883 resultados para Performance evolution due time


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La présente recherche s’intéresse à l’évolution des finalités de l’université québécoise dans le contexte de mondialisation en opérant une analyse de contenu des politiques publiques concernant les universités (1998-2009). Notre démarche, qui s’ancre dans une approche socio-historique, a donné lieu à l’appréhension du concept de mondialisation par ses trois dimensions (économique, politique et culturelle), et celui des finalités de l’université par ses missions (formation, recherche et « troisième mission »). Le cadre conceptuel élaboré par la suite a permis d’examiner l’évolution des finalités de l’université dans sa complexité. L’analyse a permis de constater que les thématiques suivaient rarement une évolution linéaire, subissant tantôt une réification, tantôt une stagnation, ou carrément un changement de sens. L’analyse transversale des deux objets permet de dégager des tensions dialectiques qui s’alignent sur le mouvement des dimensions économique, politique et culturelle de la mondialisation. L’influence de la première entraîne un glissement sémantique qui redéfinit le rôle de l’université ainsi que la nature des savoirs à l’éclairage du discours sur l’économie des savoirs. Au plan de la dimension politique, l’application de la nouvelle gestion publique suscite aussi des glissements sémantiques, telle la réification de la définition de la qualité des missions. La dimension culturelle laisse quant à elle entrevoir une forme d’individualisation des rapports avec l’université, notamment en voyant le contrat social dans lequel l’université doit s’engager avec la société se déplacer vers un contrat de gestion. Si les documents font état d’une dichotomie entre savoirs désintéressés et savoirs utiles, il est proposé dans le cadre de cette recherche de dépasser ces oppositions qui finalement émergent de postures idéologiques.


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Die Arbeit behandelt den Vorschlag für eine EU-Verordnung KOM/2000/7/final, 2000/0212(COD) des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates von der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften als Grundlage einer Marktöffnungsverordnung und welche Veränderungen sich dadurch in Deutschland einstellen werden. Ausschreibungen von Verkehrsleistungen werden zunehmen. Die Ausschreibungsarten werden sich in ländlichen Regionen von denen in Verkehrszentren unterscheiden. In der Region werden sich Bedarfslösungen stärker durchsetzen. Kürzungen von Verkehrsleistungen werden hier stärker ausfallen als in den Zentren und damit zu einem kleineren Leistungsvolumen führen. Aufgrund des geringen Leistungsumfangs gibt es weniger Interessenten. Bei Standardausschreibungen werden deshalb auch häufig die Varianten der beschränkten oder die freihändige Vergabe gewählt. Funktionale Ausschreibungen haben nur eine untergeordnete Bedeutung. In den Verkehrszentren sind die Lose größer und damit für viele Anbieter interessant. Die Verkehrszusatzleistungen sind zudem komplexer. Standardausschreibungen in öffentlicher Vergabeart werden sich hier vermutlich als Norm durchsetzen. Die VOL/A wird sicherlich ihre Bedeutung und ihren dafür notwendigen Regelungsumfang in Deutschland als deutsches oder als europäisches Recht behalten. Ob der empfehlende Charakter der DIN EN 13816 Norm „ÖPNV: Definition, Festlegung von Leistungszielen und Messung der Servicequalität“ erhalten werden kann und nicht als Steuerungselement zur Standardisierung im ÖPNV beitragen wird, ist dabei zu bezweifeln. Durch diese Wettbewerbspflicht wird der Aufgabenträger zum Besteller von Verkehrsleistungen. Damit geht die Verkehrsplanung in die Verantwortung des Aufgabenträgers über und gerät stärker in den Einflussbereich der Politik. Die strategisch abstrakte und die konkrete Verkehrsplanung wachsen für den Normfall der Standardausschreibung zusammen. Die Hoffnung auf eine bessere Netzintegration und eine Standardisierung des ÖPNV Angebots und der ÖPNV Qualität entsteht. Es entwickelt sich dadurch aber auch die Gefahr der Abhängigkeit des Nahverkehrsangebots von der derzeitigen Haushaltslage oder der Interessenlage der Politik. Kontinuität in Angebot und Qualität werden zu erklärten Planungszielen. Der Verkehrsplaner auf der Bestellerseite muss die Planung in Ausschreibungsunterlagen umsetzen. Dies erfordert erweiterte Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Betriebswirtschaft, Logistik, Jura, Informatik und Führungskompetenzen. Ausbildende Institutionen müssen darauf bereits im Vorfeld der Umsetzung reagieren. Durch die zeitliche Verzögerung der Umsetzung der Planung durch die Ausschreibungsschritte sind in der Verkehrsplanung längere Planungsvorlaufzeiten einzukalkulieren. Vorausschauender zu planen, wird dabei wichtiger. Auch eventuelle Fehler in der Planung sind nicht mehr so einfach zu korrigieren. Durch den gestiegenen Einsatz von Technologien in den Fahrzeugen besteht für den Verkehrsplaner dafür häufiger die Möglichkeit, Planungsänderungen auf ihre Wirksamkeit im Hinblick auf Attraktivität für den Fahrgast anhand von den ermittelten Fahrgastzahlen zu kontrollieren. Dasselbe gilt auch für Marketing- und Vertriebsmaßnahmen, wie für die Tarifpolitik. Die Zahlen stehen nicht nur für diese Rückkopplung zur Verfügung, sondern dienen auch als Planungsgrundlage für zukünftige Maßnahmen. Dem Planer stehen konkretere Zahlen für die Planung zur Verfügung. Ein Aspekt, der aufgrund der Sanktionsmaßnahmen bei Ausschreibungen an Bedeutung gewinnen wird, ist die Möglichkeit, Qualität von Verkehrsleistungen möglichst objektiv beurteilen zu können. Praxisrelevante Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrsplanung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs ergeben sich hauptsächlich durch die gestiegene Komplexität in der Planung selbst und den dadurch unverzichtbaren gewordenen Einsatz von Computerunterstützung. Die Umsetzung in Ausschreibungsunterlagen der Planung und die Kontrolle stellen neue Elemente im Aufgabenbereich des Verkehrsplaners dar und erfordern damit breiter ausgelegte Kernkompetenzen. Es werden mehr Verkehrsplaner mit breiterer Ausbildung benötigt werden. Diese Arbeit hat aufgezeigt, dass sich mit der Integration des Ausschreibungsgedankens in den Ablauf der Verkehrsplanung eine sprunghafte Entwicklung in der Planungstätigkeit ergeben wird. Aufgrund der in Zukunft steigenden Qualität und Quantität der Planungsgrundlagen und der ebenfalls gestiegenen Ansprüche an die Bewertungsparameter ergeben sich Veränderungen und neue Anforderungen auf diesem Gebiet, die in erster Linie für die Hochschulen und andere ausbildende Einrichtungen, aber auch für die Verkehrsplanung unterstützende Industrie.


