938 resultados para R-Statistical computing


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In recent years, wide-field sky surveys providing deep multi-band imaging have presented a new path for indirectly characterizing the progenitor populations of core-collapse supernovae (SN): systematic light curve studies. We assemble a set of 76 grizy-band Type IIP SN light curves from Pan-STARRS1, obtained over a constant survey program of 4 years and classified using both spectroscopy and machine learning-based photometric techniques. We develop and apply a new Bayesian model for the full multi-band evolution of each light curve in the sample. We find no evidence of a sub-population of fast-declining explosions (historically referred to as "Type IIL" SNe). However, we identify a highly significant relation between the plateau phase decay rate and peak luminosity among our SNe IIP. These results argue in favor of a single parameter, likely determined by initial stellar mass, predominantly controlling the explosions of red supergiants. This relation could also be applied for supernova cosmology, offering a standardizable candle good to an intrinsic scatter of 0.2 mag. We compare each light curve to physical models from hydrodynamic simulations to estimate progenitor initial masses and other properties of the Pan-STARRS1 Type IIP SN sample. We show that correction of systematic discrepancies between modeled and observed SN IIP light curve properties and an expanded grid of progenitor properties, are needed to enable robust progenitor inferences from multi-band light curve samples of this kind. This work will serve as a pathfinder for photometric studies of core-collapse SNe to be conducted through future wide field transient searches.


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Despite recent therapeutic improvements, the clinical course of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) still differs considerably among patients. We conducted this retrospective multi-centre study to evaluate the impact of genomic aberrations detected using a high-density genome wide-single nucleotide polymorphism-based array on clinical outcome in a population of DLBCL patients treated with R-CHOP-21 (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicine, vincristine and prednisone repeated every 21_d). 166 DNA samples were analysed using the GeneChip Human Mapping 250K NspI. Genomic anomalies were analysed regarding their impact on the clinical course of 124 patients treated with R-CHOP-21. Unsupervised clustering was performed to identify genetically related subgroups of patients with different clinical outcomes. Twenty recurrent genetic lesions showed an impact on the clinical course. Loss of genomic material at 8p23.1 showed the strongest statistical significance and was associated with additional aberrations, such as 17p- and 15q-. Unsupervised clustering identified five DLBCL clusters with distinct genetic profiles, clinical characteristics and outcomes. Genetic features and clusters, associated with a different outcome in patients treated with R-CHOP, have been identified by arrayCGH.


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Statistical numeracy, necessary for making informed medical decisions, is reduced among older adults who make more decisions about their medical care and treatment than at any other stage of life. Objective numeracy scales are a source of anxiety among patients, heightened among older adults.
We investigate the subjective numeracy scale as an alternative tool for measuring statistical numeracy with older adult samples.
Numeracy was assessed using objective measures for 526 adults ranging in age from 18 to 93 years, and all participants provided subjective numeracy ratings.
Subjective numeracy correlated highly with objective measurements among oldest adults (70+ years; r = 0.51, 95% CI 0.32, 0.66), and for younger age groups. Subjective numeracy explained 33.2% of age differences in objective numeracy.
The subjective numeracy scale provides an effective tool for assessing statistical numeracy for broad age ranges and circumvents problems associated with objective numeracy measures.


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The properties of Ellerman bombs (EBs), small-scale brightenings in the Hα line wings, have proved difficult to establish because their size is close to the spatial resolution of even the most advanced telescopes. Here, we aim to infer the size and lifetime of EBs using high-resolution data of an emerging active region collected using the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) and Rapid Oscillations of the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instruments as well as the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We develop an algorithm to track EBs through their evolution, finding that EBs can often be much smaller (around 0.3″) and shorter-lived (less than one minute) than previous estimates. A correlation between G-band magnetic bright points and EBs is also found. Combining SDO/HMI and G-band data gives a good proxy of the polarity for the vertical magnetic field. It is found that EBs often occur both over regions of opposite polarity flux and strong unipolar fields, possibly hinting at magnetic reconnection as a driver of these events.The energetics of EB events is found to follow a power-law distribution in the range of a nanoflare (1022-25 ergs).


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Embedded memories account for a large fraction of the overall silicon area and power consumption in modern SoC(s). While embedded memories are typically realized with SRAM, alternative solutions, such as embedded dynamic memories (eDRAM), can provide higher density and/or reduced power consumption. One major challenge that impedes the widespread adoption of eDRAM is that they require frequent refreshes potentially reducing the availability of the memory in periods of high activity and also consuming significant amount of power due to such frequent refreshes. Reducing the refresh rate while on one hand can reduce the power overhead, if not performed in a timely manner, can cause some cells to lose their content potentially resulting in memory errors. In this paper, we consider extending the refresh period of gain-cell based dynamic memories beyond the worst-case point of failure, assuming that the resulting errors can be tolerated when the use-cases are in the domain of inherently error-resilient applications. For example, we observe that for various data mining applications, a large number of memory failures can be accepted with tolerable imprecision in output quality. In particular, our results indicate that by allowing as many as 177 errors in a 16 kB memory, the maximum loss in output quality is 11%. We use this failure limit to study the impact of relaxing reliability constraints on memory availability and retention power for different technologies.


