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A controlled laboratory experiment was carried out on forty Indian male college students for evaluating the effect of indoor thermal environment on occupants' response and thermal comfort. During experiment, indoor temperature varied from 21 degrees C to 33 degrees C, and the variables like relative humidity, airflow, air temperature and radiant temperature were recorded along with skin (T-sk) and oral temperature (T-core) from the subjects. From T-sk and T-c, body temperature (T-b) was evaluated. Subjective Thermal Sensation Vote (TSV) was recorded using ASHRAE 7-point scale. In PMV model, Fanger's T-sk equation was used to accommodate adaptive response. Stepwise regression analysis result showed T-b was better predictor of TSV than T-sk and T-core. Regional skin temperature response, lower sweat threshold temperature with no dipping sweat and higher cutaneous sweating threshold temperature were observed as thermal adaptive responses. Using PMV model, thermal comfort zone was evaluated as (22.46-25.41) degrees C with neutral temperature of 23.91 degrees C, whereas using TSV response, wider comfort zone was estimated as (23.25-2632) degrees C with neutral temperature at 24.83 degrees C. It was observed that PMV-model overestimated the actual thermal response. Interestingly, these subjects were found to be less sensitive to hot but more sensitive to cold. A new TSV-PPD relation (PPDnew) was obtained with an asymmetric distribution of hot-cold thermal sensation response in Indians. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cellular signalling events are at the core of every adaptive response. Signalling events link environmental changes to physiological responses, consequently allowing cellular and organismal sustenance and survival. Classical approaches to study cellular signalling have relied on a variety of cell disruptive techniques which yield limited kinetic information, while the underlying events are much more complex. In this article, we discuss how modern live cell imaging microscopy has found increasing utilization in revealing spatio temporal dynamics of various signalling pathways. Utilizing the well studied mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade as a template, the design, construction and utilization of `mobile' (translocation proficient) biosensors, suitable for studying MAPK signalling in living cells are described in detail. Experimental setup and results obtained from these biosensors, based on different proteins involved in the MAPK signalling cascade, have been described along with the setup of a microscope optimal for live cell imaging applications. Utilizing the ability to activate or deactivate signalling pathways using defined activators and specific pharmacological inhibitors, we also show how these sensors can yield unique spatial and temporal kinetic information of signalling in living cells.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the causative agent of end-stage liver disease. Recent advances in the last decade in anti HCV treatment strategies have dramatically increased the viral clearance rate. However, several limitations are still associated, which warrant a great need of novel, safe and selective drugs against HCV infection. Towards this objective, we explored highly potent and selective small molecule inhibitors, the ellagitannins, from the crude extract of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit peel. The pure compounds, punicalagin, punicalin, and ellagic acid isolated from the extract specifically blocked the HCV NS3/4A protease activity in vitro. Structural analysis using computational approach also showed that ligand molecules interact with the catalytic and substrate binding residues of NS3/4A protease, leading to inhibition of the enzyme activity. Further, punicalagin and punicalin significantly reduced the HCV replication in cell culture system. More importantly, these compounds are well tolerated ex vivo and `no observed adverse effect level' (NOAEL) was established upto an acute dose of 5000 mg/kg in BALB/c mice. Additionally, pharmacokinetics study showed that the compounds are bioavailable. Taken together, our study provides a proof-of-concept approach for the potential use of antiviral and non-toxic principle ellagitannins from pomegranate in prevention and control of HCV induced complications.


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The nucleoid-associated protein HU plays an important role in maintenance of chromosomal architecture and in global regulation of DNA transactions in bacteria. Although HU is essential for growth in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), there have been no reported attempts to perturb HU function with small molecules. Here we report the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of HU from Mtb. We identify a core region within the HU-DNA interface that can be targeted using stilbene derivatives. These small molecules specifically inhibit HU-DNA binding, disrupt nucleoid architecture and reduce Mtb growth. The stilbene inhibitors induce gene expression changes in Mtb that resemble those induced by HU deficiency. Our results indicate that HU is a potential target for the development of therapies against tuberculosis.


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Among DNA damages, double-strand breaks (DSBs) are one of the most harmful lesions to a cell. Failure in DSB repair could lead to genomic instability and cancer. Homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) are major DSB repair pathways in higher eukaryotes. It is known that expression of DSB repair genes is altered in various cancers. Activation of DSB repair genes is one of the reasons for chemo-and radioresistance. Therefore, targeting DSB repair is an attractive strategy to eliminate cancer. Besides, therapeutic agents introduce breaks in the genome as an intermediate. Therefore, blocking the residual repair using inhibitors can potentiate the efficacy of cancer treatment. In this review, we discuss the importance of targeting DSB repair pathways for the treatment of cancer. Recent advances in the development of DSB repair inhibitors and their clinical relevance are also addressed.


