913 resultados para Off-stage


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HIV-l isolation was attempted on 72 individuais, including persons with knoum HIV infection and five without proven HIV infection but with indeterminate Western blot patterns, as well as on low-risk HIV seronegative persons. The ahility to detect HIV- 1 frorn culture supernatant by p24 antigen capture assay was evaluated by segregating patients by absolute CD4+ cell counts, clinicai stage of disease, p24 antigenemia and zidovudine use. The likelihood of a p24 positive HIV culture was highest among patients with CD4+ T-cell counts below 200/ul and patients with advanced clinical disease. Use of zidovudine did not affect the rate ofHIV positwity in cultures.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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RESUMO: Os circuitos fronto-estriatais constituem um sistema em ansa fechada que une diversas regiões do lobo frontal aos gânglios da base, participando, com outras áreas cerebrais, no controlo do movimento, cognição e comportamento. As Distonias Primárias, a Doença de Parkinson e a Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal, são doenças do movimento caracterizadas por disfunção do circuito fronto-estriatal motor. A conectividade funcional entre as diversas ansas do sistema fronto-estriatal, permite prever que as doenças do movimento possam também acompanhar-se de sintomas da esfera cognitiva e comportamental, cuja avaliação seria importante no manejo diagnóstico e terapêutico dos doentes. Objectivos Os nossos objectivos foram avaliar, por estudos clínicos, a relação entre sintomas motores, cognitivos e comportamentais em três doenças do movimento com fisiopatologias diversas - distonias Primárias, Doença de Parkinson e Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal - analisando os dados sob a perspectiva teórica fornecida pelo conhecimentos dos vários circuitos frontoestriatais. Os nossos objectivos específicos para cada doença foram: a) Distonias Primárias: avaliação de disfunção executiva em doentes com Distonia Primária e relação com a gravidade dos sintomas motores b) Doença de Parkinson: 1. avaliação breve das funções mentais nas fases iniciais da doença, incluindo análise longitudinal para determinação de factores preditivos para declínio cognitivo; 2. relação entre a função motora e cognitiva e a Perturbação do Comportamento do sono REM, incluindo análise longitudinal; 3.avaliação de sintomas psiquiátricos, de um ponto de vista global e especificamente com incidência sobre as Perturbações do Controlo do Impulso (PCI). c) Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal: 1. caracterização das alterações da marcha, incluindo comparação com a Doença de Parkinson; 2. caracterização das alterações cognitivas e da relação entre estas e a disfunção da marcha; 3. estudo evolutivo das alterações da marcha e cognitiva em doentes submetido a cirurgia e doentes não submetidos a cirurgia. Métodos: A Distonia Primária, a Doença de Parkinson e a Hidrocefalia de Pressão Normal foram diagnosticadas segundo critérios clínicos validados. Sempre que justificado, foram recrutados grupos de controlo, com indivíduos sem doença, emparelhados para idade, sexo e grau de escolaridade. Os doentes foram avaliados com instrumentos de aplicação clinica directa, incluindo escalas de função motora, testes neuropsicológicos globais e dirigidos às funções executivas e escalas de avaliação psiquiátrica. Testes aplicados nas Distonias Primárias: Unified Dystonia Rating Scale, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, teste de Stroop, teste de cubos da WAIS, Teste de Retenção Visual de Benton; na Doença de Parkinson: Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), REM-sleep behaviour disorder Questionnaire; Symptom Chek-list 90-R, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, FAS (fluência verbal lexical) Nomeação de Animais (Fluência verbal semântica), prova de repetição de dígitos (WAIS), Rey auditory verbal learning test, teste de Stroop, matrizes progressivas de Raven, Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders; na HPN: prova cronometrada de marcha,MMSE, prova de memória imediata da WAIS, prova de repetição de dígitos (WAIS), FAB, desenho complexo de Rey, teste de Stroop, cancelamento de letras, teste Grooved Pegboard. Os doentes com HPN foram também submetidos a estudo imagiológico. A avaliação estatística foi adaptada às características de cada um dos estudos.Resultados Distonias Primárias: encontrámos défices de função executiva, envolvendo dificuldade na mudança entre sets cognitivos, bem como correlação significativa entre as pontuações nos testes cronometrados e a gravidade dos sintomas motores. Doença de Parkinson: os doentes com DP obtiveram pontuações significativamente inferiores na FAB e em sub-testes do MMSE (memória e função visuo-espacial). A pontuação no MMSE encontrava-se significativamente correlacionada com itens da função motora não relacionados com o tremor. A disfunção da marcha, a disartria, o fenótipo não tremorígeno, a presença de alucinações e pontuação abaixo do ponto de corte na MMSE, foram factores preditivos de demência na avaliação longitudinal. A rigidez e a disartria foram factores preditivos de declínio nas funções frontais. A disfunção frontal foi factor preditivo de declínio na pontuação do MMSE. Encontrámos uma prevalência elevada de RBD nas fases iniciais da DP, que o estudo longitudinal mostrou ser factor preditivo de declínio motor, nomeadamente por agravamento