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This research presents a fast algorithm for projected support vector machines (PSVM) by selecting a basis vector set (BVS) for the kernel-induced feature space, the training points are projected onto the subspace spanned by the selected BVS. A standard linear support vector machine (SVM) is then produced in the subspace with the projected training points. As the dimension of the subspace is determined by the size of the selected basis vector set, the size of the produced SVM expansion can be specified. A two-stage algorithm is derived which selects and refines the basis vector set achieving a locally optimal model. The model expansion coefficients and bias are updated recursively for increase and decrease in the basis set and support vector set. The condition for a point to be classed as outside the current basis vector and selected as a new basis vector is derived and embedded in the recursive procedure. This guarantees the linear independence of the produced basis set. The proposed algorithm is tested and compared with an existing sparse primal SVM (SpSVM) and a standard SVM (LibSVM) on seven public benchmark classification problems. Our new algorithm is designed for use in the application area of human activity recognition using smart devices and embedded sensors where their sometimes limited memory and processing resources must be exploited to the full and the more robust and accurate the classification the more satisfied the user. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. This work builds upon a previously published algorithm specifically created for activity recognition within mobile applications for the EU Haptimap project [1]. The algorithms detailed in this paper are more memory and resource efficient making them suitable for use with bigger data sets and more easily trained SVMs.


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Current variation aware design methodologies, tuned for worst-case scenarios, are becoming increasingly pessimistic from the perspective of power and performance. A good example of such pessimism is setting the refresh rate of DRAMs according to the worst-case access statistics, thereby resulting in very frequent refresh cycles, which are responsible for the majority of the standby power consumption of these memories. However, such a high refresh rate may not be required, either due to extremely low probability of the actual occurrence of such a worst-case, or due to the inherent error resilient nature of many applications that can tolerate a certain number of potential failures. In this paper, we exploit and quantify the possibilities that exist in dynamic memory design by shifting to the so-called approximate computing paradigm in order to save power and enhance yield at no cost. The statistical characteristics of the retention time in dynamic memories were revealed by studying a fabricated 2kb CMOS compatible embedded DRAM (eDRAM) memory array based on gain-cells. Measurements show that up to 73% of the retention power can be saved by altering the refresh time and setting it such that a small number of failures is allowed. We show that these savings can be further increased by utilizing known circuit techniques, such as body biasing, which can help, not only in extending, but also in preferably shaping the retention time distribution. Our approach is one of the first attempts to access the data integrity and energy tradeoffs achieved in eDRAMs for utilizing them in error resilient applications and can prove helpful in the anticipated shift to approximate computing.


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This paper outlines a means of improving the employability skills of first-year university students through a closely integrated model of employer engagement within computer science modules. The outlined approach illustrates how employability skills, including communication, teamwork and time management skills, can be contextualised in a manner that directly relates to student learning but can still be linked forward into employment. The paper tests the premise that developing employability skills early within the curriculum will result in improved student engagement and learning within later modules. The paper concludes that embedding employer participation within first-year models can help relate a distant notion of employability into something of more immediate relevance in terms of how students can best approach learning. Further, by enhancing employability skills early within the curriculum, it becomes possible to improve academic attainment within later modules.


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Dynamically reconfigurable SRAM-based field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) enable the implementation of reconfigurable computing systems where several applications may be run simultaneously, sharing the available resources according to their own immediate functional requirements. To exclude malfunctioning due to faulty elements, the reliability of all FPGA resources must be guaranteed. Since resource allocation takes place asynchronously, an online structural test scheme is the only way of ensuring reliable system operation. On the other hand, this test scheme should not disturb the operation of the circuit, otherwise availability would be compromised. System performance is also influenced by the efficiency of the management strategies that must be able to dynamically allocate enough resources when requested by each application. As those resources are allocated and later released, many small free resource blocks are created, which are left unused due to performance and routing restrictions. To avoid wasting logic resources, the FPGA logic space must be defragmented regularly. This paper presents a non-intrusive active replication procedure that supports the proposed test methodology and the implementation of defragmentation strategies, assuring both the availability of resources and their perfect working condition, without disturbing system operation.


