498 resultados para Pneumatic Conveying


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Informação é o conceito genérico de tudo que possa representar, conhecimento ou comunicação. Trata-se de conhecimento registado de forma impressa ou digital, oral ou audiovisual, mas ainda pode ser registada em suporte físico. Desde o início da civilização que o Ser Humano tenta criar novas formas de transmitir informação, antes da invenção da forma escrita era utilizado o método do desenho para descrever a realidade, este método ao longo do tempo foi evoluindo, ganhando mais qualidade, pormenor e suportes mais evoluídos. Mas sempre com a mesma intenção, a de conseguir transmitir de forma mais direta e percetível informação a qualquer individuo. Dado isto, o Ser Humano sempre produziu arte e a foi preservando para mostrar aos vindouros. Neste processo, os museus em conjunto com espaços culturais e artísticos, foram assumindo um papel de relevo na sociedade. Mas inicialmente o objetivo principal dos museus era o de preservar e expor artefactos históricos e culturais. A grande evolução tecnológica dos últimos anos veio dotar o Ser Humano com formas de aceder à informação tão simples e diversificadas, que no passado eram completamente impensáveis e certamente que no futuro irão ser descobertas ainda mais formas de registar e propagar a informação. Assim o presente trabalho descreve a investigação realizada, através de uma recolha de bibliografia, levantamento do estado-da-arte, que pretende descobrir se a construção de visitas virtuais imersivas é uma boa forma para mostrar um espaço cultural ao público, que está cada vez mais exigente e disperso geograficamente. Além do levantamento são estudados alguns exemplos de visitas virtuais existentes, de modo a detetar boas praticas e formas mais usuais para a criação de uma visita. Finalmente foi descrito todo o processo desde a recolha de informação até à própria implementação, construção de um protótipo para apresentar ao utilizador o espaço de uma fundação, a do escultor José Rodrigues. Este protótipo tem por objetivo mostrar ao utilizador a fundação o mais aproximado do real possível.


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A Era Tecnológica em que nos vemos inseridos, cujos avanços acontecem a uma velocidade vertiginosa exige, por parte das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) uma atitude proactiva no sentido de utilização dos muitos recursos disponíveis. Por outro lado, os elementos próprios da sociedade da informação – flexibilidade, formação ao longo da vida, acessibilidade à informação, mobilidade, entre muito outros – atuam como fortes impulsionadores externos para que as IES procurem e analisem novas modalidades formativas. Perante a mobilidade crescente, que se tem revelado massiva, a aprendizagem tende a ser cada vez mais individualizada, visual e prática. A conjugação de várias formas/tipologias de transmissão de conhecimento, de métodos didáticos e mesmo de ambientes e situações de aprendizagem induzem uma melhor adaptação do estudante, que poderá procurar aqueles que melhor vão ao encontro das suas expetativas, isto é, favorecem um processo de ensino-aprendizagem eficiente na perspetiva da forma de aprender de cada um. A definição de políticas estratégicas relacionadas com novas modalidades de ensino/formação tem sido uma preocupação constante na nossa instituição, nomeadamente no domínio do ensino à distância, seja ele e-Learning, b-Learning ou, mais recentemente, “open-Learning”, onde se inserem os MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses (não esquecendo a vertente m-Learning), de acordo com as várias tendências europeias (OECD, 2007) (Comissão Europeia, 2014) e com os objetivos da “Europa 2020”. Neste sentido surge o Projeto Matemática 100 STRESS, integrado no projeto e-IPP | Unidade de e-Learning do Politécnico do Porto que criou a sua plataforma MOOC, abrindo em junho de 2014 o seu primeiro curso – Probabilidades e Combinatória. Pretendemos dar a conhecer este Projeto, e em particular este curso, que envolveu vários docentes de diferentes unidades orgânicas do IPP.


