850 resultados para Public services (Libraries)


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The idea that people matter in modern democracies, often referred to as 'civic engagement' is recognised at the highest international level (United Nations 2008: 9). Civic or community engagement is essential to how budgets are decided, policy is developed and public services delivered. Significantly, community engagement is crucial in developing policy for sustained economic and social development. In Ireland the idea of the Developmental Welfare State (DWS) is based on the premise that the social policy system should support citizens so as to reach their full potential. Such a system comprises three overlapping elements: tax and welfare transfer, the provision of services and activist initiatives (National Economic and Social Council, 2005: ix-xviii). Civil Society Organisations have been challenged to 'operationalise the DWS' using a 'life cycle framework' as part of Ireland's corporatist partnership model (Department of Taoiseach, 2006: 40).


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This book provides a systematic introduction in the German gender equality acts for public services, and also a section per section commentary for each individual act. It analyses the legal base, limits and scope of the so called women's quota, gender mainstreaming in public employment and public policy, provisions to allow conciliation of paid work and work in families and the position of women's equality officers. It compares and analyses 16 state acts and the federal equality act. The introductory chapter, written by Dagmar Schiek, also provides an analysis of the EU level and constitutional frame for this legislation. The combination of a systematic introduction and a section by section commentary ensures that this valuable handbook can be used by trained lawyers as well as by social scientists, taking into account the fact that many equality officers are not trained lawyers.


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In Marschall, the ECJ looked for the second time into the admissibility of positive action in German public services; a third reference on this issue is still pending.
Despite the Court’s positive response to the ‘women’s quota’ in Marschall, its application in Germany remains controversial. This article tries to shed some light on the specific conditions under which women’s quotas were implemented in Germany and on the different approaches to anti-discrimination, indirect discrimination law and structural discrimination, which underlie efforts to justify women’s quotas against equality standards derived from EC Law.


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This book analyses one of the first pieces of legislation promoted by Angela Merkel, who started her political career as a minister for women's equality under Helmut Kohl. The name of the Act, Second Equal Treatment Act, allured to the Equal Treatment Act of the 1950s which implemented the barest minimum requirements to make the German constitution's demand to guarantee equal rights for women more than a hollow formula. However, this Act, while abolishing blatant discrimination of women through statute in fields such as family law, did nothing to further substantive equality. In 1990, when Germany was reunited, women from Eastern Germany had a first hand experience what the absence of such furtherance meant under capitalism. Used to being at nor risk to fall into poverty just because they divorced, or decided to become a mother without male protection, to being in full employment and not at the mercy of payments by their husbands, women from Eastern Germany were dismissed in large numbers, and found themselves sent back to the kitchen. The first minister for women affairs from their ranks made the "2nd Equality Act", but this act did little more than the minimum required by the EEC legislation. Again, substantive equality was not addressed through German Federal legislation. This was left to some of the German states - whose competences were limited to the public services. Most of those states which did create positive action measures for women employed in the public services were governed not by Christian Democrats - but this was the theme of another book.


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Partnership working is nowadays a seemingly ubiquitous aspect of the management and delivery of public services, yet there remain major differences of opinion about how they best work for the different stakeholders they involve. The balances between mandate and trust, and between hard and soft power, are crucial to current debates about public service partnerships. This paper explores the example of social housing procurement in Northern Ireland, and the requirement to form mandated procurement groups. The research shows that the exercise of hierarchical power is still important in network governance; that mandated partnerships alter the balance between trust and power in partnership working, but the impact is uneven; and that these relationships are (re)shaping the ‘hybrid’ identity of housing associations. The balance between accountability for public resources and the independence of third sector organisations is the key tension in mandated partnerships. The Northern Ireland experience suggests that trust-based networks could provide more productive working relationships in partnerships for service delivery.