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In this paper we present a component based person detection system that is capable of detecting frontal, rear and near side views of people, and partially occluded persons in cluttered scenes. The framework that is described here for people is easily applied to other objects as well. The motivation for developing a component based approach is two fold: first, to enhance the performance of person detection systems on frontal and rear views of people and second, to develop a framework that directly addresses the problem of detecting people who are partially occluded or whose body parts blend in with the background. The data classification is handled by several support vector machine classifiers arranged in two layers. This architecture is known as Adaptive Combination of Classifiers (ACC). The system performs very well and is capable of detecting people even when all components of a person are not found. The performance of the system is significantly better than a full body person detector designed along similar lines. This suggests that the improved performance is due to the components based approach and the ACC data classification structure.


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Scaling down of the CMOS technology requires thinner gate dielectric to maintain high performance. However, due to the depletion of poly-Si gate, it is difficult to reduce the gate thickness further especially for sub-65 nm CMOS generation. Fully silicidation metal gate (FUSI) is one of the most promising solutions. Furthermore, FUSI metal gate reduces gate-line sheet resistance, prevents boron penetration to channels, and has good process compatibility with high-k gate dielectric. Poly-SiGe gate technology is another solution because of its enhancement of boron activation and compatibility with the conventional CMOS process. Combination of these two technologies for the formation of fully germanosilicided metal gate makes the approach very attractive. In this paper, the deposition of undoped Poly-Si₁₋xGex (0 < x < 30% ) films onto SiO₂ in a low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) system is described. Detailed growth conditions and the characterization of the grown films are presented.