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O fabrico de vestuário é uma atividade que se desenvolve em Portugal há várias décadas. Existem marcas de vestuário com reconhecimento a nível mundial que são de origem portuguesa. Para se conseguir qualidade é necessário inovar e automatizar determinados processos, de forma a aumentar produtividades e reduzir erros devido à mão de obra de tarefas intensivas. Na empresa Portuguesa Henrique Camões, com uma vasta experiência ligada a equipamentos de fabrico têxtil, nasceu a ideia de projetar um protótipo de um equipamento automatizado para o fabrico de colarinhos e punhos, com a finalidade de verificar a sua viabilidade a nível funcional. Este trabalho teve assim por base a necessidade de efetuar um projeto sobre um equipamento capaz de costurar e cortar colarinhos e punhos, a serem aplicados em peças de vestuário. Inicialmente foi efetuado um estudo prévio de levantamento de equipamentos já existentes para fins semelhantes. Foi então necessário idealizar um equipamento capaz de responder às expectativas e exigências por parte do cliente. Após os esboços iniciais, onde foram definidos os tipos de mecanismos e formas de funcionamento dos diferentes sistemas em função dos movimentos e ações pretendidas e a estrutura do equipamento, estes sistemas foram otimizados por forma a se obter como resultado final um equipamento funcional. Foi também projetado o esquema pneumático e Grafcet de funcionamento do equipamento. Como auxiliares do projeto, apresentam-se a lista de componentes e de processos de fabrico, bem como os desenhos de pormenor de todos os componentes integrantes da estrutura. O resultado final é um conjunto de ideias e soluções possíveis de aplicar num equipamento deste tipo. De facto, a solução proposta é uma possibilidade viável para um equipamento automatizado para costura e corte de colarinhos e punhos.


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This document presents particular description of work done during student’s internship in PR Metal company realized as ERASMUS PROJECT at ISEP. All information including company’s description and its structure, overview of the problems and analyzed cases, all stages of projects from concept to conclusion can be found here. Description of work done during the internship is divided here into two pieces. First part concerns one activities of the company which is robotic chefs (kitchen robot) production line. Work, that was done for development of this line involved several tasks, among them: creating a single-worker montage station for screwing robots housing’s parts, improve security system for laser welding chamber, what particularly consists in designing automatically closing door system with special surface, that protects against destructive action of laser beam, test station for examination of durability of heating connectors, solving problem with rotors vibrations. Second part tells about main task, realized in second half of internship and stands a complete description of machine development and design. The machine is a part of car handle latch cable production line and its tasks are: cutting cable to required length and hot-forming plastic cover for further assembly needs.


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The four studies in this article introduce a questionnaire to measure Strength of the HRM System (HRMSQ), a multidimensional construct, theoretically developed by Bowen and Ostroff (2004). Strength of the HRM System is a set of process characteristics that lead to effectiveness in conveying signals to employees that allow them to create a shared meaning of desired and appropriate work behaviours. Nine characteristics are suggested, grouped in three features: Distinctiveness, Consistency and Consensus. Study 1 developed and tested a questionnaire in a sample of workers from five different sectors. Study 2 cross-validated the measure in a sample of civil servants in a municipality. These two studies used performance appraisal as the reference HRM practice and led to a short version of the HRMSQ. Study 3 and Study 4 extend the HRMSQ to several common HRM practices. The HRMSQ is tested in two samples, of call center and several private and public organizations‟ workers (study 3). In study 4 the questionnaire is refined and tested with a sample from a hotel chain and finally cross-validated with two other samples, in the insurance and batteries sectors, leading to a longer version of the HRMSQ. Content analysis of several interviews with human resource managers and the Rasch model (1960, 1961, 1980), were used to define and select the indicators of the questionnaire. Convergent, discriminant and predictive validity of the measure are tested. The results of the four studies highlight the complexity of the relationships between the proposed characteristics and support the validity of a parsimonious measure of Strength of the HRM System.