da bradicinésia. Encontrámos também uma prevalência elevada de sintomas psiquiátricos, nomeadamente psicose, depressão, ansiedade, somatização e sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos. As PCI não se encontravam relacionadas com o fenótipo motor, com as complicações motoras do tratamento dopaminérgico ou com a disfunção cognitiva. HPN: os doentes com HPN e os DP apresentaram um padrão disfunção da marcha semelhante, caraterizado por passos curtos, lentidão e dificuldades de equilíbrio, sendo os sintomas mais graves na HPN. Os doentes de Parkinson com maior duração de doença, maior dose de dopaminérgicos e fenótipo motor acinético-rígido apresentaram um padrão de disfunção da marcha de gravidade semelhante ao encontrado na HPN. As alterações vasculares da substância branca, em particular as encontradas na região frontal, encontravam-se negativamente correlacionadas com a melhoria da marcha após PL. O estudo das funções cognitivas mostrou um padrão de atingimento global, com valores mais baixos na cópia do desenho complexo de Rey. Os resultados nas provas de função cognitiva não se encontravam significativamente correlacionados com os resultados na prova da marcha. A progressão na disfunção da marcha encontrava-se relacionada com o tratamento não cirúrgico, idade superior na primeira avaliação, presença de lesões da substância branca, e presença de factores de risco vascular, ao passo que não foram encontrados factores que predissessem de modo significativo o agravamento da função cognitiva. Conclusões: Os resultados dos diversos estudos, evidenciam a presença de alterações cognitivas e comportamentais nas três doenças de movimento. O padrão destas alterações e o modo como estas se relacionaram com os sintomas motores variou de doença para doença. Nas Distonias primárias, a perseveração cognitiva poderá ser o sintoma correspondente à perseveração motora própria da doença, sugerindo disfunção no circuito dorso-lateral frontoestriatal. A correlação entre a gravidade motora da doença e o resultado nos testes cognitivos cronometrados, poderá ser o efeito da relação entre bradicinésia e bradifrenia. Na Doença de Parkinson, o espectro de alterações é mais acentuado, espelhando a disseminação do processo degenerativo no SNC. Para além dos sintomas de disfunção executiva, sugerindo disfunção das tês ansas não motoras, existem sinais de disfunção cognitiva global, estas com uma influência mais significativa no desenvolvimento da demência. A relação entre os diferentes sintomas motores e cognitivos é também complexa, embora se evidencie uma dissociação significativa entre o tremor, sem relação com os sintomas não motores, e os sintomas motores não tremorígenos, relacionados com o declínio cognitivo. Enquanto que a presença de RBD parece ser um factor preditivo de agravamento motor, os sintomas psiquiátricos, também muito frequentes, apresentam uma relação menos clara com a função motora. Destes, os sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos são aqueles que com mais frequência se atribuem a disfunção do sistema fronto-estriatal, nomeadamente da ansa orbito-frontal. As PCI também não mostraram ter relação com os sintomas motores ou cognitivos. Na HPN, é patente o carácter fronto-estriatal das alterações da marcha, demonstrado tanto na sua caracterização quanto no efeito deletério das lesões vasculares da substância branca do lobo frontal na recuperação da marcha após PL. As alterações cognitivas parecem ter um padrão mais difuso, o que talvez explique a falta de correlação com os sintomas motores - esta dissociação pode ser causada quer por diferença nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos quer por presença de comorbilidades cognitivas. --------- ABSTRACT: Fronto-striatal circuits constitute a closed loop system which connects different parts of the frontal lobes to the basal ganglia. They are engaged in motor, cognitive and behavioural control. Primary Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease and Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus are movement disorders caused by disturbance of the motor fronto-striatal circuit. The existence of cognitive and behavioural dysfunction in these movement disorders is predictable, given the functional connectivity between the several distinct loops of the circuit. Evaluation of cognitive and behavioural dysfunction in these three disorders is thus both of clinical and theoretical relevance. Objectives Our objectives were to evaluate, by clinical means, the relation between motor, cognitive and behavioural symptoms in three movement disorders with different pathophysiological backgrounds - Primary Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease and Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus - and to analyse the study results under the theoretical framework formed by present knowledge of the fronto-estriatal system. Specific objectives: a) Primary Dystonia: executive dysfunction assessment and correlation analysis with motor dysfunction severity; b) Parkinson's Disease: 1. brief cognitive assessment in the early stages of disease, including a longitudinal analysis for determination of predictive factors for cognitive decline; 2. to investigate the relation between RBD and cognitive and motor dysfunction, including a longitudinal analysis; 3. psychiatric symptom assessment, with particular incidence on Impulse Control Disorders; c) Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus: 1. gait dysfunction characterization and comparison with Parkinson's