221 resultados para Nicene Creed.


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1.-10. tausend ...


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I examine determinants of refugee return after conflicts. I argue that institutional constraints placed on the executive provide a credible commitment that signals to refugees that the conditions required for durable return will be created. This results in increased return flows for refugees. Further, when credible commitments are stronger in the country of origin than in the country of asylum, the level of return increases. Finally, I find that specific commitments made to refugees in the peace agreement do not lead to increased return because they are not credible without institutional constraints. Using data on returnees that has only recently been made available, along with network analysis and an original coding of the provisions in refugee agreements, statistical results are found to support this theory. An examination of cases in Djibouti, Sierra Leone, and Liberia provides additional support for this argument.


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Wartości prawdziwe dobre i piękne są obecne w każdej kulturze. One dzięki procesowi, określonemu w XX wieku jako inkulturacja, pozwalają integrować je w chrześcijaństwie tak by człowiek mógł wyrażać wiarę w kulturze swojej i swoich przodków. Dzięki temu możliwe jest pełne zakorzenienie chrześcijaństwa w innych formach wyrazu niż biblijny. Chrześcijaństwo europejskie jest bardzo silnie związane z kulturą hellenistyczną. Tak bardzo, że często zapomina się o trudzie przechodzenia od kultury biblijnej do kultury Greków w wyrazie i obronie wiary. Tymczasem był to proces, który trwał przeszło trzy wieki. Język jest najważniejszym nośnikiem kultury, a pisma Kościoła powstały w języku greckim, co ułatwiało i przyspieszyło proces inkulturacji. Trzeba było jednak prawie trzystu lat zmagań o słowo, by z determinacją i odwagą wprowadzić niebiblijne pojęcie do wyznania wiary Kościoła. Ojcowie pierwszego powszechnego zgromadzenia biskupów, zwołanego przez cesarza Konstantyna, podpisali dokument, „Wyznanie wiary 318 Ojców”, w którym zaistniało słowo ὁμοούσιος w sformułowaniu Syn jest „współistotny Ojcu” (ὁμοούσιον τῷ πατρί). Oba sformułowania to wypowiedziane w okolicach Cezarei Filipowej i zapisane jako „Credo nicejskie” są, co do treści równoważne. Wyrażają tę samą prawdę objawioną w Jezusie Chrystusie, która trwa w przekazie oraz w interpretacji w Kościele, iż Jezus Chrystus jest Bogiem. By ukazać ten proces dojrzewania wyrazu wiary problematyka pracy skupia się przede wszystkim wokół pytania: „W jaki sposób przebiegał proces inkulturacji, który zaowocował przyjęciem niebiblijnego słowa w obronie wiary biblijnej, od strony pogan jak i od strony tych, którzy przyjęli Objawienie?” Po prawie trzystu latach dialogu z kulturą hellenistyczną, przyjęte w czasie zgromadzenia w Nicei pojęcie ὁμοούσιος obroniło religijną powagę chrześcijaństwa. Dzięki temu ujawniła się ranga Kościoła jako instytucji kierowanej przez biskupów i papieża w Rzymie. Ta wspólnota ukazała swą wielkość duchową zakorzenioną w poszukiwaniu prawdy. Ostoją tej wielkości były też kościoły domowe i życie mnisze zrodzone pod koniec III w. Termin ὁμοούσιος był w IV w. terminem teologicznie niedopracowanym, otwartym i dzięki temu ostatecznie stał się orężem walki o ortodoksję w życiu chrześcijan i na kolejnych soborach.


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A inclusão de crianças com necessidades especiais nas escolas comuns é uma idealização voltada para a oportunidade e o respeito à diversidade. Com a Constituição Federal Brasileira (1988), no seu capítulo III, da Educação, da cultura e do desporto, Art. 205, rege que ―A educação, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família [...]‖ denota que lugar de criança é na escola, independente de credo, deficiência, raça e cultura. O presente estudo de caso na escola pública Rui Barbosa, situada na cidade de Ribeira do Pombal, Bahia, Brasil, pretende conhecer a práxis educativa e o perfil dos profissionais sobre a proposta e a prática pedagógica inclusiva, como também analisar o espaço físico, observando se há ou não barreiras arquitetônicas e acessibilidade para os alunos com deficiência e também a participação da família, em inserir o filho no ambiente formal. Esta investigação tem como base a revisão da literatura sobre inclusão, com a utilização, no enquadramento teórico, da legislação brasileira, entre outros autores voltados ao tema. O desenvolvimento do estudo possui característica qualitativa, através de observação, questionário, entrevista, visitas, ou seja, uma construção através do diálogo e vivência diária realizada no turno matutino. Os participantes dessa investigação foram: gestores, coordenadora da Educação Especial e coordenadora do ensino comum, professores, agentes administrativos, representante da secretaria municipal, profissional da saúde (psicóloga), famílias e alunos do ensino comum e especial. A análise dos resultados obtidos revela que a proposta inclusiva encontra-se em processo de evolução humana e arquitetônica, mas também regista-se pontos positivos no aumento de número de matrículas, ou seja, os pais estão sendo conquistados e adquirindo confiança na instituição. Os professores, apesar da insegurança, da carência de auxílio, não tratam os alunos com desdém e buscam auxiliá-los como podem e sabem. Por fim, a escola aposta num trabalho que envolva o interpessoal e intrapessoal em busca da inclusão sem obstáculos.


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In concert with AIATSIS’ Guidelines for Ethical Research in Australian Indigenous Studies 2012, these guidelines articulate the need for the researcher to position their own research from the outset, before any research takes place. The rationale of these guidelines are to protect the rights for Indigenous peoples whilst building a strong relational connection with participants of the research. Pre-‐ethic guidelines are necessary in order to bring to the foreground Indigenous knowledges and relationships premised on the needs, rights and aspirations of Indigenous peoples, communities and entities.