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Companies are concerned in attracting and retaining Millennial consumers, especially if their relation with this target audience is weak. This happens in the insurance industry in Portugal and in Fidelidade group specifically. The aim of this study is to recommend a strategy for the insurance group to improve its relationship with these consumers, by conveying its human centric values. In order to address this goal, we developed a qualitative research. The main insight is that Millennials may perceive those values in the industry but do not associate them with insurance brands.


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As increasingly more sophisticated materials and products are being developed and times-to-market need to be minimized, it is important to make available fast response characterization tools using small amounts of sample, capable of conveying data on the relationships between rheological response, process-induced material structure and product characteristics. For this purpose, a single / twin-screw mini-extrusion system of modular construction, with well-controlled outputs in the range 30-300 g/h, was coupled to a in- house developed rheo-optical slit die able to measure shear viscosity and normal-stress differences, as well as performing rheo-optical experiments, namely small angle light scattering (SALS) and polarized optical microscopy (POM). In addition, the mini-extruder is equipped with ports that allow sample collection, and the extrudate can be further processed into products to be tested later. Here, we present the concept and experimental set-up [1, 2]. As a typical application, we report on the characterization of the processing of a polymer blend and of the properties of extruded sheets. The morphological evolution of a PS/PMMA industrial blend along the extruder, the flow-induced structures developed and the corresponding rheological characteristics are presented, together with the mechanical and structural characteristics of produced sheets. The application of this experimental tool to other material systems will also be discussed.


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Microinjection molding of polymer composites with carbon nanotubes (CNT) requires previous production of the nanocomposites, often by melt extrusion. Each processing step has a thermo-mechanical effect on the polymer melt, conveying different properties to the final product. In this work, polyamide 6 and its composites with pristine and functionalized CNT (f-CNT) were processed by a mini twin-screw extrusion, followed by microinjection molding. The morphology induced on the polymer by each process was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and wide angle X-ray diffraction. Calorimetric analysis showed a secondary crystallization for the microinjected materials, absent for the extruded materials. The characterization of microinjected polyamide 6 by X-ray diffraction revealed a large contribution of the c phase to the total crystallinity, mainly in the skin region, while the nanocomposites and extruded materials were characterized by a larger contribution of the a phase. Functionalization of CNT did not affect significantly the polymer morphology compared to composites with pristine CNT.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Literatura (área de especialização em Literatura Portuguesa).


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde.


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(Excerto) Nowadays, the public discourses about gender equality are commonly accepted in Western society. In fact, we live in an era of “equality illusion” (Banyard, 2010) because the mainstream discourses incorporate gender in the agenda, conveying the message that feminist struggles are unnecessary today. At the same time, postfeminism (McRobbie, 2004) gains importance and demonstrates the intricacies of a neoliberal, highly individualist culture that subtly imprisons the freedoms that it is supposed to grant (Gill & Scharff, 2011).


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Nowadays, the public discourses about gender equality are commonly accepted in Western society. In fact, we live in an era of “equality illusion” (Banyard, 2010) because the mainstream discourses incorporate gender in the agenda, conveying the message that feminist struggles are unnecessary today. At the same time, postfeminism (McRobbie, 2004) gains importance and demonstrates the intricacies of a neoliberal, highly individualist culture that subtly imprisons the freedoms that it is supposed to grant (Gill & Scharff, 2011). However, back in 1978, Gaye Tuchman used the expression “symbolic annihilation” to refer to how the media represented women. The author refers to a “symbolic annihilation” because sometimes it is so hidden and subtle that it becomes difficult to perceive – and to be fought. Much has improved since then; yet a lot remains the same. Over the past decades there have been marked changes in gender relations, in feminist activism, in the (media) communication industry and in society in general (Byerly, 2013; Carter, Steiner & McLaughlin, 2015; Gallagher, 2014; Gallego, 2013; Krijnen, Álvares & Van Bauwel, 2011; Krijnen & Van Bauwel, 2015; Lobo, Silveirinha, Subtil, & Torres, 2015; Ross, 2009; Silveirinha, 2001; Van Zoonen, 1994, 2010). Now, in a globalised and media saturated world, the gendered picture is, consequently, different. The contemporary grammar is marked by diverse and complex tensions (van Zoonen, 2010).


