781 resultados para Osiris (Egyptian deity)


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This research looks at how the shift in the status of Egyptian bloggers from underground dissident voices to mainstream political and media players affected the plurality they add to the public space for discourse in Egypt’s authoritarian settings. The role of the internet – and more recently social media and bloggers – in democratic transition has been studied by various media scholars since the introduction of the worldwide web and especially after the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings of 2011. But no work has been done to study how bringing those once-underground bloggers into the public and media spotlight affected the nature of the blogosphere and the bloggers themselves. Star bloggers were not only covered by the media after January 25th, 2011, they also started joining the media as column writers; a move that had various effects on them and the blogosphere but was never examined in media studies. The plurality the blogosphere adds to the Egyptian public space for discourse in light of those changes as well as in light of the financial and practical sustainability of blogging was hence never looked at in a context similar to Egypt’s. Guided by modified theories of the public sphere and theories of hegemony and manufacturing consent, I look at whether bloggers have been co-opted into the historical bloc in the process of renewing the social order and how this affects them and the online sphere. Also, guided by theories of power and media elites, I look at bloggers’ backgrounds to assess whether they come from power elites and are transforming into media elites, thus limiting the plurality of the online sphere. Finally, guided by theoretical works on institutionalizing and commercializing the internet, I look at how those shifts into mainstream affect the independence and freedom of the blogs and microblogs. The research uses a comparative study to assess how those changes affect prominent versus less prominent bloggers and compare their backgrounds. The study uses quantitative content analysis and framing analysis of chosen media outlets and interviews with bloggers, marketeers and media professionals. The findings trace an increase in media coverage of bloggers post January 25th, 2011, especially in the prominent bloggers category, and an overall positive framing of bloggers post the uprising. This led to the mainstreaming of bloggers into the media as well as public work, which had various implications on the freedom they had over their content and voice, both online and offline. It also points to a dramatic decrease in bloggers’ activity on their blogs in favour of mainstream and social media and due to star bloggers becoming more career-oriented and their failure to make blogs financially sustainable. The findings also indicate that more prominent bloggers seem to come from more elite backgrounds than others and enjoy luxuries that allow them the time, technology and security to post online. This research concludes that the shifts in bloggers’ status post-January 25th have limited the plurality they add to the discourse in Egypt.


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An experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 with three newly introduced cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), namely “Antonio Errani”, “Tirynthos” and “Ninfa” to study their performance and adaptability under Egyptian conditions. Results indicated that calculating the chilling hours temperature at or below 15°C was more suitable than temperatures at or below 7.2°C and 10°C. The cultivar with a low chilling requirement started with the opening of vegetative and flower buds earlier when compared to other cultivars. Furthermore, the cultivar Ninfa required less heat units as compared to the other two cultivars. Thus, the accumulated growing degree-days (GDDs) from the time of the flower bud break l until fruit maturity was low in early matured Ninfa cultivar. However, Antonio Errani and Tirynthos cultivars were late in the date of fruit ripening. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the opening percentage of vegetative and flower buds, trunk circumference, fruit drop, fruit number and yield weight among cultivars during the two seasons. Conversely, the leaf drop of Antonio Errani cultivar was earlier while Ninfa cultivar started it’s leaf drop later in the two seasons. Tirynthos gave the highest fruit weight, fruit size and fruit surface lightness. Meanwhile, the Antonio Errani cultivar was the highest in fruit firmness and total soluble solids. The appearance and behavior of cultivars under the study varied from one season to another with shoot length, leaf area, percentage of fruit set and acidity. It can be recommended from the present study that, Antonio Errani, Tirynthos and Ninfa cultivars are well adapted under Egyptian conditions. Further, fruits from the cultivars mature early and late in the season and can fulfill the demands of the market.


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Construction of Christian identity in Egypt proceeded in pace with construction of the Egyptian pagan “Other” between the second and sixth centuries. Apologies, martyrdoms, apocalypses, histories, sermons, hagiographies, and magical texts provide several different vantage points from which to view the Christian construction of the Egyptian pagan “Other”: as the agent of anti-Christian violence, as an intellectual rival, as an object of anti-pagan violence, as an obstacle to salvation, and—perhaps most dangerously—as but another participant in a shared religious experience. The recent work of social scientists on identity, deviance, violence, social/cultural memory, and religiosity provides insight into the strategies by which construction of the “Other” was part of a larger project of fashioning a “proper” Christian religious domain.


