970 resultados para Phylogenetic assignment


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Background: Arundinarieae are a large tribe of temperate woody bamboos for which phylogenetics are poorly understood because of limited taxon sampling and lack of informative characters. Aims: This study assessed phylogenetic relationships, origins and classification of Arundinarieae. Methods: DNA sequences (plastid trnL-F; nuclear ITS) were used for parsimony and Bayesian inference including 41 woody bamboo taxa. Divergence dates were estimated using a relaxed Bayesian clock. Results: Arundinarieae were monophyletic but their molecular divergence was low compared to the tropical Bambuseae. Ancestors of the Arundinarieae lineage were estimated to have diverged from the other bamboos 23 (15-30) million years ago (Mya). However, the Arundinarieae radiation occurred 10 (6-16) Mya compared to 18 (11-25) Mya for the tropical Bambuseae. Some groups could be defined within Arundinarieae, but they do not correspond to recognised subtribes such as Arundinariinae or Shibataeinae. Conclusions: Arundinarieae are a relatively ancient bambusoid lineage that underwent a rapid radiation in the late Miocene. The radiation coincides with the continental collision of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian Plates. Arundinarieae are distributed primarily in East Asia and the Himalayas to northern Southeast Asia. It is unknown whether they were present in Asia long before their radiation, but we believe recent dispersal is a more likely scenario. Keywords: Arundinarieae; Bambuseae; internal transcribed spacer (ITS); molecular clock; phylogenetics; radiation; temperate bamboos; Thamnocalaminae; trnL-F


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The objective of this work was to estimate the incidence and prevalence of Garlic common latent virus (GarCLV) in the main production regions of garlic (Allium sativum) in Argentina, and to perform phylogenetic and recombination analyses in isolates from these regions. Leaf samples (3,050) were taken from four garlic commercial types, in 13 departments of the four main garlic-producing provinces of Argentina, in a 1,175-ha sampling area. Virus infection was evaluated with DAS-Elisa test using specific antiserum, and the phylogenetic and recombination analyses were done with capsid protein (CP) nucleotide sequence of seven GarCLV isolates from the provinces. The incidence of GarCLV in the evaluated provinces varied between 6.7 and 22% of the samples, whereas the prevalence varied between 52.6 and 70%. In the analysis of garlic commercial types, Morado showed the highest incidence of the virus, in the province of San Juan, whereas Rosado Paraguayo had the lowest incidence, in the province of Cordoba. Nucleotide identity in the CP sequences ranged between 80.3 and 97.6%. The phylogenetic analysis shows the presence of two main groups of GarCLV and of a possible third group that would include only a German isolate. The recombination analysis between isolates from different parts of the world evidences the presence of recombinant isolates from Poland and Australia.


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We have compared the phylogenetic diversity of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains from Switzerland and their phylogenetic relationships with European epidemic clones, using multiprimer random amplification polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Strains included 24 European epidemic clones (59 strains), 66 sporadic strains isolated in Switzerland in 1996-1997, and 15 reference strains of five other Staphylococcus species. Similarity and clustering analysis with the Jaccard's coefficient showed that the maximum genetic distance between MRSA strains was 0.43, whereas the minimum genetic distance between the six Staphylococcus species was 0.97, indicating that the method permits phylogenetic hierarchization. The 24 MRSA clones reported to be epidemic in European countries during the 1990s were distributed into seven different genetic clusters with a maximum distance of 0.29 among them. This clustering pattern was confirmed by the analysis of a subset of MRSA strains by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis at 12 loci. Most of the sporadic Swiss strains were distributed into these seven different genetic clusters, together with the epidemic MRSA clones. This suggests that there is no phylogenetic cluster specific to epidemic clones of MRSA.


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Fit produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 is a novel insect toxin in root colonizing pseudomonads, of which a homologue is described in Photorhabdus species.However, occurrence and abundance of insect pathogenicity in plant-associated pseudomonads is still unclear. An extensive screening outside the P. fluorescens complex identified strains of Pseudomonas chlororaphis as further Fit toxin producing candidates. Sequences of five different P. chlororaphis strains generated in this study were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the Fit toxin gene and to analyse its mode of evolution. We found that P. chlororaphis is closely associated with a small subgroup of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and pyoluteorin- producing pseudomonads, both when analyzing four housekeeping genes and the nucleotide sequences for the Fit toxin gene. Additionally, we identified purifying selection to be the predominant mode of Fit toxin evolution.


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Barmumycin was isolated from an extract of the marine actinomycete Streptomyces sp. BOSC-022A and found to be cytotoxic against various human tumor cell lines. Based on preliminary one- and two-dimensional 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra, the natural compound was initially assigned the structure of macrolactone-type compound 1, which was later prepared by two different routes. However, major spectroscopic differences between isolated barmumycin and 1 led to revision of the proposed structure as E-16. Based on synthesis of this new compound, and subsequent spectroscopic comparison of it to an authentic sample of barmumycin, the structure of the natural compound was indeed confirmed as that of E-16.


