823 resultados para Pain management in animals
Objective: To translate and culturally adapt to Brazil the scale Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia(PAINAD).Method: The cultural adaptation process followed the methodology of a theorical reference, in five steps: translation to Brazilian Portuguese, consensual version of translations, back-translation to the original language, revision by a committee of specialists in the field and a equivalency pre-test. The instrument was assessed and applied by 27 health professionals in the last step. Results: The Escala de Avaliação de Dor em Demência Avançada was culturally adapted to Brazil and presented semantic equivalency to the original, besides clarity, applicability and easy comprehension of the instrument items. Conclusion: This process secured the psychometric properties as the reliability and content validity of the referred scale.
Combining nuclear (nuDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers has improved the power of molecular data to test phylogenetic and phylogeographic hypotheses and has highlighted the limitations of studies using only mtDNA markers. In fact, in the past decade, many conflicting geographic patterns between mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers have been identified (i.e. mito-nuclear discordance). Our goals in this synthesis are to: (i) review known cases of mito-nuclear discordance in animal systems, (ii) to summarize the biogeographic patterns in each instance and (iii) to identify common drivers of discordance in various groups. In total, we identified 126 cases in animal systems with strong evidence of discordance between the biogeographic patterns obtained from mitochondrial DNA and those observed in the nuclear genome. In most cases, these patterns are attributed to adaptive introgression of mtDNA, demographic disparities and sex-biased asymmetries, with some studies also implicating hybrid zone movement, human introductions and Wolbachia infection in insects. We also discuss situations where divergent mtDNA clades seem to have arisen in the absence of geographic isolation. For those cases where foreign mtDNA haplotypes are found deep within the range of a second taxon, data suggest that those mtDNA haplotypes are more likely to be at a high frequency and are commonly driven by sex-biased asymmetries and/or adaptive introgression. In addition, we discuss the problems with inferring the processes causing discordance from biogeographic patterns that are common in many studies. In many cases, authors presented more than one explanation for discordant patterns in a given system, which indicates that likely more data are required. Ideally, to resolve this issue, we see important future work shifting focus from documenting the prevalence of mito-nuclear discordance towards testing hypotheses regarding the drivers of discordance. Indeed, there is great potential for certain cases of mitochondrial introgression to become important natural systems within which to test the effect of different mitochondrial genotypes on whole-animal phenotypes.
Cost systems have been shown to have developed considerably in recent years andactivity-based costing (ABC) has been shown to be a contribution to cost management,particularly in service businesses. The public sector is composed to a very great extentof service functions, yet considerably less has been reported of the use of ABC tosupport cost management in this sector.In Spain, cost systems are essential for city councils as they are obliged to calculate thecost of the services subject to taxation (eg. waste collection, etc). City councils musthave a cost system in place to calculate the cost of services, as they are legally requirednot to profit , from these services.This paper examines the development of systems to support cost management in theSpanish Public Sector. Through semi-structured interviews with 28 subjects within oneCity Council it contains a case study of cost management. The paper contains extractsfrom interviews and a number of factors are identified which contribute to thesuccessful development of the cost management system.Following the case study a number of other City Councils were identified where activity-based techniques had either failed or stalled. Based on the factors identified inthe single case study a further enquiry is reported. The paper includes a summary usingstatistical analysis which draws attention to change management, funding and politicalincentives as factors which had an influence on system success or failure.
After the accounting scandals that have taken place mainly in the UnitedStates during the last years, some Spanish leading authorities havedefended the idea that this kind of accounting problems cannot happen inSpain. They argue that accounting regulation in Europe, and specificallyin Spain, make more difficult the use of creative accounting practices.The objective of this paper is to identify some evidence about thesituacion in Spain. The study tries to demonstrate that some accountingpractices of several of the companies quoted in the Spanish Stock Exchangecould be qualified as earnings management.To carry out this study, the authors have analysed the accounts of the 35companies included in the stock market index IBEX 35. This index iscalculated with the share prices variations of the most importantcompanies quoted in the Spanish Stock Exchange.
Estudia el valor de la pesquería en función de los objetivos de la gestión. Busca implementar una función que combine el beneficio promedio de biomasa a largo plazo y a largo plazo promedio.