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In this issue...Engineers' Creed, Alumni Stadium, Library, Graduates, Sports, Prom, Hootenany, M Day, Clubs, Boosters, Students


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Leptin ameliorates the prosecretory and prokinetic effects of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 on rat colon. Leptin also suppresses the neurostimulatory effects of irritable bowel syndrome plasma, which has elevated concentrations of interleukin-6, on enteric neurons. This may indicate a regulatory role for leptin in immune-mediated bowel dysfunction. In addition to its role in regulating energy homeostasis, the adipokine leptin modifies gastrointestinal (GI) function. Indeed, leptin-resistant obese humans and leptin-deficient obese mice exhibit altered GI motility. In the functional GI disorder irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), circulating leptin concentrations are reported to differ from those of healthy control subjects. Additionally, IBS patients display altered cytokine profiles, including elevated circulating concentrations of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), which bears structural homology and similarities in intracellular signalling to leptin. This study aimed to investigate interactions between leptin and IL-6 in colonic neurons and their possible contribution to IBS pathophysiology. The functional effects of leptin and IL-6 on colonic contractility and absorptosecretory function were assessed in organ baths and Ussing chambers in Sprague–Dawley rat colon. Calcium imaging and immunohistochemical techniques were used to investigate the neural regulation of GI function by these signalling molecules. Our findings provide a neuromodulatory role for leptin in submucosal neurons, where it inhibited the stimulatory effects of IL-6. Functionally, this translated to suppression of IL-6-evoked potentiation of veratridine-induced secretory currents. Leptin also attenuated IL-6-induced colonic contractions, although it had little direct effect on myenteric neurons. Calcium responses evoked by IBS plasma in both myenteric and submucosal neurons were also suppressed by leptin, possibly through interactions with IL-6, which is elevated in IBS plasma. As leptin has the capacity to ameliorate the neurostimulatory effects of soluble mediators in IBS plasma and modulated IL-6-evoked changes in bowel function, leptin may have a role in immune-mediated bowel dysfunction in IBS patients.


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The purpose of this paper is to explore the integration of learning, continuous improvement and innovation theories as a basis for enhancing the education of e-entrepreneurs. Conceptual development of emerging interdisciplinary literature is combined with example analysis to develop the Circle of E-learning uniquely augmented by hermeneutics, action research and the creative destruction cycle of innovation using applied examples of e-entrepreneurship. Four R's are discussed in the Circle of E-learning; Review, Revise, Reconstruct, and Reveal. Observations for each of the 4R's are made regarding continuous improvement of the education of e-entrepreneurs. Findings are that the procedural pivot points indicated by the 4R's can be helpful for administrators and educators to improve operations and outcomes in management and professional development situations.


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The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of environmental management initiatives in the furniture retail area. The specific aim is to present reflections of participants implementing environmental initiatives in an Australian furniture retailer, Living Edge, in alignment with a secondary snapshot of environmental initiatives from other furniture retailers. Design/methodology/approachPrimary reflections from the retailer’s manager and external consultant, both involved in the implementation of environmental initiatives, are enriched with secondary review of environmental management system trends and examples from regions active in the designer furniture sector, including Europe, Southeast Asia and North America. FindingsAn integrated view has been distilled around environmental impact in the furniture supply chain and consumer pressure to minimise the impact. Stakeholders require furniture retailers to improve efficiency and profitability amid the countervailing market demand for environmental sustainability. Retailers may seek competitive advantage through effectively applied and communicated environmental management. The voluntary adoption of systems, international standards and innovative practices that conserve natural resources are amongst the key to success. A live case example of Australian experience is added to the knowledge base for the global retail furniture industry. Research limitations/implicationsOne Australian retailer is exemplified to highlight the lived experiences of implementing environmental initiatives. The secondary global review presents a cross-section rather than an in-depth analysis of furniture sector retailers. Originality/valueThere are limited Australian perspectives of designer furniture and its intersection with environmental issues, thus, the paper addresses this gap in the literature and adds to informed practice in a global industry.


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Change Management is a crucial process for gaining the competitive advantage that is the goal of many organisations. Leaders and change agents are often faced with conflicting challenges of motivating and understanding increasingly diverse workforces, accounting to stakeholders and planning for the future in a chaotic environment. Comprising 12 chapters in 6 parts, the text opens with an explanation of the environment of change faced by organisations today. It then deals with managing organisational development, which is a planned process of change which is often subject to the incursions of organisational transformation, a more dramatic and unpredictable type of change. With the field of organisational change continuing to evolve, especially in an international context, future directions of change management are also discussed. Finally, to emphasise the relationship between theory to practice, Organisational Change: Development and Transformation 6e provides 10 local and international case studies and a suite of online cases supported by a case matrix. Case studies, exercises and support material present the challenges of change management in a real-life manner – examining issues from a variety of viewpoints.


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Hasta hace casi una década, la guerra contra el terrorismo fue una lucha solitaria de los Estados. Actualmente y debido a las implicaciones globales de este fenómeno, las acciones contra este flagelo han adquirido connotación internacional. Gran parte de los países miembros de las Naciones Unidas han acogido esta guerra –contra un enemigo común, pero indefinido- como un compromiso político en favor de la paz y seguridad internacional. La producción constante de instrumentos internacionales que condenan el terrorismo y que exigen tomar medidas para combatirlo, demuestran que esa intención política originaria se ha decantado en el ordenamiento internacional como una obligación autónoma, de carácter consuetudinario; que hace que actualmente no haya país en el mundo que pueda excusarse de combatir al terrorismo (interno o transnacional) independientemente de las justificaciones que se puedan aludir para el no cumplimiento.