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We describe inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MttopoI), an essential mycobacterial enzyme, by two related compounds, imipramine and norclomipramine, of which imipramine is clinically used as an antidepressant. These molecules showed growth inhibition of both Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells. The mechanism of action of these two molecules was investigated by analyzing the individual steps of the topoisomerase I (topoI) reaction cycle. The compounds stimulated cleavage, thereby perturbing the cleavage-religation equilibrium. Consequently, these molecules inhibited the growth of the cells overexpressing topoI at a low MIC. Docking of the molecules on the MttopoI model suggested that they bind near the metal binding site of the enzyme. The DNA relaxation activity of the metal binding mutants harboring mutations in the DxDxE motif was differentially affected by the molecules, suggesting that the metal coordinating residues contribute to the interaction of the enzyme with the drug. Taken together, the results highlight the potential of these small molecules, which poison the Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I, as leads for the development of improved molecules to combat mycobacterial infections. Moreover, targeting metal coordination in topoisomerases might be a general strategy to develop new lead molecules.


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Cellular signalling events are at the core of every adaptive response. Signalling events link environmental changes to physiological responses, consequently allowing cellular and organismal sustenance and survival. Classical approaches to study cellular signalling have relied on a variety of cell disruptive techniques which yield limited kinetic information, while the underlying events are much more complex. In this article, we discuss how modern live cell imaging microscopy has found increasing utilization in revealing spatio temporal dynamics of various signalling pathways. Utilizing the well studied mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling cascade as a template, the design, construction and utilization of `mobile' (translocation proficient) biosensors, suitable for studying MAPK signalling in living cells are described in detail. Experimental setup and results obtained from these biosensors, based on different proteins involved in the MAPK signalling cascade, have been described along with the setup of a microscope optimal for live cell imaging applications. Utilizing the ability to activate or deactivate signalling pathways using defined activators and specific pharmacological inhibitors, we also show how these sensors can yield unique spatial and temporal kinetic information of signalling in living cells.


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for selectively targeting cancer cells. Herein, we report the design and evolution of a new kind of carbazole-based benzimidazole dimers for their efficient telomerase inhibition activity. Spectroscopic titrations reveal the ligands high affinity toward the G4 DNA with significantly higher selectivity over duplex-DNA. The electrophoretic mobility shift assay shows that the ligands efficiently promote the formation of 04 DNA even at a lower concentration of the stabilizing K+ ions. The TRAP-LIG assay demonstrates the ligand's potential telomerase inhibition activity and also establishes that the activity proceeds via G4 DNA stabilization. An efficient nuclear internalization of the ligands in several common cancer cells (HeLa, HT1080, and A549) also enabled differentiation between normal HFF cells in co-cultures of cancer and normal ones. The ligands induce significant apoptotic response and antiproliferative activity toward cancer cells selectively when compared to the normal cells.


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Development of effective therapies to eradicate persistent, slowly replicating M. tuberculosis (Mtb) represents a significant challenge to controlling the global TB epidemic. To develop such therapies, it is imperative to translate information from metabolome and proteome adaptations of persistent Mtb into the drug discovery screening platforms. To this end, reductive sulfur metabolism is genetically and pharmacologically implicated in survival, pathogenesis, and redox homeostasis of persistent Mtb. Therefore, inhibitors of this pathway are expected to serve as powerful tools in its preclinical and clinical validation as a therapeutic target for eradicating persisters. Here, we establish a first functional HTS platform for identification of APS reductase (APSR) inhibitors, a critical enzyme in the assimilation of sulfate for the biosynthesis of cysteine and other essential sulfur-containing molecules. Our HTS campaign involving 38?350 compounds led to the discovery of three distinct structural classes of APSR inhibitors. A class of bioactive compounds with known pharmacology displayed potent bactericidal activity in wild-type Mtb as well as MDR and XDR clinical isolates. Top compounds showed markedly diminished potency in a conditional Delta APSR mutant, which could be restored by complementation with Mtb APSR. Furthermore, ITC studies on representative compounds provided evidence for direct engagement of the APSR target. Finally, potent APSR inhibitors significantly decreased the cellular levels of key reduced sulfur-containing metabolites and also induced an oxidative shift in mycothiol redox potential of live Mtb, thus providing functional validation of our screening data. In summary, we have identified first-in-class inhibitors of APSR that can serve as molecular probes in unraveling the links between Mtb persistence, antibiotic tolerance, and sulfate assimilation, in addition to their potential therapeutic value.