BackgroundDespite the intrinsic value of scientific disciplines, such as Economics, it is appropriate to gauge the impact of its applications on social welfare, or at least Health Economics (HE) case- its influence on health policy and management.MethodsThe three relevant features of knowledge (production, diffusion and application) are analyzed, more from an emic perspective the one used in Anthropology relying on the experience of the members of a culture- than from an etic approach seated on material descriptions and dubious statistics.ResultsThe soundness of the principles and results of HE depends on its disciplinary foundations,whereas its relevance than does not imply translation into practice- is more linked with the problems studied. Important contributions from Economics to the health sphere are recorded.HE in Spain ranks seventh in the world despite the relatively minor HE contents of its clinical and health services research journals.HE has in Spain more presence than influence, having failed to impregnate sufficiently thedaily events.ConclusionsHE knowledge required by a politician, a health manager or a clinician is rather limited; the main impact of HE could be to develop their intuition and awareness.
Object: The authors sought to establish whether the safety-efficacy of Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) as a second treatment for intractable trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) are influenced by prior microvascular decompression (MVD) which remains, for some of the authors, the reference technique. Methods: Between July 1992 and November 2010, 737 patients have been operated with GKRS for ITN and prospectively evaluated in Timone University Hospital in Marseille, France. Among these, 54 patients had a previous MVD history. Radiosurgery using a Gamma Knife (model B or C or Perfexion) was performed relying on both MR and CT targeting. A single 4 mm isocenter was positioned in the cisternal portion of the trigeminal nerve at a median distance of 7.6 mm (range 3.9- 11.9) anteriorly to the emergence of the nerve (retrogasserian target). A median maximum dose of 85 Gy (range 70-90) was delivered. Are further analyzed only 45 patients with previous MVD and a follow-up longer than one year (the patients with megadolichobasilar artery compression and multiple sclerosis were excluded). Results: The median age in this series was 56.75 years (range 28.09-82.39). The median follow-up period was 39.48 months (range 14.10-144.65). All the patients had a past history of surgery, with at least one previous failed MVD, but also a radiofrequency lesion (RFL) in 16 (35.6%) patients, balloon microcompression in 7 (15.6%) patients and glycerol rhizotomy in 1 case (2.2%). Thirty-five patients (77.8%) were initially pain free in a median time of 14 days (range 0, 180). Patients from this group had less probability of being pain free compared to our global population of essential trigeminal neuralgia without previous MVD history (p=0.010, hazard ratio of 0.64). Their probability of remaining pain free at 3, 5, 7 and 10 years was 66.5%, 59.1%, 59.1% and 44.3%, respectively. Twelve patients (34.3%) initially pain free experienced a recurrence with a median delay of 31.21 months (range 3.40-89.93). The hypoesthesia actuarial rate at 1 year was 9.1% and remained stable till 12 years with a median delay of onset of 8 months (range 8-8). Conclusions: Retrogasserian GKRS proofed to be safe and effective on the long-term basis even after failed previous MVD. Even if the initial result of pain free was of only 77.8%, the toxicity was low with only 9.1% hypoesthesia. No patient reported a bothersome hypoesthesia. The probability of maintaining pain relief in long-term was of 44.3% at 10 years.
RESUME L'objectif de cette thèse est d'approfondir la compréhension de la transformation des conflits liés à l'utilisation et la répartition des ressources foncières, de l'eau ainsi que des ressources politiques en région aride ou semi-aride. Cette thèse se concentre en particulier sur la façon dont les acteurs et les institutions résolvent les conflits dans un espace dominé par un mode de vie pastoral au sein des pays de la Corne de l'Afrique. Celle-ci réunit des zones périphériques mal contrôlée et caractérisée par une faible administration publique qui coexiste avec des instances coutumières et d'autres autorités. Le cas de la région Somali d'Ethiopie (ou Ogaden) nous démontre que les disputes et les pratiques de gestion des conflits existantes sont encastrées dans les normes, les politiques et les relations de pouvoir locales. Par conséquent, ce travail réfute le déterminisme causal de la littérature des conflits dits environnementaux en soulignant l'existence d'une vaste palette de stratégies de résolution des conflits. Il démontre empiriquement la capacité des éleveurs, des paysans et d'autres utilisateurs de ressources en propriété commune («common- pool resources », CPRs) à coopérer plutôt qu'à se disputer. De la même façon, la préférence idéologique de la plupart des études sur les CPRS pour des groupes d'utilisateurs homogènes et des systèmes de ressources d'utilisation simple est remise en question. En effet, l'existence de multiples