925 resultados para Propaganda pela televisão


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The present dissertation aims to an approach of the teaching of Portuguese language on television, trying to find how possible is the contribution of this communication media in the sense to give a higher classroom dynamism and to excite the students for that subject. The TV show Afinando a Língua (roughly, putting the language in tune ), a Canal Futura feature, have as one of these main purpose be shown on the classrooms as a tool that could enlarge the possibilities of a subject often took as particularly difficult. Blocked by the traditional grammatical teaching, the Portuguese lessons have been for years pictured as hermetic and far from the Brazilian speakers reality. So, people create myths around the language that earns adjectives as complicate and inaccessible and that Brazilians can t speak the Portuguese really good, because it only happens in Portugal, the original country of the language. These myths start exactly because the teaching orientation take their basis only on the standard language, in fact just one of the language variations by the way, anywhere in the world dictated by ancestral rules, once produced in Portugal. The regular school don t accept the Portuguese variation as a natural fact for a huge country as Brazil, with almost 190 million people, regarding it as a wrong way of talking. The repression that follows the students from the early school days make them repel the language supposedly learned at school. In fact, they normally face it as something unfamiliar, different from the language that they have use to learn at home, from the family and neighbors Instead of giving new possibilities for the language learning, the television, a powerful audiovisual device, only reinforces the idea that everyone, in any life situation, should talk the standard Portuguese, turning its back to the learning acquired much earlier that any person reach the school. This conservative attitude brings almost no changes, between the shows that try to teach the idiom and the traditional Portuguese lessons, wasting valuable tools that could lead to the possibility to open the classroom to the outside world, and to the wider knowledge of the differences from each Brazilian region culture, a positive attitude that could much enlarge the cultural and linguistic students universe


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Este estudo parte do princípio de que o conhecimento da Educação Física é, eminentemente, vivencial e reconhece que a tecnologia da informação, especifi camente a comunicação de massa, é capaz de transmitir informação para um grande público, modifi cando a vivência das práticas corporais tematizadas pela Educação Física. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetiva analisar como o aparato tecnológico, em especial a televisão, interfere na apropriação do conhecimento na Educação Física, com base na refl exão sobre o esporte. Assim, utilizamos o olhar estético sobre o telespetáculo esportivo e a análise de conteúdo para trabalhar com discursos de profi ssionais. Além disso, apontamos para a revisão de alguns conceitos pertinentes à área, tais como corpo, sensibilidade e conhecimento


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Under the perspective of the Cultural Geografhy, this dissetation thoretically discusses about the socio-spatial interference that the Rede Globo's soapoperas have in the construction of the collective imagination of the people who lines in the city of Caicó - RN. Here the social and spatial impacts produced by Rede Globo's main fiction program, the soapoperas, on the collective imagination of the inhabitants of Caicó are the main interest. The main argument here is that this TV program has an anormons influence on the evereday life of the people who live in Caicó and this influence ends up modifying their social, spatial and cultural pratices. This influence has been also working as the main force producing a real spatial impact. In this sense "new spaces of dialogue" are constructed through the influence of television. The main understandig is then that the soapoperas, at least within the context of Caicó, are a great force constructing social and spatial collective imagination of this city's inhabitants.


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The university television station is a communication vehicle that incorporates principles of social structure from the diffusion of culture, knowledge and education dissemination which may lead to the formation of behaviors and opinions instilling critical thought in individuals and promoting the dialogue between society and university by disseminating the knowledge produced in the academic environment. In this way it is pertinent to know and understand the information literacy of professionals working in this context when it comes to content production for university television station. For this initial discussion are addressed the concepts of university television station as well information literacy in order to establish relations between the two thematic mentioned, the relevance of studies in this scenario in relation to the Information Science context.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)