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Gestures are the first forms of conventional communication that young children develop in order to intentionally convey a specific message. However, at first, infants rarely communicate successfully with their gestures, prompting caregivers to interpret them. Although the role of caregivers in early communication development has been examined, little is known about how caregivers attribute a specific communicative function to infants' gestures. In this study, we argue that caregivers rely on the knowledge about the referent that is shared with infants in order to interpret what communicative function infants wish to convey with their gestures. We videotaped interactions from six caregiver-infant dyads playing with toys when infants were 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 months old. We coded infants' gesture production and we determined whether caregivers interpreted those gestures as conveying a clear communicative function or not; we also coded whether infants used objects according to their conventions of use as a measure of shared knowledge about the referent. Results revealed an association between infants' increasing knowledge of object use and maternal interpretations of infants' gestures as conveying a clear communicative function. Our findings emphasize the importance of shared knowledge in shaping infants' emergent communicative skills.


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Sir Robert Moray (1608/9-1673) fue un soldado, cortesano y "hombre de ciencia" escocés, que estuvo en el exilio durante el período de Oliver Cromwell. Poco después de su regreso a Inglaterra en 1660 y gracias en gran medida a su amistad con Carlos II, aparece vinculado al grupo que formará la Royal Society de Londres y será nombrado el primer presidente de la institución durante los primeros meses. Moray ha sido reconocido como una figura imprescindible para entender la consolidación de la Royal Society. Establece, además, una correspondencia muy importante con Christiaan Huygens, en donde aparecen tratados temas de gran relevancia en la década de 1660, tales como la determinación de la longitud en el mar mediante el uso del reloj de péndulo y la construcción y experimentación con la máquina neumática (emblema del proyecto experimental de Robert Boyle). En esta correspondencia aparecen reflejadas, así mismo, las tensiones sobre los problemas de prioridad en diferentes áreas de conocimiento. Una de estas agrias polémicas es la que enfrenta a James Gregory y a Huygens, que acabará con la relación epistolar entre Moray y el sabio holandés.


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Introduction: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be used to treat severe depression and needs a specific general anaesthesia. Important cardiovascular changes occur during the ECT with a parasympathetic induced bradycardia followed by a sympathetic response. A dedicated protocol was designed 6 years ago. The goal of this study was to analyse the management of anaesthesia for ECT in our institution, the adherence to the protocol and the occurrence of adverse events during anaesthesia. Methods: After Institutional Ethics Committee approval, we conducted a retrospective analysis of our anaesthesia protocol for patients scheduled for electroshock therapy during a five years period (2004- 2008). The protocol includes administration of atropine subcutaneously 30 minutes before the procedure, followed by general anaesthesia induced with etomidate (0.2 mg/kg). Suxamethonium (1 mg/kg) is administered after the inflation of a pneumatic tourniquet on the opposite arm, in order to observe the electroshocks convulsive effects. The psychiatrist initiates the convulsive crisis once curarisation is achieved. Face mask ventilation is then applied during the post-ictal phase with closed blood pressure monitoring. : 228 ECT were performed in 25 patients. The median dosage of etomidate was 0.37 mg/kg and suxamethonium 1.20 mg/kg. Hypertension during the ECT procedure was present in 62.7% of cases, tachycardia 23.2% and bradycardia 10.5%. Esmolol was administered in 73.4% of hypertensive patients in a range of 0 to 30 mg. The protocol was followed in half of the cases in regards to atropine administration (50.4%). We observed a significant increase of hypertension (73.9%, p = 0.001) after atropine administration, without effect on heart rate. Conclusions: The management of anaesthesia for ECT is specific and follows a predefined protocol in our institution. Adherence to our protocol was poor. Adverse events are frequent and significant association between the administration of atropine and the incidence of hypertension as well as poor protocol adherence implies reconsideration of our anaesthesia protocol for electroconvulsive therapy and better quality control of the clinical practice.