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Emerging data on cancer suggesting that target-based therapy is promising strategy in cancer treatment. PI3K-AKT pathway is extensively studied in many cancers; several inhibitors target this pathway in different levels. Recent finding on this pathway uncovered the therapeutic applications of PI3K-specific inhibitors; PI3K, AKT, and mTORC broad spectrum inhibitors. Noticeably, class I PI3K isoforms, p110 and p110 catalytic subunits have rational therapeutic application than other isoforms. Therefore, three classes of inhibitors: isoform-specific, dual-specific and broad spectrum were selected for molecular docking and dynamics. First, p110 structure was modelled; active site was analyzed. Then, molecular docking of each class of inhibitors were studied; the docked complexes were further used in 1.2ns molecular dynamics simulation to report the potency of each class of inhibitor. Remarkably, both the studies retained the similar kind of protein ligand interactions. GDC-0941, XL-147 (broad spectrum); TG100-115 (dual-specific); and AS-252424, PIK-294 (isoform-specific) were found to be potential inhibitors of p110 and p110, respectively. In addition to that pharmacokinetic properties are within recommended ranges. Finally, molecular phylogeny revealed that p110 and p110 are evolutionarily divergent; they probably need separate strategies for drug development.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is a critical nuclear enzyme which safeguards genome stability from genotoxic insults and helps in DNA repair. Inhibition of PARP results in sustained DNA damage in cancer cells. PARP inhibitors are known to play an important role in chemotherapy as single agents in many DNA repair pathway deficient tumor cells or in combination with several other chemotherapeutic agents. In the present study, we synthesize and characterize novel pyridazine derivatives, and evaluate their potential for use as PARP inhibitors. Results show that pyridazine derivatives inhibited the PARP1 enzymatic activity at the nanomolar range and showed anti-proliferative activity in leukemic cells. Interestingly, human leukemic cell line, Nalm6, in which PARP1 and PARP2 expression as well as intrinsic PARP activity are high, showed significant sensitivity for the novel inhibitors compared to other leukemic cells. Among the inhibitors, P10 showed maximum inhibition of intrinsic PARP activity and inhibited cell proliferation in Nalm6 cells. Besides P10 also showed maximum inhibition against purified PARP1 protein, which was comparable to olaparib in our assays. Newly synthesized compounds also showed remarkable DNA trapping ability, which is a signature feature of many PARP inhibitors. Importantly, P10 also induced late S and G2/M arrest in Nalm6 cells, indicating accumulation of DNA damage. Therefore, we identify P10 as a potential PARP inhibitor, which can be developed as a chemotherapeutic agent.


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Most organisms possess bifunctional FolD 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (5,10-CH2-THF) dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase] to generate NADPH and 10-formyltetrandrofolate (10-CHO-THF) required in various metabolic steps. In addition, some organisms including Clostridium perfringens possess another protein, Fhs (formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase), to synthesize 10-CHO-THF. Here, we show that unlike the bifunctional FolD of Escherichia coli (Eco FolD), and contrary to its annotated bifunctional nature, C. perfringens FolD (Cpe FoID) is a monofunctional 5,10-CH2-THF dehydrogenase. The dehydrogenase activity of Cpe FoID is about five times more efficient than that of Eco FolD. The 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate (5,10-CH+-THF) cyclohydrolase activity in C. perfringens is provided by another protein, FchA (5,10-CH+-THF cyclohydrolase), whose cyclohydrolase activity is similar to 10 times more efficient than that of Eco FolD. Kinetic parameters for Cpe Fhs were also determined for utilization of all of its substrates. Both Cpe FoID and Cpe FchA are required to substitute for the single bifunctional FolD in E. coli. The simultaneous presence of Cpe FoID and Cpe FchA is also necessary to rescue an E coli folD deletion strain (harbouring Cpe Fhs support) for its formate and glycine auxotrophies, and to alleviate its susceptibility to trimethoprim (an antifolate drug) or UV light. The presence of the three clostridial proteins (FolD, FchA and Fhs) is required to maintain folate homeostasis in the cell.


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Collective cell migrations are essential in several physiological processes and are driven by both chemical and mechanical cues. The roles of substrate stiffness and confinement on collective migrations have been investigated in recent years, however few studies have addressed how geometric shapes influence collective cell migrations. Here, we address the hypothesis that the relative position of a cell within the confinement influences its motility. Monolayers of two types of epithelial cells-MCF7, a breast epithelial cancer cell line, and MDCK, a control epithelial cell line-were confined within circular, square, and cross-shaped stencils and their migration velocities were quantified upon release of the constraint using particle image velocimetry. The choice of stencil geometry allowed us to investigate individual cell motility within convex, straight and concave boundaries. Cells located in sharp, convex boundaries migrated at slower rates than those in concave or straight edges in both cell types. The overall cluster migration occurred in three phases: an initial linear increase with time, followed by a plateau region and a subsequent decrease in cluster speeds. An acto-myosin contractile ring, present in the MDCK but absent in MCF7 monolayer, was a prominent feature in the emergence of leader cells from the MDCK clusters which occurred every similar to 125 mu m from the vertex of the cross. Further, coordinated cell movements displayed vorticity patterns in MDCK which were absent in MCF7 clusters. We also used cytoskeletal inhibitors to show the importance of acto-myosin bounding cables in collective migrations through translation of local movements to create long range coordinated movements and the creation of leader cells within ensembles. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of how bounding shapes influence long-term migratory behaviours of epithelial cell monolayers. These results are important for tissue engineering and may also enhance our understanding of cell movements during developmental patterning and cancer metastasis.