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Background: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a common and important clinical problem in childhood. Upper urinary tract infections (i.e., acute pyelonephritis) may lead to renal scarring, hypertension, and end-stage renal disease. Despite the presence of simple and reliable methods of preliminary screening of children's urine, urinary tract infection continues to be under diagnosed. Objectives: The aim of this study was to establish prevalence rates of significant bacteriuria in asymptomatic school children by simple urine tests in comparison to standard urine culture techniques in Giza, Egypt. Patients and methods: A total of 1000 apparently healthy school going children (6-12) years, 552 boys (55.2%) and 448 girls (44.8%), were enrolled in this cross-sectional prevalence survey. Results: Overall prevalence of significant bacteriuria was 6%. Higher prevalence occurred in girls (11.4%) than boys (1.6%). Escherichia coli was isolated in 35(58%) cases (3 boys and 32 girls), Staph. aureus in 13 (22%) cases (3 boys and 10 girls), Enterobacter in 6 girls (10%), Kelbsiella pneumoniae in 3 boys (5%) and Proteus vulgaris in 3 girls (5%) Conclusion: Asymptomatic bacteriurea could be detected by urine screening program at school age. Overall prevalence of significant bacteriuria was 6%, with predominance in girls than boys.


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Os antigos Egípcios acreditavam que o touro poderoso representava a personalidade do próprio faraó. O touro estava, de facto, intimamente associado ao Estado faraónico, estando presente ao nível dos regalia (cauda taurina) e significativamente nos próprios epítetos reais (ka nakht). Na mitologia egípcia, de todos os touros sagrados o que maior projecção alcançou, como deus agrário da fecundidade, da vegetação renascida e da ressurreição, foi, seguramente, o touro Ápis, associado em Mênfis aos deuses Ptah e Osíris. Na sua condição de touro ágil, vigoroso e viril, Ápis era um intermediário consistente entre o mundo dos vivos e o dos mortos, além de ser um propiciador de fertilidade e renascimento quando associado ao deus-Sol. A sua participação, literalmente ao lado do faraó, na «corrida ritual», importante cerimónia no âmbito da concepção ideológica do poder real, reforçou ainda mais a sua importância no seio do panteão egípcio.


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Describing the genetic patterns and the demographic history of expanding species is essential for providing insights into the processes linked with range dynamics. We analysed the mitochondrial diversity of the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) across the Iberian Peninsula, where the species is currently expanding northwest. A total of 242 individuals were analysed, together with nine representatives from the North African dispersal source. Haplotype segregation and strong differentiation between Iberian and North African populations confirmed the longterm presence of the species in the Iberian Peninsula. The distribution of mitochondrial diversity fitted the pattern of a historically diversified population in southern Iberia, from which the recent dispersals into northern areas may have occurred. Higher levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversities in the northern areas, together with the heterogeneous distribution of pairwise population differentiations and the weak signal for isolationbydistance suggest the existence of longdispersal migrants across the Iberian Peninsula. Sudden and spatial expansion scenarios of H. ichneumon in the Iberian Peninsula were supported by mismatch analysis and marginally supported by neutrality tests. However, the precise time of occurrence of the detected expansion remains unclear. Future studies should incorporate additional markers in order to further clarify the population dynamics of the Egyptian mongoose in its Iberian range.


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In the last three decades, the range of the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) has increased in the Iberian Peninsula. A panel of microsatellites was used to confront the patterns of genetic diversity of the species with the scenario of its recent northward expansion in its Iberian range. Evidence of substructure and significant genetic differentiation within the studied population were recorded, with a central-northern subpopulation (CNorth) and a southern subpopulation (S). Northward range expansion was supported by the observed allelic frequencies, diversity parameters, and observed heterozygosity of the studied loci, with S showing a higher allelic diversity and a higher number of private alleles than CNorth. Patterns of isolation-by-distance and isolation-by-barrier as a result of the Tagus River were demonstrated, suggesting that the river acted as a semi-permeable barrier, possibly leading to genetic differentiation of the studied population. The observed individuals from CNorth in southern locations and individuals from S in central/northern areas might comprise evidence for long range dispersals across the studied range. A bottleneck event after population expansion was supported by a significant heterozygosity deficiency in CNorth, which is in agreement with a scenario of founder events occurring in recently colonized areas after the crossing of the Tagus River.


