluxo de carbono para o cenário estudado; a avaliação do impacto ambiental foi alcançada, onde obteve um valor positivo, uma captura de carbono cerca de 55 tCO2/mês, mesmo com a baixa eficiência do sistema produtivo, em torno de 36% conclui-se que o sistema atual de exploração não polui mas poderia ser melhorado a fim de alcançar uma maior eficiência do processo produtivo. Enquanto ao resíduo gerado aproximadamente 64% do volume de madeira que entra na serraria conseguira gerar aproximadamente 1240 kW de energia elétrica mensal.


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Diferenciais econômicos e ambientais incorporados a energia da biomassa têm impulsionado a difusão do fornecimento e utilização de biocombustíveis em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. No Estado do Pará (Brasil), a crescente procura por pó de serragem, caroço de açaí e lenha legalizada, especialmente,relacionada com a atuação de indústrias cerâmicas localizadas no município de São Miguel do Guamá (Pará) e outros segmentos industriais, aponta para uma possível tendência à escassez desses recursos energéticos. Deste modo, necessitando de iniciativa para a busca de combustíveis alternativos que sejam capazes não somente de garantir o suprimento energético indispensável à produção cerâmica atual e futura dessas indústrias, mas também de assegurar a continuidade e preservação dos recursos naturais renováveis da região. Este trabalho consolida pesquisa junto a empresas associadas ao Sindicato das Indústrias Cerâmicas de São Miguel do Guamá, que estão localizadas neste município, utilizando como amostra empresas ceramistas que buscam alternativas em bioenergia, sendo também pesquisados agroindústrias e agricultores presentes nos demais Municípios do Estado do Pará. Objetiva-se a identificação de alternativas para o suprimento energético em fornos cerâmicos, considerando o aproveitamento de fontes energéticas renováveis e oportunidades para redução dos custos de sua aquisição por meio da prática do frete de retorno. Utilizou-se como estratégia de pesquisa o estudo de caso em cinco momentos de entrevistas semiestruturadas orientadas por questionários. Os resultados obtidos indicam que há oportunidade de oferta de biomassa combinante com as necessidades das empresas ceramistas pesquisadas, com potencial para atender demanda energética reprimida e permitindo a continuidade de negócios estratégicos no Pará, como neste momento, o crescente setor da construção civil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Aquidauana Formation is characterized by sandstones of variable granulation, mudstones and diamectites abundant in clay, typical colors like brick red (vermelho tijolo) of glacial, fluvial and lacustrine origin. It’s chronostratigraphic equivalent to the Itarará group from the Neo Carboniferous age, that under the exploratory view, such units represent important intervals in the basin, occurring together with them minerals as well as energy resources as petroleum, underground water and coal – what requires a great paleogeography and stratigraphy knowledge for its exploration. By gathering information from the columnar sections of the area, it was possible to characterize the sedimentary facies, the stacking pattern as well as the association. It was also made an attempt of stratigraphic correlation, which showed great difficulties since glacial environments present a great lateral discontinuity of the facies besides the complex relationship process of formation. As a result, it was obtained 8 sedimentary facies, the lateral and vertical relations and genesis process. It is proposed that the sedimentary environment in the study area is the fluvio glacial, characterized by alluvial systems formed by defrosted water which transport the sediments that are deposited in plains in front of the glacier (distal outwash). Petrographic thin section analysis showed that the transportation process was ineffective. The grains present punctual to lobular contacts, characterizing good porosity and permeability to the rock, varying these qualities according to more or less existence of matrix. The presence of Iron Oxide deposited between the recrystallization border and feldspathic mineral indicates that this rock has possibly presented a primary rubefaction, intensified by alkaline fluid percolation


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On the field of the projects of hydraulic systems exists a lot of worries when we talk about the calculate of hydraulic pumps. In this case some facts must be considerate: length of tubes, fluid characteristics, height gauge, temperature, pressure, characteristics of tubes, flow required and others. For that mathematic calculates must be developed with the objective to optimize hydraulic pumps and agree to find an ideal machine (that don't requires more energy than necessary or less energy than it requires; that is the more critical case, cause exists the risk that the fluid pumped do not agree to become in your destiny). The wrong calculate of this machine can super-size its, bringing an excessive energy consumption. Actually it's an important subject because we are in the age of lack of energy what turn it more expensive. So the correct sizing of a hydraulic pump is connected with the fact that you have to uses the enough energy resources avoiding waste. The calculate of ideal pump in the pumping system is studied during years and a lot of specialists in this subject develop equations and theories to calculate its. Some researches study about this subject and all of them become to the same conclusion: to find the ideal pump we have to know the characteristics of fluid (cinematic viscosity), the required flow , overall yield (overall of motor x overall of pump) the high gauge or discharge pressure and the loss of repression. The pressure drop can be calculated with different theories: using Hazen-Williams, Darcy e Weisbach or Chézy (1775 - that starts the researches to calculate the pressure drop). Although the most used theory and what is most near to reality is the Darcy's equation. So, in this job the Darcy's equation were choice to calculate the drop pressure that consider what kind of flow we are studying: laminar or turbulent. The determination of the best pump to be used in the ... ( complete abstract click eletronic access below)