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Résumé Les mousses sont la plus ancienne lignée de plantes terrestres et leur longue évolution a été accompagnée par des tendances à la simplification des caractères morphologiques. Ce phénomène a quelque peu compliqué les reconstructions phylogénétiques basées sur la morphologie. Les analyses génétiques ont permis de donner de nouvelles informations dans le cadre des analyses phylogénétiques et une réévaluation de certains caractères morphologiques. La plupart des études combinant les données morphologiques et moléculaires ne concernent que des niveaux systématiques élevés comme l'ordre ou la famille et très peu considèrent le niveau du genre. La présente étude tend à tester les relations phylogénétiques du genre Grimmia à l'aide d'une combinaison de caractères morphologiques et moléculaires. Les 40 espèces de Grimmia utilisées dans la première partie de cette étude représentent la majorité des espèces trouvées en Eurasie, un des centres de diversification du genre. Lors de l'analyse morphologique, 52 caractères morphologiques/anatomiques (33 du gamétophyte et 19 du sporophyte) ont été numérisés. Malgré le peu de support statistique des arbres, la topologie des arbres est stable. Les Grimmia, comme décrit précédemment, sont paraphylétiques. Trois clades, correspondant respectivement aux sous-genres Rhabdogrimmia Limpr, Litoneuron I.Hagen et Gasterogrimmia Schimp. sont présents, tandis que le restant des taxons appartenant aux Grimmia forment un groupe non-résolu et indistinct des autres Grimmiaceae. Les séquences chloroplastiques trnL-trnF et rps4 combinés à la morphologie ont été ensuite utilisés pour reconstruire la phylogénie des Grimmia. Les arbres obtenus soutiennent la monophylie des Grimmiaceae tandis que les Grimmia, sont paraphylétiques. Deux clades principaux correspondant aux "Rhabdogrimmia" et aux "Grimmia" se détachent. Seules les espèces de "Rhabdogrimmia" produisent des gemmules foliaires (reproduction asexuée). Dans une étude considèrant 91 séquences trrIL-trnF les espèces appartenant aux "Rhabdogrimrnia" (reproduction asexuée essentiellement) ont des variabilités intraspécifique très faible et interspécifique relativement élevée tandis que les "Grimmia" possèdent la tendance inverse (plus de reproduction sexuée). Summary The mosses are a very old land plant lineage and their long evolutionary history has been accompanied by a trend of morphological character simplifications. This phenomenon has somewhat complicated morphological based phylogenetic reconstructions. Genetic analyses have provided new insights for phylogenetic studies, and have allowed morphological data to be re¬evaluated. Most of the studies combining morphological and molecular data have concerned the higher systematic levels of order and family and only have few considered the genus. The present study aims to test the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Grimmia using a combination of morphological and molecular characters. The 40 chosen Grimmia species represent the majority of those found in Eurasia, one diversification centers of the genus. For the morphological analysis, 52 morphological/anatomical characters (33 gametophyte and 19 sporophyte characters) were numerized. Although the internal statistical support was relatively low, the tree topologies were stable. Grimmia as currently defined was found to be paraphyletic. Three subclades, corresponding to the subgenera Rhabdogrimmia Limpr., Litoneuron I.Hagen, and Gasterogrimmia Schimp. were observed in the trees, while the reminder of the Grimmia species formed an unresolved group indistinct from other Grimmiaceae. Chloroplast (trnL-trnF and rps4) DNA sequences combined with morphology were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of Grimmia. The resulting trees supported the monophyly of Grimmiaceae and that the genus Grimmia, as currently defined, as paraphyletic. Two main clades were resolved corresponding to "Rhabdogrimmia" and "Grimmia". The species belonging to "Rhabdogrimmia" produce foliar-gemmae (asexual reproduction). In a study using 91 sequences of trnL-trnF,"Rhabdogrimmia" species (mainly asexual reproduction) have very low intraspecific variability and high interspecific variability whereas the "Grimmia" species possess the inverse tendency.


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[spa] En el contexto de los juegos de asignación bilaterales, estudiamos el conjunto de matrices asociadas a mercados de asignación con el mismo nucleo. Se proporcionan condiciones sobre las entradas de la matriz que aseguran que los juegos de asignación asociados tienen el mismo núcleo. Se prueba que este conjunto de matrices que dan lugar al mismo núcleo forman un semirretículo con un número finito de elementos minimales y un único máximo. Se da una caracterización de estos elementos minimales. También se proporciona una condición suficiente para obtener un retículo.