Disease patients; 2. determination of cognitive dysfunction profile and its relation with gait dysfunction; 3. follow-up study of cognitive and motor outcome in patients submitted and not submitted to shunt surgery. Methods: Primary Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus were diagnosed according to clinically validate criteria. Where warranted, we recruited control groups formed by healthy individuals, matched for age, sex and educational level. Patients were evaluated with instruments of direct clinical application, including motor function scales, neuropsychological tests aimed at global and executive functions and psychiatric rating scales. Tests used in Primary Dystonia: Unified Dystonia Rating Scale, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Stroop Test, Cube Assembly test (WAIS), Benton’s Visual Retention Test; in Parkinson's Disease: Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) , Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE), REM-sleep behavior disorder Questionnaire, Symptom Check-list 90- R, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, FAS (phonetic verbal fluency), semantic verbal fluency test, digit span test (WAIS), auditory verbal learning test,Stroop test, Raven's progressive Matrices, Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders; in NPH: timed walking test, MMSE, immediate memory task (WAIS), digit span test (WAIS), FAB, Rey’s Complex Figure test, Stroop test, letter cancellation test, Perdue Pegboard test. NPH patients were also subjected to an imaging study. Statistics were adapted to the characteristics of each study.Results: Primary Dystonia: we found set-shifting deficits as well as significant correlation between timed neuropsychological tests and dystonia severity. Parkinson's Disease: PD patients had significantly lower scores on the FAB and on the memory and visuo-spatial tests of the MMSE; MMSE scores were significantly correlated to non-tremor motor scores; gait dysfunction and speech scores, non-tremor motor phenotype, hallucinations and scores bellow cut-off on the MMSE were predictive of dementia at follow-up; speech and rigidity scores were predictive of frontal type decline; frontal dysfunction was predictivy of decline in MMSE scores; RBD bradykinesia worsening; psychiatric symptoms were prevalent, particularly Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety, Somatisation and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms; Impulse Control Disorders were unrelated to motor phenotype,motor side effects of dopamine treatment and executive function; NPH: gait dysfunction was worse in NPH when compared to PD patients, although the pattern was similarly characterized by slowness, short steps and disequilibrium; PD patients whose gait disturbance was as severe as that of NPH patients were characterized by longer disease duration, predominance of non-tremor motor scores, more advanced disease stage and higher dopamine dose; frontal white matter lesions correlated negatively with improvement after LP; cognitive function assessment revealed wide spread deficits, with lower results on the drawing of the complex figure of Rey, which were not significantly correlated to gait dysfunction; older age, white matter lesions and the presence of vascular risk factors were predictive factors for motor but not cognitive function worsening. Conclusion: Results from our studies highlight the presence of cognitive and behavioural dysfunction in all three movement disorders. Symptom pattern and the relation with ovement derangement varied according to the disease. In Primary Dystonia, set-shifting difficulties could be the cognitive counterpart of motor perseveration characteristic of this disorder, suggesting dysfunction of the dorso-lateral circuit. The relation between timed tests and dystonia severity could suggest a relation between bradyphrenia and bradykinesia in Primary Dystonia. In Parkinson's Disease patients, the spectrum of non-motor symptoms is wider, probably reflecting the spread of neurodegeneration beyond the fronto-striatal circuits. While frontal type deficits predominate, suggestive of dorso-lateral and orbito-frontal dysfunction, non-frontal deficits were also apparent in the initial stages of disease, and were predictive of dementia at follow-up. The relationship between cognitive and motor symptoms is complex, although the results strongly suggest a dissociation between tremor symptoms, which bore no relation with non-motor symptoms, and non-tremor symptoms,whichwas frequent, and a predictive factor for which were related with cognitive decline. While RBD was found to be a predictive factor for bradykinesia worsening, psychiatric symptoms, which were also frequent, showed no apparent relation with motor dysfunction. Relevant to our theoretical consideration was the high prevalence of OCS, which have been attributed to orbito-frontal dysfunction. As to the particular case of ICD, we found no relation either with motor or cognitive dysfunction. The fronto-striatal nature of gait dysfunction in NPH is suggest by the clinical characterization study and by the effects of frontal white matter lesions on gait recovery after LP, whereas cognitive dysfunction presented a more diffuse pattern, which could explain the lack or relation with gait assessment results and also the different outcome on the longitudinal study - this dissociation could be caused by a real difference in pathophysiological mechanisms or, in alternative, be due to the existence of cognitive comorbidities.


