980 resultados para Pelvic lipomatosis
As pelvic fractures in children and adolescents are very rare, the surgical management is not well delineated nor are the postoperative complications. The aim of this study using the prospective data from German Pelvic Trauma Registry study was to evaluate the various treatment approaches compared to adults and delineated the differences in postoperative complications after pelvic injuries.Using the prospective pelvic trauma registry established by the German Society of Traumatology and the German Section of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO), International in 1991, patients with pelvic fractures over a 12-year time frame submitted by any 1 of the 23 member level I trauma centers were reviewed.We identified a total of 13,525 patients including pelvic fractures in 13,317 adults and 208 children aged ≤14 years and compared these 2 groups. The 2 groups' Injury Severitiy Score (ISS) did not differ statistically. Lethality in the pediatric group was 6.3%, not statistically different from the adults' 4.6%. In all, 18.3% of the pediatric pelvic fractures were treated surgically as compared to 22.7% in the adult group. No child suffered any thrombosis/embolism, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiorgan failure (MOF), or neurologic deficit, nor was any septic MOF detected. The differences between adults and children were statistically significant in that the children suffered less frequently from thrombosis/embolism (P = 0.041) and ARDS and MOF (P = 0.006).This prospective multicenter study addressing patients with pelvic fractures reveals that the risk for a thrombosis/embolism, ARDS, and MOF is significant lower in pediatric patients than in adults. No statistical differences could be found in the ratios of operative therapy of the pelvic fractures in children compared to adults.
Fractures of the pelvic ring are comparatively rare with an incidence of 2-8 % of all fractures depending on the study in question. The severity of pelvic ring fractures can be very different ranging from simple and mostly "harmless" type A fractures up to life-threatening complex type C fractures. Although it was previously postulated that high-energy trauma was necessary to induce a pelvic ring fracture, over the past decades it became more and more evident, not least from data in the pelvic trauma registry of the German Society for Trauma Surgery (DGU), that low-energy minor trauma can also cause pelvic ring fractures of osteoporotic bone and in a rapidly increasing population of geriatric patients insufficiency fractures of the pelvic ring are nowadays observed with no preceding trauma.Even in large trauma centers the number of patients with pelvic ring fractures is mostly insufficient to perform valid and sufficiently powerful monocentric studies on epidemiological, diagnostic or therapeutic issues. For this reason, in 1991 the first and still the only registry worldwide for the documentation and evaluation of pelvic ring fractures was introduced by the Working Group Pelvis (AG Becken) of the DGU. Originally, the main objectives of the documentation were epidemiological and diagnostic issues; however, in the course of time it developed into an increasingly expanding dataset with comprehensive parameters on injury patterns, operative and conservative therapy regimens and short-term and long-term outcome of patients. Originally starting with 10 institutions, in the meantime more than 30 hospitals in Germany and other European countries participate in the documentation of data. In the third phase of the registry alone, which was started in 2004, data from approximately 15,000 patients with pelvic ring and acetabular fractures were documented. In addition to the scientific impact of the pelvic trauma registry, which is reflected in the numerous national and international publications, the dramatically changing epidemiology of pelvic ring fractures, further developments in diagnostics and the changes in operative procedures over time could be demonstrated. Last but not least the now well-established diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms for pelvic ring fractures, which could be derived from the information collated in registry studies, reflect the clinical impact of the registry.