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Introducción: La escala de severidad en emergencias es una herramienta que ofrece seguridad a pacientes en servicios de urgencias. Este trabajo evalúa la aplicación de la escala ESI 4.0 en términos de oportunidad de atención y consumo de recursos en la Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, para comparar los resultados con parámetros estándar. Metodología Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. Se incluyeron 385 pacientes aleatorizados por nivel de atención. Se tomaron datos demográficos y variables como consumo de recursos y destino del paciente para su descripción y análisis. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 44.9 años IC95%42.9–46.9, el 54.5% fueron mujeres. Se encontró un tiempo promedio de espera para nivel 1 de 1.39 min, para el nivel 2 de 22.9 min 2, para el nivel 3 de 41.9 min, para el nivel 4 de 56.9 min y para el nivel 5 de 52.1 min. El tiempo promedio de estancia en urgencias fue 5.9 horas y el 78.9% consumió recursos. Al comparar los tiempos con estándares mundiales en el nivel 1, 2 y 3 son significativamente mayores (P<0,05), en el nivel 4 es similar (p0,51) y en el nivel 5 es significativamente menor (p=0,00) Discusión: La escala ESI 4.0 es una herramienta segura, con un comportamiento similar en oportunidad de atención y consumo de recursos con respecto a los estándares de cuidado en los servicios de urgencias.


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Os cosméticos sempre estiveram presentes desde os primórdios da Humanidade, existindo actualmente uma enorme panóplia de produtos ao alcance dos consumidores. Desde sempre o homem se preocupou com a sua aparência e para tal utilizou os cosméticos como forma de realçar a sua beleza. Durante o século XIX a área dos cosméticos e da farmácia sofreu uma grande evolução devido à revolução industrial e ao aparecimento de novas tecnologias. No século XIX surgiram pela primeira vez métodos de eliminação de rugas, de embelezamento do rosto e na higiene deu-se importância aos banhos com a criação dos balneários públicos. A crescente procura de beleza levou à criação de produtos cosméticos diversos, alguns dos quais perigosos para a saúde, sendo este um dos pontos a abordar nesta tese. Os cosméticos serão abordados como um bem de luxo num país que vivia em extrema pobreza. Serão abordados outros pontos como a importância de produtos cosméticos estrangeiros e efectuar-se-á uma comparação entre um cosmético actual e um do século XIX. A Farmácia em Portugal sofreu profundas alterações no século XIX. A botica deu lugar à farmácia e a produção de medicamentos que anteriormente era feita artesanalmente, passou a ser feita industrialmente. A extinção das ordens religiosas em Portugal em 1834 foi crucial para o desenvolvimento das farmácias. O encerramento das farmácias dos mosteiros originou uma maior viabilização e abrangência territorial dos estabelecimentos privados. Este foi o momento na história da farmácia em Portugal que levou à formação do associativismo. O avanço da produção científica e da literatura técnico profissional que se verificava por toda a Europa também se repercutiu em Portugal. Como exemplo da Literatura Farmacêutica Portuguesa neste século temos a publicação do Codigo Pharmaceutico lusitano. Com o surgimento da era industrial e consequente aumento dos bens produzidos, aperfeiçoou-se a técnica publicitária que deixou de ser unicamente informativa para ser mais persuasiva e agressiva levando o consumidor a comprar. Com esta tese de mestrado tenta-se demonstrar o impacto da revolução industrial no Farmacêutico em Portugal e avaliar a sua resposta às necessidades de mercado. O profissional de saúde deverá apreender rapidamente conhecimento de modo a não perder a sua identidade.


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Single point interaction haptic devices do not provide the natural grasp and manipulations found in the real world, as afforded by multi-fingered haptics. The present study investigates a two-fingered grasp manipulation involving rotation with and without force feedback. There were three visual cue conditions: monocular, binocular and projective lighting. Performance metrics of time and positional accuracy were assessed. The results indicate that adding haptics to an object manipulation task increases the positional accuracy but slightly increases the overall time taken.


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The radiation of the mammals provides a 165-million-year test case for evolutionary theories of how species occupy and then fill ecological niches. It is widely assumed that species often diverge rapidly early in their evolution, and that this is followed by a longer, drawn-out period of slower evolutionary fine-tuning as natural selection fits organisms into an increasingly occupied niche space1,2. But recent studies have hinted that the process may not be so simple3–5. Here we apply statistical methods that automatically detect temporal shifts in the rate of evolution through time to a comprehensive mammalian phylogeny6 and data set7 of body sizes of 3,185 extant species. Unexpectedly, the majority of mammal species, including two of the most speciose orders (Rodentia and Chiroptera), have no history of substantial and sustained increases in the rates of evolution. Instead, a subset of the mammals has experienced an explosive increase (between 10- and 52-fold) in the rate of evolution along the single branch leading to the common ancestor of their monophyletic group (for example Chiroptera), followed by a quick return to lower or background levels. The remaining species are a taxonomically diverse assemblage showing a significant, sustained increase or decrease in their rates of evolution. These results necessarily decouple morphological diversification from speciation and suggest that the processes that give rise to the morphological diversity of a class of animals are far more free to vary than previously considered. Niches do not seem to fill up, and diversity seems to arise whenever, wherever and at whatever rate it is advantageous.