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In this paper, we revisit the classical trade-off between centralized and decentralized provision of local public goods, in a setting where interregional spillovers depend on the level of a national public good. We compare the standard benevolent planner approach with a political economy in which decisions, in a centralized system, are undertaken by a non-cooperative legislature with no separation of powers. We observe that the policy-maker in a centralized system is able to play both with local public goods and spillovers, a mechanism that is not available under a decentralized system. When compared to the traditional exogenous spillovers assumption, this improves the case for centralization under the standard benevolent planner approach. However, the same is not necessarily true in the non-cooperative legislature, as in this case the interests of the legislator do not need to be aligned with those of the society. Finally, we extend the traditional political economy analysis by considering a legislature in which decisions are undertaken by different committees (separation of powers), and show that it performs better than the original non-cooperative legislature, greatly improving the case for centralization.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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RESUMO: A Malária é causada por parasitas do género Plasmodium, sendo a doença parasitária mais fatal para o ser humano. Apesar de, durante o século passado, o desenvolvimento económico e a implementação de diversas medidas de controlo, tenham permitido erradicar a doença em muitos países, a Malária continua a ser um problema de saúde grave, em particular nos países em desenvolvimento. A Malária é transmitida através da picada de uma fêmea de mosquito do género Anopheles. Durante a picada, os esporozoítos são injetados na pele do hospedeiro, seguindo-se a fase hepática e obrigatória do ciclo de vida. No fígado, os esporozoítos infetam os hepatócitos onde se replicam, dentro de um vacúolo parasitário (VP) e de uma forma imunitária silenciosa, em centenas de merozoitos. Estas novas formas do parasita são as responsáveis por infetar os eritrócitos, iniciando a fase sanguínea da doença, onde se os primeiros sintomas se manifestam, tais como a característica febre cíclica. A fase hepática da doença é a menos estudada e compreendida. Mais ainda, as interações entre o VP e os organelos da células hospedeira estão ainda pouco caracterizados. Assim, neste estudo, as interações entre os organelos endocíticos e autofágicos da célula hospedeira e o VP foram dissecados, observando-se que os anfisomas, que são organelos resultantes da intersecção do dois processos de tráfego intracelular, interagem com o parasita. Descobrimos que a autofagia tem também uma importante função imunitária durante a fase hepática inicial, ao passo, que durante o desenvolvimento do parasita, já numa fase mais tardia, o parasita depende da interação com os endossomas tardios e anfisomas para crescer. Vesiculas de BSA, EGF e LC3, foram, também, observadas dentro do VP, sugerindo que os parasitas são capazes de internalizar material endocítico e autofágico do hospedeiro. Mais ainda, mostramos que esta interação depende da cinase PIKfyve, responsável pela conversão do fosfoinositidio-3-fosfato no fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, uma vez que inibindo esta cinase o parasita não é capaz de crescer normalmente. Finalmente, mostramos que a proteína TRPML1, uma proteína efetora do fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, e envolvida no processo de fusão das membranas dos organelos endocíticos e autofágicos, também é necessária para o crescimento do parasita. Desta forma, o nosso estudo sugere que a membrana do VP funde com vesiculas endocíticas e autofágicas tardias, de uma forma dependente do fositidio-3,5-bifosfato e do seu effetor TRPML1, permitindo a troca de material com a célula hospedeira. Concluindo, os nossos resultados evidenciam que o processo autofágico que ocorre na célula hospedeira tem um papel duplo durante a fase hepática da malaria. Enquanto numa fase inicial os hepatócitos usam o processo autofágico como forma de defesa contra o parasita, já durante a fase de replicação o VP funde com vesiculas autofágicas e endocíticas de forma a obter os nutrientes necessários ao seu desenvolvimento.--------- ABSTRACT: Malaria, which is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, is the most deadly parasitic infection in humans. Although economic development and the implementation of control measures during the last century have erradicated the disease from many areas of the world, it remains a serious human health issue, particularly in developing countries. Malaria is transmitted by female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. During the mosquito blood meal, Plasmodium spp. sporozoites are injected into the skin dermis of the vertebrate host, followed by an obligatory liver stage. Upon entering the liver, Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and silently replicate inside a host cell-derived parasitophorous vacuole (PV) into thousands of merozoites. These new parasite forms can infect red blood cells initiating the the blood stage of the disease which shows the characteristic febrile malaria episodes. The liver stage is the least characterized step of the malaria infection. Moreover, the interactions