999 resultados para Oxigênio Transporte fisiológico


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En los últimos años, la ampliación de la red del tren de alta velocidad en España ha generado un creciente interés tanto en el ámbito de las políticas de desarrollo urbano y territorial, como en el ámbito académico. El presente artículo se suma a estos estudios haciendo un esfuerzo por identificar elementos de reflexión que informen a las políticas públicas para maximizar las oportunidades que la infraestructura introduce. Para ello se identifican las oportunidades de dinamización, los efectos de la implantación y servicio, y finalmente, las políticas y acciones que a escala local suelen desplegarse para su máximo aprovechamiento.


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En este artículo se presenta un método para determinar la forma del área de mercado de una planta industrial agraria asilada cuando el espacio isótropo para el transporte que rodea a la misma se halla atravesado por rutas en las cuales los costes unitarios de transporte son menores. Se plantea también qué hipótesis implícitas sobre los costes de transportes se encuentran en los esquemas publicados sobre la forma del área de mercado.


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Aplicação de atmosferas com altos níveis de O2 podem manter a qualidade dos vegetais e retardar o crescimento de microrganismos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do morango 'Oso Grande' sob atmosfera controlada com diferentes concentrações de O2. Os morangos foram selecionados, resfriados e armazenados a 10ºC em minicâmaras herméticas, onde foram aplicadas as distintas concentrações de O2 (1; 3; 20; 60 e 90%), em fluxo contínuo de 150 mL min-1, durante o armazenamento (10 dias). Os frutos foram avaliados a cada 2 dias. As menores incidências de podridões foram observadas nos tratamentos com 90% O2 (3% dos frutos) e com 60% O2 (6% dos frutos). Estes tratamentos proporcionaram também melhor conservação dos frutos, demonstrada pelas melhores notas de aparência. Os demais tratamentos apresentaram 16 a 20% de frutos com podridões. A atividade respiratória dos frutos armazenados sob 1 e 3% de O2 foi de 11,3 e 15,3 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1, respectivamente, sendo inferior aos demais tratamentos, que não foram significativamente diferentes entre si e cujo valor médio foi de 21 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1. Os teores de acetaldeído e etanol não aumentaram significativamente, durante o armazenamento. A firmeza da polpa não diferiu entre os tratamentos. Os morangos submetidos a 60% de O2 não alteraram seus teores de acidez total titulável e de ácido ascórbico durante o armazenamento, enquanto nos demais tratamentos houve decréscimo no teor de ácido ascórbico no mesmo período. As concentrações de O2 levaram a diferenças na coloração externa, em termos de luminosidade, cromaticidade e ângulo de cor; entretanto, tais diferenças foram visualmente imperceptíveis. Morangos 'Oso Grande' armazenados a 10 ºC sob atmosfera controlada com 60 e 90% de O2 mantiveram suas características de aparência e tiveram menor índice de doença, quando comparados com os demais tratamentos.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de atmosferas controladas contendo diferentes concentrações de oxigênio sobre a atividade das enzimas β-galactosidase e pectina metilesterase, e sobre a cor da casca e a firmeza da polpa de mamões 'Golden'. Os frutos foram mantidos por 36 dias, nas seguintes atmosferas controladas: 1% de O2 e 0,03% CO2 com adsorvedor de etileno, 3% de O2 e 0,03% de CO2 com adsorvedor de etileno, 5% O2 e 0,03% de CO2 com adsorvedor de etileno e atmosfera ambiente sem adsorvedor de etileno. A UR e a temperatura foram mantidas entre 85-95% e a 13º C, respectivamente. Os frutos estocados sob atmosfera de 1% de O2 e 0,03% CO2 apresentaram retardamento nas atividades das enzimas β-galactosidase e pectina metilesterase comparado com os frutos estocados nas outras atmosferas avaliadas. Os frutos armazenados sob atmosfera de 1% de O2 e 0,03% O2 também apresentaram atraso no desenvolvimento da cor da casca e amolecimento da polpa.


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El transporte de oxígeno a los tejidos es una de las funciones primordiales del organismo humano, y constituye el primer objetivo de una atención médica en situación crítica. Su control empieza por el conocimiento de las características del aire ambiental o de la mezcla de gases medicinales que se administran al paciente mediante cualquiera de los mecanismos convencionales. Uno de los pasos críticos es el intercambio alvéolo-capilar. La difusión, mediada por el gradiente de presiones, depende de la superficie de intercambio y del grosor de las membranas a atravesar. Oxigenada ya la sangre, el transporte de oxígeno a los tejidos es dependiente de la cantidad de hemoglobina, de la saturación por el oxígeno que ésta alcanza y del gasto cardíaco que imprime movilidad a las unidades transportadoras, los hematíes. Gracias al cálculo del contenido de oxígeno en sangre venosa, es posible conocer el consumo de oxígeno tisular, que expresado en forma de cociente de extracción parece ser un buen índice de monitorización y factor pronóstico.