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This paper examines the predictability of real estate asset returns using a number of time series techniques. A vector autoregressive model, which incorporates financial spreads, is able to improve upon the out of sample forecasting performance of univariate time series models at a short forecasting horizon. However, as the forecasting horizon increases, the explanatory power of such models is reduced, so that returns on real estate assets are best forecast using the long term mean of the series. In the case of indirect property returns, such short-term forecasts can be turned into a trading rule that can generate excess returns over a buy-and-hold strategy gross of transactions costs, although none of the trading rules developed could cover the associated transactions costs. It is therefore concluded that such forecastability is entirely consistent with stock market efficiency.


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To date, only one study has investigated educational attainment in poor (reading) comprehenders, providing evidence of poor performance on national UK school tests at age 11 years relative to peers (Cain & Oakhill, 2006). In the present study, we adopted a longitudinal approach, tracking attainment on such tests from 11 years to the end of compulsory schooling in the UK (age 16 years). We aimed to investigate the proposal that educational weaknesses (defined as poor performance on national assessments) might become more pronounced over time, as the curriculum places increasing demands on reading comprehension. Participants comprised 15 poor comprehenders and 15 controls; groups were matched for chronological age, nonverbal reasoning ability and decoding skill. Children were identified at age 9 years using standardised measures of nonverbal reasoning, decoding and reading comprehension. These measures, along with a measure of oral vocabulary knowledge, were repeated at age 11 years. Data on educational attainment were collected from all participants (N = 30) at age 11 and from a subgroup (n = 21) at 16 years. Compared to controls, educational attainment in poor comprehenders was lower at ages 11 and 16 years, an effect that was significant at 11 years. When poor comprehenders were compared to national performance levels, they showed significantly lower performance at both time points. Low educational attainment was not evident for all poor comprehenders. Nonetheless, our findings point to a link between reading comprehension difficulties in mid to late childhood and poor educational outcomes at ages 11 and 16 years. At these ages, pupils in the UK are making key transitions: they move from primary to secondary schools at 11, and out of compulsory schooling at 16.


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This paper presents a software-based study of a hardware-based non-sorting median calculation method on a set of integer numbers. The method divides the binary representation of each integer element in the set into bit slices in order to find the element located in the middle position. The method exhibits a linear complexity order and our analysis shows that the best performance in execution time is obtained when slices of 4-bit in size are used for 8-bit and 16-bit integers, in mostly any data set size. Results suggest that software implementation of bit slice method for median calculation outperforms sorting-based methods with increasing improvement for larger data set size. For data set sizes of N > 5, our simulations show an improvement of at least 40%.


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The study of planetary nebulae in the inner-disk and bulge gives important information on the chemical abundances of elements such as He, N, O, Ar, Ne, and on the evolution of these abundances, which is associated with the evolution of intermediate-mass stars and the chemical evolution of time Galaxy. We present accurate abundances of the elements He, N, 5, 0, Ar, and Ne for a sample of 54 planetary nebulae located towards the bulge of the Galaxy, for 33 of which the abundances are derived here for the first time. The abundances are obtained based on observations in the optical domain made at the National Laboratory for Astrophysics (LNA, Brazil). The data show a good agreement; with other results in the literature, in the sense that the distribution of the abundances is similar to that of those works.