between the Plasmodium spp. PV and the host cell trafficking pathways are poorly understood. We dissected the interaction between Plasmodium parasites and the host cell endocytic and autophagic pathways and we found that both pathways intersect and interconnect in the close vicinity of the parasite PV, where amphisomes are formed and accumulate. Interestingly, we observed a clearance function for autophagy in hepatocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei parasites at early infection times, whereas during late liver stage development late endosomes and amphisomes are required for parasite growth. Moreover, we found the presence of internalized BSA, EGF and LC3 inside parasite vacuoles, suggesting that the parasites uptake endocytic and autophagic cargo. Furthermore, we showed that the interaction between the PV and host traffic pathways is dependent on the kinase PIKfyve, which converts the phosphoinositide PI(3)P into PI(3,5)P2, since PIKfyve inhibition caused a reduction in parasite growth. Finally, we showed that the PI(3,5)P2 effector protein TRPML1, which is involved in late endocytic and autophagic membrane fusion, is also required for parasite development. Thus, our studies suggest that the parasite parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) is able to fuse with late endocytic and autophagic vesicles in a PI(3,5)P2- and TRPML1-dependent manner, allowing the exchange of material between the host cell and the parasites, necessary for the rapid development of the latter that is seen during the liver stage of infection. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting a specific and essential dual role of host autophagy during the course of Plasmodium liver infection. Whereas in the initial hours of infection the host cell uses autophagy as a cell survival mechanism to fight the infection, during the replicative phase the PV fuses with host autophagic and endocytic vesicles to obtain nutrients required for parasite growth.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


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The purpose of this project is to study the spin-off of Sonae Capital, which took place in January 2008. Taking the form of a case study, this project is divided between the case narrative and a teaching note. I study the background and motivation of the transaction, along with its outcome. With the available information at the time of the case, I value Sonae Capital at the date of the spin-off and describe a possible trading strategy involving both the spun-off and the demerged companies. Finally, I conclude that the transaction was more beneficial for the parent company, Sonae SGPS, and that it did not follow the typical outperformance pattern observed in other spin-offs.


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INTRODUCTION: Angiostrongylus vasorum is a nematode that parasitizes molluscs, dogs, and even man. METHODS: The objective was to evaluate the predatory activity of the conidia of two fungal isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001 and CG722) on first-stage larvae (L1) of A. vasorum in laboratory conditions. RESULTS: At the end of the experiment, there were significant reductions (p<0.01) of 74.5% and 63.2%, on average, in the A. vasorum L1 recovered in the AC001 and CG722 treatment conditions, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The two isolates of fungi were efficient in the capture and destruction of A. vasorum L1.


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Introduction Vascular access in patients undergoing hemodialysis is considered a critical determinant of bloodstream infection (BSI) and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of BSI in patients with end-stage renal disease using central venous catheters for hemodialysis. Methods A cohort study was conducted in a public teaching hospital in central-western Brazil from April 2010 to December 2011. For every patient, we noted the presence of hyperemia/exudation upon catheter insertion, as well as fever, shivering, and chills during hemodialysis. Results Fifty-nine patients were evaluated. Thirty-five (59.3%) patients started dialysis due to urgency, 37 (62.7%) had BSI, and 12 (20%) died. Hyperemia at the catheter insertion site (64.9%) was a significant clinical manifestation in patients with BSI. Statistical analysis revealed 1.7 times more cases of BSI in patients with hypoalbuminemia compared with patients with normal albumin levels. The principal infective agents identified in blood cultures and catheter-tip cultures were Staphylococcus species (24 cases), non-fermentative Gram-negative bacilli (7 cases of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and 5 cases of Chryseobacterium indologenes), and Candida species (6). Among the Staphylococci identified, 77.7% were methicillin-resistant, coagulase-negative Staphylococci. Of the bacteria isolated, the most resistant were Chryseobacterium indologenes and Acinetobacter baumannii. Conclusions Blood culture was demonstrated to be an important diagnostic test and identified over 50% of positive BSI cases. The high frequency of BSI and the isolation of multiresistant bacteria were disturbing findings. Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequently isolated microorganism, although Gram-negative bacteria predominated overall. These results highlight the importance of infection prevention and control measures in dialysis units.