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[cat] En aquest treball introduïm la classe de "multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment games", que generalitza la coneguda classe de jocs d’assignació de Böhm-Bawerk bilaterals a situacions amb un nombre arbitrari de sectors. Trobem els extrems del core de qualsevol multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment game a partir d’un joc convex definit en el conjunt de sectors enlloc del conjunt de venedors i compradors. Addicionalment estudiem quan el core d’aquests jocs d’assignació és estable en el sentit de von Neumann-Morgenstern.


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[cat] En aquest treball es demostra que en el domini dels jocs d’assignació equilibrats multisectorials (Quint, 1991), el core és l’única solució no buida que satisfà derived consistency i projection consistency. També es caracteritza el core en tota la classe dels jocs d’assignació multisectorials amb els axiomes de singleness best, individual antimonotonicity i derived consistency. Com a casos particulars, s’obtenen dues noves axiomàtiques del core per als jocs d’assignació bilaterals (Shapley and Shubik, 1972).


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Maschler et al. (1979) caracteritzen geomètricament la intersecció del kernel i del core en els jocs cooperatius, demostrant que les distribucions que pertanyen a ambdós conjunts es troben en el punt mig d’un cert rang de negociació entre parelles de jugadors. En el cas dels jocs d’assignació, aquesta caracterització vol dir que el kernel només conté aquells elements del core on el màxim que un jugador pot transferir a una parella òptima és igual al màxim que aquesta parella li pot transferir, sense sortir-se’n del core. En aquest treball demostrem que el nucleolus d’un joc d’assignació queda caracteritzat si requerim que aquesta propietat de bisecció es compleixi no només per parelles, sinó també per coalicions entre sectors aparellades òptimament.


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Maschler et al. (1979) caracteritzen geomètricament la intersecció del kernel i del core en els jocs cooperatius, demostrant que les distribucions que pertanyen a ambdós conjunts es troben en el punt mig d’un cert rang de negociació entre parelles de jugadors. En el cas dels jocs d’assignació, aquesta caracterització vol dir que el kernel només conté aquells elements del core on el màxim que un jugador pot transferir a una parella òptima és igual al màxim que aquesta parella li pot transferir, sense sortir-se’n del core. En aquest treball demostrem que el nucleolus d’un joc d’assignació queda caracteritzat si requerim que aquesta propietat de bisecció es compleixi no només per parelles, sinó també per coalicions entre sectors aparellades òptimament.


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[spa] En el contexto de los juegos de asignación bilaterales, estudiamos el conjunto de matrices asociadas a mercados de asignación con el mismo nucleo. Se proporcionan condiciones sobre las entradas de la matriz que aseguran que los juegos de asignación asociados tienen el mismo núcleo. Se prueba que este conjunto de matrices que dan lugar al mismo núcleo forman un semirretículo con un número finito de elementos minimales y un único máximo. Se da una caracterización de estos elementos minimales. También se proporciona una condición suficiente para obtener un retículo.


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[cat] En aquest treball introduïm la classe de "multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment games", que generalitza la coneguda classe de jocs d’assignació de Böhm-Bawerk bilaterals a situacions amb un nombre arbitrari de sectors. Trobem els extrems del core de qualsevol multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment game a partir d’un joc convex definit en el conjunt de sectors enlloc del conjunt de venedors i compradors. Addicionalment estudiem quan el core d’aquests jocs d’assignació és estable en el sentit de von Neumann-Morgenstern.


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[cat] En aquest treball es demostra que en el domini dels jocs d’assignació equilibrats multisectorials (Quint, 1991), el core és l’única solució no buida que satisfà derived consistency i projection consistency. També es caracteritza el core en tota la classe dels jocs d’assignació multisectorials amb els axiomes de singleness best, individual antimonotonicity i derived consistency. Com a casos particulars, s’obtenen dues noves axiomàtiques del core per als jocs d’assignació bilaterals (Shapley and Shubik, 1972).


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WDM (Wavelength-Division Multiplexing) optiset verkot on tällä hetkellä suosituin tapa isojen määrän tietojen siirtämiseen. Jokaiselle liittymälle määrätään reitin ja aallonpituus joka linkin varten. Tarvittavan reitin ja aallon pituuden löytäminen kutsutaan RWA-ongelmaksi. Tämän työn kuvaa mahdollisia kustannuksen mallein ratkaisuja RWA-ongelmaan. Olemassa on paljon erilaisia optimoinnin tavoitteita. Edellä mainittuja kustannuksen malleja perustuu näillä tavoitteilla. Kustannuksen malleja antavat tehokkaita ratkaisuja ja algoritmeja. The multicommodity malli on käsitelty tässä työssä perusteena RV/A-kustannuksen mallille. Myöskin OB käsitelty heuristisia menetelmiä RWA-ongelman ratkaisuun. Työn loppuosassa käsitellään toteutuksia muutamalle mallille ja erilaisia mahdollisuuksia kustannuksen mallein parantamiseen.