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This study where designed to investigate if there are any positive relationship between the extent of physical activity during adolescent's leisure time and the academic performance, and also if there are any negative relationship between the academic performance and the time spent in front of the television or computers. Another part of the study tried to find out if physical activity has a direct and immediate influence on the performance in school. 91 pupils (51 girls and 40 boys) in the 8:th year of the Swedish primary school, from three different schools participated in the study. All 91 pupils first responded to a questionnaire concerning there activities in leisure time. They where then tested in a mathematical test and the results where compared with the extent of physical activity and TV/computer time they had stated in the questionnaire. 53 of the pupils also participated in the part of the study where direct and immediate influences of physical activity where tested. They where tested in two different but similar mathematical tests. Before the first test all pupils had a walk for about 3 km. The second test where accomplished whiteout preceding walk.Pupils who spend one hour or less/week on physical activity had significant lower mean score on the mathematical test then the pupils who spend more than one hour/week on physical activities, (Mann-Whitney U-test: Z= -2,486, p= 0,0129). Boys who spent 10,5 hours or less/week in front of the TV/computer had significant higher mean score than the boys who spent more than 10,5 hours/week in front of the TV/computer. No significant differences in the results of the two different tests, one white and one whiteout preceding walk, were observed.


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As far back as I can remember, I have always been interested in studio art. Whether it be painting, drawing, printmaking, or photography, it has consistently been a part of my life. Upon enrolling in Colby, I became interested in computers and decided to major my undergraduate college career in Computer Science. Not forgetting past interests, I continued my studio art education, taking several classes within the Art department. In due time, I began combining interests and began studying Computer Graphics and Design. With limited resources in this field at Colby, the majority of my computer graphic education and experience has been done on my own time apart from regular classroom work. As time progressed, so did my interests. Starting with simple image manipulation of digitally scanned photographs, I moved on to Web Page design, eventually leading to Desktop Publishing. Ultimately, I wanted to take a step further and expand my overall computer graphic knowledge by learning 3D modeling and animation. With even fewer resources in 3D animation at Colby, I perceived having trouble finding the information and tools I would need to gain the necessary skills for this new field. The Senior Scholars program gave me the opponunity to find and acquire the necessary tools to pursue my interest. This program also allowed me to devote the proper amount of time required for learning these new tools.


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Para a realização deste estudo, partiu-se da definição que hipoglicemia corresponde a uma taxa de glicose menor ou igual a 40mg/dl e hiperglicemia a uma concentração sangüínea de glicose maior que 120mg/dl. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, selecionando RNs com patologias potencialmente modificadoras da concentração de glicose e que deveriam ter suas glicemias monitorizadas e RNs com quadros clínicos os mais variados indicando a necessidade de coleta de sangue para sua assistência. A amostra de escolha para as dosagens de glicose é a venosa, porém há uma série de inconvenientes para se realizar essa determinação, uma vez que há necessidade de punção venosa, o que exige habilidade na execução devido ao diâmetro dos vasos e da própria fragilidade dos RNs, principalmente os prematuros, os quais constituem o grupo de maior risco para hipoglicemia. Outro problema que se observa é a demora em se obter os resultados, devido à estrutura da maioria dos nossos hospitais. Como existe no mercado um aparelho manual eletrônico que utiliza tiras-teste eletroquímicas capaz de dosar a glicemia capilar em 20 segundos, elaborou-se este estudo 19 trabalho para verificar se as determinações da glicemia em sangue capilar coincidiam com a realizada em sangue venoso (padrão-ouro), contribuindo assim para que o diagnóstico e o tratamento possam ser efetivados o mais precocemente possível. Foram estudados 177 exames, encontrando-se o seguinte: como desempenho do teste Precision Plus®, usando o ponto de corte tradicional para hipoglicemia (≤40) e (n=28), sensibilidade de 90,3 (IC 95%: 73,1 a 97,5) e especificidade de 88,4 (IC 95%: 81,7 a 92,9); como desempenho do teste Precision Plus®, usando o ponto de corte tradicional para hiperglicemia (≥120) e (n=17), sensibilidade 77,3 (IC 95%: 54,2 a 91,3) e especificidade 93,5 (IC 95%:88,1 a 96,7). Modificando o corte tradicional para taxas de 50 mg/dl e 100 mg/dl, respectivamente, hipo e hiperglicemia encontrou-se como desempenho do teste Precision Plus® para hipoglicemia (≤ 50), sensibilidade de 96,8 e especificidade de 82,9; como desempenho do teste Precision Plus® para hiperglicemia (≥100), sensibilidade de 95,5 e especificidade de 87,7. O desempenho do aparelho Precision Plus® no teste é adequado para realizar rastreamento de alterações glicêmicas nas populações de risco em UTIs, apesar das oscilações. Este método não deverá ser o indicado para tomadas de condutas terapêuticas. O método bioquímico deverá ser sempre utilizado para a confirmação da glicemia quando esta for realizada por métodos mais simples.