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This paper describes the development and characterisation of Ni-Co coatings to be used as anodes in water electrolysis. Chemical oxidation of the surface was performed through thermal treatment at 400ºC for 10 h. The resulting surfaces were analysed by X-ray diffraction, EDX, SEM, cyclic voltammetry and constant current electrolysis. The electrochemical oxidation occurring on bare surfaces during electrolysis promotes the formation of thick oxide layers resulting in loss of activity. In oxidised surfaces the chemical Ni-Co oxide grown during the thermal treatment prevents further oxidation thus retaining their activity towards oxygen evolution. An optimum condition for the growth of mixed oxide with high activity was found for the bath containing 50 g L-1 CoSO4.


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In this work we discuss the aspects related to the phenomenon of mass transport in thin electroactive polymer films. Such phenomenon must be considered because the properties and consequent applications of these materials largely depend on the movement of charge carriers, i.e. ions, electrons or holes. The most recent majority of the techniques, methods and theoretical models used in this type of study are gathered and discussed, providing an easy and critical way for choosing the methodology for an investigation.


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Though Free Radicals is one of the most frequently explored scientific subjects in mass communication media, the topic is absent of many Biochemistry introductory courses, especially those in which the students do not have a good chemical background. To overcome this contradictory situation we have developed a software treating this topic in a very simple way. The software is divided in four sections: (1) definition and description of free radicals, (2) production pathways, (3) mechanism of action and (4) enzymatic and non enzymatic protection. The instructional capacity of the software has been both qualitative and quantitatively evaluated through its application in undergraduate courses. The software is available in the INTERNET at the site: http://www.unicamp.br/ib/bioquimica/ensino.


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Molecular oxygen, in the first excited state (singlet oxygen, ¹O2), has a substantial reactivity towards electron-rich organic molecules, such as biological targets, including unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, RNA and DNA. Considering the complexity of biological systems and the great variety of reactive species generated by photochemistry, efforts have been devoted to develop suitable ¹O2 generators based on the thermolysis of water soluble naphthalene endoperoxides. These compounds are chemically inert and have been employed as versatile sources of ¹O2. The synthesis is based on structural modifications in position 1,4 of dimethylnaphtalene, grafting hydrophilic substituents. The correspondent endoperoxide can be generated using photochemical method, or molybdate-catalyzed disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide.


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A study of the kinetics of oxygen evolution in alkaline conditions from ceramic films of Mn2O3 supported on stainless steel was carried out. This study has been done through the determination of transfer coefficients, Tafel slopes and exchange currents using potentiodynamic and quasi-potentiostatic measurements. The activation energy was determined as a function of the overpotential and, additionally, the electrode active surface was estimated. The results are consistent with data already published for other electrodes, implying that the methods used in this work were reliable and precise.


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In this work, composites formed from a mixture of V2O5 and polyaniline (PANI) were investigated, for applications as cathode materials for secondary lithium batteries. Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) data show that charge compensation in the [PANI]0.3V2O5 nanocomposite is achieved predominantly by Li+ migration. However, the charge compensation in the [PANI]V2O5 microcomposite occurs by Li+ and ClO4- transport. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements reveal several benefits of nanohybrid formation, including the achievement of shorter ionic diffusion pathways, the higher diffusion rate of the lithium ion and also the higher electronic conductivity, which are responsible for a synergetic effect of the energy storage properties.


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This work discusses the electrocatalytic processes taking place in the polymer electrolyte fuel cell electrodes, specifically the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) and the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), because these are clear examples of electrochemical reactions favored by the use of electrocatalysts. Since the gaseous reactants are very little soluble in the electrolyte, the use of special electrodes, named gas diffusion electrodes, is required to promote easy and continuous access of reactant gases to the electrocatalytic sites. Besides this, other important aspects such as the use of spectroscopic techniques and of theoretical models to improve the knowledge of the electrocatalytic systems are shortly discussed.


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In this work, a partial least squares regression routine was used to develop a multivariate calibration model to predict the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in substrates of environmental relevance (paper effluents and landfill leachates) from UV-Vis spectral data. The calibration models permit the fast determination of the COD with typical relative errors lower by 10% with respect to the conventional methodology.


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Proteins are potential targets for singlet molecular oxygen (¹O2) oxidation. Damages occur only at tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine, methionine, and cysteine residues at physiological pH, generating oxidized compounds such as hydroperoxides. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms by which ¹O2, hydroperoxides and other oxidized products can trigger further damage. The improvement and development of new tools, such as clean sources of ¹O2 and isotopic labeling approaches in association with HPLC/mass spectrometry detection will allow one to elucidate mechanistic features involving ¹O2-mediated protein oxidation.


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We review here the chemistry of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, their biological sources and targets; particularly, biomolecules implicated in the redox balance of the human blood, and appraise the analytical methods available for their detection and quantification. Those biomolecules are represented by the enzymatic antioxidant defense machinery, whereas coadjutant reducing protection is provided by several low molecular weight molecules. Biomolecules can be injured by RONS yielding a large repertoire of oxidized products, some of which can be taken as biomarkers of oxidative damage. Their reliable determination is of utmost interest for their potentiality in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of maladies.