One of the most widely accepted noncontraceptive benefits of oral contraceptive use is the reduction in the development of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and its sequelae in users. While much of the research over the past forty years has found an association between oral contraceptive use and reduced rates of PID [Senanayake, 1980], more recent studies have qualified and even challenged this widely held belief. [Henry-Suchet, 1997; Ness 1997; Ness, 2001] PID, an infection in the upper genital tract causing infertility and ectopic pregnancy, affects over one million women in the United States each year, exacting an enormous toll on women's reproductive and emotional health, as well as our economy. [CDC Factsheet, 2007] This thesis examines the public health implications of pelvic inflammatory disease and the use of oral contraceptives. Sixteen original studies are reviewed and analyzed, thirteen of which found a protective benefit with oral contraceptive use against PID and three more recent studies which found no protective benefit or association between oral contraceptive use and PID. Analysis of the research findings suggests a need for additional research, provider and patient education, and an increased government role in addressing the ongoing and significant public health concerns raised by current rates of Chlamydia- and gonorrheal-PID. ^
The primary objectives of the study were to measure the incidence of pelvic endometriosis among white females of reproductive age (15-49 years) in Rochester, Minnesota, during the period 1970-1979 and to determine the risk of endometriosis by age, marital status, nun status, and educational attainment in this population. An historical prospective design was used. Incident (newly diagnosed) cases were identified from community medical records, and person-years of risk in the study population were estimated from census data.^ Almost two-thirds of the incident cases had surgically verified endometriosis, while the remainder were diagnosed by clinical findings alone. Incidence rates were prepared first with histologically confirmed cases only and then with the successive inclusion of less certain cases: surgically visualized, clinically probable, and clinically possible. On this basis, overall incidence rates were 108.8 to 246.9 newly diagnosed cases per 100,000 person-years. The incidence of pelvic endometriosis was lowest for women 15-19 years of age, increased markedly through age 44, and then declined for women 45-49 years of age. A significantly greater risk of pelvic endometriosis in never married women was detected only when the numerator was limited to histologically confirmed cases. Among never married women 20-49 years of age, no significant difference in the risk of pelvic endometriosis by nun status was detected, but a trend toward a lower incidence in nuns was observed. Women with education beyond high school had a significantly higher incidence of endometriosis than women with less education.^ Cases in the four diagnostic groups differed greatly by age and marital status but were similar with respect to virtually all other characteristics, once age differences were considered. Reproductive history characteristics described included: age of menarche; history of menopause; total pregnancies; ages of first pregnancy, marriage, and sexual intercourse; years from menarche to first intercourse; years of ovulatory cycling; difficulty becoming pregnant; and delay of the first pregnancy by choice. How these characteristics of incident cases differ from those of women free of endometriosis needs to be studied in future research. ^
Purpose: Accurate delineation of the rectum is of high importance in off-line adaptive radiation therapy since it is a major dose-limiting organ in prostate cancer radiotherapy. The intensity-based deformable image registration (DIR) methods cannot create a correct spatial transformation if there is no correspondence between the template and the target images. The variation of rectal filling, gas, or feces, creates a noncorrespondence in image intensities that becomes a great obstacle for intensity-based DIR. Methods: In this study the authors have designed and implemented a semiautomatic method to create a rectum mask in pelvic computed tomography (CT) images. The method, that includes a DIR based on the demons algorithm, has been tested in 13 prostate cancer cases, each comprising of two CT scans, for a total of 26 CT scans. Results: The use of the manual segmentation in the planning image and the proposed rectum mask method (RMM) method in the daily image leads to an improvement in the DIR performance in pelvic CT images, obtaining a mean value of overlap volume index = 0.89, close to the values obtained using the manual segmentations in both images. Conclusions: The application of the RMM method in the daily image and the manual segmentations in the planning image during prostate cancer treatments increases the performance of the registration in presence of rectal fillings, obtaining very good agreement with a physician's manual contours.
Purpose: Accurate delineation of the rectum is of high importance in off-line adaptive radiation therapy since it is a major dose-limiting organ in prostate cancer radiotherapy. The intensity-based deformable image registration (DIR) methods cannot create a correct spatial transformation if there is no correspondence between the template and the target images. The variation of rectal filling, gas, or feces, creates a noncorrespondence in image intensities that becomes a great obstacle for intensity-based DIR. Methods: In this study the authors have designed and implemented a semiautomatic method to create a rectum mask in pelvic computed tomography (CT) images. The method, that includes a DIR based on the demons algorithm, has been tested in 13 prostate cancer cases, each comprising of two CT scans, for a total of 26 CT scans. Results: The use of the manual segmentation in the planning image and the proposed rectum mask method (RMM) method in the daily image leads to an improvement in the DIR performance in pelvic CT images, obtaining a mean value of overlap volume index = 0.89, close to the values obtained using the manual segmentations in both images. Conclusions: The application of the RMM method in the daily image and the manual segmentations in the planning image during prostate cancer treatments increases the performance of the registration in presence of rectal fillings, obtaining very good agreement with a physician's manual contours.