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The gas turbine (GT) is known to have: low cost of capital over the amount of energy, high flexibility, high reliability, short delivery time, commissioning and commercial operation at the beginning and quick departure. The gas turbine is also recognized for its superior environmental performance, manifested in air pollution containment and reducing greenhouse gases (Mahi, 1994). Gas turbines in simple cycle mode (SC) have long been used by utilities to limited power generation peak. In addition, manufacturing facilities use gas turbines for power generation units on site, often in combination with the process of heat production, such as hot water and steam process. In recent years, the performance of industrial gas turbines has been improved due to significant investments in research and development, in terms of fuel to electricity conversion efficiency, plant capacity, availability and reliability. The greater availability of energy resources such as natural gas (NG), the significant reduction of capital costs and the introduction of advanced cycles, have also been a success factor for the increased use of gas turbines to load applications base (Poulikas, 2004). Open Cycle Gas Turbine with a greater degree of heat to the atmosphere may alternatively be used to produce additional electricity using a steam cycle, or to compose a cogeneration process. The combined cycle (CC) uses the heat from the gas turbine exhaust gas to increase the power output and increase the overall efficiency of more than 50% second (Najjar, 2001). The initial discovery of these cycles in the commercial power generation market was possible due to the development of the gas turbine. Only from the 1970s that gas turbine inlet temperature and therefore the exhaust gas temperature was sufficiently high to allow a better efficiency in the combined cycle ... (Complete Abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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This study aimed to analyze the energy efficiency ratings and cost of farming families producing milk in the city of Pardinho (SP). The hypothesis that guides the study is that energy expenditure may be coincident with the economic expenditure showing that there is a relationship between these flows, which can be sustainable or not. To better define the producers studied criteria were used in the official system of rural credit FEAP. Through primary data obtained by the speeches, the itineraries were reconstituted technical detailing the operations employed. Thus, we found two producers with different technical routes. The producer was the one who got one of the highest efficiencies 8.66 and 1.48 respectively. Related to the efficiency, we can see that are close related and when there is a broader idea of the allocation of energy resources and, thus, a better view of the sustainability of the agro ecosystem.


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The study aimed to analyze the energy and economic efficiency rate family farms producing milk in the county of Pardinho, Sao Paulo State. The criteria used to define producers in this study is that outlined by the Brazilian agricultural credit system FEAP (Fund Expansion of Agribusiness Paulista). Through primary data, obtained by verbal reports, the agroecosystem technical itineraries were re-established, detailing the process applied, machinery, implements, equipment, supplies and manual work. These were transformed into energy and economic units, which allowed determining the established connection between energy economics outputs and inputs. The hypothesis of this study is that the energetic expenditure may be coincidental with economic expenditures. The energetic and economic flows were analyzed, using a structure of expenditures, by type, source and form of gross energy, as well as the energetic point of view. Four producers were found to have different technical itineraries. Producers 1 and 2 achieved the highest energy and economic efficiency rates. The producer with the lowest efficiency rates was producer 4. The energy sources not renewable like chemical fertilizers were the most used reaching an average of 82.9% for the energy and 52.86% for the economic expenditures. When comparing energy and economic efficiency it is possible to verify that both forms of analysis are close, obtaining a broader idea about energy resources allocation.


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The current socio-economic situation has brought a need to look for alternative ways to get energy that allow reducing the high dependence on fossil fuel sources while deflect from the climate change arising from the result of the use of these energy resources. Renewable sources of energy, low and medium temperature appear as high potential of energy resources, which have a major influence on the way of life of the people to enable decentralized energy production. In Brazil, in particular, have also the need to decentralize the energy grid, currently focused on energy from water source. The current water crisis, exemplifies the urgency of betting on other energy sources, as a way to help in emergency situations such as the current one. Therefore, this study evaluates the possibility of using biomass as a heat source in a Rankine Cycle Organic where instead of water; it uses thermal fluid as working fluid, was compared the urban areas of the city of Guaratinguetá with the urban area of the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Thus, it was established two scenarios, so it was possible to establish the cycle to be used