ressources naturelles et politiques dans la région Somali d'Ethiopie justifie cette remise en cause. En soulignant l'économie politique dans laquelle se situent les conflits pastoraux et leur gestion cette thèse critique l'approche dépolitisée sur l'utilisation des ressources en propriété commune ainsi que les perspectives technocratiques sur les processus de construction des institutions. Les résultats de recherche marquent le rôle central et souvent inattendu de l'état dans la formation des conflits et la gestion des ressources dans sa périphérie pastorale. Avec |'introduction du fédéralisme ethnique éthiopien et la décentralisation administrative, la construction de l'état à pris une tournure nouvelle dans la région Somali depuis |991 - la période analysée dans cette étude. Ce processus fut accompagné de trois dynamiques parallèles (1) L'expansion des ressources étatiques dans les zones rurales les plus reculées, (2) la politisation des liens de parenté et (3) la redéfinition de la relation entre l'homme et son environnement naturel. En ce qui concerne l'atténuation des conflits, la thèse révèle que le rôle de l'état est spatialement différentié, que l'incorporation des autorités coutumières dans les gouvernements locaux est politiquement ambiguë, et que l'appui sur les lois coutumières ne « gèle » pas forcement les traditions. Les institutions mixtes qui allient règles coutumières et bureaucratiques sont souvent efficaces dans la gestion et la résolution des conflits liés aux ressources en milieu rural, mais pas dans la prévention et la transformation de ces conflits sur le long terme. En ce qui concerne la gestion des ressources, l'étude souligne le fait que les politiques publiques institutionnelles qui ignorent les variations saisonnières de l'utilisation des ressources, la multiplicité des revendications par les utilisateurs des ressources et les droits de propriété non exclusif ne font qu'aggraver des tensions entre divers groupes plutôt que de les atténuer. C'est précisèrent le cas de la décentralisation selon la logique « ethnique » de l'Ethiopie et d'autres politiques publiques sectorielles dont le but est de promouvoir la sédentarisation en incitant les groupes pastoraux à réclamer et occuper les territoires de manière permanente. En conclusion, cette thèse insiste sur (1) l'importance du renforcement du système de régulation au sein du régime institutionnel de ressources pastorales, (2) l'élaboration de nouvelles normes qui produisent des arrangements fonciers reconnus à la fois par les communautés et l'état, (3) la conception de politique publiques qui prennent en compte le périmètre des écosystèmes en place plutôt que des entités ethniques ou politiques et (4) le besoin d'un processus de démocratisation des projets de développement et de la représentation politique en périphéries semi-aride. L'étude est composée des chapitres suivants. Le chapitre 1 introduit les éléments clés des systèmes d'élevage dans la Corne de l'Afrique et les transitions économiques, écologiques et politiques dans lesquelles se situe le pastoralisme nomade. Quelques thèmes récurrents sont ici résumés dont le déclin des économies de cheptel, l'érosion de la gestion des terres arides et l'expansion de l'insécurité physique. Le chapitre 2 dissèque de manière critique le concept de conflit environnemental et les théories de la propriété commune en tant qu'explications théoriques des conflits dits pastoraux. Tandis que le premier décrit la violence comme une réaction à la raréfaction des ressources naturelles due aux pressions démographiques et au changement climatique, les secondes considèrent les confits comme l'expression d'un échec institutionnel de droits de propriété insuffisamment définis. Ce chapitre expose les défauts de ces deux explications et propose une approche alternative qui tient compte des relations de pouvoir, des institutions de gestion des conflits et des ressources naturelles, et de l'écologie non-équilibrée des régions arides. Le chapitre 3 élabore un cadre conceptuel qui rassemble des perspectives empruntées à la littérature portant sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, les techniques de médiation des conflits, les nouvelles théories « new range ecology » et les régimes institutionnels de ressources naturelles. Trois hypothèses décrivent les conditions requises pour prévenir, résoudre ou transformer les conflits liés à l'utilisation multiple des ressources dans les zones pastorales. Elles concernent (1) l'inclusion de partis tiers dans les processus de gestion de confits, (2) l'intégration de règles bureaucratiques et coutumières dans la gestion des ressources et des conflits et (3) le régime institutionnel de ressources naturelles qui concilie des revendications multiples aux ressources CPRs de manière flexible et inclusive. Le chapitre 4 présente les méthodes et la philosophie de recherche qui sous-tendent l'argumentation et l'analyse de la thèse. Il détaille l'opérationnalisation du cadre conceptuel et la sélection des études de cas, le processus de collecte des données et se penche sur les expériences de recherches de terrain de l'auteur. Le chapitre 5 décrit les conflits fonciers dans le district de Harshin où une expansion