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A presentation and an analysis of the Islamic concept of emancipation of women as it is proposed by Bint al-Shati (1913-1998), an Egyptian specialist of Qur'anic exegesis, will illustrate her exegetical method. thereafter, some difficulties of her interpretation will be raised, shedding light on contradictions that her exegesis, which seeks to be both Islamic and modern, cannot avoid.


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OBJETIVO: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor uma forma de medir a posição vertical da laringe (PVL) no pescoço, em repouso, de adultos jovens sem queixas vocais. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Participaram da pesquisa 68 sujeitos, faixa etária de 18 a 44 anos de idade, sendo 33 do sexo feminino e 35 do sexo masculino. Os pontos de referência utilizados para a pesquisa foram os ângulos da mandíbula direito e esquerdo (AMD e AME), o centro do arco da cartilagem cricóidea (CC) e o centro da fúrcula esternal (FE). Para a obtenção das medidas, os sujeitos foram orientados a permanecerem sentados com a cabeça em hiperextensão máxima. Os materiais utilizados foram um compasso e uma régua de 20cm. RESULTADOS: A obtenção das medidas se mostrou ser de fácil realização e não apresentou qualquer tipo de desconforto aos participantes. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os sexos feminino e masculino quanto à posição vertical da laringe, sendo que as mulheres apresentaram a laringe em posição mais alta que os homens. A posição vertical da laringe foi de fácil obtenção e parece ser um parâmetro muito interessante no acompanhamento clínico intra-sujeitos.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a segurança da ressecção bilateral das glândulas submandibulares e ligadura dos ductos parotídeos em crianças para reduzir a saliva, a eficácia e as complicações em médio e longo prazo no tratamento da sialorréia. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte longitudinal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Trinta e uma crianças, com idades entre 6 e 13 anos (média de 7,6 anos), com múltiplas deficiências de etiologia neurológica foram submetidas à ressecção bilateral das glândulas submandibulares e ligadura dos ductos parotídeos, para controle da sialorréia, entre dezembro de 1999 a dezembro de 2005, e seguimento médio de 36 meses. RESULTADOS: O critério de sucesso foi o estabelecido por Wilkie, e 87% das crianças tiveram resultados excelentes e bons, sendo a morbidade insignificante e a principal complicação foi o edema temporário na região parotídea. CONCLUSÃO: A ressecção bilateral das glândulas submandibulares e a ligadura dos ductos parotídeos constituem técnica segura e eficaz para ser realizada em crianças, com 87% de sucesso no controle da sialorréia.