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Modern fully integrated transceivers architectures, require circuits with low area, low cost, low power, and high efficiency. A key block in modern transceivers is the power amplifier, which is deeply studied in this thesis. First, we study the implementation of a classical Class-A amplifier, describing the basic operation of an RF power amplifier, and analysing the influence of the real models of the reactive components in its operation. Secondly, the Class-E amplifier is deeply studied. The different types of implementations are reviewed and theoretical equations are derived and compared with simulations. There were selected four modes of operation for the Class-E amplifier, in order to perform the implementation of the output stage, and the subsequent comparison of results. This led to the selection of the mode with the best trade-off between efficiency and harmonics distortion, lower power consumption and higher output power. The optimal choice was a parallel circuit containing an inductor with a finite value. To complete the implementation of the PA in switching mode, a driver was implemented. The final block (output stage together with the driver) got 20 % total efficiency (PAE) transmitting 8 dBm output power to a 50 W load with a total harmonic distortion (THD) of 3 % and a total consumption of 28 mW. All implementations are designed using standard 130 nm CMOS technology. The operating frequency is 2.4 GHz and it was considered an 1.2 V DC power supply. The proposed circuit is intended to be used in a Bluetooth transmitter, however, it has a wider range of applications.


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Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer is a fatal disease, with a median survival of 14 months. Systemic chemotherapy is the most common approach. However the impact in overall survival and quality of life still a controversy. OBJECTIVES: To determine differences in overall survival and quality of life among patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer non-metastatic to the brain treated with best supportive care versus systemic chemotherapy. PATIENTS: From February 1990 through December 1995, 78 eligible patients were admitted with the diagnosis of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer . Patients were divided in 2 groups: Group A (n=31 -- treated with best supportive care ), and Group B (n=47 -- treated with systemic chemotherapy). RESULTS: The median survival time was 23 weeks (range 5 -- 153 weeks) in Group A and 55 weeks (range 7.4 -- 213 weeks) in Group B (p=0.0018). In both groups, the incidence of admission for IV antibiotics and need of blood transfusions were similar. Patients receiving systemic chemotherapy were also stratified into those receiving mytomycin, vinblastin, and cisplatinum, n=25 and those receiving other combination regimens (platinum derivatives associated with other drugs, n=22). Patients receiving mytomycin, vinblastin, and cisplatinum, n=25 had a higher incidence of febrile neutropenia and had their cycles delayed for longer periods of time than the other group. These patients also had a shorter median survival time (51 versus 66 weeks, p=0.005). CONCLUSION: In patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, non-metastatic to the brain, chemotherapy significantly increases survival compared with best supportive care.


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Al-Cu alloys are widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries due to their high specific strength in some tempered conditions. However, due to poor corrosion and wear resistance, they are often anodized and/or painted. Plasma nitriding has been proposed as an alternative, though the developments in this technique are still in a recent stage for Al alloys. Electrical characterization techniques are well implemented NDTs in the industry because of good accuracy associated with lower cost, compared to other methods. Some, like eddy currents and 4-point probe techniques, are often used in coating inspection. The objective of this study was to perform Al nitriding at low temperatures to minimize the tempering initial condition damage and to assess the feasibility of eddy currents technique as a method for evaluating surface properties. The work developed can be divided in two stages. The first one was the process tuning, done at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, in Tokyo; and the second was the electrical characterization done in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL. Low temperature nitriding of AA2011 alloy specimens was successfully achieved. Electrical conductivity results show that lift-off measurements by eddy currents testing can be related to surface properties.


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This work studies fuel retail firms’ strategic behavior in a two-dimensional product differentiation framework. Following the mandatory provision of “low-cost” fuel we consider that capacity constraints force firms to eliminate of one the previously offered qualities. Firms play a two-stage game choosing fuel qualities from three possibilities (low-cost, medium quality and high quality fuel) and then prices having exogenous opposite locations. In the highest level of consumers’ heterogeneity, a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium exists in which firms both choose minimum quality differentiation. Consumers’ are worse off if no differentiation occurs in medium and high qualities. The effect over prices from the mandatory “low-cost” fuel law is ambiguous.