incontrôlée de clôtures des pâturages a encouragé la prolifération de conflits violents parmi les éleveurs Isaaq depuis la fin des années 1980. L'hétérogénéisation de l'utilisation des ressources, la multiplication des règles de gestion et l'incapacité des anciens à imposer un retour à la propriété commune des pâturages sont les points centraux de cette étude de cas. Le chapitre 6 passe en revue la compétition féroce autour de l'eau le long de la berge très peuplée et fertile du Wabi Shabelle dans le district de K'elafo. L'étude de cas reflète les interactions généalogiques complexes entre les groupes "nobles" et les « communs », la dépendance des cultivateurs Rer Barre du capital et de la technologie, pour les pompes à eaux par exemple, et l'importance continue des pratiques coutumières de gestion de l'agriculture. Le chapitre 7 démontre les rivalités autour du gâteau fiscal dans la capitale de la région Somali, Jijiga, où les partis politiques, les anciens claniques et les technocrates manoeuvrent pour le partage du pouvoir et des positions au sein de l'administration régionale. L'étude de cas rend compte de l'usage politisé du budget public, de l'expansion des ressources étatiques dans les zones rurales à travers la décentralisation, et de l'importance des agents intermédiaires entre les niveaux fédéral, régional et local dans l'allocation des ressources. Le chapitre 8 analyse les rôles et contributions respectifs des anciens et des acteurs étatiques dans la gestion de conflits violents entre les différents groupes dans la région Somali. En révélant les points forts et faibles des processus de paix basés sur les compensations de sang, ce chapitre propose une appréciation nuancée de la proposition (1) concernant l'inclusion de partis tiers dans la gestion de conflit. Le chapitre conclut en soulignant les contradictions et les effets associés à la délégation aux autorités coutumières par l'état Ethiopien de la résolution des conflits et de la maintenance de la sécurité. Le chapitre 9 se concentre sur l'impact des projets de développement financés par l'état et des politiques publiques qui régulent la propriété des terres communes dans les régions pastorales de l'Ethiopie. Ni les politiques publiques sectorielles existantes ni les principes institutionnels du fédéralisme ethnique ne reconnaissent les revendications et utilisations multiples qui se font des ressources dans la région aride et semi- aride, ce qui valide la proposition (3) sur le besoin d'un régime institutionnel de ressources différencié et flexible. Le chapitre attire l'attention sur les aspects contre-productifs d'une administration et d'une représentation politique basées sur un concept territorial, ce qui encourage une occupation permanente des ressources pour des bénéfices politiques. Le chapitre 10 conclut en évaluant la proposition (2) qui concerne l'efficacité de la gestion et de la transformation des conflits basés sur l'intégration des règles et lois coutumières et bureaucratiques. Ce chapitre souligne le rôle controversé mais décisif de la construction et de l'expansion graduelle de l'état dans les périphéries pastorales. Finalement, quelques recommandations sont proposées en vue de l'amélioration de la gestion des conflits et des ressources en milieu pastoral clans la région Somali et des espaces comparables dans la Corne de l'Afrique.
BACKGROUND: Microvascular decompression (MVD) is the reference technique for pharmacoresistant trigeminal neuralgia (TN). OBJECTIVE: To establish whether the safety and efficacy of Gamma Knife surgery for recurrent TN are influenced by prior MVD. METHODS: Between July 1992 and November 2010, 54 of 737 patients (45 of 497 with >1 year of follow-up) had a history of MVD (approximately half also with previous ablative procedure) and were operated on with Gamma Knife surgery for TN in the Timone University Hospital. A single 4-mm isocenter was positioned in the cisternal portion of the trigeminal nerve at a median distance of 7.6 mm (range, 3.9-11.9 mm) anterior to the emergence of the nerve. A median maximum dose of 85 Gy (range, 70-90 Gy) was delivered. RESULTS: The median follow-up time was 39.5 months (range, 14.1-144.6 months). Thirty-five patients (77.8%) were initially pain free in a median time of 14 days (range, 0-180 days), much lower compared with our global population of classic TN (P = .01). Their actuarial probabilities of remaining pain-free without medication at 3, 5, 7, and 10 years were 66.5%, 59.1%, 59.1%, and 44.3%. The hypoesthesia actuarial rate at 1 year was 9.1% and remained stable until 12 years (median, 8 months). CONCLUSION: Patients with previous MVD showed a significantly lower probability of initial pain cessation compared with our global population with classic TN (P = .01). The toxicity was low (only 9.1% hypoesthesia); furthermore, no patient reported bothersome hypoesthesia. However, the probability of maintaining pain relief without medication was 44.3% at 10 years, similar to our global series of classic TN (P = .85). ABBREVIATIONS: BNI, Barrow Neurological InstituteCI, confidence intervalCTN, classic trigeminal neuralgiaGKS, Gamma Knife surgeryHR, hazard ratioMVD, microvascular decompressionTN, trigeminal neuralgia.