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Généralement, dans les situations d’hypothèses multiples on cherche à rejeter toutes les hypothèses ou bien une seule d’entre d’elles. Depuis quelques temps on voit apparaître le besoin de répondre à la question : « Peut-on rejeter au moins r hypothèses ? ». Toutefois, les outils statisques pour répondre à cette question sont rares dans la littérature. Nous avons donc entrepris de développer les formules générales de puissance pour les procédures les plus utilisées, soit celles de Bonferroni, de Hochberg et de Holm. Nous avons développé un package R pour le calcul de la taille échantilonnalle pour les tests à hypothèses multiples (multiple endpoints), où l’on désire qu’au moins r des m hypothèses soient significatives. Nous nous limitons au cas où toutes les variables sont continues et nous présentons quatre situations différentes qui dépendent de la structure de la matrice de variance-covariance des données.


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Learning Disability (LD) is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. It is a neurological condition that affects a child's brain and impairs his ability to carry out one or many specific tasks. The learning disabled children are neither slow nor mentally retarded. This disorder can make it problematic for a child to learn as quickly or in the same way as some child who isn't affected by a learning disability. An affected child can have normal or above average intelligence. They may have difficulty paying attention, with reading or letter recognition, or with mathematics. It does not mean that children who have learning disabilities are less intelligent. In fact, many children who have learning disabilities are more intelligent than an average child. Learning disabilities vary from child to child. One child with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another child with LD. There is no cure for learning disabilities and they are life-long. However, children with LD can be high achievers and can be taught ways to get around the learning disability. In this research work, data mining using machine learning techniques are used to analyze the symptoms of LD, establish interrelationships between them and evaluate the relative importance of these symptoms. To increase the diagnostic accuracy of learning disability prediction, a knowledge based tool based on statistical machine learning or data mining techniques, with high accuracy,according to the knowledge obtained from the clinical information, is proposed. The basic idea of the developed knowledge based tool is to increase the accuracy of the learning disability assessment and reduce the time used for the same. Different statistical machine learning techniques in data mining are used in the study. Identifying the important parameters of LD prediction using the data mining techniques, identifying the hidden relationship between the symptoms of LD and estimating the relative significance of each symptoms of LD are also the parts of the objectives of this research work. The developed tool has many advantages compared to the traditional methods of using check lists in determination of learning disabilities. For improving the performance of various classifiers, we developed some preprocessing methods for the LD prediction system. A new system based on fuzzy and rough set models are also developed for LD prediction. Here also the importance of pre-processing is studied. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed for developing an integrated knowledge based tool for prediction of LD as well as its degree. The designed tool stores the details of the children in the student database and retrieves their LD report as and when required. The present study undoubtedly proves the effectiveness of the tool developed based on various machine learning techniques. It also identifies the important parameters of LD and accurately predicts the learning disability in school age children. This thesis makes several major contributions in technical, general and social areas. The results are found very beneficial to the parents, teachers and the institutions. They are able to diagnose the child’s problem at an early stage and can go for the proper treatments/counseling at the correct time so as to avoid the academic and social losses.


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This paper underlines a methodology for translating text from English into the Dravidian language, Malayalam using statistical models. By using a monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus in the training phase, the machine automatically generates Malayalam translations of English sentences. This paper also discusses a technique to improve the alignment model by incorporating the parts of speech information into the bilingual corpus. Removing the insignificant alignments from the sentence pairs by this approach has ensured better training results. Pre-processing techniques like suffix separation from the Malayalam corpus and stop word elimination from the bilingual corpus also proved to be effective in training. Various handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process which can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language are also presented in this paper. The structural difference between the English Malayalam pair is resolved in the decoder by applying the order conversion rules. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics


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A methodology for translating text from English into the Dravidian language, Malayalam using statistical models is discussed in this paper. The translator utilizes a monolingual Malayalam corpus and a bilingual English/Malayalam corpus in the training phase and generates automatically the Malayalam translation of an unseen English sentence. Various techniques to improve the alignment model by incorporating the morphological inputs into the bilingual corpus are discussed. Removing the insignificant alignments from the sentence pairs by this approach has ensured better training results. Pre-processing techniques like suffix separation from the Malayalam corpus and stop word elimination from the bilingual corpus also proved to be effective in producing better alignments. Difficulties in translation process that arise due to the structural difference between the English Malayalam pair is resolved in the decoding phase by applying the order conversion rules. The handcrafted rules designed for the suffix separation process which can be used as a guideline in implementing suffix separation in Malayalam language are also presented in this paper. Experiments conducted on a sample corpus have generated reasonably good Malayalam translations and the results are verified with F measure, BLEU and WER evaluation metrics