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Ainda antes da invenção da escrita, o desenho foi utilizado para descrever a realidade, tendo evoluído ao longo dos tempos, ganhando mais qualidade e pormenor e recorrendo a suportes cada vez mais evoluídos que permitissem a perpetuação dessa imagem: dessa informação. Desde as pinturas rupestres, nas paredes de grutas paleolíticas, passando pelos hieróglifos, nos templos egípcios, nas gravuras das escrituras antigas e nos quadros sobre tela, a intenção sempre foi a de transmitir a informação da forma mais directa e perceptível por qualquer indivíduo. Nos dias de hoje as novas tecnologias permitem aceder à informação com uma facilidade nunca antes vista ou imaginada, estando certamente ainda por descobrir outras formas de registar e perpetuar a informação para as gerações vindouras. A fotografia está na origem das grandes evoluções da imagem, permitindo capturar o momento, tornando-o “eterno”. Hoje em dia, na era da imagem digital, além de se mostrar a realidade, é possível incorporar na imagem informação adicional, de modo a enriquecer a experiência de visualização e a maximizar a aquisição do conhecimento. As possibilidades da visualização em três dimensões (3D) vieram dar o realismo que faltava ao formato de fotografia original. O 3D permite a imersão do espectador no ambiente que, a própria imagem retrata, à qual se pode ainda adicionar informação escrita ou até sensorial como, por exemplo, o som. Esta imersão num ambiente tridimensional permite ao utilizador interagir com a própria imagem através da navegação e exploração de detalhes, usando ferramentas como o zoom ou ligações incorporados na imagem. A internet é o local onde, hoje em dia, já se disponibilizam estes ambientes imersivos, tornando esta experiência muita mais acessível a qualquer pessoa. Há poucos anos ainda, esta prática só era possível mediante o recurso a dispositivos especificamente construídos para o efeito e que, por isso, apenas estavam disponíveis a grupos restritos de utilizadores. Esta dissertação visa identificar as características de um ambiente 3D imersivo e as técnicas existentes e possíveis de serem usadas para maximizar a experiência de visualização. Apresentar-se-ão algumas aplicações destes ambientes e sua utilidade no nosso dia-a-dia, antevendo as tendências futuras de evolução nesta área. Serão apresentados exemplos de ferramentas para a composição e produção destes ambientes e serão construídos alguns modelos ilustrativos destas técnicas, como forma de avaliar o esforço de desenvolvimento e o resultado obtido, comparativamente com formas mais convencionais de transmitir e armazenar a informação. Para uma avaliação mais objectiva, submeteram-se os modelos produzidos à apreciação de diversos utilizadores, a partir da qual foram elaboradas as conclusões finais deste trabalho relativamente às potencialidades de utilização de ambientes 3D imersivos e suas mais diversas aplicações.


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O objectivo deste artigo é aplicar aos Estudos de Tradução Literária o binómio literatura-imagem com origem no Expressionismo alemão e no Vorticismo inglês, optando por um suporte teórico tão seminal quanto a ficcionalidade a que se destinava a expectativa programática dessas vanguardas, nas décadas dez e vinte do passado século. Da poética visual de Wassily Kandinsky, formulada em Über das Geistige in der Kunst - insbesondere in der Malerei [Do Espiritual na Arte](Kandinsky, 1912/1952), falarei da noção de Vibração. Da poética textual de Ezra Pound, exposta em ―I Gather the Limbs of Osiris‖ (1911/12), remeterei para a Teoria dos Detalhes Luminosos. São duas poéticas que, partindo de meios de expressão distintos – a imagem e a palavra, apresentam consideráveis pontos de contacto, no que diz respeito à abordagem produtiva e receptiva do objecto artístico. Ambas suspendem a procura convencional de um sentido na arte e na literatura, reunindo novas possibilidades exegéticas e, por conseguinte, tradutivas: a articulação entre a palavra poética e a imagem, com um amplo leque de possibilidades relativo a modos de estrutura perceptual, que se viriam a revelar proféticos, muito especialmente no que diz respeito à Tradução Artística, seja literária ou intersemiótica.


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Projecto do Mestrado de Teatro especialização em Artes Performativas


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^a Introduction Interleukin (IL)-18 is a well-known major proinflammatory cytokine with broad biological effects. The major immunomodulatory functions of IL-18 include enhancing T cell and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. Serum levels of this cytokine were shown to increase in chronic hepatitis C patients compared to non-infected healthy people. An association between IL-18 gene promoter polymorphisms and pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin treatment outcomes has been reported for individuals with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1 (HCV-1). In this study, HCV genotype 4 (HCV-4) patients were assessed for IL-18 gene polymorphisms and treatment outcomes or severity of liver disease because data concerning the impact of IL-18 gene polymorphisms on patients with HCV-4 infections are limited. Methods This study included 123 chronic HCV-4 Egyptian patients and 123 apparently healthy volunteer blood donors who served as a control group. HCV genotyping was performed using the line probe assay. IL-18 genotyping was performed using the TaqMan Real-Time PCR method in all 246 patient and control samples. Results In our study, all patients had HCV-4. IL-18 gene single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (-607C/A) genotype distributions and allele frequencies did not differ between HCV patients and normal healthy subjects or between patient groups when compared according to the therapeutic response. Moreover, the presence of an IL-18 SNP was not associated with histological disease severity. We conclude that the presence of the IL-18 SNP rs1946518 does not affect the outcome of chronic HCV-4 treatment in Egyptian patients. Conclusions The IL-18 SNP rs1946518 does not affect response to treatment in chronic HCV-4 patients.