This paper presents a thermal modeling for power management of a new three-dimensional (3-D) thinned dies stacking process. Besides the high concentration of power dissipating sources, which is the direct consequence of the very interesting integration efficiency increase, this new ultra-compact packaging technology can suffer of the poor thermal conductivity (about 700 times smaller than silicon one) of the benzocyclobutene (BCB) used as both adhesive and planarization layers in each level of the stack. Thermal simulation was conducted using three-dimensional (3-D) FEM tool to analyze the specific behaviors in such stacked structure and to optimize the design rules. This study first describes the heat transfer limitation through the vertical path by examining particularly the case of the high dissipating sources under small area. First results of characterization in transient regime by means of dedicated test device mounted in single level structure are presented. For the design optimization, the thermal draining capabilities of a copper grid or full copper plate embedded in the intermediate layer of stacked structure are evaluated as a function of the technological parameters and the physical properties. It is shown an interest for the transverse heat extraction under the buffer devices dissipating most the power and generally localized in the peripheral zone, and for the temperature uniformization, by heat spreading mechanism, in the localized regions where the attachment of the thin die is altered. Finally, all conclusions of this analysis are used for the quantitative projections of the thermal performance of a first demonstrator based on a three-levels stacking structure for space application.
The choice to adopt risk-sensitive measurement approaches for operational risks: the case of Advanced Measurement Approach under Basel II New Capital Accord This paper investigates the choice of the operational risk approach under Basel II requirements and whether the adoption of advanced risk measurement approaches allows banks to save capital. Among the three possible approaches for operational risk measurement, the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) is the most sophisticated and requires the use of historical loss data, the application of statistical tools, and the engagement of a highly qualified staff. Our results provide evidence that the adoption of AMA is contingent on the availability of bank resources and prior experience in risk-sensitive operational risk measurement practices. Moreover, banks that choose AMA exhibit low requirements for capital and, as a result might gain a competitive advantage compared to banks that opt for less sophisticated approaches. - Internal Risk Controls and their Impact on Bank Solvency Recent cases in financial sector showed the importance of risk management controls on risk taking and firm performance. Despite advances in the design and implementation of risk management mechanisms, there is little research on their impact on behavior and performance of firms. Based on data from a sample of 88 banks covering the period between 2004 and 2010, we provide evidence that internal risk controls impact the solvency of banks. In addition, our results show that the level of internal risk controls leads to a higher degree of solvency in banks with a major shareholder in contrast to widely-held banks. However, the relationship between internal risk controls and bank solvency is negatively affected by BHC growth strategies and external restrictions on bank activities, while the higher regulatory requirements for bank capital moderates positively this relationship. - The Impact of the Sophistication of Risk Measurement Approaches under Basel II on Bank Holding Companies Value Previous research showed the importance of external regulation on banks' behavior. Some inefficient standards may accentuate risk-taking in banks and provoke a financial crisis. Despite the growing literature on the potential effects of Basel II rules, there is little empirical research on the efficiency of risk-sensitive capital measurement approaches and their impact on bank profitability and market valuation. Based on data from a sample of 66 banks covering the period between 2008 and 2010, we provide evidence that prudential ratios computed under Basel II standards predict the value of banks. However, this relation is contingent on the degree of sophistication of risk measurement approaches that banks apply. Capital ratios are effective in predicting bank market valuation when banks adopt the advanced approaches to compute the value of their risk-weighted assets.
The adoption of no-tillage systems (NT) and the maintenance of crop residues on the soil surface result in the long-term increase of carbon (C) in the system, promoting C sequestration and reducing C-CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the C sequestration rate and the minimum amount of crop residues required to maintain the dynamic C equilibrium (dC/dt = 0) of two soils (Typic Hapludox) with different textural classes. The experiment was arranged in a 2 x 2 x 2 randomized block factorial design. The following factors were analyzed: (a) two soil types: Typic Hapludox (Oxisol) with medium texture (LVTM) and Oxisol with clay texture (LVTA), (b) two sampling layers (0-5 and 5-20 cm), and (c) two sampling periods (P1 - October 2007; P2 - September 2008). Samples were collected from fields under a long-term (20 years) NT system with the following crop rotations: wheat/soybean/black oat + vetch/maize (LVTM) and wheat/maize/black oat + vetch/soybean (LVTA). The annual C sequestration rates were 0.83 and 0.76 Mg ha-1 for LVTM and LVTA, respectively. The estimates of the minimum amount of crop residues required to maintain a dynamic equilibrium (dC/dt = 0) were 7.13 and 6.53 Mg ha-1 year-1 for LVTM and LVTA, respectively. The C conversion rate in both studied soils was lower than that reported in other studies in the region, resulting in a greater amount of crop residues left on the soil surface.