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The contracting-out of public services has often been accompanied by a strong academic focus on the emergence of new governance forms, and a general neglect of the processes and practices through which contracted-out services are controlled and monitored. To fill this gap, we draw on contracting-out and inter-organizational control literatures to explore the adoption of control mechanisms for public service provision at the municipal level and the variables that can explain their choice. Our results, based on a survey of Italian municipalities, show that in the presence of contracting-out, market-, hierarchy- and trust-based controls display different intensities, can co-exist and are explained by different variables. Service characteristics are more effective in explaining market- and hierarchy-based controls than relationship characteristics. Trust-based controls are the most widespread, but cannot be explained by the variables traditionally identified in contracting-out and inter-organizational control studies.


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As mudanças que se verificam no seio da Administração Local implicam que os seus dirigentes desenvolvam um trabalho inovador na forma como conduzem as pessoas. Logo, é necessário aferir acerca das competências de liderança dos actuais dirigentes intermédios para fazer face à mutação dos procedimentos. Neste estudo, a abordagem ao tema da liderança inicia-se com uma pequena resenha histórica dos estilos de liderança. Posteriormente é abordado o tema da motivação, definindo o seu conceito, apresentando diversas teorias e explicitando as motivações extrínsecas, intrínsecas e transcendentes. É ainda considerada a adequação da proposta de Julian Le Grand sobre motivação nos serviços públicos ao novo paradigma da Administração Pública. Assim, a presente dissertação tem como objecto de estudo relacionar o estilo de liderança adoptado pelas chefias intermédias da Administração Local (pressupondo que é Transformacional) e a motivação dos seus subordinados. Os dados foram recolhidos através de questionários. Os resultados mostram que o estilo de liderança das chefias intermédias é transformacional existindo uma relação positiva entre esta e a motivação dos colaboradores. A promoção da aceitação de objectivos é a característica crucial para transmitir a missão da organização e motivar os colaboradores. Verificou-se, ainda, que os actuais líderes também possuem características da liderança transaccional e usam-na quando necessário. ABSTRACT: Changes in Local Administration ask for leaders who develop innovative work in how they lead people. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the intermediate managers’ leadership skills when facing procedures mutations. In this study, the approach on leadership begins with a small historical review of leadership styles. Afterwards, motivation is studied through the definition of its concept, presenting several theories and explaining extrinsic, intrinsic and transcendent types of motivation. Julian Le Grand’s approach on motivation in public services is also adapted to the new paradigm of Public Administration. Therefore, this dissertation’s main objective is to relate the leadership style of intermediate managers of Local Administration (assuming it is transformational) with the subordinates’ motivation. The data was collected through questionnaires. Results show that intermediate managers’ leadership style is transformational and there is a positive relationship between that and the collaborators motivations. The crucial feature on transmitting the organizations’ mission to motivate collaborators is the promotion of the acceptance of objectives. Actual leaders also develop a transactional leadership style and use it when necessary.


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Over the last 36 years, the relationship with the Portuguese state-owned enterprises registered several dynamics: nationalizations, privatizations and corporatization of public services. However, until now the State Business Sector from a national accounts perspective was never analyzed. Based on data collected and compiled for the first time at Statistics Portugal, this PhD thesis aims to test, analyzing in eight dimensions, whether the weight of the State Business Sector increased and if it contributed positively to the Portuguese economy, from 2006 to 2010. In addition to this analysis, an overview of the economic theory of state intervention in the economy, the paradigm changes of public policy in the international context, the evolution of the Portuguese State Business Sector since 1974, accompanied with a business and national accounting perspective between 2006 and 2010, are also presented. The results allow us to conclude that, in general, the weight of the State Business Sector in the Portuguese economy increased and had a tendency of a positive contribution to its economic growth. The State Business Sector also contributed positively to the nominal labour productivity (although with a decreasing trend of contribution to growth over the period under review) and the profitability of the non-financial corporations sector (although impairing the overall ratio of this sector). Nonetheless, the State Business Sector contributed negatively to the fairness in compensation of employees (although with an improvement trend) and to the competitiveness of labour cost, investment and sectorial sustainability of the Portuguese economy (reinforced by a falling trend). The results also suggest that the State Business Sector had an economic behaviour closer to a welfare maximizing model than to a profit maximizing model. This distinct performance with respect to the institutional sector in which is included, highlights the need to study and reassess the relationship of the state with public corporations, in light of agency theory using micro-data. Lastly, contributions to improve the economic performance of the State Business Sector and future prospects of evolution are presented.