AIMS: To investigate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) taught in a general exercise class during pregnancy on the prevention of urinary incontinence (UI) in nulliparous continent pregnant women. METHODS: This was a unicenter two armed randomized controlled trial. One hundred sixty-nine women were randomized by a central computer system to an exercise group (EG) (exercise class including PFMT) (n = 73) or a control group (CG) (n = 96). 10.1% loss to follow-up: 10 from EG and 7 from CG. The intervention consisted of 70-75 sessions (22 weeks, three times per week, 55-60 min/session including 10 min of PFMT). The CG received usual care (which included follow up by midwifes including information about PFMT). Questions on prevalence and degree of UI were posed before (week 10-14) and after intervention (week 36-39) using the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence Short Form (ICIQ-UI SF). RESULTS: At the end of the intervention, there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the EG. Reported frequency of UI [Never: CG: 54/60.7%, EG: 60/95.2% (P < 0.001)]. Amount of leakage [None: CG: 45/60.7%, EG: 60/95.2% (P < 0.001)]. There was also a statistically significant difference in ICIQ-UI SF Score between groups after the intervention period [CG: 2.7 (SD 4.1), EG: 0.2 (SD 1.2) (P < 0.001)]. The estimated effect size was 0.8. CONCLUSION: PFMT taught in a general exercise class three times per week for at least 22 weeks, without former assessment of ability to perform a correct contraction was effective in primary prevention of UI in primiparous pregnant women.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
A range of environmental risk factors, with childbirth the most notable, have been associated with the development of pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. However, indications of genetic influence (positive family histories, ethnic differences) have prompted research into the heritability of measures of pelvic organ descent and joint mobility, which have also been associated with prolapse and incontinence. Genes appear to influence about half of the variation in these measures and, furthermore, the pelvic organ measures are associated with elbow hyperextension at a phenotypic level (r approximate to .2). We examined these measures in young, nulligravid women to determine if their association is due to a common genetic source. Data were collected from 178 Caucasian female co-twins and non-twin sisters, 50 of whom returned to be retested, which allowed reliability to be estimated and unreliable variance to be isolated in the multivariate analyses. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate genetic associations between latent elbow and bladder mobility factors for which heritabilities were estimated to be 0.80 and 0.64 respectively. The association between these factors appeared to be mediated by common genes (genetic r = .48, non-shared environmental r = -.06), with genes influencing latent elbow mobility accounting for 14% of the variation in latent bladder mobility. We speculate that genes influencing connective tissue structure may underlie this association.
The pelvic floor muscles (PFM) are part of the trunk stability mechanism. Their function is interdependent with other muscles of this system. They also contribute to continence, elimination, sexual arousal and intra-abdominal pressure. This paper outlines some aspects of function and dysfunction of the PFM complex and describes the contribution of other trunk muscles to these processes. Muscle pathophysiology of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is described in detail. The innovative rehabilitation programme for SUI presented here utilizes abdominal muscle action to initiate tonic PFM activity. Abdominal muscle activity is then used in PFM strengthening, motor relearning for functional expiratory actions and finally impact training. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background Control of the trunk is critical for locomotor efficiency. However, investigations of trunk muscle activity and three-dimensional lumbo-pelvic kinematics during walking and running remain scarce. Methods. Gait parameters and three-dimensional lumbo-pelvic kinematics were recorded in seven subjects. Electromyography recordings of abdominal and paraspinal muscles were made using fine-wire and surface electrodes as subjects walked on a treadmill at 1 and 2 ms(-1) and ran at 2, 3, 4 and 5 ms(-1). Findings. Kinematic data indicate that the amplitude but not timing of lumbo-pelvic motion changes with locomotor speed. Conversely, a change in locomotor mode is associated with temporal but not spatial adaptation in neuromotor strategy. That is, peak transverse plane lumbo-pelvic rotation occurs at foot strike during walking but prior to foot strike during running. Despite this temporal change, there is a strong correlation between the amplitude of transverse plane lumbo-pelvic rotation and stride length during walking and running. In addition, Jumbo-pelvic motion was asymmetrical during all locomotor tasks. Trunk muscle electromyography occurred biphasically in association with foot strike. Transversus abdominis was tonically active with biphasic modulation. Consistent with the kinematic data, electromyography activity of the abdominal muscles and the superficial fibres of multifidus increased with locomotor speed, and timing of peak activity of superficial multifidus and obliquus externus abdominis was modified in association with the temporal adaptation in lumbo-pelvic motion with changes in locomotor mode. Interpretation. These data provide evidence of the association between lumbo-pelvic motion and trunk muscle activity during locomotion at different speeds and modes. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.