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De uma forma simples, esta é uma tese que associa a dimensão territorial à formulação de políticas públicas no âmbito dos Serviços de Interesse Geral, expressão atualmente utilizada no seio da Comissão Europeia em substituição do termo Serviços Públicos. O ponto de partida é o de que, particularmente nas últimas duas décadas, estes serviços tiveram de se adaptar a um mundo em mudança, quer ao nível das tendências políticas, quer do ponto de vista dos constrangimentos financeiros. A decisão sobre a afetação e distribuição de recursos tem, por isso, obtido uma atenção crescente no domínio das políticas públicas. Contudo, as decisões sobre a natureza, a abrangência e a distribuição dos recursos a prestar são complexas, envolvendo, não só critérios técnicos, mas também julgamentos de valor e a criação de consensos políticos. Esta questão é ainda mais premente numa conjuntura, por um lado, de contenção de gastos, no qual a procura de eficiência ganha maior preponderância, e, por outro, de incremento das próprias expectativas dos cidadãos, em que a ideia de equidade é valorada. Atendendo a este contexto, é natural que em diversos processos de tomada de decisão haja alguma tensão entre estes dois princípios, questionando-se sobre quanto é que se deve sacrificar da equidade a favor da eficiência e vice-versa. A presente investigação filia nestas inquietações. O argumento subjacente é o de que o princípio de Coesão Territorial, enquanto novo paradigma de desenvolvimento do território europeu e um dos mais recentes objetivos políticos da Comissão e dos estados-membros, contribui para ajudar a ponderar a relação equidade/eficiência em processos de decisão política sobre provisão de Serviços de Interesse Geral. A linha condutora de investigação centra-se na saúde (em geral) e nos cuidados de saúde (em particular) como exemplo de um serviço que, dada a sua importância na sociedade, justifica uma atenção especial das políticas públicas, mas que tem sido alvo de debate político e académico e de reorganização da sua estrutura na tentativa de diminuição dos custos associados, com repercussões do ponto de vista territorial. A esta questão acresce o facto de que pouco se conhece sobre quais os princípios e os critérios que estão na base de decisões políticas no campo da saúde e qual o papel que o território aqui ocupa. Para compreender se e como a dimensão territorial é considerada na formulação de políticas de saúde, bem como de que forma a adoção do princípio de coesão territorial na formulação de políticas públicas introduz um outro tipo de racionalidade aos processos de tomada de decisão, optou-se por uma metodologia de abordagem essencialmente qualitativa, baseada i) na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas conduzidas presencialmente a atores-chave da esfera da decisão pública, ii) na análise dos principais instrumentos programáticos das políticas de saúde e iii) na análise de dois estudos de caso (sub-regiões do Baixo Vouga e da Beira Interior Sul). Os resultados alcançados permitem, por um lado, compreender, discutir e clarificar os processos de tomada de decisão em saúde, por outro, justificar o propósito da adoção do princípio de Coesão Territorial na formulação de políticas e, por fim, avançar com linhas de investigação futura sobre Serviços de Interesse Geral e Coesão Territorial.


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Tese de doutoramento, Território, Risco e Politícas Públicas, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Aveiro, 2015


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada por Dr.ª Alcina Portugal Dias


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Apresentação no âmbito da Dissertação de Mestrado Orientador: Doutora Alcina Dias


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações – Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Pedro Nunes Orientador: Professor Henrique Curado


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Informação


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The theme of thid thesis is the water supply services contract. The texto starts with an analysis of the service, aimed at clarifying what is the system organization and the principles applicable to this essential public service. Then the water supply services contract is analyzed according to the law on essential public services. Subsequently, connections are established with other applicable laws and the differing doctrinal and jurisprudential perspectives are presented. The thesis ends with an outlook on the dispute resolution mechanisms at the users’ disposal.